investigated the influence of capital structure on the
financial performance of banking companies listed on
the National Stock Exchange. The research
summarized that short term debt to capital ratio has a
positive effect on return on equity, return on assets
and earnings per share while the long-term debt to
capital ratio has a negative effect on Return on
Equity, Return on Assets and Earnings per Share.
Javed & Yoanus (2014) analyzed the influence of
capital structure on firm’s performance. The results
indicated a mixed relationship between the capital
structure and firm performance. The studies by
Vatavu (2015) indicated that performance of the
Romanian companies is higher when they do not use
the debt in their capital structure. Use of equity capital
in the capital structure results into favourable effect
on financial performance indicators while the use of
debt shows negative relationships with Return on
Equity and Return on Assets. Emin (2016) concluded
that both short term debt and long-term debt have a
significantly negative effect on Return on equity and
Return on Assets. Abubakar (2016) concluded that
there is a significant positive effect of short-term debt
ratio and long-term debt ratio on the return on equity
while total debt ratio has a significant negative effect
on return on equity. According the research done by
Sinha (2017), leverage has significantly negative
effect on Tobin’s Q ratio while it does not have
significant effect on ratio of Enterprise Value to Profit
before Interest, Depreciation and tax. Chandra
&Udhayakumar (2018) research indicated that ratio
of interest-bearing debt to fixed assets do not
significantly affect the EBIT margin and return on
assets The results of panel data model concluded that
leverage significantly does not affect the company’s
performance. Sudharika, De Silva, Madhusankha
&Siriwardhana (2018) examined the effect of capital
structure on the company’s financial structure on the
financial performance of 39 Hotels and Travel sectors
companies listed on the Columbo Stock Exchange
The company’s structure has been measured through
Debt-Equity Ratio and the company’s performance is
measured through Return on Capital Employed,
Earnings per share and Tobin’s Q. The debt equity
has significant negative effect on the company’s
performance. Pal (2022) studied that effect of
leverage on the company’s performance. The results
indicated that short term debt and long-term debt has
negative effect on the company’s performance across
all sectors. While the other independent variables had
a mixed effect on the company’s performance.
To summarize, some of the previous empirical
studies show the positive effect of leverage on
financial performance of the company’s whereas
some shows the negative effect of leverage on the
financial performance of the companies. The effect of
capital structure or leverage on the financial
performance of the company’s has always been
debatable. This has been the reason for which the
present study has been undertaken.
2.1 Objectives of the Study
To investigate how the capital structure of a company
affects the financial performance of company
2.2 Research Methodology
Sample Selection: The sample of the study consists of
the Nifty 50 companies. Since the financial
performance analysis of the banking and financial
services sector is different from the other companies,
these companies have been excluded. The study
covers the data of 39 companies for a period of five
years from the year 2017-18 to 2021-22. The relevant
financial data have been collected from the annual
reports and websites of companies and various
Variables for the Study: The measurement of
company’s performance is debatable as there are
various dimensions of performance measurements,
both financial and non-financial. The present study
considers the financial performance. The financial
performance measures the performance in terms of
profitability, return on investment and return on
Dependent Variables: Return on Assets (ROA),
Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Capital
Employed (ROCE) and Earnings per Share (EPS)
Independent variable: Debt Equity (D/E) ratio
2.3 Research Hypothesis
Following hypothesis has been developed to study the
effect of capital structure on company’s performance.
1. H
0 –
D/E Ratio does not significantly
affect ROA
2. H
0 –
D/E Ratio does not significantly
affect ROE
3. H
0 –
D/E Ratio does not significantly
affect ROCE
4. H
0 –
D/E Ratio does not significantly
affect EPS
2.4 Methodology
In order to study the relationship between capital
structure and company’s performance, Correlation
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