Improving Classification Accuracy in Using Evolutionary Decision
Tree Filtering in Big Datasets
Nikhat Raza Khan and Ashish Jain
IES College of Technology Bhopal, India
Keywords: Large Datasets, Erroneous Data, Evolutionary Decision Tree, Classification Accuracy, Genetic Algorithm.
Abstract: Large datasets frequently have data value errors, which can be a serious issue. The method described in this
paper uses a classification filter to locate and eliminate incorrect training instances from large datasets. The
suggested approach uses an evolutionary decision tree technique as a filter classifier and aims to increase
classification accuracy by pursuing a broad search in the problem space using a genetic algorithm. This
method improves classification accuracy compared to conventional decision tree algorithms by using
classification accuracy as a fitness function instead of local greedy search on data sets. The proposed approach
performed better than earlier methods in terms of decision tree size and classification accuracy after being
tested on the UCI repository data set. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in
handling datasets with errors in data values.
Data mining is the process of extracting knowledge
from large amounts of data available from various
sources. The knowledge discovery process is
comprised of the following iterative subtasks (Han
and Kamber 2006): data cleaning to remove noise and
inconsistency in data, data integration to combine
multiple data sources, data selection, data
transformation, generating data patterns, pattern
evaluation, and knowledge representation. Lavarac
(Lavarac et al 2018) proposed avoiding the influence
of erroneous data on hypothesis by removing it from
training data before induction. In a data set, an
outliner is an instance that is significantly divergent
or inconsistent from the rest of the data (Xiong et al
2020). This paper proposed an evolutionary tree as a
classification filter, and by using a genetic algorithm,
the filter performance is extremely good, providing
noiseless data to the classifier, resulting in very high
classification accuracy and smaller sized trees on the
The problem of noise elimination is critical. Several
researchers have proposed various approaches to data
cleaning (Xiong et al 2020 Loureiro 2021). This
includes the use of MDL. Principle, neural networks,
filters, Occam's razor, and a few other techniques.
Different authors employ genetic algorithms to
provide a global search through space in multiple
directions at the same time. To evolve optimal
decision trees, various authors have proposed using
methodologies that integrate genetic algorithms and
decision tree learning. Despite the fact that the
methods differ, the goal is to obtain optimal decision
trees. GATree, a genetically evolved decision tree,
was proposed by A. Papagelis and D. Kalles in 2021.
The genetic algorithm is used to evolve binary
decision trees directly. GALib's tree representation
was used to generate a population of binary decision
Let T
represent a collection of all available n training
instances. Let t represent the training instance. When
hypothesis H is induced on T
, let T
represent the set
of instances that follow the hypothesis H and let T
represent the set of instances that do not follow the
hypothesis H. Thus, Hypothesis H is referred to as
exceptional data, and T
is referred to as clean data.
Khan, N. and Jain, A.
Improving Classification Accuracy in Using Evolutionary Decision Tree Filtering in Big Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012610000003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 189-191
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Table 1: Results from Evolutionary Decision Tree
Let | T
| be the training data set's cardinality. So
= T
Let Classification accuracy on test data instance
be X(t). Now t on H,
if X(t) = 1 t T
and if X(t) = 0 t T
The proposed evolutionary decision tree algorithm is
robust and efficient. It is used as a classification filter
function as follows:
1. Induce Hypothesis H on T
Evolutionary Decision Tree
2. for every Instance t T
, Do:
3. if H correctly classifies t, then
t T
4. else
t T
end for
5. Induce Hypothesis H
on T
Evolutionary Decision Tree as Final
6. End
G.H. John in 2021, demonstrated that locally
uninformative or harmful instances are globally
uninformative. John George's method removes a
misclassified instance from training data by running
the algorithm multiple times as many times as the
number of outliners, whereas the proposed method
removes outliner data from training data in a single
run of the algorithm.
was tested for outliners using 18 data sets from the
University of California Irvine repository (Neuman et
al 2020). For experiments, the GATree algorithm
(Papagelis and Kalles 2021) was modified in this
As a result, there were two data sets, T
contain clean data and T
which contain outliner data.
The abbreviations for a classifier's classification
accuracy on a full training set and a cleaned data set
are X(T
) and X(T
). The size (T
) and size (T
) are
abbreviations for the size of decision trees on
hypothesis on T and T as training data, respectively.
The percentage difference in the tree size (Δ Size)
and the absolute difference in accuracy (Δ Accuracy)
between the trees built on full training instances and
the trees built on cleaned training instances.
The following equations explain the Tree size
(ΔSize) and the absolute difference in accuracy
ΔSize =
) − 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒(𝑇
* 100 (1)
ΔAccuracy = X (T
) - X (T
) (2)
Figure 1: Comparison of Average Accuracy and Size.
Table 1 summarizes the results of the evolutionary
decision tree algorithm using the experimental
method described above. The table below
summarizes the percentage decrease in Tree size
(ΔSize) and the absolute difference in accuracy
(ΔAccuracy) between trees built on full training
instances and trees built on cleaned training instances.
The results for a robust and efficient evolutionary
decision tree are also shown in Table 1. The Size
column of the table comparison displays the
percentage reduction in tree size between trees built
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics
on full training instances and trees built on cleaned
training instances. It has been tested on full training
instances, and the trees have been built on cleaned
training instances.
The average absolute observed percentage
reduction in tree size is significant, i.e. a 41.40%
reduction in tree size. The accuracy column displays
the absolute difference in accuracy between trees
built. The average difference in accuracy for a
cleaned data set is 19.13%. When the accuracies are
compared, we can argue that evolutionary trees with
cleaned data sets are more accurate. The proposed
work has an average classification accuracy of
93.73%, compared to an average of 74.63% with
outliners data. Thus, we can argue that robust
efficient evolutionary trees improve classifier
Based on a statistical approach, this paper proposed a
technique for dealing with outliers in data. When the
outliners are removed, the induced patterns become
more accurate and extremely simple. The results we
obtained validate the use of the proposed techniques
for this task. Furthermore, when compared to
previous approaches to the same data, the results
clearly outperform them, even with the same level of
erroneous data. The proposed algorithm employs an
evolutionary decision tree as a filter classifier for
training data in order to pursue a global search in the
problem space with classification accuracy as a
fitness function while avoiding a local optimum, and
the final classifier employs a cleaned data set. As a
result of this combination of techniques, we have a
robust and efficient classifier.
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Improving Classification Accuracy in Using Evolutionary Decision Tree Filtering in Big Datasets