Accurate Analysis of Voice Disorder Using ResNet-50 Algorithm in
Comparison with ResNet-18 Algorithm
Aakash S. S. and Bharatha Devi N.
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, Health, Novel ResNet-50, ResNet-18, Speech, Voice Disorder.
Abstract: The study aims to enhance voice disorder detection precision using the novel ResNet-50 algorithm and
comparing its efficacy with the ResNet-18 algorithm. for evaluating the accuracy of voice disorder
identification, the research uses a confidence level of 95% and a g power of 0.8.w two algorithms, novel
ResNet-50 and ResNet-18, are applied to a dataset of 864,448 mp3 audio files with accompanying metadata.
the findings reveal that the novel ResNet-50 algorithm boasts an accuracy of 88.70%, superior to the 70.81%
achieved by the ResNet-18 algorithm. however, with a significance value of 0.18 (independent sample t-test
p<0.05), no noteworthy statistical difference was found between the two. in essence, the novel ResNet-50
algorithm demonstrates a higher accuracy in voice disorder analysis compared to the ResNet-18 algorithm.
In this paper, the amalgamation of speech processing
and machine learning techniques is utilised to discern
disordered speech and subsequently categorise it as
resulting from Neoplasm, Phonotrauma, or Vocal
Palsy (Bhat and Kopparapu 2018). The research
employs the Modified Mellin Transform of Log
Spectrum (MMTLS) feature, derived to identify
anomalous speech samples (Francis, Nair, and Radhika
2016). The aim is to introduce an automated method
capable of distinguishing between healthy and
pathological human voices in real-time. This facilitates
more precise medical evaluations and encourages
individuals with potential illnesses to pursue timely
medical intervention (Milani, Ramashini, and Krishani
2020). As some individuals struggle with voice
rhythm, voice recordings are often preferred over
typing Arabic numerals. One practical application of
this research is developing a dependable model to
differentiate between normal, neoplastic,
phototraumatic, and voice paralysed samples in the
FEMH dataset (Al-Nasheri et al. 2018).
Recent research has focused on enhancing the
identification of voice pathology using the Novel
ResNet-50 algorithm. With 711 papers on IEEE
Xplore and 92 articles in Sciencedirect, there is evident
interest in the field. This study aims to offer physicians
and logopaedicians fresh, objective metrics and
illustrations to assess voice quality post-vocal fold
surgery (Manfredi and Peretti 2006; Firdos and
Umarani 2016; G. Ramkumar et al 2022). Its ambition
is to craft a technique that differentiates between
healthy and afflicted vocal patterns, leveraging a user-
friendly approach (Wahed 2014). Furthermore, to
gauge the recovery of a patient's vocal health following
vocal fold surgery, this work introduces novel, easy-to-
understand metrics and visuals for clinicians and
logopedists (Manfredi and Peretti 2006; Umapathy et
al. 2005; Padma, S et al. 2022).
A recognised gap in current research is the
inadequate accuracy associated with present methods.
Current techniques are hindered by limitations like
the need for large datasets to predict accurately.
Contrarily, this study's recommended Novel ResNet-
50 algorithm achieves heightened accuracy by
optimally utilising a smaller dataset for both training
and validation. This research endeavours to elevate
the vocal disorder detection efficacy of the Novel
ResNet-50 approach.
The research took place at the Image Processing
laboratory within the Department of Computer
S., A. and N., B.
Accurate Analysis of Voice Disorder Using ResNet-50 Algorithm in Comparison with ResNet-18 Algorithm.
DOI: 10.5220/0012564600003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 502-507
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Science and Engineering at Saveetha School of
Engineering, a part of Saveetha Institute of Medical
and Technical Sciences, Chennai. To determine the
sample size, ClinCalc online software was employed,
comparing both controllers. Two distinct groups were
selected for comparative analysis. The study
incorporated 40 samples in total, equally divided with
20 samples from each group (Borsky et al. 2017).
Both the Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet-18 algorithms
were applied using technical analysis software.
Calculations were executed with 80% G-power, an
alpha level of 0.05, a beta level of 0.2, all within a
confidence interval of 95% [source:
The Voice dataset consists of speech data
extracted from public domain resources, such as user-
submitted blog entries, historical books, classic films,
and other spoken word collections read by Common
Voice participants. Primarily aimed at aiding the
development and testing of automatic speech
recognition (ASR) systems, this dataset boasts
864,448 MP3 audio files. Accompanying metadata
includes filenames, uttered phrases, regional accents,
age, gender, and user feedback. This information is
cataloged in the dataset's TSV files.
This study was conceptualised and actualised
using Google Collab Python OpenCV software and
was tested on the Windows 10 platform. The dataset
from the Kaggle website (Zhang et al. 2020) aided in
the code implementation. The hardware configuration
consisted of an Intel Core i7 processor, 4GB RAM,
and a 64-bit system architecture, with Python being
the chosen programming language. The dataset was
processed concurrently during code execution,
culminating in an output detailing accuracy results.
3.1 Novel ResNet-50
The Residual Network, commonly referred to as
ResNet, is a unique type of convolutional neural
network (CNN) developed by He Kaiming, Zhang
Xiangyu, Ren Shaoqing, and Sun Jian. CNNs have
found extensive use in numerous computer vision
applications. Among its variants, the ResNet-50 is
illustrative, chosen for the initial sample grouping.
Comprising 50 layers, the Novel ResNet-50
encompasses 48 convolutional layers, coupled with
one MaxPool layer and one average pool layer. These
networks are built by layering residual blocks.
Originally, the design of the Novel ResNet-50 drew
inspiration from ResNet-34, which consisted of 34
weighted layers. What sets Novel ResNet-50 apart is
its pioneering method of integrating additional
convolutional layers into a CNN without falling prey
to the vanishing gradient problem. This is achieved
via the introduction of shortcut connections.
Table 1: Procedure of the Novel ResNet-50 Algorithm.
Data Input: a training set with F features and n
1. Provide initial values to the input variables.
2. From the available features list, choose the
top k traits.
3. After finding the split point, precisely divide
the dataset into child nodes.
4. Determine the decision tree's origin using the
k attributes you've chosen.
5. Save the result (accuracy) using the test
features and the decision trees that were plotted.
6. Collect the voting results for each
conceivable reserved outcome and determine which
outcome is most likely using this information.
Table 2: Procedure of the ResNet-18 Algorithm.
Input: Set of Exercises for Training Input
1. Give the input parameters as initial values.
2. Group the labels in the dataset into distinct
3. For every attribute, probabilities and
frequencies are determined.
4. The Naive Bayes model is used to calculate
the likelihoods that follow from the features.
5. When all the probabilities have been
estimated, every feature is multiplied by each
6. Data are compared before being partitioned
into groups.
To provide context, a 34-layer ResNet clocks in at
3.6 billion FLOPs, while its 18-layer counterpart
operates at 1.8 billion FLOPs. This is substantially
more efficient than a VGG-19 Network, which
operates at a hefty 19.6 billion FLOPs. The intricacies
of the Novel ResNet-50 algorithm are elaborated
upon in Table 1.
Accurate Analysis of Voice Disorder Using ResNet-50 Algorithm in Comparison with ResNet-18 Algorithm
3.2 ResNet-18
The ResNet-18 algorithm is utilised within the second
sample preparation group. ResNet-18 is an 18-layer
convolutional neural network, designed specifically
to ensure the efficient operation of extensive
convolutional neural network layers. Its architectural
design is geared towards tackling the dilemma of
sustaining performance amidst deepening networks.
While deeper layers frequently culminate in
deteriorating output quality, ResNet-18 seeks to
counter this setback. The network houses close to 11
million trainable parameters and is structured with
CONV layers and 3x3 filters, mirroring the VGG Net
configuration. Only two pooling layers are
interspersed within this network: one positioned at the
beginning and the other towards the end. Each pair of
CONV layers maintain identity relationships. An
already trained version of ResNet-18 is accessible
within the ImageNet database, having been educated
on a dataset spanning more than a million images.
This fine-tuned network boasts the prowess to
categorise images across 1000 unique object
categories, a spectrum that includes entities ranging
from animals to keyboards and pencils. As a result,
the network is adept at forming strong feature
representations for a vast array of images. The
network processes images at a resolution of 224 by
224 pixels. A comprehensive breakdown of the
ResNet-18 methodology can be found in Table 2.
The statistics for Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet-18 are
evaluated using the SPSS software. The independent
variables in this analysis include image, length, pitch,
frequency, modulation, amplitude, volume, and
decibels. Meanwhile, the dependent variables consist
of pitch and volume. To ascertain the accuracy of
both methods, a distinct T-test analysis is employed.
Twenty individuals were selected as a sample size for
the execution of the Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet-18
algorithms using Anaconda Navigator. The
subsequent comparative examination highlighted that
the Novel ResNet-50 algorithm demonstrated
superior accuracy in diagnosing voice abnormalities
in comparison to the ResNet-18 algorithm.
Table 1 elucidates the operational procedure
associated with the Novel ResNet-50 Algorithm. This
model is characterised by a composition of 48
convolutional neural network layers, interspersed
with one max pool layer and one average pool layer.
Table 2 delineates the workings of ResNet-18, an
18-layer convolutional neural network.
Table 3 presents a summary of the statistical
analysis for both the Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet-18
algorithms, drawing from a dataset encompassing 20
samples. This table highlights the calculated mean
values, standard deviations, and standard error means.
The comparison between the Novel ResNet-50 and
the ResNet-18 reveals a conspicuous advantage of the
former in terms of mean accuracy and a lower mean
Table 4 depicts the results derived from the
Independent Sample T-test. With a significance value
computed at 0.18 (considering an Independent
Sample T-test p<0.05), the data suggests that there
isn't a statistically significant difference discerned
between the two examined groups.
Lastly, Figure 1 offers a visual representation in
the form of a bar chart, contrasting the mean accuracy
and loss metrics of the Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet-
18 algorithms. The Novel ResNet-50's mean accuracy
is visibly higher than that of its ResNet-18
Table 3: Group Statistical Analysis of Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet -18.
Std. Deviation
Std. Error
Novel ResNet-50
ResNet -18
Novel ResNet-50
ResNet -18
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics
Table 4: Independent Sample T-test: The significant value obtained is p= 0.18 (Independent sample T-test p<0.05) which
shows that there is no statistically significant difference between the two groups.
Levene’s test for
equality of
T-test for equality means with 95% confidence interval
Sig. (2-
Std. Error
Variances not
Variances not
Figure 1: Comparison of Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet -18. Classifier in terms of mean accuracy and loss. The mean accuracy
of Novel ResNet-50 is better than ResNet -18. X-Axis: Novel ResNet-50 Vs ResNet -18 Classifier, Y-Axis: Mean accuracy:
Error Bar +/- 2SD.
The Novel ResNet-50 boasts an accuracy of 88.70%,
outstripping the ResNet-18, which stands at 70.81%.
With the study's significance pegged at 0.18 (using an
Independent Sample T-test with p<0.05), it insinuates
the superiority of the Novel ResNet-50 over the
The main thrust of this paper pivots on the
exploration and juxtaposition of various machine
learning strategies applied in the detection of voice
disorders. The research intimates that depending on
the attributes evaluated via apt feature selection
techniques, either the decision tree algorithm or the
support vector machine algorithm notches up an
accuracy rate of 84.3% (Verde, De Pietro, and
Accurate Analysis of Voice Disorder Using ResNet-50 Algorithm in Comparison with ResNet-18 Algorithm
Sannino 2018). The study's lens is trained on a
spectrum of acoustic characteristics derived from
vocal fold signals, chiefly zeroing in on pitch.
Experimentally, the earmarked features have been
adjudged to be of immense import, as the
classification algorithm, even in its unadorned form,
touches an apex accuracy rate of 91.5% (Umapathy et
al. 2005). The VGG-16 CNN model, together with the
Convolutional Neural Network, have been utilised in
this endeavour. The experiment exploited hundreds of
PVD audio files from the Respiratory Sound
Database, exploring the CNN's prowess in
pinpointing aberrant speech. The diagnosis of voice
pathology was discerned with a precision of 92.03%
(Gumelar et al. 2020). The overarching aim of this
scrutiny is to evaluate and draw parallels between
machine learning methods tailored for the precocious
detection of Voice Disorders, even before the
symptoms unfurl. The proposed paradigm has been
validated to clock a staggering 93% accuracy in the
allotted endeavour, employing a conglomerate of
learning models (Hussain and Sharma 2022).
The research methodology wends its way through
data amassed from variegated reservoirs, contending
with the challenge of voice data recognition. Yet, the
study doesn't emerge unscathed from constraints; a
conspicuous drawback is the protracted span
earmarked for dataset training. Envisioning the road
ahead, the research aspires to amplify the system's
ambit, embracing an enlarged cadre of subjects,
whilst concurrently curtailing the duration expended
on dataset training.
Voice disorders, often neglected in the broader
spectrum of medical issues, are essential for
diagnostics, given the significant role voice plays in
human communication. The advanced machine
learning algorithms we've discussed in this study,
especially the Novel ResNet-50 and ResNet-18, have
the potential to revolutionize this area of diagnosis.
The insights derived from our comparison not only
spotlight the competencies of these algorithms but
also delineate the path ahead for further exploration.
Summarizing the findings, we can highlight six
cardinal points:
Depth of Algorithm: The layer configuration
in the Novel ResNet-50, with its 50 layers,
provides a depth that seems conducive to
intricate voice analysis, besting the shallower
Handling Vanishing Gradient: The ingenuity
of the Novel ResNet-50 resides in its inventive
approach of adding more convolutional layers
without facing the vanishing gradient
problem, constraint often limiting deep neural
Pre-trained Networks: The availability of
pretrained versions, especially for ResNet-18
on extensive databases like ImageNet,
indicates their potential adaptability to diverse
tasks, including voice disorder detection.
Feature Representation: The networks' ability
to categorise and represent a multitude of
features ensures that they capture the
intricacies of voice patterns, making the
diagnosis precise and accurate.
Training Time: One trade-off for the increased
accuracy observed in Novel ResNet-50 could
be the training time. As the layers increase, so
does the computation demand, an area where
ResNet-18 might have an advantage.
Future Applications: Given the efficacy of the
Novel ResNet-50 in voice disorder detection,
it offers promising prospects in other domains
requiring meticulous pattern recognition.
In conclusion, this study pivots around the
comparative analysis of the Novel ResNet-50 and
ResNet-18 in the context of voice disorder detection.
Evidently, the Novel ResNet-50, with an accuracy
metric of 88.70%, outshines the ResNet-18, which
clocks an accuracy of 70.81%. This differential
underscores the robustness and superiority of the
Novel ResNet-50 paradigm over its ResNet-18
counterpart. The comprehensive exploration
furnished in this study not only underscores the
inherent strengths and limitations of each algorithm
but also offers a clarion call to researchers to further
delve into this promising arena.
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Accurate Analysis of Voice Disorder Using ResNet-50 Algorithm in Comparison with ResNet-18 Algorithm