Design of Single-Phase AC DC AC Bidirectional Three-Arm
Converter with Reduced Switches
Sonali N Borkade
1 a
And M. S. Aspalli
1 b
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi
(affiliated to VTU Belgaum), Karnataka, India
Keywords: Three-Level Unidirectional MLI, AC DC AC Conversion, Bidirectional Power Flow Capability, Reduced
Components, and T-Type Inverter.
Abstract: The paper proposes a 1ф unidirectional five-level three arm inverter. It is comprised of a T-Type arm in the
output side with bidirectional capability. The proposed inverter provides the voltage with regulation of
magnitude and frequency. It also provides better power quality in terms of Total Harmonic Distortion and
power factor, and also reduces the number of components as we are using shared arms or leg. The space-
vector PWM strategy was designed in order to increase the performance and also to get 5 level output at both
ends and also eliminates the unbalance caused in the DC-link due to the DC capacitance with midpoint
connection. The simulation is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink 2018b version software.
Due to applications like Active Power Filters (APF),
and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Unified
Power Quality Conditioners (UPQC), fascinate in 1ϕ
AC-AC converters have considerably expanded
recently. These converters supply steady ac voltage to
serve essential loads including computers,
telecommunication systems, and biomedical
instruments. They also deliver sinusoidal source
currents with unity power factor (N. B. de Freitas
2018). The three-leg six-switch converters have been
employed as a less expensive option to a four-leg
arrangement in the aforementioned applications. This
structure offers identical voltage capacity as its four-
leg equivalent when the input and output voltages are
at the same frequency (N. Rocha 2018). Numerous
three-leg configurations are being suggested in the
literature as a result of these properties. It was
suggested to use a unidirectional, single-phase, three-
leg AC-DC-AC converter (Wang 2020).
Comparing this design to a three-leg converter, it
is more effective and less expensive (referred to as a
3L2D converter)
(Sandeep 2019)
. The rise in
harmonic distortion is its lone flaw. Three-legged
converters have also been used with multilevel
topologies. These topologies combine the shared leg's
ability to minimise switch count with the key
advantages of multilevel systems, including reduced
voltage strain across the power components,
minimum switching losses, and less harmonic
distortion. For unidirectional applications, the
multilevel three-leg topologies cascaded, and parallel
3L2D converters are all appropriate (K. Yadav
2019). Due to its simplicity, the suggested topology—
referred to here as converter 3LNPC2D—is of
particular importance. Based on the unidirectional
leg, it is more efficient and retains all the benefits of
its bidirectional form despite having just 10 active
switches. The 3LNPC2D converter's primary
drawback is the more number of components in the
current path, which maximizes the conduction losses
(Lopez 2017). The application of this finding to the
3L2D and 3LNPC2D converter is possible.
Therefore, the ordinary 3L2D converter is
unquestionably the best option when performance is
the primary criterion for selection. T-type inverters
are often used in industrial settings, including
automated and renewable energy systems. There are
just four switches in a 3-level T-type leg, which
combines the satisfaction of minimal conduction
losses with excellent output voltage quality. T-type
inverters have therefore been the subject of extensive
N Borkade, S. and Aspalli, M.
Design Of Single-Phase AC DC AC Bidirectional Three-Arm Converter With Reduced Switches.
DOI: 10.5220/0012507300003808
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems (ISPES 2023), pages 67-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-689-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.