The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on
Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable
Diansyah and Opi Novi Andri
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics Business and Social Sciences,
17 August 1945 University Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Sales Promotion, Repurchase Intention, Customer Trust.
Abstract: This research aims to test and analyze the influence of digital marketing and service quality on repurchase
intention with customer trust as a moderating variable. This research uses structural equation modeling with
the help of SmartPLS software. Furthermore, this research used a sample of 110 respondents who were
consumers of PT. Era Supplies Indonesia. The data collection technique uses simple random sampling by
distributing research questionnaires in the form of a Google formula to consumers who have made purchases
at PT. Era Supplies Indonesia. The data processing method in this research is SmartPLS with the aim of testing
hypotheses. The results of this research show that digital marketing has a positive effect on repurchase
intention, sales promotion has a positive effect on repurchase intention, customer trust has a positive effect
on repurchase intention, customer trust is proven to be positive and can moderate the influence of digital
marketing on repurchase intention, customer trust is proven to be positive and can moderate the influence of
sales promotion on repurchase intention. The results of this research are recommended to the company PT.
Era Supplies Indonesia, if you want to increase consumers repurchase interest, you need to do better digital
marketing in providing information to customers so they can be quickly trusted and sales promotions in the
form of free gifts must be implemented to increase customer trust and make consumers want to shop again.
Increasingly developing information technology has
had the impact of competition in department stores
becoming increasingly fierce in encouraging
marketers to have superior strategies to survive
amidst the existing competition. As digital
technology develops worldwide, it brings progress
and influence to digital marketing in Indonesia
(Rizvanović et al., 2023). With the development of
information technology, the digital-based industrial
sector can experience rapid and safe development
(Zain & Marsasi, 2023).Digital Marketing is a
marketing activity for a product using digital media
or the internet with the aim of increasing sales. The
survival of a company really depends on the
satisfaction of its customers, this can be done by
providing satisfaction to customers through the
delivery of quality products and services. In business
competition, Sales Promotion really needs to be paid
attention to (Kusnanto et al., 2023). Digital Marketing
can be used as a tool to achieve competitive
advantage. To achieve competitive advantage,
companies must be able to improve the quality of
Digital Marketing. The higher the trust that exists in
each individual, the higher the intentions that
individual has to shop again (Temaja et al., 2023).
From data from PT. Era Supplies Indonesia average
monthly sales of 196 orders with monthly sales of
IDR 95,182,366 in April 2023, in the following
month there were 244 orders with monthly sales of
IDR 125,068,456 in May 2023 there was an increase
in sales revenue, in June there was a decrease. 214
orders with monthly sales of IDR 98,632,704, in July
the same experienced a decrease again, there were
190 orders with monthly sales of IDR 76,575,253,
while in the following month, August saw an increase
in sales, there were 212 orders with monthly sales of
IDR 96,665,400. With this, it can be ensured that
from April to August PT. Era Supplies Indonesia
experienced increases and decreases in sales revenue.
This shows that PT. Era Supplies Indonesia still
needs to increase sales to be able to beat existing
competitors. Of course, it is a job for PT. Era Supplies
Indonesia, especially the marketing division, because
marketing is one of the spearheads for high and low
Diansyah, . and Andri, O.
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable.
DOI: 10.5220/0012580900003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 294-303
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
sales figures in a company. Therefore, PT. Era
Supplies Indonesia tries to maximize human
resources in the marketing division. Sales promotions
are various short-term incentives to encourage the
purchase of a product or service to convince potential
consumers (Nurjuman et al., 2023). Interaction
between product scarcity and price promotions in
influencing consumer purchasing intentions. Scarcity
becomes an attraction in influencing purchase
intentions when ordering online with a proposed price
promotion as a boundary condition (Harimurti
Wulandjani et al., 2023). Meanwhile, customer trust
will emerge if commitment, honesty and information
are provided, which will increase Repurchase
Intention and make it easier for customers to choose
according to their needs (Kirana et al., 2023).
One form of purchasing goods is vital in the
development of digital marketing. Repurchase
Intention is generally the desire to make a repeat
purchase of the same product or item that the buyer
has previously made (Pandiangan, 2023). Sales
promotion is a marketing activity that has a big
impact on repurchase intention for the products
offered (Adelia, 2018). Coupon strategies and
promotional prices are strategies to increase
consumers repurchase interest. Sales promotion has a
positive influence on repurchase intention. Previous
research results prove that Digital Marketing has a
significant positive effect on Repurchase Intention
(Amelia Ibnu Wasiat & Bertuah, 2022; Melia, 2023;
Nawaz & Kaldeen, 2020). Sales Promotion also has a
positive effect on Repurchase intention (Azmi et al.,
2021; Manalu et al., 2023; Muthi & Utama, 2023).
Customer Trust has a positive effect on Repurchase
Intention (Chandra et al., 2023; Goeltom et al., 2023;
Purnamasari & Suryandari, 2023). In previous
research, no one has placed customer trust as a
moderating variable that can moderate the influence
of digital marketing and sales promotion on
repurchase intention. This research gap will be the
latest discussion in research to complement previous
2.1 Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is digital which refers to the plans
and approaches used by companies or organizations
in utilizing digital media to promote their products,
services or brands and interact with consumers online
(Purnomo, 2023). According to Munir et al., (2023)
digital marketing is the application of digital
technology which has resulted in drastic changes and
shifts in world markets and increased customer
purchases by responding quickly to business changes.
Digital Marketing refers to the use of electronic
communication channels by marketing to promote
products and services which has specifically been
defined as the act of promoting the exchange of
information, products and services via computer
networks and the internet (Morteza et al., 2023).
Digital marketing is the activity of introducing a
brand through digital media with the right and
relevant consumer reach. According to Zidhan et al.,
(2023) digital marketing indicators are:
1. Costs are amounts that can be measured in units
of ownership of goods and services required by
the company.
2. Informative, namely a form of message content
that aims to influence the audience by providing
3. Site design is what creates the appearance and
overall appearance of a website. The process of
planning and creating website elements, from
layout structure, images, colors, to graphics.
4. Interactive, namely two-way communication in
the form of mutual action and active reciprocal
relationships between other people.
5. Reliability, namely that a system has
performance in accordance with the expected
function within a certain time interval and
operating conditions.
6. Trust, namely recognizing someone's honesty
and ability to truly fulfill expectations.
2.2 Sales Promotion
According to Morteza et al., (2023) sales promotions
are implemented directly to inspire purchases or sales
and offer incentives to buyers by providing prices for
the goods offered. Sales promotions are formed with
the aim of making customers switch from
competitors, attracting customers to try new products
and giving appreciation to consumers who are
generous towards the company (Putri & Andani,
2023). Sales promotion takes the form of providing
information to customers about new products,
introducing how to use the product, changing prices
and persuading them to form brand choices which
shift brand choices to certain brands and increase
purchases of products that consumers need (Mawarni
et al., 2023). Sales promotion is a collection of
incentive tools that are short-term and designed to
stimulate purchases of certain products or services
more quickly.
According to Kurniawan, (2023) sales promotion
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable
indicators are:
1. Promotion frequency, namely the number of sales
promotions carried out at one time through sales
promotion media so that it shows the intensity or
how often sales promotions are carried out.
2. Promotion quality is a measure of how well the
promotion is carried out, for example content,
design, position, and media used.
3. Promotion quantity, namely the assessment given
by consumers of the promotions that have been
carried out.
4. Promotion time, namely how long the
promotional grace period is carried out by a
5. Determination is an action carried out by
something in one aspect and deliberately in a
relationship, a situation that has given rise to a
6. Suitability of promotional targets, namely a
grouping of people based on segmentation which
is used to process the data that has been obtained
and determine which segments best suit the
characteristics of the business being built.
2.3 Customer Trust
Customer trust refers to the level of trust that
consumers have in an organization and its ability to
meet consumer needs and expectations (Prastiwi et
al., 2023). According to Sabrina et al., (2023)
customer trust that exists between companies and
consumers is largely determined by trust and
commitment by emphasizing that customer trust is
someone who places their trust in a brand or
organization to carry out a task. View customer trust
as consumer beliefs, hopes or feelings that are rooted
in the personality and development of consumer trust
(Sari et al., 2023). Customer trust is the consumer's
belief that everyone has integrity, can be trusted and
that the party they trust will fulfill all obligations
when carrying out transactions as expected.
According to Musfar et al., (2023) customer trust
indicators are:
1. Security is an effort to avoid the emergence or
threat of crime that will disturb.
2. Attention, increasing consumer awareness of a
3. Competence is a person's ability that can be
observed including knowledge, skills, and work
attitudes in completing a job or task of
completing a job.
4. Frankness, the consumer's ability to see or
evaluate the product
5. Responsibility, carrying out all duties and
obligations seriously.
2.4 Repurchase Intention
Repurchase intention is an individual's sensation of
pleasure as a comparison between expectations of a
product and its performance which influences
customer retention and repurchase intentions
(Amoako et al., 2023). According to Samuel & Anita,
(2023) repurchase intention is an intention to
repurchase that often occurs for companies because
repurchasing can reduce costs for new customers by
considering whether to buy products from the same
company or another company with higher quality.
According to Jasin et al., (2023) repurchase intention
for a service and the decision to engage in activities
with the service provider and the form that will be
taken as well as whether the consumer is satisfied or
not are known after carrying out the transaction which
depends on the party whose offering performance
meets consumer expectations. Repurchase intention
is an individual's action to buy a different product but
still from the same company with positive customer
reactions to the company's products.
According to Manullang & Heryenzus, (2022)
indicators of repurchase intention,
1. The stability of the product that has been tested,
specifically the ability of the product to be tested
and carry out its function.
2. The act of buying products repeatedly, especially
purchasing activities carried out more than once
or several times with the customer's intention to
buy the same product or service again.
3. The nature of recommending to other parties,
purchasing activities carried out based on
recommendations from other parties so that there
is an intention to purchase.
4. Safe in repurchasing, that is, buyers who are
trusted will be safe in repurchasing the product.
5. Reliable, purchasing activities that have been
carried out and have reliable trust in the company.
2.5 The Influence of Digital Marketing
on Repurchase Intention
Digital Marketing makes it easier for companies to
meet the various needs and desires of potential
customers, while potential customers can search for
and retrieve information about a product being sold
and make it easier to search for products so that it can
influence repurchase intention (Melia, 2023).
Repurchase intention is part of the consumer's desire
to make repeat purchases in which consumers
recognize the benefits of the product, understand the
quality of the product, desire to own the product and
have a tendency towards the product (Amelia Ibnu
Wasiat & Bertuah, 2022). According to Nawaz &
Kaldeen, (2020) that digital marketing is baiting and
recommending consumers who have experience with
certain products and services so that it can generate
repurchase intention. Thus, it can be concluded that
digital marketing has a positive relationship with
repurchase intention. In accordance with previous
research statements and the arguments above,
hypothesis H1 is determined: Digital marketing has
an effect on repurchase intention.
2.6 The Influence of Sales Promotion
on Repurchase Intention
Sales promotion has a direct role in repurchase
intention so it indirectly influences repurchase
intention (Manalu et al., 2023). Sales promotion is an
activity that urges certain target market segments to
buy products by offering free gifts if they buy a
product and buy one get one free if consumers make
repeat purchases purchasing products and make
consumers want to make purchases of the products
offered (Muthi & Utama, 2023). According to Azmi
et al., (2021), sales promotions such as providing
shopping coupons and price discounts provided by
the company are quite attractive for consumption by
consumers who want to repurchase cellphone
products. Thus, it can be concluded that sales
promotion is needed to attract, and increase
repurchase intentions. High sales promotion has the
potential to trigger repurchase intention. In
accordance with previous research statements and the
arguments above, the hypothesis H2 is determined:
Sales promotion influences repurchase intention.
2.7 The Influence of Customer Trust
on Repurchase Intention
Customer Trust is a very important thing to build a
strong relationship between consumers and
companies so that they have long-term trust in a
cellphone product, so consumers will have a fairly
good response because their experience and
expectations have been met (Chandra et al., 2023).
According to Goeltom et al., (2023) the customer
trust relationship reflects all the knowledge possessed
by consumers and the conclusions that consumers
make about a product or service, where the higher the
trust that arises, the higher the repurchase intention.
Customer trust is the main factor for consumers in
deciding to purchase a product with high consumer
trust indicating higher repurchase intention for the
product (Purnamasari & Suryandari, 2023). Thus, it
can be concluded that customer trust has an influence
on repurchase intention. In accordance with previous
research statements and the arguments above,
hypothesis H3 is determined: Customer trust
influences repurchase intention.
2.8 Moderating Customer Trust on the
Influence of Digital Marketing on
Repurchase Intention
According to Setyawan et al., (2023), research shows
that digital marketing's perception of customer trust
increases, repurchase intention will also increase, and
conversely, if the perception that customer trust does
not play a role in the influence of digital marketing
decreases, repurchase intention will also decrease. In
customer trust, the use of digital marketing has an
impact on repurchase intention, the more the use of
digital marketing is increased, the higher the intensity
of consumer repurchase intention (Sawitri &
Giantari, 2020). According to Zaraswati & Setyawati,
(2023) that digital marketing has a higher influence
on repurchase intention if it is mediated by customer
trust, where digital marketing increases, it has an
impact on increasing repurchase intention and if
repurchase intention increases it will increase
customer trust. Thus, customer trust has the potential
to have an important role. Customer trust will have a
positive impact if consumers have a good perception.
The role of customer trust has the potential to mediate
the influence of digital marketing on repurchase
intention. In accordance with the previous research
questions and the arguments above, the hypothesis
H4 is determined: Customer trust can moderate the
influence of digital marketing on repurchase
2.9 Moderating Customer Trust on the
Effect of Sales Promotion on
Repurchase Intention
Sales promotion has a moderating influence on
customer trust on repurchase intention, where the
sales promotion phenomenon has a big influence on
customer trust on repurchase intention because
without having to look directly, consumers can see
the product through the content created and can hear
someone's opinion directly regarding satisfaction. in
using the product through the content created to
create a feeling of wanting to buy (Rachmawati et al.,
2023). According to Bernardus & Wahjudono, (2023)
sales promotion activities can be carried out by
maximizing the creation of content and cashback that
attracts attention and encourages users to interact and
share content and cashback with consumers so that
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable
consumers can be interested and make purchases.
Sales promotion to encourage sales to reach targets,
particularly using price discounts, vouchers, and
attractive content, is the most common sales
promotion technique to attract customer trust to buy a
product which ultimately focuses on offers to achieve
repurchase intention (Angeline, 2023). Thus,
customer trust will have a positive impact if
consumers have a good perception. The role of
customer trust has the potential to mediate the
influence of sales promotion on repurchase intention.
In accordance with previous research statements and
the arguments above, the hypothesis H5 is
determined: Customer Trust can moderate the
influence of sales promotion on repurchase intention.
3.1 Population and Sample
The population of this research is consumers of PT.
Era Supplies Indonesia in purchasing products. The
research sample is representative of the population
selected to answer questions related to the research
variables. This study uses a quantitative approach.
The data source was obtained through data collection
techniques by distributing quatrains from previous
research and using the hair method or Likert scale
data measurement which consists of five-point scales,
i.e. strongly agree (SS), agree (S), neutral (N),
disagree (TS) questions and strongly disagree (STS).
This scale is used to determine how much
respondents agree and disagree with the questions
given in the questionnaire. And where the number of
samples is in the range of 5 - 10 times the number of
indicators or the number of questions in the
questionnaire (Auliah et al., 2020). Thus, the number
of samples selected is 5 x 22 = 110.
3.2 Research Variables and Indicators
This research uses basic theories from Zidhan et al.,
2023) about digital marketing, Kurniawan, (2023)
about sales promotion, Manullang & Heryenzus,
(2022) about repurchase intention and Musfar et al.,
(2023) about customer trust.
Table 1: Research Indicators.
Variable Indicator
1. Digital
Marketing (X1)
1. Cost
2. Informative
3. Site desi
4. Interactive
5. Reliability
6. Trus
Promotion (X2)
1. Promotion frequency
2. Promotional quality
3. Promotion quantity
4. Promotion time
5. Decree
6. Suitability of promotional
3. Repurchase
Intention (Y)
1. Product stability that has
been tested
2. The act of purchasing a
product repeatedly, nature
3. Recommend to other parties,
4. Safe in repeat purchases
5. Reliable
4. Customer
Trust (Z)
1. Security
2. Attention
3. Competence
4. Directness
5. Res
Source: Processed by researcher, 2023
Table 1 Variables with research hypothesis:
1. H1 = Digital Marketing has the ability to influence
repurchase intention
2. H2 = Sales Promotion has the ability to influence
repurchase intention
3. H3 = Customer Trust has the ability to influence
repurchase intention
4. H4 = Customer Trust has the ability to moderate
the influence of digital marketing on repurchase
5. H5 = Customer Trust has the ability to moderate
the influence of sales promotion on repurchase
3.3 Data Analysis Methodology
The research was carried out using the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) method using Partial Least
Square (PLS). The software that will be used is
SmartPLS to prove the research hypothesis. In this
research, exogenous latent variables and endogenous
latent variables are needed (Sihombing et al., 2023).
The PLS-SEM model consists of two models, the
measurement model (outer model) and the structural
model (inner model). The outer model consists of a
convergent validity test, discriminant validity and
reliability test Missy et al., (2023). The convergent
validity test parameters are factor loading more than
0.7; AVE more than 0.5; communality more than 0.5.
The discriminant validity test parameter is that the
AVE root is greater than the variable correlation; cross
loading more than 0.7 in one variable. Reliability
testing can be done using two methods, specifically
Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability with a
value that must be more than 0.7, although a value of
0.6 is still acceptable. The structural model (inner
model) is evaluated with R2, path coefficient values or
t-values for each path to test significance between
constructs. The R-Square (R2) value of 0.67 is
classified as a strong model, R-Square (R2) is 0.33 as
a moderate model and R-Square (R2) is 0.19 is
classified as a weak model. The path coefficient score
indicated by the t-statistic value must be above 1.96
for the two-tailed hypothesis and above 1.64 for the
one-tailed hypothesis (Loan et al., 2023).
4.1 Respondent Characteristics
A total of 110 respondents contributed to filling out
the questionnaire. The sample used was consumers of
PT. Era Supplies Indonesia. Respondents' earnings
are divided into characteristics as in Table 2.
Table 2: Respondents’ Profile.
o Characteristics Total Percenta
1. Gender
1. Men
2. Female
9,9 %
90,1 %
110 100
2. Age Group
1. 17-25 years old
2. 26-33 years old
3. 34-42 years old
4. > 42 years old
110 100
3. Last Education
1.Middle School
2. SMA/K
3. Diploma
4. Strata 1
110 100
Source: Processed by researchers, 2023
Based on the respondents who have been
collected, this shows that women are more dominant
with 90.1% while male respondents are 9.9%. PT. In
the Indonesian Supplies Era, consumers are
dominated by women because when purchasing
products, there are lots of promotional offers which
make many women make purchases. Apart from that,
the most dominant age group among PT consumers.
Era Supplies Indonesia in repurchase intention aged
17-25 years as many as 64 respondents or 58.6%, 26-
33 years as many as 3 respondents or 2.7%, 34-42
years as many as 42 respondents or 37.8% while those
aged >42 year as many as 1 respondent or 0.9%.
Meanwhile, in terms of the final educational criteria,
there was 1 respondent in junior high school or 0.9%,
54 respondents in SMA/K or 49.2%, 21 respondents
in Diploma or 18.9%, 34 respondents in Strata 1 or
4.2 Research Result
The results of this research are the results of testing
carried out using PLS (Patrial Least Square Method)
with validity results, measurement models (outer
models) and structural models (inner models). The
outer model consists of a convergent validity test,
factor loading, discriminant validity, specifically the
root of AVE and a reliability test with two methods,
i.e. Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. The
structural model (inner model) consists of T-Statistic
and R-Square values.
Source: SmartPLS 3, 2023
Figure1: Path Coefficient.
4.3 Outer Loading Test
The results above can be explained from the results of
the validity test. The validity test is assessed from
factor loading. Factor loading is the degree of
relationship between the total value and the
measurement indicator. The results above show that
the variables Digital Marketing (X1), Sales
Promotion (X2), Repurchase Intention (Y) and
Customer Trust (Z) with the above indicators have a
value of more than 0.7 so that all indicators are
declared valid.
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable
4.4 Validity and Reliability Test Results
Table 3: Validity and Reliability Test.
’s alpha
rho_a Composite
Marketing (X1)
0,961 0,961 0,968 0,835
Promotion (X2)
0,948 0,950 0,958 0,793
Intention (Y)
0,950 0,953 0,961 0,833
Customer Trust
0,953 0,954 0,964 0,841
Source: SmartPLS Output 3, 2023
Table 3 shows the results of the reliability test.
Research variables are said to be reliable if the
Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values
have a score above 0.70. From this table, both values
have a total value above 0.7. Thus, the factors tested
are reliable and meet current requirements.
4.5 Discriminant Validity Test Results
Table 4. Discriminant Validity Test.
Digital Mar-
keting (X1)
Intention (Y)
Trust (Z)
Marketing (X1)
Promotion (X2)
Intention (Y)
Customer Trust
Source: SmartPLS 3, 2023
Table 4 shows the results of the discriminant validity
test above 0.7. The conclusion is that the variables
Digital Marketing (X1), Sales Promotion (X2),
Repurchase Intention (Y) and Customer Trust (Z)
have good validity with the highest score correlation.
4.6 Hypothesis Test Results
Table 5: Hypothesis Testing.
Source: SmartPLS 3, 2023
Based on Table 4, the results of the hypothesis test
can be described as follows. Proving the first
hypothesis, digital marketing has an original sample
of 0.074 with t-statistics 0.947 < 1.96 and p-values
0.344. This means that digital marketing has no effect
on repurchase intention. The influence of digital
marketing weakens repurchase intention. Thus, it can
be said that the level of digital marketing that is
owned does not have an effect on increasing repeat
purchases. These results can be explained that
someone who has high digital marketing is not
necessarily able to search for and retrieve information
about a product and cannot make it easier for
consumers to search for products and consumers'
desire to recognize products, resulting in low
consumer desires for repeat purchases. That is why
digital marketing has no effect on repurchase
intention. These results are not complete (Amelia
Ibnu Wasiat & Bertuah, 2022; Melia, 2023; Nawaz &
Kaldeen, 2020). So, the first hypothesis (H1) is
Proving the second hypothesis, sales promotion
has an original sample of 0.278 with t-statistics 3.876
> 1.96 and p-values 0.000. This implies that the sales
promotion variable influences repurchase intention.
Sales promotion can increase expected repurchase
intention by 27.8%. So, it can be said that sales
promotion has a direct role in repurchase intention as
the target market segment of sales promotion
certainly offers free gifts if you buy a product from
the company and want to make a purchase. Sales
promotion provides shopping coupons to consumers
who have already shopped as well as attractive price
discounts provided by the company which are offered
to consumers to make repeat purchases. These results
support the results of (Azmi et al., 2021; Manalu et
al., 2023; Muthi & Utama, 2023). So, the second
hypothesis (H2) is accepted.
Proving the third hypothesis, customer trust has
an original sample of 0.446 with t-statistics 5.066 >
1.96 and p-values 0.000. This implies that the
customer trust variable influences repurchase
intention. Customer trust is important in building a
very strong relationship between consumers and the
company to have a long-term cooperation between
the company and consumers. Consumers will have a
good response if their expectations are met by the
company, so they are able to make repeat purchases.
The customer trust relationship reflects all the
knowledge that consumers have regarding a product
or service, where the higher the trust that arises, the
higher the consumer's repurchase intention. These
results support the results of (Chandra et al., 2023;
Goeltom et al., 2023; Purnamasari & Suryandari,
2023). So, the third hypothesis (H3) is accepted.
Proving the fourth hypothesis, the moderation of
customer trust on the influence of digital marketing
on repurchase intention, obtained the original sample
of 0.152 with t-statistics 1.972 > 1.96 and p-values
0.049. This implies that customer trust can moderate
the influence of digital marketing on repurchase
intention. So, it can be said that if digital marketing's
perception of customer trust increases, repurchase
intention will also increase. The higher the use of
digital marketing, the higher the number of
consumers who will repurchase HP products at the
company. With this, digital marketing has a higher
influence on repurchase intention, which has an
impact on customer trust which has the potential to
play a very important role. These results support the
results of(Sawitri & Giantari, 2020; Setyawan et al.,
2023; Zaraswati & Setyawati, 2023). So, the fourth
hypothesis (H4) is accepted.
Proving the fifth hypothesis, the moderation of
customer trust on the influence of sales promotion on
repurchase intention, obtained the original sample -
0.267 with t-statistics 3.692 > 1.96 and p-values
0.000. This implies that customer trust can moderate
the influence of sales promotion on repurchase
intention. So, it can be said that sales promotion has a
big influence on customer trust and the attractiveness
of consumers' repeat purchases. Because consumers
without having to see the product directly, consumers
can see the product through content provided by the
company on social media, which gives rise to
consumer confidence in their intention to repurchase.
Sales promotion encourages sales by achieving
targets, particularly using price discounts, vouchers,
and attractive content to attract customer trust to buy
the product again from the company which will
achieve repurchase intention. These results support
the results of (Angeline, 2023; Bernardus &
Wahjudono, 2023; Rachmawati et al., 2023) So, the
fifth hypothesis (H5) is accepted.
4.7 R-Square Test Results
The R-Square score was 0.878 (87.8%), the error
score was (12.2%). This means that the factors in this
research are quite capable of influencing variable Y.
However, there are 12.2% that different factors can
influence variable Y. The coefficient of influence of
digital marketing is 0.074, sales promotion is 0.278,
customer trust is 0.446. The moderation of customer
trust on the influence of digital marketing on
repurchase intention is 0.152 and the moderation of
customer trust on the influence of sales promotion on
repurchase intention is -0.267. Of the five influence
coefficients, the largest value obtained is in customer
trust in repurchase intention. Therefore, the main
strategy that must be implemented by a company to
increase repurchase intention is to innovate a product
that meets high customer trust expectations. Apart
from that, building the impression of appropriate
promotional prices for buyers, followed by expanding
digital marketing also needs to be done.
This research provides evidence regarding the
influence of digital marketing and sales promotion on
repurchase intention with customer trust as a
moderating variable. The research results show that
digital marketing is unable to influence repurchase
intention. Sales promotion has a positive effect on
repurchase intention. Customer trust has a positive
effect on repurchase intention. Moderating customer
trust can have a positive influence on digital
marketing on repurchase intention. Moderating
customer trust can have a positive effect on sales
promotion on repurchase intention. This research has
limitations, that the respondents in the sample were
only PT consumer respondents. Era Supplies
Indonesia. The research recommends that when
selling products, if they want to create repurchase
intention, the priority strategy to be implemented is to
have sales promotion in creating promotional prices
that make customers sustainable because of customer
trust and the good influence of digital marketing.
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The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable