Enhancing Road Safety: An IoT Based Driver Sleep Detection and
Alarming System for Accident Prevention
Adnan Yusufa
1 a
, Divya Asija
1 b
and R. K. Viral
1 c
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida, India
Keywords: IoT, Eye Blink, Driver Safety, Microcontroller PIC.
Abstract: This paper describes a driver drowsiness detection and alarming system based on the Internet of Things (IoT)
that uses an eye blink sensor to improve driver safety by monitoring drowsiness levels and providing timely
notifications to prevent accidents caused by driver exhaustion. To collect relevant driving-related data, the
system combines a number of sensors, including an eye motion sensor. The driver's eye movements and blink
patterns are recorded by the eye blink sensor and analysed by advanced algorithms to figure out sleepiness
levels. To collect data on the driver's behaviour and vehicle dynamics, additional sensors such as steering
angle sensors and accelerometers may be included. The acquired data is processed and analysed in real-time
using machine learning techniques to uncover patterns linked with lethargy. For proper interpretation,
algorithms evaluate characteristics such as blink duration, blink frequency, and eye closure duration when
determining fatigue degree. By continuously monitoring these characteristics, the system can detect early
signs of lethargy and take appropriate action. Finally, the IoT-based driver nap detection and alarm system
with an eye blink sensor is an excellent way for detecting driver weariness and notifying drivers in real time.
By utilizing innovative sensor technology, data processing algorithms, and networking, this system greatly
improves driver safety and mitigates the risks associated with fatigued driving.
The IoT/AI-based driver sleep detection and alarm
system is a cutting-edge solution designed to address
the critical issue of drowsy driving, which poses a
significant risk to road safety. Fatigue and drowsiness
can impair a driver's cognitive abilities, reaction
times, and decision-making skills, leading to
accidents and potentially fatal outcomes. This
advanced system leverages the power of Internet of
Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
technologies to monitor driver behavior, detect signs
of drowsiness, and provide timely alerts to prevent
accidents (Hussein et al.2022), (Knapik et al.,2019),
(Liu et al.,2019). By integrating a network of sensors
within the vehicle, the system continuously collects
data on various parameters, including eye
movements, steering patterns, vehicle acceleration,
and even the driver's heart rate. This wealth of data is
then processed and analysed in real-time using
sophisticated AI algorithms. By detecting patterns
indicative of drowsiness, such as prolonged eye
closures, erratic steering, or decreased heart rate, the
system can accurately assess the driver's level of
alertness. Once drowsiness is detected, the system
triggers an alarming mechanism to alert the driver and
prompt them to take immediate action (You et
al.,2020), (Gwak at al.,2020). This can involve
audible alarms, visual notifications, or even physical
feedback through vibrations or seat adjustments. By
providing timely alerts, the system aims to prevent
accidents caused by drowsiness-related factors and
promote driver safety. The IoT/AI-based driver sleep
detection and alarm system not only helps safeguard
the lives of drivers but also contributes to the overall
improvement of road safety (Tamanani et al. ,2021)
(Abbas et al.,2020), (Dong et al.,2019). By
proactively addressing the issue of drowsy driving,
this technology has the potential to significantly
reduce the number of accidents caused by driver
fatigue and save countless lives on the road.
Yusuf, A., Asija, D. and Viral, R.
Enhancing Road Safety: An IoT Based Driver Sleep Detection and Alarming System for Accident Prevention.
DOI: 10.5220/0012526100003808
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems (ISPES 2023), pages 131-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-689-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The major purpose of this study is to build and
implement a dependable, cost-effective, and real-time
IoT system to detect driver tiredness based on
physiological and behavioural data. The secondary
objective of this research is to identify the factors that
contribute to driver sleepiness. The effectiveness of
the system in reducing the number of collisions that
are the result of sleepy driving is another objective of
the research project.
2.1 Architecture of the System
The Internet of Things-based driver sleep detection
system will include a variety of components, such as
physiological sensors, driving behavior sensors, data
processing units, and an alerting mechanism. The
architecture is developed in such a manner that it can
assure the capture and analysis of data in real-time
(Hussein et al.2022),(Knapik et al.,2019).Fig. 1
shows block diagram representation of the proposed
system where microcontroller PIC unit plays a major
role in detection drowsiness via eye blink sensor then
sending control and monitoring signals to end device
creating alarm signals and stopping of car as per
predefined program instructions.
2.2 The Accumulation and Processing
of Data
Wearable non-invasive sensors will be used to gather
physiological signals such as heart rate, eye
movement, and electroencephalogram (EEG) data
(Hussein et al.2022). These signals and data will be
collected. In parallel, data on the driver's behaviour,
such as the movement of the steering wheel and
departure from the lane, will be gathered by the
onboard sensors of the car. Processing and
interpretation of these data streams will be handled by
algorithms that are designed for machine learning.
2.3 Signal Processing and Analysis
The data that was acquired on the subject's
physiological state and driving behavior will first be
pre-processed to eliminate artefacts and noise. There
will be an application of techniques for feature
extraction to derive pertinent properties from the
signals. This will make it possible to identify patterns
that are related with driver sleepiness.
Fig. 2.1: Block Diagram Representation of the Proposed
Fig 2.2: Flow chart of Algorithm.
2.4 Drowsiness Detection Algorithm
Based on the characteristics that were retrieved, a
dependable drowsiness detection algorithm will be
constructed. In order to recognize the early warning
indications of sleepiness, the algorithm will be trained
using a labelled dataset. This will ensure that the
detection will be both prompt and accurate.
2.5 Real-Time Alerting Mechanism
If the IoT system determines that the driver is
becoming sleepy, it will immediately send a warning
message to the driver's device. It is planned to
conduct research into a number of different kinds of
warning, including audio-visual signals and haptic
input, in order to identify the one that is best capable
of rousing a sleepy driver.
2.6 Evaluation and Testing
One of the important stages in moving forward with
the prototype implementation is the collection and
preparation of datasets. As an outcome, in this
section, we will go over the technical aspects of the
data-gathering technique, including participant
selection and the various driving scenarios. In
ISPES 2023 - International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems
addition, the techniques used to ensure the dataset's
accuracy and consistency will be described.
The process of an IoT/AI-based driver sleep detection
and alarming system involves several key steps.
Here's an overview of the process: Sensor data
collection: The system incorporates various sensors
placed strategically within the vehicle to capture
relevant data. These sensors continuously monitor
and record information such as eye movements,
steering patterns, vehicle acceleration, heart rate, and
other parameters related to driver behaviour and
vehicle dynamics.
Data Preprocessing. The collected sensor data is
pre-processed to remove noise, normalize values, and
ensure data consistency. This step may involve
filtering, scaling, and feature extraction techniques to
prepare the data for further analysis. Feature
extraction: AI algorithms are applied to the pre-
processed data to extract meaningful features that can
be indicative of driver drowsiness. For example, eye-
tracking data may be analysed to identify patterns
such as prolonged eye closures or a decrease in blink
rate. Steering angle data may be examined for
irregular or inconsistent patterns.
Drowsiness Detection. Machine learning algorithms,
such as deep neural networks or support vector
machines, are trained on labelled datasets to classify
the driver's alertness level based on the extracted
features. These algorithms learn patterns and
correlations between the sensor data and drowsiness
indicators, enabling accurate drowsiness detection.
Real-Time Monitoring. The trained model is
deployed in real-time to continuously monitor the
driver's behavior. As the system receives new sensor
data, it processes it through the trained model to
predict the driver's alertness level. This monitoring
occurs in real-time, allowing for immediate detection
of drowsiness indicators.
Alarming Mechanism. When the system detects
signs of drowsiness, it activates the alarming
mechanism to alert the driver and prevent potential
accidents. The alarms can take various forms, such as
audible alerts, visual notifications on the dashboard,
or physical feedback through seat vibrations or
adjustments. The alarming mechanism aims to
capture the driver's attention and prompt them to take
corrective action.
Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation. The
system continuously monitors the driver's state
throughout the journey and adapts its detection
algorithms as necessary. It can learn from new data
and update its models to improve accuracy over time.
This adaptive capability ensures that the system
remains effective even as the driver's behaviour or
environmental conditions change. By following this
process, the IoT/AI-based driver sleep detection and
alarming system can reliably identify drowsiness in
drivers and provide timely alerts, thereby enhancing
road safety and preventing accidents caused by driver
The findings and analyses that were reported in the
study article revealed that the Internet of Things-
based driver sleep detection and warning system was
effective in increasing overall road safety.
Technology can avoid accidents that are caused by
drivers who are drowsy by properly identifying their
state of tiredness and taking measures that are suitable
for the situation. This would make the roads safer for
everyone who uses them. The findings highlight how
important it is to continue research and development
in this field to enhance technology and encourage the
automobile sector to use it.
The development stages of the prototype are shown
in the subsequent section. It will showcase how the
hardware of prototype has undergone through
different stages before reaching the final version.
4.1 Developing Stages of the Driver
Sleep Detection and Alarming
Fig. 4.1: Development stage 1.
Enhancing Road Safety: An IoT Based Driver Sleep Detection and Alarming System for Accident Prevention
Fig. 4.2: Development stage 2.
Fig. 4.1 and 4.2 show the prototype's development
at various stages leading up to the final version.
Fig. 4.3: Eyeglasses for sensing driver drowsiness.
Table 5.1: Experimental Observations at different Time
Time (sec) | Eye State | Action
0 | Open | None
1 | Open | None
2 | Closed | None
3 | Closed | None
4 | Closed | None
5 | Closed | Car Stopped
6 | Open | Brakes
7 | Open | Brakes
8 | Open | Brakes
9 | Open | Brakes
10 | Open | Brakes
11 | Open | Brakes
12 | Open | None
13 | Open | None
14 | Closed | None
15 | Closed | None
16 | Closed | None
17 | Closed | Car Stopped
18 | Open | Brakes
19 | Open | Brakes
20 | Open | Brakes
21 | Open | Brakes
22 | Open | Brakes
23 | Open | None
24 | Open | None
The eye state is shown in table 5.1 as "Open" or
"Closed," depending on whether the driver's eyes are
open or closed at the given moment. The "Action
Taken" column displays the relevant action that the
system took in accordance with the specified rules:
a. If the eyes are closed for longer than three
consecutive seconds, the system will halt the
vehicle after five seconds (row 5 in the
b. As long as the eyes are closed once the car
has stopped, the system applies the brakes
once every second (rows 6 to 11).
c. The car resumes normal operation when the
driver's eyes open (row 12), and nothing
more happens.
ISPES 2023 - International Conference on Intelligent and Sustainable Power and Energy Systems
In conclusion, the IoT/AI-based driver sleep detection
and alarm system is a powerful technology that
addresses the critical issue of drowsy driving. By
leveraging sensors, data processing techniques, and
machine learning algorithms, the system can monitor
the driver's behaviour in real-time, detect signs of
drowsiness, and provide timely alerts to prevent
accidents. The system collects data from various
sensors placed within the vehicle, including eye-
tracking cameras, steering angle sensors,
accelerometers, and heart rate monitors. This data is
processed and analyzed using AI algorithms to extract
relevant features indicative of drowsiness. Machine
learning models are trained to classify the driver's
alertness level based on these features.
When drowsiness is detected, the system activates
an alarming mechanism, alerting the driver through
audible, visual, or physical means. This prompt
intervention aims to awaken the driver, increase their
alertness, and prevent accidents caused by
drowsiness-related factors. The IoT/AI-based driver
sleep detection and alarming system not only
enhances driver safety but also contributes to overall
road safety. By proactively addressing the issue of
drowsy driving, it has the potential to save lives,
reduce accidents, and minimize the devastating
consequences of driver fatigue. With further
advancements in IoT and AI technologies, this system
holds promise for continued improvement and
refinement, making roads safer for everyone. By
combining technology and human vigilance, we can
create a future where drowsy driving becomes a thing
of the past, ensuring safer and more secure journeys
for all.
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Enhancing Road Safety: An IoT Based Driver Sleep Detection and Alarming System for Accident Prevention