(MTSF), Availability, Busy Period, or F1 Score
depending on the specific analysis task. Analyze the
model's predictions and outputs to gain insights into
the availability and behavioral patterns of the
refrigerating units. This may involve identifying
patterns, anomalies, or correlations between different
Optimization and Scheduling:
Utilize the trained deep learning model to make
predictions and optimize scheduling strategies for the
refrigerating units. It's important to note that the
success and accuracy of the deep learning analysis
depend on the availability and quality of the dataset,
the selection of appropriate features, the design of the
model architecture, and the training process.
Additionally, domain expertise and collaboration
with experts in the milk plant Rohtak would be
valuable for contextual understanding and
interpretation of the results
The analysis of the availability and behavioral
patterns of refrigerating units in the Milk Plant
Rohtak using deep learning techniques yielded
valuable insights into their operations and scheduling
using equation 1, 2, 3, and 4. Here, we discuss the key
results and their implications:
Availability Analysis:
The deep learning model successfully predicted the
availability of refrigerating units with a high level of
accuracy. The model's predictions were compared
against actual availability records, and the results
demonstrated a significant correlation between
predicted and observed availability. The analysis
revealed certain patterns in the availability of
refrigerating units. For example, there were
consistent periods of high availability during off-peak
hours and lower availability during peak production
Behavioral Patterns:
The deep learning model identified behavioral
patterns in refrigerating units' operations. It captured
trends in power consumption, compressor cycles, and
other relevant factors. Timely detection of such
anomalies can prevent downtime, improve
maintenance planning, and optimize unit
Optimization and Scheduling:
The analysis also highlighted opportunities for load
balancing among refrigerating units. By strategically
distributing the load and adjusting operating
schedules, milk plant was able to optimize energy
usage and reduce peak demand, resulting in a more
sustainable and cost-effective operation.
Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings:
The implementation of optimized scheduling
strategies based on the deep learning analysis resulted
in improved operational efficiency and cost savings.
By identifying maintenance needs in advance through
behavioral analysis, the milk plant was able to
schedule maintenance activities during periods of
lower production demand, minimizing disruptions
and associated costs. The results and insights
obtained from the deep learning analysis of the
availability and behavioral patterns of refrigerating
units in the Milk Plant Rohtak demonstrated the
practical applicability of this approach. By leveraging
these insights, the milk plant was able to optimize
scheduling, improve operational efficiency, reduce
energy consumption, and enhance overall
productivity. The findings from this case study can
serve as a foundation for further research and the
implementation of similar analyses in other milk
plants or related industries. The availability and
behavioral analysis of refrigerating units using deep
learning techniques have the potential to transform
operations, optimize resource utilization, and drive
cost-effective and sustainable practices.
The results of the sensitivity analysis can be used to
validate or challenge existing models and
assumptions about the system. The deep learning can
provide valuable insights into the factors that affect
system performance, Accuracy (MTSF), Expected
Number of Inspections by the repair man, Busy
Period and Availability of the System and results in
show in figure 1, 2, 3 and 4 using the table 1 and table
2. Accuracy between the different model is Adam is
best performance among other models.
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AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry