instead of sending to destination. Therefore, the
information does not reach the destination which
generates longer delay in delivering packets and
completely reduces the network throughput. In
addition, unnecessary transmission of routing packets
takes place during selection of relay vehicles towards
destination. The unnecessary transmission leads to
flooding attacks in the network (Shafi et.al, 2023).
Thus, in this paper, Secure AODV Routing
Protocol (S-AODV) is presented. Here, the concept
of trust estimation is added to the existing AODV
protocol to detect attacks in Vehicular ad-hoc
networks. In comparison with traditional AODV, the
proposed S-AODV includes multi-layer structure to
extract the various routing parameters from different
layers. Therefore, proposed S-AODV scheme
exhibits more effective in addressing the intrusion
detection issue.
The remaining portion of the paper comprises of
several sections. Section 2 illustrates the existing
works. Section 3 demonstrates the proposed S-
AODV protocol. Then, the performance study of the
S-AODV is examined in section 4. Section 5
concludes the paper.
In this section, the existing routing protocols to
defend flooding and black hole attacks in ad-hoc
network are explained. Towards this, authors have
proposed a novel routing protocol. A new field named
as suspicious value is added to the relay nodes routing
table. Then, based on threshold value the malicious
nodes are identified (Su, M. Y. (2011). A trust based
malicious node detection scheme in highly dynamic
networks is presented by defending both the Black-
hole and grey-hole attacks. The trusted nodes ensures
the security in the network (Sargunavathi and Martin
Leo Manickam, 2019).
Authors have proposed an efficient AODV
routing scheme to advance the security in the network
by detecting packet drop ratio at each relay node to
increase the efficacy of the network (Li, J. S., and
Lee, C. T. (2006)).
On the other side, another on demand based
routing protocol was designed to address power
consumption and overhead issues in the network
(Daoud and Rafla, 2019). A new intrusion detection
scheme was developed to interchange data between
the nodes in high mobility networks. Further,
multiclass SVM techniques were included to
minimize the overhead in the network (Arthur, 2018).
On the other side, authors have presented a new
version of AODV to defend various attacks in highly
dynamic ad-hoc network using statistical approach
(Rmayti, Begriche, Khatoun and Gaiti, D 2015).
Similarly, cryptographic based source and destination
nodes detection algorithm is presented to improve the
security in VANETs (Kumar, A., Varadarajan, V.,
Kumar, A., Dadheech, P., Choudhary, S. S., Kumar,
V. A & Veluvolu, K. C., 2021). An efficient
algorithm is presented to defend Black hole attacks in
VANETs based on dynamic threshold value (Malik,
A., Khan, M. Z., Faisal, M., Khan, F., & Seo, J. T,
Nonetheless, the prevailing on demand intruder
detection approaches designed using one or two
routing the parameters like radio hop count and
direction. To this end, A Secure AODV Routing
Protocol (S-AODV) is proposed. The detained
working of the protocol is exemplified in the next
In this section, secured routing protocol by making
use of traditional AODV to defend both flooding and
black hole attacks in VANETs is explained. In this,
primarily, the cooperative intermediate vehicles
(CRVs) are chosen based on Congestion and Residual
Energy values at each vehicle to avoid unnecessary
transmission (Flooding) of control packets to non-
existent destinations. Thus reduces routing overhead
and routing cost.
Secondly, the optimal secure path to the
destination is identified through trust estimation
among the selected relay vehicles in the network.
Here, the trust value is estimated using distinct
metrics like Hop Count and Network Lifetime. Then,
the vehicles with utmost trust value are preferred to
reduce packet drop rate (Black Hole attack). Thus
improves packet delivery ration and throughput of the
3.1 Selection of CRVs
In the proposed S-AODV, the individual node in the
network hold the 1 hop information of 1-hop
neighbors using HELLO packets, same as traditional
AODV. In addition, in the proposed S-AODV each
node maintain congestion and residual energy
information in the routing table. All the three
parameters like, Hop-count (H), Congestion (C) and
Residual Energy (RE) are obtained using the
following equations given below.
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
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