C. Block-Based Storage and Its Advantages
Block-based storage is a type of data storage system
where data is divided into small, fixed-sized blocks,
each with a unique identifier. These blocks can then
be stored, retrieved, and managed independently of
each other. Block-based storage offers several
advantages over other storage models, including:
Improved data management: With block-based
storage, data can be managed at a granular level,
allowing for more efficient allocation and utilization
of storage resources. This means that blocks of data
can be moved, replicated, or deleted without affecting
the rest of the data.
Faster data access: Block-based storage allows for
faster data access because data can be retrieved at the
block level, rather than at the file or object level. This
means that only the specific blocks needed to access
the data are retrieved, reducing latency and improving
Better data reliability: Block-based storage
provides better data reliability because blocks can be
replicated across multiple servers or disks, ensuring
that data is always available even if one server or disk
fails. Additionally, block-based storage allows for
data checksums and other integrity checks to be
performed at the block level, ensuring that data is not
corrupted or tampered with.
Greater scalability: Block-based storage is highly
scalable because blocks can be added or removed as
needed, without affecting the rest of the data. This
makes it easier to add capacity to the storage system
as data needs grow.
D. Access Control Mechanisms for Block-Based
Outsourced Storage
To implement access control mechanisms in block-
based outsourced storage, organizations should
define access policies and procedures that are aligned
with their security requirements and industry
standards. To make sure that only those with the
proper authority may access the storage system, they
need also establish robust authentication and
authorisation systems. Furthermore, regular auditing
and monitoring of user activity and access can aid in
identifying and preventing unauthorised access to
E. Security Challenges in Block-Based Outsourced
Data confideData stored in block-based outsourced
storage can be vulnerable to unauthorized access or
disclosure. To address this challenge, organizations
can implement access control mechanisms such as
encryption, authentication, and authorization to
restrict access to sensitive data.
Data integrity: Data stored in block-based
outsourced storage can be vulnerable to unauthorized
modification, deletion, or corruption.
Data availability: Block-based outsourced storage
solutions can experience downtime or service
disruptions due to hardware failures, network
outages, or malicious attacks. To address this
challenge, organizations can implement backup and
disaster recovery solutions to ensure data availability
in the event of a service disruption.
The protection of sensitive data. To address this
challenge, organizations can implement security
controls and processes that comply with industry
standards such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.
Vendor management: Organizations must
carefully select and manage their block-based
outsourced storage providers to ensure that they meet
the organization's security requirements. This
includes conducting due diligence on the provider's
security controls, policies, and procedures, and
regularly monitoring their compliance with
contractual obligations.
Organisations should put in place a thorough
security architecture with technical, administrative,
and physical controls to reduce these security risks.
To keep this framework useful in addressing new
threats and vulnerabilities, it should be periodically
examined and updated. Organisations should also
regularly teach their staff members on security
awareness so that they are aware of their roles and
responsibilities in securing sensitive data.
F. Literature Survey
(1) A paper has been proposed by Y. Zhu, Zhang, Jin,
Zhou, and . Yan. 1820–1831 in IEEE, 2019. Similar
to force chain operations, digital means transfers,
philanthropy, etc. advocated in several operations to
build trust among different parties. Decentralised
databases typically employ blockchain platforms.
Even Nevertheless, blockchain platforms are much
less user-friendly than conventional databases., they
lack the capacity to efficiently and effectively
simulate complicated operations. SEBDB is the first
platform that takes into account both usability and
scalability, as opposed to being workshop, sale is
recorded. where each sale is represented by a tuple
with a number, We encourage accessible operation
development by employing SQL language as the
common rather than law-position APIs, in normal
operations to fit the that platform. while our system
does not rely on RDBMS, it regards it as a critical
component because to its lengthy track record of
performance. We measured the quality of the main
database. build a mini-benchmark. The results of
extensive experiments show how effective and
efficient our method is.
(2) A paper has been proposed by K. Christidis and
M. Devetsikiotis 2016. We also enter and discuss
comibination of a blockchain 1) makes it possible to
Blockchain Based Outsourced Storage Schema in Untrusted Environment