resources with a strong mentality. That way, the
demographic bonus will find a very big opportunity
in the future. (Siwi, 2021)
Dictatorships of religious majorities who
discriminate against religious minorities or beliefs.
Discrimination that is known to the extreme can be in
the form of murder, violence, and also rape
committed en masse or independently of a group as a
consequence of intolerance due to existing
differences. Discrimination also not only refers to the
execution of such inhumane acts that will take human
lives, but discrimination can also be in the form of
discriminatory policies and laws. In this context,
discriminatory laws can result from religious norms
as unofficial laws. While the official law is a law
based on religious norms adopted by the majority and
subjects who are authorized to set laws.
Discrimination can also be in the form of expressions
of hatred, reproach, insults, which make a certain
group feel degraded and considered unworthy to
coexist with society adhering to the norm (Soedrajat,
The worst case of discrimination motivated by
religious differences is the Muslim-Christian conflict
in Maluku. The case of religious discrimination that
occurred between Maluku and North Maluku caused
more than 8,000 people to die and 700,000 people to
be displaced. The duration of the conflict lasted from
1999 to 2002 (then in 2011 there was also a conflict)
with the extent of the conflict reaching the scope of
the province causing huge material losses. The range
of material losses recorded around 29,000 houses
burned, 7,046 houses damaged, more than 45
churches and mosques destroyed, 38 government
buildings destroyed, even 4 banks were also
destroyed (A., 2014).
The phenomenon of radicalism, extremism and
terrorism re-emerged after the bomb explosion in
MH. Jl. Thamrin, Central Jakarta on Thursday,
January 14, 2016. Indonesia again warned about the
dangers of terrorism. Radicalism, extremism, and
terrorism are like three things that go side by side, all
three become a frightening scourge for most of
humanity, especially in the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia (Ali, 2018).
The recent rise of bomb attacks and shootings in
various countries is often labeled as a form of
terrorism motivated by religious radicalism. Many
have blamed the action on hardline Islamist-based
groups, such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS or Daesh, Boko
Haram, Abu Sayyaf, and affiliates of these groups in
various countries. (Permatasari, 2020).
However, radical, extremist and terrorist acts are
also carried out by groups with other religious
backgrounds. For example, bomb blasts occurred in
Malegaon, Maharashtra, and in Modasa, Gujarat in
India that killed and injured many people who are
predominantly Muslim. According to local
authorities, this action was carried out by hardliners
in India with a Hindu background (Damayanti, 2021).
Number 7 of 2021 concerning the National Action
Plan for Preventing and Combating Violent
Extremism that Leads to Terrorism in 2020-2024.
What is meant by this Presidential Regulation,
extremism is a belief and / or action that uses violent
means or threats of extreme violence, with the aim of
supporting or committing acts of terrorism. From this,
it can be emphasized, extremism is a very strong
understanding or belief in something that exceeds
reasonable limits, and can violate the law (Asrori,
Extremism is a political or religious doctrine that
takes action to achieve its goals in various ways, such
as anarchist and fanatical movements against
something. A person with an extremist attitude
toward religion will not hesitate to oblige others to do
something that God does not require. (Ridwan, 2021)
He is also often rude not to place and time, especially
if what is being debated is faith.
Thus terrorism can develop, especially in an
uncomfortable environment, due to poverty, political
differences, high religious fanaticism, injustice in
conflict resolution, and weak state in maintaining law
and order and people's welfare. (Subagyo, 2021)
Terrorism is not related to followers of a particular
religion because it is carried out not based on
religious teachings, because terrorism is an enemy of
security and peace, an enemy of all mankind, the
eradication of criminal acts of terrorism must be
carried out comprehensively. (Aminah, 2020)
Based on the background described above,
this paper will analyze the perspective of Prevention
and / Enforcement of Violence in the name of religion
to optimize Indonesia's demographic bonus. The goal
is to be able to place the right paradigm in viewing
acts of violence with religious nuances. From here,
the author formulates the problem, How to Prevent
and / Enforcement of Violence in the Name of
Religion to Optimize Indonesia's Demographic
Prevention and Enforcement of Violence in the Name of Religion to Optimize Indonesia’s Demographic Bonus