Numerical Study of Anchored Piles Using Geostudio
Sigma/W Modeling
and Bangun Marpaung
Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Anchored Sheet Piles, Anchored Bored Piles, Santiago Gravel, Retaining Walls, Displacement Versus Depth.
Abstract: This study describes the analysis of machine drilled piles that are anchored and placed discontinuously. The main
advantage of this method is its faster and safer execution compared to hand-dug piles (rectangular cross-
section), which is the most widely used method for retaining walls on gravel soils in Santiago. This paper
shows the results of displacement versus height obtained using numerical modeling (Geostudio Sigma/W
software). In the case of the anchored machine drilled pile used for the construction of the Faculty of Physical
and Mathematical Sciences, Universidad de Chile. The modeling results carried out using Geostudio Sigma/W
were compared with the modeling results carried out by previous researchers on other software as well as the
measured field values. In stage 2 the results obtained were not much different from the results of previous
research. There are quite significant differences in stages 6 and 8 between Geostudio Sigma/W modeling and
other modeling due to the lack of more detailed information regarding available research data.
In urban areas it is usually not possible to use non-
vertical slopes to support excavations due to limited
space (Abramson et al., 2001), so vertical supports are
required. For discontinuous or discontinuous bored
piles, the clearance between the piles is three times
the width (for hand-dug piles) or diameter (for
machine-drilled piles). Retaining walls between piles
is possible due to the arc effect.
Retaining wall is a structure that supports soil on
steep slopes, which can be vertical (Terzaghi et al.,
1996). Among the types of retaining walls, we can
distinguish between anchored piles and unanchored
piles or hand-dug piles.
Piles are built by digging a hole in the ground
(Candoğan, 2008), installing a reinforcing frame in it,
and pouring concrete from the surface. During
excavation, steel casing can be used to avoid wall
collapse in the hole, and is also used as a guide in the
drilling process (Weissenbach et al., 2003).
One of the advantages of using drilled piles
compared to driven piles is that there is no significant
vibration (Weissenbach, Hettler, & Simpson, 2003)
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and greater excavation depths can be achieved.
Drilling of hand-dug piles is done manually, taking
workers into holes, which can be so deep that they are
frequently exposed to excavation wall collapse caused
by local instability, surface vibrations, or earthquakes.
In the case of using piles, all processes are carried out
from the surface (Raddatz & Taiba, 2017).
The method most widely used in Santiago to
support deep and temporary excavations is hand-dug
piles anchored and placed discontinuously (Sáez &
Ledezma, 2012). In recent years, the use of anchored
piles has been incorporated to fulfill the same
function as hand-dug piles.
This study takes reference from previous research
(Raddatz & Taiba, 2017), describing the anchored
pile method as a soil retaining system, and the
characteristics of a newly constructed engineering
building at the Universidad de Chile. A study of the
geotechnical and structural parameters of the project
located in downtown Santiago was conducted, in
order to build a numerical analysis model through
software. Raddatz and Taiba (2017) used Plaxis 2D,
GGU-Retain and CYPE software: Embedded
Retaining Walls.
Tiorivaldi, . and Marpaung, B.
Numerical Study of Anchored Piles Using Geostudio Sigma/W Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0012583900003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 422-426
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In the research carried out by the author, research
data by Raddatz and Taiba (2017) were input into
GeoStudio software: Sigma/W in numerical analysis.
The new building of the Faculty of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences at the Universidad de
Chile, is located between Beauchef, Club Hipico,
Blanco Encalada and Tupper Streets in the
commune of Santiago, Metropolitan area (Pilotes
Terratest, 2021b). This building has seven floors
and six underground floors, with a building
foundation height of 27.5 m or a depth of 29 m
from the zero line, which is located close to the
natural ground level in this sector.
2.1 Anchored Retaining Walls
The sheet piles are considered to be 1 m in diameter
around the perimeter where there is sufficient space
for installation. The sheet pile piles are located at
the factory every 2.5 m between the pile axes (the
building foundation is at a depth of 29 m) or 2.95
m between the pile axes (the building foundation is
at a depth of 27.5 m). On the northern boundary
there is an existing University building, so there is
not enough space for installing piles because the
pile machine does not fit into the existing building.
So rectangular piles are placed under the existing
foundation of the building as supporting piles.
Figure 1: Plan of a retaining wall project with instrumented
piles (Pilotes Terratest, 2021b).
The pile is considered to be embedded at 2.5
meters so that the end of the pile is -30 meters or -
31.5 meters. The pile head is considered to be at an
elevation of -1.5 m to comply with various city
regulations, using a small slope from the pile head to
the ground level. Anchors on steel cables are used as
lateral strengthening elements, each cable has a yield
force of 235 kN and a diameter of 15 mm. The
number of cables depends on the anchor service load.
Inclinometers were installed on two piles to
measure displacement at different stages (Manterola
& Carlos, 2012). The piles installed with
inclinometers are positioned in an area with a gap
between the piles of 2.95 meters between the pile axes
and the building foundation elevation of -27.5 meters.
Measurements are carried out at the second stage
(before installing the first anchor), fourth stage
(before installing the second anchor), sixth stage
(before installing the third anchor) and eighth stage
(final stage of excavation). For the fixed anchor
length, soil is used to pull the grout with a reduced
resistance of 250 kN/m. This value is usually used on
all projects where Santiago gravel is located.
Table 1: Properties of Piles.
Properties Value
Length (m) 28,5
Diameter (m)
Elastic modulus (kN/m
Cross-sectional area (m
) 0,7854
Moment of inertia (m
) 0,049
Axial stiffness (kN) 18751540
Flexural stiffness (kN.m
) 1169884
Source: Raddatz and Taiba, 2017
Table 2: Characteristics of Angkur.
Sifat-sifat Pertama
Kedua Ketiga
Depth (m) -5,00 -13,00 -21,00
Free length (m)
Fixed len
th (m)
Service load (kN) 1004 1297 1331
stiffness (kN)
191100 245700 245700
stiffness (kN)
307500 390000
Source: Raddatz and Taiba, 2017
The project is placed on the typical Santiago
gravel, which has been studied in depth. The high
cohesion values for gravel were confirmed in
previous analysis of triaxial results on this soil
Numerical Study of Anchored Piles Using Geostudio Sigma/W Modeling
(Ortigosa & Hidalgo, 1997). The two fine soil layers
identified in the soil mechanics report were
considered in the model created by Pilotes Terratest
for pile design (Pilotes Terratest, 2021). Fine soil
layers have been considered in all numerical models
carried out for this research project.
Table 3: Soil Properties.
Layer 1 (Depth of 0 to 6,5 m)
Fluvial gravel: second deposit
Friction angle = 45
Cohesion = 23,0 kN/m
Unit weigh
= 22,0 kN/m
Layer 2 (From a depth of 6,5 m)
Fluvial gravel: first deposit
Friction angle = 45
Cohesion = 35,0 kN/m
Unit weigh
= 23,0 kN/m
Interlayer (From a depth of 21
m to 22 m and 26 m to 27 m
Fine soil: interlayer
Friction angle = 26
Cohesion = 55,0 kN/m
Unit weigh
= 18,0 kN/m
Source: (Raddatz & Taiba, 2017)
A background review for the Santiago gravel has
been carried out, and for deformation increases with
depth, where depth “z” is in meters.
𝐸 = 45000
This equation is similar to that used by many experts
in Santiago based on the research results of (Ortigosa
& Kort, 1997) which stated that the relationship
between deformation modulus and depth was found
through plate load tests at different depths.
2.2 Numeric Analysis
In previous research conducted by Raddatz and Taiba
(2017), numerical analysis was carried out using the
Plaxis 2D, GGU-Retain and CYPE computer
programs. Research carried out by the author added
numerical analysis using the Geostudio Sigma/W
computer program. The analysis is carried out in
stages to represent the problem well.
Geostudio is software that uses numerical analysis
developed by Geoslope International for geo-
engineers and earth-scientists. Geostudio consists of
several applications, specifically TEMP/W, SEEP/W,
SLOPE/W, AIR/W, CTRAN/W, Sigma/W and
QUAKE/W. In this research, the application used is
Geostudio Sigma/W is a program based on the
finite element method. The function of this program
is to calculate displacement, resistance, etc. based on
material coating conditions. This program
automatically determines the center of moment by
looking for the minimum point. Then, the anchored
retaining wall is modeled and it is determined
whether the anchored retaining wall is appropriate to
the existing soil conditions.
Figure 2: Geostudio Sigma/W model. Source: Prepared by
the author, 2023.
The following figures show graphically the compa-
rison between field measurements and numerical
modeling results. The numerical modeling results by
previous researchers are included and compared with
the modeling results performed by the author. The
graphs correspond to the fourth (before installation of
the second anchor), sixth (before installation of the
third anchor), and eighth (final stage of excavation)
stages. The first data recorded in the field is the second
data, hence all model results consider the displacement
reduction of the second stage.
Figure 3: Comparison between measurement and modeling
for stage 4 (before installing the second anchor).
Figure 4: Comparison between measurement and modeling
for stage 6 (before installing the third anchor).
Figure 5: Comparison between measurement and modeling
for stage 8 (final excavation stage).
The graph shows that the results obtained from the
modeling are of the same order as the field data, but
the field measurements have a larger displacement at
the top of the pile, which develops significantly in the
early stages of excavation (fourth stage).
The graph obtained from Geostudio Sigma/W in
stage 4 is similar to the graph obtained in modeling
using other software. However, at stage 6 and stage 8,
the Geostudio Sigma/W graph at a depth of -15
meters to -25 meters experienced a horizontal
displacement that was quite significantly larger than
the displacement that occurred in other software. This
significant difference could occur due to a lack of
more detailed information regarding previous
research data, especially anchor data. Thus, the
difference is getting bigger, where at stages 6 and 8
the second and third anchors have been installed.
The measurements obtained from the inclinometer
are unusual, as high displacements in the early stages
are not expected to occur because the pile stiffness
and anchor working loads are designed for the higher-
pressure conditions that will occur in the final stages.
That is what happened in the Geostudio Sigma/W
results which showed high displacement in the early
stages. There are quite significant differences in
stages 6 and 8 between Geostudio Sigma/W modeling
Numerical Study of Anchored Piles Using Geostudio Sigma/W Modeling
and other modeling due to the lack of more detailed
information regarding available research data. In
other design codes such as EAB (German
Geotechnical Society, 2013), various pressure
redistributions are provided depending on the type of
wall, the number of anchor levels and their location.
In the case of three levels of anchorage, the
redistribution is triangular in the length of the pile top.
Therefore, the results will be very different for the top
of the wall depending on the type of design code to be
used (pressure distribution used).
As a recommendation for further research, it can
complement the data that is still missing in this paper
so that better results can be obtained. In addition,
other analysis applications can be used to compare
with existing results.
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