world, providing learners with the necessary skills
and knowledge to thrive in an ever-evolving society.
It is essential to embrace these changes thoughtfully,
ensuring that technology is effectively harnessed to
enhance educational experience while maintaining a
balance with traditional teaching methodologies.
With careful consideration and strategic
implementation, digital technology has the potential
to revolutionize education, empowering learners and
preparing them for the challenges and opportunities
of the digital age (Kolb 2017).
In the battle between technology skeptics and
enthusiasts, it is becoming increasingly challenging to
keep technology out of classrooms. The evolving
world we live in demands that learners embrace new
technologies to stay up to date. Digital technology
plays a vital role in various aspects of education,
including learning about abstract ideas, providing a
powerful social resource in individual learning
contexts, and driving educational reforms such as
distance education and innovative teaching methods.
However, it is important to note that most learning
theories and pedagogies were not developed with the
advent of digital technology in mind. While these
theories acknowledge the connection between
learning and technology, the introduction of real-life
games like "Second Life" or "World of Warcraft" has
not been fully explored within these frameworks.
Evaluating and adapting existing learning theories to
the context of digital technologies and ICT poses a
significant challenge, especially considering the
future impact of Artificial Intelligence on education.
Another crucial aspect to consider is the role of
teachers. Will teachers eventually be replaced by
smart systems? Currently, technology is expected to
enhance the role of teachers by introducing better
teaching methods and pedagogy. Teachers can
leverage technology to shift between individualized
and communicative forms of instruction as needed.
The role of teachers is undergoing a significant
transformation, but their importance in facilitating
learning and the impact they have on learners will
never become obsolete. Teachers remain
indispensable in elementary education, where a focus
on keeping learners away from technology promotes
creativity and the early stages of learning and
development (Kusano et. al. 2013). Zooming in on the
adoption of ICT/digital technology in education
today, it is crucial to understand the concerns of
teachers regarding technology integration. Strategic
concerns about job impact and performance, as well
as resistance to learning new technologies, are valid
considerations. It is essential to support teachers in
integrating technology into their teaching styles while
prioritizing student interests. Instead of implementing
technology in every aspect of teaching and making it
the centerpiece, informed decisions should be made
to integrate technology where it enhances the learning
experience. This may involve adopting situated
learning for active and collaborative peer-to-peer
learning, gamification techniques, multimedia, and
other technologies that impact the learning
experience positively (Selwyn 2017).
The main challenge lies in whether 21st-century
schools can adapt and incorporate technology-driven
learning for future generations. If educators fail to
integrate new technology into the school system, the
long-standing association of schooling with
education will become a concept of the past. Students
with the means and ability will seek learning
opportunities outside of formal schooling. According
to the science of learning, sustained interpersonal
relationships, emotional connections, interactive
hands-on learning, and experiential learning are
crucial for effective learning. Technology should
facilitate real in-person relationships and peer-to-peer
networks, rather than isolating individuals behind
Looking ahead to the future of education in the
21st or 22nd century, the elementary schooling
system is expected to remain unchanged. Young
learners should not be confined to computer screens
for their education. Instead, alternative forms of
schooling, such as home schooling, learning centers,
workplace learning, or distance education, will
emerge. These alternatives will redefine the role of
public schools and their involvement in the education
of children and adults.
Therefore, technology should serve as a scaffold
for group participation in the teaching and learning
process, rather than being the pivotal focus. Digital
screens are not the new teachers, chalkboards, or
textbooks. Technology should complement and
supplement student-teacher interactions, enabling
effective teaching and learning experiences.
Cain, N., & Gradisar, M. (2010). Electronic media use and
sleep in school-aged children and adolescents: A
review. Sleep Medicine, 11(8), 735-742.
A Point of View on Rethinking the Role of Technology in Education