Legal Politics as a Component for Improving the Minimum Service
Standard for Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
Nia Nurhasanah and Tuti Widyaningrum
Doctoral Study Program in Legal Sciences, Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Legal Politics, Minimum Service Standards.
Abstract: The fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia outlines the ideals
that were intended to be actualized as a unified nation incorporated its composition. Article 28 C paragraph
(1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia declares that every individual shall have the inherent
right to cultivate themselves through fulfilling their fundamental necessities, shall be entitled to gain an
education and benefit from scientific and technological, artistic and cultural advancements, to enhance the
standard of living for themselves and for the betterment of humankind. Basically, education aims to develop
capabilities and shape dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the life of the nation,
the world of education towards the sustainability of the nation so that continuous innovation is carried out for
the success of the world of education. Early Childhood Education is a coaching effort aimed at children from
birth up to the age of 6 (six) years, which is most appropriate in developing early childhood education, namely:
physical-motor, cognitive, social-emotional, language, moral and religious aspects. Furthermore, Article 11
of Government Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning Minimum Service Standards explains that the
Regional Government applies the SPM to fulfill the types of basic services and the quality of basic services
that every citizen is entitled to at a minimum. The purpose of the SPM itself is to guarantee that people receive
a public service from the local government with a certain quality. In the field of education, SPM includes
provincial regional education and district/city regional education SPM. Types of Basic Services in provincial
education MSS consist of secondary education and special education. The focus of this research is to look at
legal politics in implementing MSS fulfillment in early Childhood Education.
Education is the most important part of national life.
This is reflected in the ideals of establishing a state
known as the national goals contained in the
Preamble to the Undang-Undang Dasar, 1945 of the
Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as the "
Undang-Undang Dasar, 1945" in the fourth
paragraph, namely: a) protecting the entire
Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia's bloodshed,
b). promote general welfare c). to educate the life of
the nation and d) participate in implementing world
order based on independence, eternal peace, and
social justice, where these ideals will be implemented
in one structure of the Republic of Indonesia which
stands on five principles, namely Pancasila.
Furthermore, Article 28 C paragraph (1) of the
Undang-Undang Dasar, 1945 mandates that every
person has the right to develop himself by fulfilling
his basic needs, has the right to receive education and
obtain benefits from science and technology, art, and
culture, in order to improve the quality of his life and
for the welfare of humanity (Undang-Undang Dasar,
This mandate was then confirmed in Article 31
paragraph (1) which states that "every citizen has the
right to education". In line with this, the Government
seeks and implements a national education system
that increases faith and devotion to God Almighty as
well as noble morals in order to make the nation's life
more intelligent as regulated by law.
To achieve the national goals and mandate of the
1945 Constitution, one of which is to make the
nation's life intelligent within the framework of
carrying out state administration and in relation to
making the nation's life intelligent, is through
education. Education is the main factor that has an
important role for the Indonesian people, because
with education, Indonesian people can gain
intelligence, abilities, skills so that they are
Nurhasanah, N. and Widyaningrum, T.
Legal Politics as a Component for Improving the Minimum Service Standard for Early Childhood Education in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012583500003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 522-526
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
responsible for fulfilling their independence and
carrying out development. This is stated in Law
Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System, hereinafter referred to as "UU
Sisdiknas", that: education is a conscious and planned
effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning
process so that students actively develop their
potential to have strengths. spiritual, religious, self-
control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and
skills needed by himself, society, nation, and state.
Basically, education aims to develop abilities and
shape the character and civilization of a dignified
nation to make the nation's life more intelligent,
aimed at developing the potential of students to
become human beings who have faith and are devoted
to God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy,
knowledgeable, capable, creative and become
democratic and responsible citizens.
The world of education is so important for the
sustainability of the nation, that innovation is
continuously carried out for the success of the world
of education. Especially to fulfill people's rights to get
access to education. Kementerian Pendidikan,
Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi
(Kemendikbudristek) continues to innovate and
strives so that the existing education system can
produce human resources who have the competencies
needed in the future, have global competencies, and
behave in accordance with the values of Pancasila.
This is in line with the vision of the Ministry of
Education and Culture, namely creating Pancasila
students who reason critically, are creative,
independent, have faith, are devoted to God Almighty
and have noble character, work together and have
global diversity (Undang-Undang Dasar, 1945;
Laporan Kinerja Kementerian Pendidikan,
Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi, 2021).
In accordance with the National Education System
Law article 13 Paragraph 1, education pathways in
Indonesia are divided into three, namely formal
education, non-formal and informal education which
can complement and enrich each other. Formal
education is a structured and tiered educational path
and consists of basic education, secondary education,
and higher education. Non-formal education is an
educational path outside formal education that can be
implemented in a structured and tiered manner. Non-
formal education has a very important role because
non-formal education is provided and functions to
develop students' potential with an emphasis on
mastering knowledge and functional skills as well as
developing social attitudes and personalities. Non-
formal education includes life skills education, early
childhood education, youth education, women's
empowerment education, literacy education, skills
education and job training, equality education, and
other education aimed at developing students'
Early Childhood Education is a form of education
that focuses on laying the foundation for growth and
development, both motor coordination (fine and
gross), emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences,
and spiritual intelligence. PAUD is a coaching effort
aimed at children from birth to the age of 6 (six) years
which is carried out through providing educational
stimuli to help physical and spiritual growth and
development so that children are ready to enter
further education (Yoshikawa et al., 2020; Minister of
Education, Culture, Research and Technology
Regulation, 2022).
Understanding of the importance of the early
childhood period in children has developed
significantly in recent decades, with an increasingly
rich disciplinary base that includes health, nutrition,
education, neuroscience,
linguistic development and parenting. Various
studies (UNICEF, 2018; Britto, Yoshikawa & Boller,
2011) have shown that the age from birth to eight
years is a very important age for the formation of the
foundations of various children's basic abilities,
starting from motoric and cognitive abilities., to
social abilities (Lu et al., 2020; Perrin et al., 2020;
Yoshikawa et al., 2020). Brain architecture is formed
before birth and will continue to develop into
adulthood, but the stimulation received at an early age
will determine the quality of the framework. The
nervous system, brain cells and neural networks form
rapidly in the time span of children aged 0 to 8 years
(more than 1 million neural connections are formed
every second). After this period has passed, the
number of connections will naturally decrease to form
a more efficient flow circuit for the development of
visual and hearing sensory pathways, then language
abilities, and other cognitive functions.
Legal research methods have different characteristics,
empirical legal research consists of research on legal
identification and research on legal effectiveness
(Sunggono, 2003; Suratman and Dillah, 2008).
Empirical research must also look at and review the
values that exist in society with applicable laws and
regulations as well as normative legal research
consisting of research on legal principles, research on
legal systematics, research on the level of legal
synchronization, legal history research and research
Legal Politics as a Component for Improving the Minimum Service Standard for Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
comparative law.
Furthermore, the research method used in this
research is a normative juridical method. The
normative juridical method is an approach based on
the main legal material by examining theories,
concepts, legal principles, expert opinions and
statutory regulations related to this research
(Muhammad, 2004; Anam, 2017). The normative
juridical research method uses secondary sources, the
data is in the form of library materials in the form of
documents, books, reports, archives and literature
(Ceria, 2010; Isnaina, 2021; Syahrum, 2022). The
data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis,
which is a technique that describes and interprets
legal material that has been collected to provide a
general and comprehensive picture of the actual
Success in implementing decentralization for a
country with a large population like Indonesia is very
dependent on the right concept and mechanism in the
relationship and intervention of the Central
Government with Regional Government, including
monitoring mechanisms in the implementation of
public service delivery. For the implementation of
Government Affairs handed over to the regions to run
in accordance with national policy, the President is
obliged to provide guidance and supervision over the
administration of regional Government. One concept
for implementing supervision over the duties and
obligations of Regional Governments is to introduce
the concept of Mandatory Government Affairs for
Regional Governments related to SPM (Ministry of
Home Affairs, 2008; Syam et al., 2021).
The position of SPM needs to be known to
distinguish it from various government affairs
determined by the Government. Government affairs
are government functions which are the rights and
obligations of every level and/or structure of
government to regulate and manage these functions
which are within their authority in order to protect,
serve, empower and prosper the community (Ministry
of Home Affairs, 2008; Saptaningtyas, 2008;
Affandri, 2022). Judging from the definition above,
government affairs exist at each level of government
which has the authority to regulate and manage its
government affairs.
Figure 1: SPM position.
There are several important changes related to
the issuance of Government Regulation Number 2 of
2018 concerning Minimum Service Standards (SPM),
although contextually the meaning of SPM has not
changed, namely that SPM is a provision regarding
the Types of Basic Services and Quality of Basic
Services that every citizen has the right to obtain.
minimally, but there are fundamental changes in the
regulations regarding Types of Basic Services and
Quality of Basic Services, criteria for determining
SPM, and implementation mechanisms.
Basic Service Types
Basic Service Type is a type of service in the context
of providing goods and/or services for basic needs
that students are entitled to obtain at a minimum
(Aprilla, 2020; Affandri, 2022; Nabilla, Putera &
Koeswara, 2023). The determination and regulation
of Basic Service Types has been determined in
Government Regulation no. 2 of 2018 concerning
Minimum Service Standards and is not delegated and
is not regulated in other laws and regulations. In this
Regulation, 6 (six) SPMs have been established,
namely: 1). SPM education; 2). SPM health; 3). SPM
public works; 4). SPM public housing; 5). SPM for
peace, public order and community protection; and
6). SPM Social.
Basic Service Quality
Determining the details of the quality of basic
services is determined by each relevant Minister who
carries out Government affairs in accordance with the
main duties and functions of the relevant ministry,
and the arrangements made by the relevant ministry
are regulations regarding SPM technical standards.
Service quality is determined by technical standards,
namely referring to: standards for the quantity and
quality of goods and/or services; and standards for the
number and quality of personnel/human resources.
Determination of SPM is carried out based on criteria
for basic goods and/or services which are absolute
and easy to standardize for needs in financing
3.1 Implementation of Legal Politics to
Fulfill Minimum Service Standards
for Early Childhood Education in
Success in implementing legal politics SPM PAUD in
Indonesia as a country with a large population is very
dependent on the right concepts and mechanisms in
the relationship and intervention of the Central
Government with Regional Governments, including
monitoring mechanisms in the implementation of
public service delivery.
Public Services The sixth basic element that forms
regional government is "public services". The final
result of regional government is the availability of
"goods and services" which can be divided into two
classifications according to the final results produced
by regional government. First, regional governments
produce public goods, namely goods for the benefit
of local communities, such as; roads, bridges,
irrigation, school buildings, markets, terminals,
hospitals and so on. Second, regional government
produces services that are public regulatory in nature,
such as; issue birth certificates, identity cards, family
cards, building permits, and so on. Basically, public
regulation is intended to create peace and order in
Supervision The seventh basic element that forms
regional government is "Supervision". The argument
for supervision is that there is a tendency to abuse
power as per Lord Action's adage "Power tends to
corrupt and absolute power will corrupt absolutely".
To prevent this, the supervisory element has a
strategic position to produce clean government.
Based on the previous explanation related to the legal
politics of fulfilling SPM PAUD in Indonesia, which
takes the form of making laws or replacing old laws
for fulfilling SPM PAUD, which already exist but
changes are needed, namely: (1) Law no. 23 of 2014
concerning Regional Government; (2) Government
Regulation no. 2 of 2018 concerning Minimum
Service Standards; (3) Minister of Home Affairs
Regulation No. 59 of 2021 concerning
Implementation of Minimum Service Standards; (4)
Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 32
of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Technical
Standards for Minimum Education Services.
Regarding SPM Education, it aims to provide
guidance to Regional Governments in meeting the
basic needs of students according to their level and
educational path. With such a target, legal uncertainty
will arise regarding the implementation of SPM and
as time goes by and the socio-political conditions that
occur, this can influence the implementation of SPM
policies in the regions. In terms of the validity aspect
of norms, the implementation of SPM PAUD
regulated by Minister of Education and Culture
Regulation No. 32 of 2022 concerning the
Implementation of Minimum Education Service
Technical Standards, which are stipulated by a
Ministerial Regulation, in essence there are problems.
This is because the Ministerial Regulation is a
regulation that falls into the category of Policy
Regulations and does not fall into the category of
Legislative Regulations as mandated by higher legal
norms, namely the provisions of Article 11 paragraph
(3) of Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional
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