The study conducted to predict email spam using the
Novel Recurrent Neural Network showed that the
unsupervised approach had significantly higher
accuracy compared to the supervised approach, with
an accuracy rate of around 97% versus 94% for
Logistic regression. However, it should be noted that
Logistic regression has limitations in achieving high
accuracy rates. On the other hand, the Novel
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) tends to provide
more consistent outcomes, as evidenced by its lower
standard deviation (Broadhurst and Trivedi 2020).
The results of the study indicated that Novel RNN
achieved an accuracy rate of 97% for Email spam
prediction, which is equivalent to the findings
presented in the paper. In contrast, the reported
Logistic regression model had an accuracy rate of
94% for the same task of Email spam prediction. The
RNN, Logistic regression is a parameter used to
predict Email spam (Wang and Katagishi 2014).
Using Logistic regression for Email spam prediction
will have significant concerns to pretend that this
innovation reveals that logistic regression has the
least accuracy of 94%.
The disadvantage of Logistic regression is that
increasing the value of the dataset only tends to
achieve the necessary precision. Novel Recurrent
Neural Network works better when combined with
other techniques (Kigerl 2018). Irrelevant features
can degrade the accuracy of logistic regression (Rafat
et al. 2022). Our future innovation will concentrate on
improving accuracy for predicting Email spam
without any disadvantages in working mode
(Kaddoura et al. 2022).
Finding out how successfully Novel Recurrent Neural
Network and Logistic Regression, ave predicted
email spam is the goal of the current study. The
highest accuracy of 97.96% was provided by the
RNN, compared to the Logistic regression accuracy
of 94.90%. This shows that the performance of
predicting the email spam is good for the Novel RNN.
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