Design of High Gain Switched Capacitor Z-Source Converter with
Extended SC Cells
Kaveri Sanjeevreddy
1 a
and M. S. Aspalli
1 b
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Affiliated to VTU Belgaum)
Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi (Affiliated to VTU Belgaum), Karnataka, India
Keywords: Z Source Converter, Switched Capacitor Converter, High Gain Converter, Voltage Stress.
Abstract: In this paper, a switched capacitor-based z source converter is proposed and extended with switched capacitor
cells to further improve the voltage conversion ratio(1). The proposed converter minimizes the stress of the
power electronic switches and diodes less than that of half the load voltage and provides a high voltage
conversion ratio unaccompanied by any changes in the duty ratio and also minimizing the requirement of
passive or active components. The modes of operation of the converter is analysed and comparison of
proposed converter with similar structures of dc-dc converters are provided. The simulation work is carried
out in MATLAB/Simulink software. A hardware model is developed and the performance of the converter is
Recently, greater focus has been placed on the
technological advancement of renewable energy
generation, such as Solar and wind energy. The low
voltage output of the solar panels is one of the primary
limitations of PV generating. To increase the Solar
panel voltage to values like 400 V in order to fulfil the
DC MG's voltage requirements, a converter with a
large voltage conversion ratio is needed. The PV
voltage can be increased using two usual methods:
pairing solar panels in series, or using a standard boost
converter. Because the entire system is affected if one
of the solar panels fails, the series connection is
unreliable. The typical boost converter offers
extremely high duty cycle and great voltage gain.
However, it frequently has serious output diode
reverse-recovery issues, low efficiency, and excessive
stress from voltage over the power electronic switches
and output diode. In order to increase the PV voltage
and get around the issues that the serial arrangement
of solar panels and the traditional boost converter
present, sophisticated high boost DC-DC converters
are being investigated (Habibi, S,2021). Due to the
extensive use of components,
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architectures constructed around SL and SC modules
are both expensive and complex. With a converter
constructed using coupled inductor or built in
transformer to hold onto the energy from inductance
leakage and lessen the strain caused by voltage across
the power switches, a clamping circuitry is necessary.
Recently, the idea of increasing voltage through quasi-
source (qZS) and Z-source (ZS)converter topologies
are being used. The voltage conversion ratio for
traditional ZS and (qZS) topologies, however, is
insufficient. A novel of higher boosting ZS converters
was created by integrating the SL technique into
traditional ZS network and was utilised as an input
phase of a two stage, 3ф Z-Source inverter. There are
many components and a duty cycle limit of 0.33, a
value below the threshold of 0.5 for the traditional ZS
topology, despite the voltage conversion ratio being
raised and voltage is contrasted to the traditional
similar topologies. The inclusion of the SC cells and
the traditional (qZS) network produced a novel
converter with a high voltage conversion ratio and
minimal voltage strain on the semiconductors
In this paper, a new structure of Z Source converter
(Naser Vosoughi Kurdkandi,2020) is designed by the
integration of switched capacitor cells to the
traditional Z source impedance network, in order to
achieve high voltage conversion with reduced switch
voltage stress and minimum number of passive
components(Hu, X et al.,2020). The proposed
Sanjeevreddy, K. and Aspalli, M.
Design of High Gain Switched Capacitor Z-Source Converter with Extended SC Cells.
DOI: 10.5220/0012505900003808
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems (ISPES 2023), pages 32-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-689-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.