Design of Multilevel Inverter with Unbalanced Voltage Sources with
Reduced Number of Mosfets
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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Affiliated to VTU Belgaum)
Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi (Affiliated to VTU Belgaum),Karnataka, India
Keywords: Multilevel Inverter, Less Number of Switches, Unbalanced Voltage Sources, Total Harmonic Distortion,
Reduced Number of Switches.
Abstract: A pulse amplitude modulation template for Cascaded bridge driver this paper introduces a multilevel inverter.
A modulating waveform that is sinusoidal altered to fitting a single trigon bearer signal coverage by the
established power concept, which creates suitable template modifications for Cascaded-H-Bridge inverters.
Without further control adjustment, the CHB inverters can be used with these templates of any degree. The
suggested modulation resulted in nearly equal switching pulse distribution, equal allocation of the entire real
power between the switches that made up the system, and improves output voltage quality. The simulation is
done in MATLAB/Simulink software. A hardware representation is expand for the preferred 25 level inverter
and the of the inverter’s operation is verified.
A multiple-level inverter development has been well
received lately for a range towards medium, low and
high-power applications. As a outcome of MLI is
skilled at producing a sinusoidal-like output by
combining switch and dc sources. The extra parts
utilised in the multiple-level inverter to provide
structural resilient include diodes and capacitors. To
enhance the quality of the power, efficiency, and
reliability, MLIs are utilised in assortment of
applications, such as solar energy systems, electric
cars, friction motors, etc.
In comparison to standard two-level inverters,
multilevel inverters may create high-quality output
with less switching, which reduces voltage stress,
electromagnetic interference, switching loss, etc.
Scientific interest was stimulated to multilayer
inverters for many uses, applications, including trains,
aircrafts, being their proficiency in resolving the
problems (Bana, P et al., R,2020). In late years, there
obsolete a lot of work done to further improve the
traditional multilevel inverter topologies that they are
more applicable for lowering losses and costs in light
of various applications.
The sequential arrangement of Mosfets, each of
the NPCMLI and FCMLI are prone to voltage balance
issues and module collapse. Apart from, CMLI is
clamping diodes or capacitors (Khoun Jahan et
al.,2019). However, the need for several
semiconductor devices to generate greater levels of
voltage at the result of these MLIs continues being
challenge. CMLI may be operated with equal
(symmetric), unequal (asymmetric), and variable dc
sources depending on the need and application.
While asymmetrical designs can raise voltage
levels with fewer dc sources, symmetrical MLIs are
easier to regulate. The suggested circuit's extra benefit
is the integration of a floating capacitor, which raises
the voltage level. Only the first voltage step's voltage
spike caused by inductive loads can be removed by
adding another switch. PV systems can use the MLI
that has been described.
Similar to the traditional CMLI, the circuit needs
several input sources. The constructions previously
mentioned incorporate an intermediate H-bridge for
producing the negative levels(Kaibalya Prasad Panda
et al.,2020). Potential non-boosting constructions that
greatly lower pressure are presented, excluding the
whole bridge. In addition, there was a major increase
in interest in lately in developing SC MLIs with built-
in boosting capability. The SC MLIs are appropriate
for a high-frequency ac distribution of power and
Design Of Multilevel Inverter with Unbalanced Voltage Sources with Reduced Number of Mosfets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012508800003808
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems (ISPES 2023), pages 84-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-689-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.