characteristics such the nose, eyes, & lips to study and
identify the three emotions joyful, sad, & angry. They
used texture characteristics to train a traditional
neural network classification method, and the
resulting accuracy was 86% for HOG features and
65% for LBP data. In 2019, A. Bhavan et al. (Bhavan
et al. 2019) proposed a method for recognising
emotional states in people's voices by the extraction
of a small number of spectral features that have been
preprocessed (MFCCs and spectral centroids). This
method proposes using a bagged ensemble of SVMs
with a Gaussian kernel as the classification model.
Accuracy of 83.21 percent was found. Separately, the
discriminant temporal pyramid mapping method was
utilised to collect features in (Zhang et al. 2018) a
study using Mel spectrogram and the AlexNet deep
learning network. The gathered data showed that the
pre-trained deep learning model performed
effectively when processing emotional speech.
(Prasomphan 2015) used synthetic neural networks
and the EMO-five DB's emotions to suggest a new
approach to emotion detection using a spectrum
analyzer. Five out of the ten emotions had an 82%
success rate.
The Viola-Jones algorithm has the drawback that
it is difficult to detect emotions when the background
signal is complicated or when there are several noises
present, and it also has a low detection rate. These are
both limitations. Future work has to pay more
attention to a wider range of emotional types. The
system's ability to interpret the relevance of the
speech signal would be an added bonus.
The model that is being suggested exhibits both the
VJ and the HOG, with the VJ having obtained higher
accuracy values than the HOG as a result of its use.
The HOG has just a 88.65% accurate accuracy rating,
however the VJ has an accuracy rating that is 95.66%
more accurate than that of the HOG in an analysis of
human emotion via voice signal with an enhanced
accuracy rate.
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