on full training instances and trees built on cleaned
training instances. It has been tested on full training
instances, and the trees have been built on cleaned
training instances.
The average absolute observed percentage
reduction in tree size is significant, i.e. a 41.40%
reduction in tree size. The accuracy column displays
the absolute difference in accuracy between trees
built. The average difference in accuracy for a
cleaned data set is 19.13%. When the accuracies are
compared, we can argue that evolutionary trees with
cleaned data sets are more accurate. The proposed
work has an average classification accuracy of
93.73%, compared to an average of 74.63% with
outliners data. Thus, we can argue that robust
efficient evolutionary trees improve classifier
Based on a statistical approach, this paper proposed a
technique for dealing with outliers in data. When the
outliners are removed, the induced patterns become
more accurate and extremely simple. The results we
obtained validate the use of the proposed techniques
for this task. Furthermore, when compared to
previous approaches to the same data, the results
clearly outperform them, even with the same level of
erroneous data. The proposed algorithm employs an
evolutionary decision tree as a filter classifier for
training data in order to pursue a global search in the
problem space with classification accuracy as a
fitness function while avoiding a local optimum, and
the final classifier employs a cleaned data set. As a
result of this combination of techniques, we have a
robust and efficient classifier.
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Improving Classification Accuracy in Using Evolutionary Decision Tree Filtering in Big Datasets