so electrolytic corrosion (an electrochemical reaction
that oxidizes metals) does not occur.
From the calculation of the corrosion rate of
plates using protection, better results are obtained
compared to no protection. This happens because of
the potential difference, then the electron current will
flow from the installed anode and will resist the
electron current from the nearby metal, so that the
metal turns into a cathode region. This is what slows
down the plate experiencing the corrosion rate while
on the contrary the plate without protection will
release electrons causing damage to the plate so that
it is easy to corrode.
1. From the results of the three experiments,
results were obtained that showed that
corrosion occurred which was characterized by
a decrease in the weight of objects.
2. After calculating the corrosion rate value using
the weight loss, the result is a slower corrosion
rate when using zinc anode protection and DC
current, followed by zinc anode protection and
finally without using protection.
3. From the three experiments, it was obtained that
the value of corrosion rate with protection with
zinc anode and DC current was 0.17 mpy or
corrosion rate was 17%, then with zinc anode
protection with a value of 0.22 mpy or corrosion
rate was 22% and the last one was without
protection the value obtained was 0.66 mpy or
corrosion rate was 66%.
4. With this research, it has become the initial stage
to be applied directly, so that the use of this
method can save routine repair costs in the
shipping industry.
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Corrosion Rate of A36 Plate with Zinc Anode and Combination of Zinc Anode with Continuous Direct Current