According to specialists Vasudha Venugopal and
colleagues (2010), a growing number of professionals
are struggling to control their emotional stress. They
emphasize that as it is an occupational hazard, work-
related stress should be immediately addressed.
Nithya Chandrasekaran, a consulting physician for
various companies in the area, asserts that stress
management and promoting mental health should be
issues that affect everyone, not just those with active
lifestyles. Following the recession, employees are
under pressure to perform well. According to doctors,
handling stress that arises from job loss anxiety or
from dealing with the growing competition affects the
employee's performance and eventually has a
significant negative impact on his health. Regular
workplace issues like wrist pain from repetitive
mouse use, slip discs, and eye fatigue are now
common. As if to acknowledge the prevalence of high
levels of stress among employees, several businesses
establish support hotlines that provide counseling to
their staff members who experience stress or mental
exhaustion. Businesses are also working to help
employees better manage their stress. Businesses like
Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Cognizant, and
Wipro regularly offer stress breaks to help employees
strike a decent balance between work and pleasure.
"Stress and Life Satisfaction among Working and
Nonworking Women from Similar Levels of Socio
Economic Status of the Society," a 2009 study by
Deshmukh N.H., found no appreciable difference
between working and nonworking women in terms of
their levels of physical and familial stress. Role stress
was significantly higher for working women than for
unemployed women. Compared to non-working
women, employed women reported higher levels of
life satisfaction. Toby D. Wall, Gillian E. Hardy, and
David Woods (2003) Along with a greater number of
days missed and a higher frequency of missed work,
it was discovered that psychological discomfort,
especially sadness, was a strong predictor of absence.
Psychological distress and job satisfaction each
independently influenced absenteeism rates. The link
between psychological distress and absence was
unaffected by demographic characteristics. In the
morning, during the workday, and after work,
employees' use of alcohol and illegal drugs is related
to workplace stresses such work overload and job
instability, according to Michael R. Frone's (2008)
Table 1: Impact of stress in various dimensions.
The study also identified coping strategies for
managing stress at the organizational level. The
research's findings are as follows:
Increasing staff knowledge of stress and educating
them how to manage it by implementing stress
management programs at the organizational level.
The body can release tension more effectively
through physical activity, as doctors have indicated;
therefore indulging in any physical activity while
working is advised.
To inform individuals about what causes stress and
how it affects them, Stress-Audit is undertaking an
organizational-level stress audit. The best stress
management strategies are influenced by this.
After consultation with experts, it is
recommended that stress management programs be
implemented at the individual and organizational
levels. These programs should ultimately be
maintained by individuals. A coping strategy for
stress management will be the recognition of stressors
and triggers through continual employee health
monitoring and proactive organizational style.
One of the numerous organizational outcomes
that organizational culture affects is stress
management. A helpful organizational structure will
include a personal approach to understand stress and
develop efficient coping methods.
Modern technology makes it imperative to
improve physical working conditions, and doing so
will undoubtedly rank among the most effective ways
to reduce stress at the organizational level.
By assisting in understanding and resolving issues
related to stress, the introduction of stress counseling
programs will help control the behavioral and
emotional outcomes for employees.
By implementing spiritual programs at the
corporate level, workers will be inspired to examine