Design and Construction of an Ice Cubes Machine with Diagonal
Sri Endah Susilowati, Didit Sumardiyanto and Kukuh Seno Septyantoro
Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Ice Cubes, Fish, Electric Motorbikes.
Abstract: Fish is one of the fishery products which has a very high source of protein and fish is also a commodity that rots
easily, so fish needs extra careful handling to maintain its quality after being removed from fresh water and sea
water. The preservation process is the method most often used to extend the shelf life of fish and fish products.
To reduce increasing air pollution, the author aims to create an appropriate technological tool, namely an ice
cube chopping machine that uses an electric motor. In this research, an ice cube chopper was designed with a
diagonal blade position with a length of 1700mm, width 450mm and height 1200mm. The ice used is block
ice. In the first study, the highest force from the knife was 7.90 kg/minute / 8 Kg and the lowest force was
4.98 kg/minute with an average force of 14.8 kg/minute.
Indonesia as an archipelagic country has almost 2/3
of its area in the form of ocean. The large area of the
ocean brings a lot of fishery product capabilities to
Indonesian citizens, especially residents who are in
coastal areas and have a livelihood as fishermen.
According to data from an article by the Ministry of
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) as of 2020,
there are 5.08 million people in Indonesia working as
fishermen (Aan Supriatna, 2016).
The demand for fish supplies as a food source
continues to increase from year to year. Easy and fast
characteristics of fish damaged, making it require
quick and careful treatment from the moment it is
caught from the aquatic environment. In general,
fresh, or wet fish is generally processed for
distribution to the public using WS to maintain its
quality. Marine products such as fish, shrimp,
shellfish, and others are highly susceptible to
To increase efficiency and productivity in the
fisheries sector, a variety of equipment and machines
are needed that can be used to support human work.
These equipment and machines can be considered a
form of technology that corresponds to needs, able to
change manual systems to automatic with various
types of mechanisms.
As time goes by, there is an opportunity to
produce an ice cube crushing machine using an
electric motor as the driving force so that the quality
and shape of the ice cubes are even better for
preserving fish.
2.1 Ice
Ice cubes in block form are a variety of ice that have
various dimensions and are generally used for the
purpose of preserving food ingredients such as
seafood (fish, shrimp, squid, etc.) and drinks. The use
of reverse ice cubes should not be mixed directly with
food or drinks, because its function is more focused
on scientifically cooling and preserving food and
drink ingredients.
To maintain fish freshness for a longer period by
inhibiting or stopping the activity of microorganisms
that can cause spoilage. When fish is preserved,
changes will occur in the characteristics of fresh fish,
including the aroma, taste, shape, and consistency of
the meat. The fish preservation process has two
different approaches, namely traditional preservation,
and modern preservation.
Therefore, ice block production has become a
popular choice for several entrepreneurs and
fishermen who have just completed the fishing
Susilowati, S., Sumardiyanto, D. and Septyantoro, K.
Design and Construction of an Ice Cubes Machine with Diagonal Blade.
DOI: 10.5220/0012583400003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 406-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
process. In order to produce the best quality ice that
suits your needs, a block ice crushing machine was
From the basic description of ice cube theory
above, you can find out the types of ice cubes,
2.2 Ice Cube
This form of ice in the form of blocks is generally
easy to find when visit various markets and
restaurants. This is because the need for ice cubes is
very high in various restaurants, so many people
choose to use ice cubes. A block of ice can fill a
container used for preserving fish.
Figure 1: Ice Cube.
2.3 Tool Design
Ice Crushing Equipment is a type of machine
dedicated to processing ice crushing with efficiency.
This machine is capable of carrying out its duties at
high speed when crushing ice blocks. Therefore,
using this machine will significantly simplify and
speed up the process of crushing ice blocks.
Figure 2: Cube Ice Chopping Machine.
2.4 Types of Preservation
Fish is a perishable food ingredient, so ways are
needed to increase the freshness of fish and extend the
shelf life of fish-based preparations. Preservation and
processing not only apply to large-sized fish
(economical fish), but small-sized fish can also be
processed into other products (Annissa Mutia, 2022).
There are several methods that can be used to
maintain durability food, both through modern
approaches and simpler methods. These methods vary
in level of difficulty and method, but the main goal of
food preservation is to slow the growth of
microorganisms in food. Listed below are several
techniques for preserving:
2.4.1 Cooling
This technique is known as one of the most common
methods and is often used by people in both rural and
urban areas. The basis and principle of this cooling
method involves placing food in a chamber or
container with a very low temperature. Fishermen
often use containers filled with ice to preserve the fish
they catch. Ice is the best cooling medium. By
providing sufficient ice to the fish, the temperature of
the fish can be reduced to around C. At this
temperature the activity of bacteria and enzymes can
be inhibited (Aan Supriatna, 2016).
2.4.2 Fumigation
The smoking method involves placing food in a
container or box and then hitting smoke from the
bottom. Although this smoking technique is not able
to keep food in a preserved state for a long period of
time, it usually needs to be combined with a salting
and drying approach to achieve optimal results.
2.4.3 Salting
This last method involves the use of table salt, also
known as sodium chloride, for food preservation
purposes. This technique is known as salting. Table
salt has properties that can inhibit the growth and
development of spoilage microorganisms in food.
Salting is a traditional method used to preserve fish.
The aim of preserving fish is to reduce the water
content in the fish's body, reducing the opportunity
for bacterial growth. In order to achieve quality
preservation results, certain steps need to be followed.
This includes keeping ingredients and equipment
clean, choosing clean salt, and using fresh fish.
2.5 Blade
The central part of the ice block chopping machine
which plays a crucial role is the blade. The knife's
main function in the ice chopping process is to crush
part of the ice block. Usually, cutting knives made
from non-stainless-steel materials can oxidize
quickly if they are exposed to water or moisture and
Design and Construction of an Ice Cubes Machine with Diagonal Blade
left in that condition. Therefore, when not in use,
cutting tools need to be stored dry or in an area that
has dry air circulation and is protected from exposure
to rainwater.
Figure 3: Blade.
2.6 Electric Motor
An electric motor is a device that functions to convert
electrical energy into mechanical energy. This
mechanical energy is applied to move components
such as pump impellers, blowers, compressors, and
for the process of lifting materials. Apart from being
used in household contexts such as mixers, electric
drills and fans, electric motors also play an important
role in the industrial sector. In industry, electric
motors are sometimes nicknamed "work horses"
because it is estimated that around 70% of industrial
electricity consumption is contributed by these
2.7 Transmission
The main function of the transmission is to transmit
movement from the blade to the electric motor. In an
ice cube chopper with a diagonal blade position, the
transmission system used involves a pulley and a V-
Figure 4: Electric Motor.
2.8 V-Belts
V-belts are a refinement of the flat belt concept, with
a design designed to handle greater tension. The
advantage of this belt lies in its ability to handle
greater pulling forces, as well as being able to
withstand friction better, so that the risk of slippage
can be minimized (Koesoemawardani, D., 2020). V
belts are often used both in industry and in vehicles.
The V-shaped structure of this belt allows the belt to
be clamped tightly in the pulley groove, increasing
friction force, and allows greater torque to be
transferred before slip occurs.
Figure 5: Belt.
2.9 Pulleys
A pulley is a circular tool whose sides are encircled
by ropes, belts, and chains to achieve rotational
movement (spinning) with the aim of lightening the
load, changing direction, and obtaining other
mechanical benefits.
Figure 6: Pulley.
3.1 Design and Build Methodology
From January to March 2023, a literature analysis
study was carried out. The manufacture of the Ice
Cube Chopper Machine with a Diagonal Blade
Position took place at the Beting Kebon Baru
workshop, North Jakarta between March, and June
2023. The stages included planning, fabrication and
testing the device.
3.2 Ice Cube Cutter Machine Concept
Ice Cube Chopper Machine is a modern tool for
chopping ice cubes using electricity. This ice block
chopping machine generally uses an electric motor as
its main drive and can convert electrical energy into
mechanical energy.
3.3 Tool Making
The steps in implementing the equipment stages
involve selecting materials, as well as the process of
making and testing the Ice Cube Chopper Machine.
In the construction process, lightness and resistance
to corrosion are the main factors in material selection.
The production stages include assembling
components, making a diagonal blade, and making a
funnel where the ice cubes enter.
Figure 7: Tool Design.
3.4 Performance Test
Performance tests are carried out to determine the
success of the design process carried out.
Performance testing was carried out 3 times with
varied shifts by shifting the blade.
The steps in the performance test are as follows:
1. Prepare ice in the form of blocks
2. Prepare measuring instruments and record
measurement results
3. The chopping machine is started via an electric
4. Measure the pulley rotation when there is no
load and when it is loaded.
5. Put the ice block into the funnel.
6. After that, record the results of chopping the ice.
3.5 Data Collection Process
The data collection process is carried out by weighing
the ice blocks to be chopped and when testing the
performance of the machine each time it is tested,
setting the shift of the blade, pulley and driving
motor. Then put the ice cubes into the chopping
funnel to do the chopping. During the chopping
process, measurements are made. The variables
measured include the shape of the ice chunks, the
change in pulley speed when it is unloaded and when
it is loaded, as well as calculating the ice chunks
Testing took place in workshops and at home, the
following is the data taken:
Table 1: Test Charts.
From the test results, the lowest ice chopping
results were obtained, namely 4.98 kg/minute with a
time of 83 seconds with a block size of 608 cm, while
the highest ice chopping results were 7.86 kg/minute
with a time of 76 seconds with a block size of 388 cm,
for average. -The average yield of chopped ice is 14.8
5.1 Conclusion
From the design and research that has been carried
out, namely an ice cube chopper using a diagonal
knife, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Making an ice cube chopping tool requires
selecting components that need to calculate
material efficiency, material strength, material
specifications and impact on the environment as
well as ease of obtaining them.
2. To design this ice chopper, you need to calculate
the equipment, namely calculating the pulley,
V-belt, and electric motor.
3. The construction form of this tool is simple with
a length of 1700mm, width 450mm and height
1200mm. The design of this ice chopper consists
of a frame, shaft, knife cylinder and electric
Grafik Pengujian
Ukuran Es Balok
Design and Construction of an Ice Cubes Machine with Diagonal Blade
4. From the test results data, the lowest ice
chopping results were obtained, namely 4.98
Kg/minute and the highest ice chopping results,
namely 7.90Kg/minute.
5.2 Suggestion
From the research and design of an ice cube chopping
machine with a diagonal blade position for further
research. The research suggestions for developing
this ice cube chopper are:
1. The design of this tool needs to be developed
with greater power so that the ice chopping gets
more precise time.
2. More research needs to be done on electric
motor power so that it can be further developed
to more modern power.
3. In the process of using this ice chopping
machine, the safety of its work is further
improved, and the method of chopping ice must
not be under pressure and an ice support must be
4. A switch should be installed so that it can cut off
electricity and be more efficient.
5. To pay more attention to the safety of the tool.
6. In the process of cleaning the ice cubes, drain it
from the bottom of the chopper.
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Annissa Mutia. (2022, August 4). 5 Provinces with the
Largest Number of Fishermen in Indonesia in 2020.
Koesoemawardani, D. (2020). Fish Processing Technology.
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