Tax Consultant Competency in the Digital Era
Sihar Tambun, Kiko Armenita Julito, Robiur Rahmat Putra and Agnes Do Parago
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, North Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Era, Tax Competency, Tax Consultant, NVivo.
This research aims to obtain concepts and information about what competencies are needed by a tax consultant
if he wants to become a tax consultant in the era of digitalization. The research data sources are online news,
YouTube, and research articles for 3 years, specifically from 2021 to 2023. Data sources are selected based
on credibility and suitability of the data to the problem being studied. Data processing uses NVivo 12 Plus
software. There are four stages of data processing, the data input process, coding process, visualization
process, and conclusion determination process. Coding validity was evaluated using a triangulation approach.
The research results obtained five competency points needed by tax consultants in the era of digitalization.
First, understand the tax rules well. Second, being able to provide education on tax digitalization to clients.
Third, it can improve the quality of human resources in the taxation sector. Fourth, be able to adapt to tax
digitalization. Fifth, being able to implement tax regulations in various organizations and companies. The
implications of the research results can be used by tax consultants or prospective tax consultants in the future.
If you want to work as a tax consultant, it is recommended that you master these five competencies. For
prospective tax consultant students, these five competencies can be equipped and prepared now. With these
five competencies, it is hoped that they can become capital to become superior tax consultants in the era of
digitalization in the future.
The tax consultant profession has a very important
role in every country, including in Indonesia. Until
now, the tax role in Indonesia is used to fund more
than 70% of the state budget. This fact proves how
important the competence of a tax consultant is, to
help individual and corporate tax governance. As of
March 2023, the Indonesian Tax Consultants
Association has 6,685 certified members, consisting
of 5,301 who already have a practice license and
1,384 who are in the process of applying for a practice
license (IKPI, 2022). The number of tax consultants
is relatively small compared to Indonesia's population
of around 270 million. Japan with a population of 120
million, has 80,000 tax consultants (Srinadi, 2023).
Moreover, we have entered the era of digitalization,
where the transaction process will be faster and in
large quantities. Of course, qualified competence is
needed and able to solve tax problems related to
digital transactions. These facts and phenomena raise
one research question in this study, what
competencies are needed by tax consultants in today's
digital era.
Previous research achievements related to this
research include Diller et al. (2020) which states that
tax professionals must always update competencies in
accordance with business developments and the
development of government regulations related to
taxation. And if the level of compliance of taxpayers
can be known quantitatively, then it is not the case
with the level of public trust and integrity of the tax
apparatus which is also the target of achieving tax
administration modernization which shows the
success of tax reform.
This can be seen from the statement of the
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
(Kemenkeu) which uses public sector achievement
indicators released by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) to determine
the level of public confidence in government
performance. This achievement is far above other
developed OECD member countries such as the
United States which has a public trust value of 30%,
the United Kingdom at 31%, Germany at 55%, and
France at 28%; and above developing countries that
are not members of the OECD such as India which
has a public trust value of 78%, Brazil at 26%, and
Tambun, S., Julito, K., Putra, R. and Parago, A.
Tax Consultant Competency in the Digital Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0012581700003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 325-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
South Africa at 48% (Ministry of Finance of the
Republic of Indonesia, 2018) (Narsa I Made &, n.d.).
The difference between this research and previous
research lies in the problem studied and the resulting
research output. No studies have yet examined this
topic. The research output is in the form of coding
visualization images that are used as a basis for
determining conclusions or answers to research
questions. The uniqueness of this study uses data
processed from various sources on the internet. The
coding created comes from various sources, such as
online news, YouTube, and research articles, where
there are no research topics that use this data source.
This research produces details of competencies
needed by a tax consultant in the digital era, where
these competencies are confirmed from various
sources and their validity is tested using a
triangulation approach.
The purpose of this study is to get answers to
research questions. To get the concept of
competencies needed by tax consultants in the digital
era. The concept of competence of a tax consultant is
detailed and structured. Concepts are formed from
various sources, which are then carried out coding
processes and form detailed and systematic concepts.
This research will produce the concept of competence
and can be used by professionals in the tax field to
improve their competence. Until the research is
completed, there are no competency standards
standardized by professional organizations in the
field of tax consultants, related to competency
standards in the field of taxation in the digital era.
The benefits of this research can help practitioners
in the field of taxation as a reference source for
competencies that need to be improved. Professional
organizations can also use the information from this
research as a basis for organizing training needed in
the era of digitalization. Including compiling
standardized or required competency standards if you
want to practice in the field of taxation in the digital
era. Another benefit is for universities that organize
tax accounting study programs. The results of research
are very useful to assist the preparation of curriculum
or learning materials, so that the competencies
produced by are in accordance with current
developments. Especially mastery of taxation aspects
and their application in the era of business
digitalization and digitalization of transaction records.
Competency is the work ability of each individual
which includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and
work attitudes that are in accordance with the
expected standardization (Li et al., 2022). Another
definition states that competence is something related
to an individual's ability and skills to achieve the
expected results (Basilotta et al., 2022). According to
Spencer & Spencer (2008), competence consists of
five characteristics. First, skills are the ability to plan,
accuracy, the ability to lead, the ability to work
together in groups accompanied by the ability in
accordance with intellectual, emotional, and social
intelligence in planning, leading with accuracy, the
ability to cooperate in groups. Second, purpose or
motivation is something in which a person
consistently thinks that he acts. adding that motives
are drive, direct, and select behavior toward certain
actions or goals and away from others. For example,
a person who has achievement motivation
consistently develops goals that challenge himself
and takes full responsibility for achieving those goals
and expects feedback to improve himself. Third, traits
are dispositions that make people behave or how
someone responds to something in a certain way. For
example, confidence, self-control, fortitude, or
endurance. Fourth, attitude is the attitude and values
that a person has. Attitudes and values are measured
through tests to respondents to find out the value a
person has and what attracts someone to do
something. Fifth, knowledge is the information that a
person has for a particular field. Knowledge is a
complex competency. Knowledge tests measure a
participant's ability to choose the most correct answer
but cannot see if someone can do the job based on the
knowledge they have.
Tax consultant is a person who provides tax
consulting services to taxpayers in order to exercise
their rights and fulfill their tax obligations in
accordance with tax laws and regulations (Apostol &;
Pop, 2019). Tax consultant competencies are the
skills possessed, which are used to carry out the
profession. The competencies possessed by
professionals in the field of taxation must always be
improved and adjusted to the needs in the world of
practice in various types of organizations or
companies (Diller et al., 2020).
(Hermina, 2022)
This study used qualitative research methods using a
systematic literature review approach. The literature
studied does not only come from research articles, but
from several sources obtained online. The processed
data sources come from YouTube, online news,
research articles, and from other social media. Data
sources must come from credible sources, both
YouTube channels, online news, and other sources.
Data is searched using keywords that match the
research question. The consideration of using these
data is due to the availability of adequate data on the
internet and can be accessed easily (Hafidhah &;
Yandari, 2021). The selected data samples are data
published for the last three years, specifically from
2021 to 2023. The data processing process uses
NVivo 12 Plus software. This software was chosen
because it is able to produce coding visualization
images and how to use the software is very user
friendly (Tambun &; Sitorus, 2023).
There are four stages carried out in the data
processing process with NVivo, the data input stage,
coding stage, visualization stage and conclusion stage
(Sitorus &; Tambun, 2023). The first stage, data input
uses two methods, internal data input and external
data. Internal data is data that is inputted to NVivo
without using an internet connection. This data is
usually data that is already available on a laptop, such
as a research article. While external data is data that
the input process to NVivo uses an internet
connection, the data input process uses the Ncapture
for NVivo facility. Examples of external data from
the internet such as YouTube, online news, and
various social media. The second stage is coding data
in accordance with the answers to the research
questions. Coding is a simple word or sentence that is
the answer to a research question. At this stage,
content analysis is carried out, which is the stage of
understanding words or sentences in the research data
(Tambun, 2021). Especially for the coding process
for YouTube data sources or social media sources in
the form of videos, coding is done after there is a
transcript of YouTube content or video. The analysis
was carried out by making transcripts, then the coding
process was carried out (Salahudin et al., 2020). The
third stage, create a coding visualization image.
Visualization coding is a collection of coding that
makes up an image. Coding images are interrelated
with various data sources. This coding image is
analyzed in the process of making research
conclusions. The fourth stage is the determination of
research conclusions. The conclusion of the study is
the answer to the research question. The answer is
seen from the existing coding. Coding is considered
to have strong validity if coding is confirmed from
various data sources. Coding validity is strong if
confirmed at least three times from various data
sources. This principle is a measurement of coding
validity using the triangulation method (Natow,
2020). Furthermore, coding is sorted by most
confirmations to the least confirmed coding. These
codes are used as answers to research questions, as
well as research conclusions.
This research produced several references consisting
of 1 YouTube, 6 Online News, and 5 research articles.
The coding process is done using NVivo 12 Plus
Software. There are five valid and confirmed codings
at least three times to the data source studied. The
following is presented a visualization image of the
resulting coding.
Figure 1: Coding Visualization Image.
All coding in Figure 1 is an answer to the research
question. Coding comes from content analysis of the
various data studied. The coding process uses the
facilities available in the NVivo 12 Plus software. The
following is a summary table and intensity of each
coding created.
Table 1: Recapitulation of Coding.
No. Coding Intensity Reference
1 Understand
tax rules
(Nahak, 2022)
(Dian, 2022)
(Sutopo, 2022)
(Yulianto, 2022)
(Ministry of
Finance, 2022)
2 Able to
education in
the field of
(Mufidah &;
Anisaul, 2022)
(Group, 2008)
(Dian, 2022)
(Aurora, 2022)
(Sutopo, 2022)
(Yulianto, 2022)
(Mirna, 2021)
Tax Consultant Competency in the Digital Era
(Ministry of
Finance, 2022)
3 Can improve
especially in
the field of
(Mufidah &;
Anisaul, 2022)
(Sutopo, 2022)
(Yulianto, 2022)
4 Able to adapt
to tax
et al., 2022)
(Wibawa et al.,
(Zunaidi et al.,
(Group, 2008)
(Aurora, 2022)
(Dian, 2022)
(Yulianto, 2022)
(Sutopo, 2022)
(Mirna, 2021)
5 Able to
develop or
(Mufidah &;
Anisaul, 2022)
(Wibawa et al.,
(Zunaidi et al.,
(Yulianto, 2022)
4.1 Understand Tax Rules Well
Understanding tax rules, tax consultants are expected
to have the ability to understand and follow the legal
provisions applicable in a country's tax system. In the
era of digitalization, the tax consultant profession is
also required to innovate in connection with the
development of knowledge, including the statement
of financial accounting standards (PSAK), applicable
laws and regulations, and transfer pricing guidelines
as released by the OECD (Dian, 2022). Other sources
argue that tax consultants should have a good
understanding of tax regulations that apply in
Indonesia, this includes a deep understanding of tax
laws, tax regulations, fiscal policies, and recent
changes in tax regulations (Group, 2008). The
purpose of making tax rules is to collect revenue for
the government, which will later be used for financing
various state development programs and projects. In
line with that, he believes that tax consultants play a
major role in accelerating taxpayer compliance with
various rules that have been initiated by the authority
(Aurora, 2022).
4.2 Able to Provide Tax Digitalization
The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) stated that
the tax consultant profession as a strategic partner of
the government plays a role in educating taxpayers
according to the times (Aurora, 2022). Therefore, the
consulting profession needs to continue to develop in
order to understand the development of the tax
landscape, open your eyes to technology, and have a
multidisciplinary perspective such as
macroeconomics, law, and business (Dian, 2022). In
today's digital era, tax consultants also play an
important role in the implementation of tax
technology and software solutions (Group, 2008). and
Can provide digital education in an effort to improve
the quality of consulting business (Wibawa et al.,
2023). As well as utilizing digital era services by
following technological developments can facilitate
the service process (Mufidah &; Anisaul, 2022).
It will always be expected that there will be an
educational program, so it will also directly be able to
provide an understanding related to the tax payment
system. (Nahak, 2022). Various tax system
innovations continue to be carried out, such as
Monitoring Tax Reporting and Payment or known as
the MP3 system, e registration (e-reg), Geographic
Information System (GIS), online tax return reporting
(e-filling), DGT Information System (SIP
4.3 Can Improve Human Resources in
the Field of Taxation
It is expected that tax consultants will be able to
improve human resources in taxes which refers to
efforts to improve Human Resources (HR) working
in the field of taxation. It covers various aspects, such
as increasing the knowledge, skills, and competencies
of employees involved in tax administration, tax law
enforcement, and tax planning and policy. This is
important in efforts to increase tax revenue collection,
which is an important source for financing
government programs and projects. To maximize the
use of technology, and improve the quality of Human
Resources (Mufidah &; Anisaul, 2022). Meanwhile,
according to Darussalam, to be able to survive in the
digital era, the tax consultant profession must be a
human resource who understands the development of
the tax landscape due to digitalization, has a
multidisciplinary perspective, is sensitive to
technology, has high integrity, and increases
education and literacy about modern taxes (Sutopo,
4.4 Able to Adapt to Tax Digitalization
Bonarsius Sipayung said that in the current era of
digitalization, the role of tax consultants has
penetrated into the realm of digital transactions
carried out by taxpayers (Aurora, 2022). Lani
believes that the tax consultant profession must
understand all technical tax processes that have been
digitized, both payments, reporting and various
applications have been directed to the digitization
system. (Sutopo, 2022). This is to respond to the
evolving tax dynamics (Mufidah &; Anisaul, 2022).
According to Bonarius, tax consultants need to adapt
and then improve their abilities, aka upgrading skills
to educate taxpayers who need direction (Aurora,
2022; Wibawa et al., 2023). So in the digital era, data
processing technology is needed that can help the
performance of tax consultant services such as ERP
system software and ever systems that have account
tax service system products (Mirna, 2021). It can also
help in improved services to taxpayers and better tax
collection. Because the current Digitalization Era
forces and requires millennials to be technologically
literate in making and presenting technology-based
financial reports (Mufidah &; Anisaul, 2022;
Suratminingsih et al., 2022).
4.5 Able to Develop or Implement Tax
Able to develop regulations in taxation, it is expected
that tax consultants refer to the ability of government
institutions or bodies responsible for regulating tax
rules and regulations to create, update, or compile
new regulations related to taxation. The challenge of
digitizing the tax system, particularly developing
feasible and appropriate regulations, maximizing the
use of technology (Mufidah & Anisaul, 2022). There
are several processes of developing regulations in
taxation, First, identification of needs. Second, Draft
Regulation, Third, consultation and participation.
Fourth, impact evaluation. Fifth, publication and
implementation. Sixth, monitoring and change.
Finally, it is to develop good and effective tax
This research has produced conclusions that are
answers to research questions that have been written
in the introduction. There are five coding
competencies needed by tax consultants in the digital
era. First, understand tax regulations well. Second,
able to provide digitalization education in the field of
taxation. Third, it can improve the quality of human
resources, especially in the field of taxation. Fourth,
able to adapt to the digitization of taxation. Fifth, able
to develop or implement tax regulations. Information
on the results of this research can be used by tax
consultants to improve their competence, so that they
can compete with tax consultants at the national and
international levels. The results of this research can
also be recommended to educational institutions,
especially in the field of tax accounting. This
information can be used by higher education
institutions to compile tax accounting curricula, in
accordance with the needs of tax competencies
needed in this digital era. The implication of this
research is that prospective tax consultants and tax
consultants need to study the 5 competencies
provided by the results of this research. Apart from
that, further research needs to examine these 5
competencies quantitatively to determine which
competencies have a greater influence on the
performance of tax consultants in the digital era.
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