Detection of Context-Dependent Lexical Information from
Unstructured Data using Word Embeddings Based on Machine
Learning: An Assessment
Amit Shukla and Rajendra Gupta
Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal, India
Keywords: Lexical Information, Unstructured Data, Word Embeddings.
Abstract: In the current generation of context-dependent information solutions, data discovery and identification
engines rely on rule-based models in most cases, and they are confined to context-independent lexical data in
unstructured data such as formless text or images. Data elements that are always considered lexical, regardless
of the context in which they reside, are known as context-independent lexical data. The unstructured lexical
data is the data that isn't arranged according to a pre-determined data schema and can't be saved in traditional
relational database. Text and multimedia are two types of unstructured data that are regularly analyzed. The
paper presents a Context - Centered Extraction of Concepts (CCEC) word embeddings method the gives
benefit from a neural-network methods ability to encode textual information by converting meaningful text
information into numeric values. The result shows about 90 per cent accuracy in targeting context-dependent
lexical information by considering the context of the words in a sentence/text.
The term "context dependent" refers to a type of word
representation that enables machine learning
algorithms to distinguish words that have similar
meanings. It is a feature learning technique that uses
probabilistic models, dimension reduction, or neural
networks on the word co-occurrence vector matrix to
map words into real-number vectors (Kopeykina, 2021). Consider the phrase 'Tiger,' which is
context independent, but is context dependent when
we say, 'The Tiger is harmful' or 'The Tiger may be
A typical context-dependent system consists of
several tools and components that are divided into
two categories: host-based and network-based
systems. A tool that analyses network traffic and
communication platforms is network-based context
dependent information (e.g., email and instant
The state of the art in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
systems; automatic lexical data detection algorithms
can be divided into two types. The first category
includes rule-based approaches, which are widely
used in commercial DLP software. The second
Figure 1: The Work flow of Embedding Layer.
Shukla, A. and Gupta, R.
Detection of Context-Dependent Lexical Information from Unstructured Data Using Word Embeddings Based on Machine Learning: An Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012603900003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 533-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
category includes methods that use Machine Learning
(ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP).
The authors (Myasnikov 2021) proposed a
method for detecting lexical data in tweets. Vacation
tweets, inebriated tweets, and sickness tweets were all
separated from the rest of the data. The data was then
manually classified as lexical or non-lexical tweets.
The author (Chow 2019)created a system that
recognize lexical content depending on user input.
The authors in (Kamakshi, 2021) emphasized
the importance of categorizing private information
before training machine learning algorithms. They
also suggested a framework for automatically
detecting lexical data based on the user's criteria. The
Table 1 shows the approaches for detecting the
Context-dependent Unstructured Lexical Information
using a number of methods:
Table 1: Approaches for Detecting Context-dependent
Unstructured Lexical Information.
Approach Type Description
Deep Learning Neural network is
used to classify
and context-
Sensitive data
TF–IDF Traditional Machine
machine learning
algorithm trained
using TF–IDF
Traditional Machine
machine learning
algorithms trained
using features
extracted from data
Rule-Based Heuristic Data are classified
as lexical data based
on pre-defined rules
The unstructured lexical data is the data that isn't
arranged according to a pre-determined data schema
and can't be saved in an out-of-date relational
database. Text and multimedia are two types of
unstructured data that are regularly employed. Many
newspapers, as well as e-mails, images, videos,
webpages and audio files are available on internet as
unstructured source of data (Akoka 2019).
In order to assess the comparative capacity and
weaknesses of different clustering algorithms for
unstructured data, a precise standard must be used to
quantify the comparative capacity and weaknesses of
each strategy using unstructured data characteristics
such as Velocity, Volume, and Variety. Table 2
shows the list the Lexical Information Categories and
its related words (Mouza, 2019).
Table 2: A list showing the Lexical Information Categories
and its related words.
Category Words
Place and
beach, coast, hotel, conference, island,
airport, flight
Positive go, going, gonna, leave, leaving, pack,
booked, before, will, until, wait, plan, ready,
here Icome
Negative need, wish, not, no, want, wanna, back,
went, may, might, maybe, had, recent, was,
were, could, should, hope, got, suppose, if
The proposed method Context-Centered Extraction
of Concepts (CCEC) comprises an embedding layer
that may be utilized to train neural networks using
text input. The integer encoding of the input data is
required with each word represented by a separate
number. This data preparation phase can be
completed with the tokenizer. It must specify three
The number of words in the text data's
vocabulary is input dim. The vocabulary will
be 11 words long if the data is integer
encoded with values ranging from 0 to 10.
Output dim: This is the size of the vector
space where words will be embedded. It
determines the size of the output vectors
from this layer for each word.
Input length: For each input layer, this is the
maximum length of input sequences.
The positive Input Sample training data is in the type
[(target, context), 1], with target denoting the target
or center word, context denoting the surrounding
context words, and label 1 denoting if the pair is
meaningful. For Negative Input Samples, the training
data will be in the same format like [(target, random),
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics
0]. In place of the real surrounding words, randomly
selected words are mixed in with the target words,
with a label of 0 indicating that the combination is
meaningless (Gómez-Hidalgo 2016).
The proposed model's operation is illustrated in
Fig. 1 and described in the steps below:
The target and context word pairs are fed to
individual embedding layers, resulting in
dense word embedding for each of these two
Use a 'merge layer' to compute the dot
product of these two embeddings to get the
dot product value.
The dot product's result is then sent to a
dense sigmoid layer, which outputs 0 or 1.
(Sigmoid layers commonly have a return
value (on the y axis) in the range of 0 or 1.)
To update the embedding layer, the output is
compared to the real label.
The CCEC is analyzed in terms of four aspects. First,
we evaluate our method's effectiveness. The
underlying major outcomes of CCEC's in obtained in
second phase. In the second phase, the detected
central node is similar to the underlying node which
is examined individually. Then, in terms of concepts
with links, we explore CCEC qualitatively. Finally,
we test the robustness of our method by altering the
parameter, which decides how many of the top-
ranking candidate concepts to include as concepts at
the end of the second phase.
In this part of study, it is started with the outcomes of
conventional machine learning approaches and then
move on to the results of TF-IDF and Rule-based
methods. While evaluating the various approaches,
the data is divided into two partitions: a training set
containing 80% of the data and a testing set
containing the remaining 20% of the data.
We have chosen a tweet dataset from
that comprises roughly one million tweets. The F-
Measure, which is derived from information retrieval,
assesses the accuracy of pairwise relationship
judgments and is also known as pairwise F-Measure.
The Precision (P) is derived by dividing the number
of accurate decisions - texts from the same category
being assigned to the same cluster by the number of
assignments, or the number of text pairs with the
same cluster membership. The proportion of couples
assigned to the same cluster who share the same
category membership is known as Recall (R). As a
result, the following contingency table is generated.
Precision and recall are calculated as:
and the F- Measure is calculated as :
Where β is a variable function. Now, following is the
explanation of the conventional and deep machine
learning algorithms and result performance of rule
based algorithms also.
The five alternative supervised machine learning
methods were recognized utilizing data sensitivity
and TF–IDF characteristics. The performance results
for the five conventional machine learning classifiers
when using context-dependent lexical features are
shown in Table 3.
Linear SVM had the highest accuracy, with an F-
measure is of 65 percent. The context-dependent
characteristics did not function well, as the data
demonstrate. The most essential features in
identifying tweets, according to the feature
importance study, are location, time, and place.
Figure 2: Performance of the Conventional Machine
Learning classifiers using Context-Dependent Lexical
Features on the Tweet Dataset after Word Embeddings.
Detection of Context-Dependent Lexical Information from Unstructured Data Using Word Embeddings Based on Machine Learning: An
Table 3: Comparing the performance of proposed model in
terms of accuracy with related models before and after word
Model Name Type Data
Accuracy (in %)
Tweets 54 65
TF-IDF Image 46 57
Rule based on
Rule based Image 62 64
ased ML
FELI Tweets 80 84
FELI Image 70 74
Rule based
Rule based /
Term Matchin
Tweets 84 89
Fig.2 shows the performance of the Conventional
Machine Learning classifiers using Context-
Dependent Lexical Features on the Tweet Dataset
after Word Embeddings. It is evident from the figure
that Linear SVM outperforms for the tweet dataset
using Conventional machine learning classification.
The performance results for tweet dataset achieved an
overall accuracy of 65 percent. The result shows that
SVM shows around 55 percent accurate result which
is more than Decision Tree and Logistic Regression
algorithms. The Naïve Bayes algorithm almost
performs similar to SVM. Therefore, achieving the
more prominent result, the LSVM can be used for the
lexical feature analysis. The text retrieved from the
unstructured data produced prominent results.
Because lexical information in structured (i.e.,
personally identifiable information) is lexical
regardless of context, so this is the case. The sensitive
data, such as birth dates, names, and gender, will
always be labeled as such, and will be clearly
distinguished from non-lexical data in the context. As
a result, it is important to know that the regardless of
the method, this type of data is simple to identify.
Table 3 shows a comparison of model's performance
to that of the earlier proposed methods. As
demonstrated, the deep learning approach outperforms
existing methods such as TF–IDF and models based
on statistically derived features.
Different approaches were tested on two categories of
lexical data: context-dependent lexical data and
context-independent lexical data. Identifying context-
independent lexical data is far easier than identifying
context-dependent lexical data, regardless of the
approaches utilised. Word extraction methods such as
TF–IDF/Count Vectorizer are used to extract features
from the text. Some keywords are more essential than
others in determining a text category. These
approaches, on the other hand, ignore the text's
sequential structure. Deep learning algorithms, on the
other hand, do not ignore the sequence structure while
providing more weight to significant terms.
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AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics