2. Computational Efficiency: Beyond just
accuracy, the computational efficiency of the
Multi-Channel N-gram CNN model was
observed to be noteworthy. This is crucial for
real-time analysis, especially in disaster
management scenarios where time is of the
3. Generalisation: The higher accuracy suggests
that the Multi-Channel N-gram CNN model
might possess better generalisation
capabilities, making it robust across diverse
4. Integration Possibilities: The potential for
integrating the Multi-Channel N-gram CNN
model with other systems or platforms, such
as GIS tools for disaster mapping, emerges as
a promising avenue.
5. Model Evolution: The rapid evolution of the
Multi-Channel N-gram CNN model in recent
years highlights the significance of continuous
research and adaptation in the field of disaster
tweet analysis.
6. Future Enhancements: There's a palpable
potential for further enhancing the Multi-
Channel N-gram CNN model with additional
layers or integrating advanced Natural
Language Processing techniques to better
understand and predict disaster scenarios.
In conclusion, this research work underscores the
prowess of the Multi-Channel N-gram CNN model in
the realm of disaster tweet analysis. The results
unambiguously point to its superior performance,
boasting an impressive accuracy of 97.84%, a marked
improvement over the Glove with Keras Word
embedding model, which recorded an accuracy of
55.06%. This investigation paves the way for future
studies, highlighting the vast possibilities and the
pressing need for optimal tools in disaster
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