distribution, which are rarely done in writing.
4.6.4 Deliberation and Consensus
This means that the Law Communities prioritize
deliberation and consensus. In resolving disputes,
harmonious and peaceful resolution through
deliberation and consensus is always prioritized.
The Existence of customary law is the values that
live and develop in the society of a region. Even
though most of the customary laws are not written,
they have a strong binding force in society. There are
separate sanctions from the community if they violate
the law‘s rules. The customary laws that live in this
society for people whose original culture is still
strong will be very pronounced. The application of
the law in everyday life is also often applied by the
community. Even a judge, if he faces a case and
cannot find it in written law, must be able to find the
law in the rules that exist in society. This means that
judges must also understand the law.
The existence of customary law has become
stronger with the UN declaration on the rights of
indigenous peoples which states, among other things;
Recognize and reaffirms that indigenous peoples are
recognized, without distinction, in all human rights
recognized in international law, and that indigenous
peoples have collective rights that are indispensable
to their life and existence and their integral
development as community groups. Indigenous
Peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen
their distinct characteristics in the fields of political,
legal, economic, social, and cultural institutions,
while retaining their right to participate fully, if they
wish, in political, economic, social life, and country
culture. Therefore, in an effort to carry out legal
reform in Indonesia, there are values that grow in
indigenous communities that are recognized
constitutionally and in the UN declaration (Pide,
The UN Declaration is certainly inseparable from
indications that in many parts of the world,
indigenous peoples cannot enjoy their human rights
on an equal basis with other residents in the countries
where they live, and that the laws, values, customs,
and viewpoints have often been eroded. In the 1989
convention on customary law communities, it is also
stated that indigenous law communities in
independent countries are considered indigenous
because they are descendants of the population that
inhabited the country concerned, or based on the
geographical area where the country concerned was
located, at the time of conquest or colonization. or the
establishment of the current boundaries of countries
which, regardless of their legal status, retain some or
all their own social, economic, cultural, and political
institutions. This means that in the future the
existence of customary law will not only be a concern
for national legal development but will also become a
consideration in international relations. (ibid)
In particular, with the increasingly rapid demands
of legal globalization, which sometimes, even today,
appears to be growing in the scale of economic
relations interests that reduce the legal sovereignty of
national states. The impact will of course be heavier
on customary law. Therefore, in developing national
law, the government must provide a place for the
growth and development of indigenous law properly.
With the 1989 declaration of customary law
communities, it actually becomes a tool for a country,
including Indonesia, in suppressing international
penetration, at a time when national law may not be
able to resist strong international pressure. In fact, the
convention on customary law communities
emphasizes that the government has the responsibility
to develop, with the participation of the customary
law communities concerned, coordinated and
systematic actions to protect the rights of these
customary law communities and to ensure that their
integrity is respected. In such a perspective, there is
no reason to take the position that state law and/or
legal globalization in the name of globalization
interests is more important than customary law. (Pide,
Hukum Adat Dahulu, Kini dan Akan Datang, 2015)
On the other hand, with the involvement of the
international community in maintaining the existence
of indigenous law communities, the ideology of legal
centralization, where state law must be enforced,
seems to have experienced degradation and has
become an issue that cannot be ignored in legal
development in Indonesia. Although on the other
hand it does not make indigenous law narrow the
space for state (national) law.
This is in line with the affirmation of the 1989
Customary Law Community Convention, which in
article 8 states that in applying national legislation to
the indigenous law community concerned, their
customs or customary law provisions must be heeded
as appropriate. How are the agreements stipulated in
the 1945 Constitution and confirmed in the 1989
indegenous law community convention implemented
in Indonesia? Customary law whenever there is a
formation of legislation, even when legal
development in Indonesia is still a sub-system of
political development, the law is perceived as tending
to be a tool of power. The birth of Law No. 10 of 2004
concerning the Formation of Legislative Regulations
at least provides a guarantee that the values contained
The Impact of Digitalization on Indonesian’s Living Law and Demographic Bonuses