a single result that is expected to outperform any
individual member of the group, along with an
unrelated error on the target data sets (Tejas et al.
2016). Group learning is based on using different
models to solve problems related to accuracy and
access time (Yu 2021). The OCR algorithm is
particularly effective when there is a significant
difference between the models in terms of access time
(Kariya, Fujishima, and Zhang 2019). To avoid errors
due to multiple images being captured at once, the
algorithm removes unwanted data outside the
bounding boxes (Daneshfar, Fathy, and Alaqeband
2018). This also helps to select and predict specific
objects or parts with an accuracy of 86% (Bao et al.
2022). One of the key advantages of OCR is that it is
designed to meet all assumptions consistent with the
training data, with an access time of 85% (Bao et al.
2022). Overall, OCR is a powerful tool for object
detection and prediction, with a range of benefits and
android applications (Xu, Xue, and Zhao 2022).
Factors affecting the research work are
identifying and predicting data leakage in android
applications using various algorithms, including the
OCR algorithm as an object detection tool. The
limitations of OCR is that the quality of the image can
be lost and not worth a small amount of text. Also, it
needs lots of space to store an image and even to
process it. The version 3 of the OCR algorithm can be
used to extract textual data from images, dividing the
data into smaller sections to facilitate quick
processing in android applications. The algorithm
generates a grid for each image in the task and is
useful for predicting text or objects in the virtual
world. The OCR algorithm has many applications,
including traffic control and license plate
identification, as well as speed detection. However, it
has limitations in terms of access time and accuracy,
which may impact future work. Overall, the aim of
this research is to improve the security and usability
of android applications, while providing accurate and
efficient text detection in images. And provide longer
access time. The future work is to prove that to
provide longer access time, Safe and secure usage
will be provided through this in android applications.
Novel YOLO V3 SPP and the OCR algorithms have
predicted real-time data leakage applications for
Android using various trained detection datasets.
When comparing the two algorithms, Novel YOLO
V3 SPP has a higher access rate than the OCR
algorithm. The Novel YOLO V3 SPP's performance
and sensitivity are superior to the OCR's (83.36ms)
(73.64ms). In comparison to the OCR method, data
loss is reduced in the Novel YOLO V3 SPP.
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