microstrip, reaching -25.6 dB and -25.9 dB at radio
frequencies of 3.8 GHz and 5.0 GHz, respectively.
The size of the patch and the operating frequency
are two pivotal factors that significantly impact an
antenna's gain performance. The functional size of an
antenna exhibits an inverse relationship with its gain
at a specific frequency. Moreover, the physical length
of the antenna is inversely linked with both its
radiation resistance and the square root of its gain
across the frequency spectrum. Due to tolerance
considerations, an antenna's gain remains equal
during signal transmission and reception. Enhancing
an antenna's gain can be achieved through various
approaches, such as incorporating alternative
substrates and metamaterials onto the patch.
Additionally, gains can be improved by implementing
strategies like introducing partial slots in the substrate
or employing multi-layer dielectric substrates.
The present study aimed to assess the gain and return
loss characteristics of both the distinctive OCSRR
Embedded triangle antenna and the antenna equipped
with a triangle slot at a frequency of 1.8GHz, with the
intention of enhancing their RF efficiency. The
results revealed that the unique triangle antenna with
OCSRR embedding exhibited superior performance
compared to the triangle slot antenna (Return Loss: -
24.1400, Gain: 2.42, VSWR: 1.0799). Consequently,
the Novel OCSRR Embedded triangle antenna
emerges as a more viable choice for applications in
the L-band frequency range.
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