Chat Application Using Mern Stack
Vinoth Kumar G and G. Dhivya
Department of Computer Application, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore-641 021, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords. MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), Internet, Chat, Security.
Abstract: The latest evolution of the Internet has brought the entire world within our reach. Everything now revolves
around the internet, from the exchange of information to experiencing reality. The internet has transformed
the world into an interconnected global community, and this project is no exception, as it relies heavily on the
internet. This document highlights the importance of reverse communication in our daily lives and its
profound impact on the technological landscape. The objective here is to create a reverse communication
system based on the MERN stack. This system enables people to send messages privately and publicly, as
well as share various forms of content such as text, images, videos, and more. It's an online platform designed
for people to interact and converse with each other over the internet. Moreover, it is not only more reliable
and secure than traditional communication systems but also surpasses them in popularity. Reverse
communication features are highly sought after by internet enthusiasts and smartphone users alike. Every
year, hundreds of millions of smartphone owners engage in reverse communication activities. These
communication tools offer free and convenient communication options, and most of them are available as free
downloads, making them incredibly appealing to users. These platforms provide a wide range of services and
built-in features to their users, although often, users tend to overlook the broader aspects of their interactions
and conversations.
The phenomenon of reverse communication wields a
profound impact on our everyday lives. A plethora of
reverse communication platforms have gained
widespread popularity worldwide. Each of these
platforms introduces novel features that distinguish
them from their peers. These platform providers
engage in spirited competition, continually rolling out
competitive features with each new release. Their
contributions hold significant importance for users
and profoundly influence their daily routines. Users
seek out superior internet-based communication
platforms that they perceive as dependable, secure,
and trustworthy. Currently, some of the prevalent
reverse communication platforms include WhatsApp,
Facebook, Instagram, Hike, and others. These
platforms collectively boast billions of avid users
across the globe, establishing the companies behind
them as global leaders. These companies have
demonstrated consistent revenue growthand employ
vast teams dedicated to developing innovative features
to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. These
platforms offer diverse features and employ various
strategies to safeguard the security of user data. In
today's world, data theft constitutes a major criminal
concern, with a multitude of cases arising. As a result,
companies are compelled to implement stringent
measures to protect against data breaches by external
entities. The fundamental reverse communication
system should encompass both message transmission
and reception processes occurring simultaneously.
Within this system, the concurrent sending and
receiving of messages occur seamlessly, facilitated by
the MERN technology stack. The rapid expansion and
enhancement of the internet have prompted an
increasing number of individuals to opt for web- based
communication tools.
Such tools have revolutionized communication
across vast distances, necessitating real-time and
multi-platform capabilities to cater to a broad user
base. Notably, web-based real-time communication
tools eliminate the need for additional third-party
G, V. and Dhivya, G.
Chat Application Using Mern Stack.
DOI: 10.5220/0012612100003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 240-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
software, making visual communication easily
accessible. The technology stack utilized in building
these tools includes React.js, Node.js with the
Express framework, and MongoDB for database
management. Communication relies on servers for
message exchange, facilitated through point-to-point
connections between servers. This innovative
approach incorporates a response framework,
resulting in a six-fold enhancement in performance
compared to systems developed using PHP.
This paper focuses on the development of an
Online College Management System, a significant
asset for educational institutions. Named College
ERP and built on the MERN stack, this system serves
academic professionals and their diverse
responsibilities. Its primary purpose is to streamline
access to critical information within an educational
organization. To achieve this, users must register with
the system, which functions as an information hub for
the institution. Both students and staff, both
specialized and non-specialized, can access and
upload data to the system's database. In today's
rapidly evolving business landscape, understanding
customer demand in an efficient and timely manner is
paramount. The shift to online commerce has become
integral to the lives of the younger generation. E-
commerce platforms offering a wide array of products
have transformed basic needs into accessible luxuries.
This design introduces an interactive web interface
for viewing diverse products and enables registered
users to purchase items using various payment
methods. Additionally, it provides an accessible
avenue for business owners to manage incoming
orders.To establish an e-commerce web platform,
various technologies have been examined and
incorporated, including React.js, MongoDB, Node.js,
and Express.js. This project aims to simplify the
presentation of diverse products and the creation of a
web platform that seamlessly connects customers
with their desired products. Conversational tools have
become indispensable for smartphone users, offering
the capability to exchange text messages, images, and
videos securely and free of charge. This paper
endeavors to propose a chat application with End-to-
End encryption, ensuring secure communication
while prioritizing data protection. A set of security
conditions is presented, serving as the foundation for
the development of this chat application, which is
then compared with other popular alternatives to
validate its End-to-End encryption capabilities.
Additionally, a website has been developed to
allow users to sign up, log in, and engage in academic
and social interactions, including sharing updates,
liking, and commenting on posts, and following other
users. This website also provides a valuable directory
of race sponsors, addressing the challenge of locating
sponsors during crucial times.
Moreover, users can create or join chat rooms,
facilitating global conversations and fostering
connections with individuals worldwide. These chat
applications have gained immense popularity among
internet users and smartphone owners, with millions
of users engaging in chat conversations annually.
They offer cost-free communication and are often
available as free downloads, making them
particularly attractive to users. While these
applications offer various services and built-in
features, they sometimes overshadow their core
purpose simple and effective communication.
In conclusion, the recent evolution of the internet
has effectively brought the entire world within our
reach, revolutionizing the way we exchange
information and engage in online transactions. This
paper underscores the significance of chat
applications in modern daily life and their impact on
the technological landscape. The project aims to
develop a chat system based on Java multithreading
and network design, enabling secure private and
public communication, as well as seamless sharing of
various media content. This online system is designed
to foster interaction and collaboration on the internet,
prioritizing reliability and security over traditional
communication systems. The utilization of Java,
multithreading, and client-server architecture ensures
the robustness and scalability of the chat application,
making it suitable for deployment in various private
organizations, such as colleges and IT institutions.
Proposed System:
The envisioned chat application system, constructed
using the MERN stack, is set to emerge as a
comprehensive web application that empowers users
in effortlessly establishing, overseeing, and erasing
chat rooms. This system will comprise four
fundamental elements: a MongoDB database, an
Express.js backend, a React.js frontend, and a Node.js
The MongoDB database will serve as the
repository for all chat rooms and user-related data,
encompassing messages dispatched by users.
Meanwhile, the Express.js backend will shoulder the
responsibilities of user authentication and serve as the
intermediary for communication between the server
and the database. The React.js frontend will craft the
user interface, enabling users to seamlessly create and
administer their chat rooms. Finally, the Node.js
server will facilitate communication between the
frontend and backend components.
Chat Application Using Mern Stack
The system will feature a user-friendly interface that
simplifies the process of chat room creation and
management. Users will have the capability to
exchange messages with each other and peruse past
conversations. Additionally, a straightforward
authentication system will permit users to log in and
log out of their accounts securely.
In summary, the proposed chat application system
utilizing the MERN stack promises to be an
uncomplicated and user- friendly tool. It will empower
users to effortlessly create, manage, and delete chat
rooms while ensuring secure communication and data
Existing System:
The current configuration of a chat application
utilizing the MERN stack comprises essential
components, including a MongoDB database, a
Node.js server, an Express server, and a React front-
Within the MongoDB database, user data and
conversations are stored. When a user registers, their
email address, username, and password are recorded
in the database. Additionally, when users engage in
conversations, the database maintains records of the
conversation's messages and participants.
The Node.js server assumes the role of managing
user authentication. This encompasses tasks such as
validating usernames and passwords, as well as
issuing confirmation messages upon user registration
or login.
The Express server primarily functions as a
conduit for directing requests originating from the
front-end. Furthermore, it handles user sessions and
upholds the connection between the front-end and the
On the user-facing side, the React front-end serves
as the interface through which users can access their
conversations, transmit messages, and search for other
users. It also takes charge of displaying notifications
and messages to users upon receiving new messages.
The present setup of a chat application employing the
MERN stack is composed of fundamental
components, including a MongoDB database, a
Node.js server, an Express server, and a React front-
Inside the MongoDB database, user data and
conversations are securely stored. When a user
registers, their email address, username, and
password are meticulously recorded in the database.
Furthermore, during user interactions within
conversations, the database dutifully maintains
records of messages exchanged and the participants
The Node.js server assumes the crucial role of
overseeing user authentication procedures. This
encompasses critical tasks like validating usernames
and passwords, in addition to promptly dispatching
confirmation messages following user registration or
The Express server primarily serves as a conduit,
responsible for routing requests originating from the
front-end. Additionally, it capably manages user
sessions and ensures the seamless connection
between the front-end and the database.
On the user-facing front, the React front-end
functions as the user interface. Through this interface,
users gain access to their ongoing conversations, send
messages, and conveniently search for other users.
Moreover, it efficiently handles the presentation of
notifications and incoming messages, ensuring users
are promptly informed when new messages arrive.
Technology Used:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:
MongoDB - A Cross-Platform Document-Oriented
Express.js - A Backend Framework
React.js - A Frontend Library
Node.js - A JavaScript Runtime Environment
HTML, known as the Hyper Text Markup
Language, serves as the industry standard for creating
documents intended for webdisplay. It is compatible
with technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) for styling and scripting languages like
JavaScript for interactivity.
CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a styling
language employed to define the presentation of
documents written in markup languages like HTML.
CSS's primary purpose is to enable the separation of
document structure and styling, encompassing layout,
color schemes, and font selections.
JavaScript, often referred to as Java's cousin,
stands as a foundational technology of the World
Wide Web. Over 97% of websites employ JavaScript
on the client side to enhance web functionality,
frequently incorporating third-party libraries. Major
web browsers dedicate a JavaScript engine to execute
code on users' devices.
In the MERN stack, React.js takes the lead as the
declarative JavaScript framework for crafting
dynamic client-side applications in HTML. React
enables the creation of user interfaces using reusable
components, linking them to backend data, and
rendering them as HTML.
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics
Figure 1: (a)MERN Architecture (b) Block Diagram (c) Register and Login page (d) JSON Token.
Node.js, positioned as the server-tier component, runs
the Express.js server-side framework. Express.js is
described as a rapid, unbiased, minimalist web
framework for Node.js, and it lives up to this
description. Express.js offers robust features for URL
routing, facilitating the matching of incoming URLs
with server functions, and efficiently handling HTTP
requests and responses.
In the database tier, MongoDB comes into play.
MongoDB is a versatile, document-oriented database
suitable for storing various types of data such as user
profiles, content, comments, uploads, and events. Its
compatibility with React, Express, and Node makes it
a seamless choice for web applications.
A user's password holds greater sensitivity compared
to their session ID due to three fundamental reasons:
1. Session IDs can be subject to access restrictions.
For instance, despite having a session ID, a system
may require the user to re-enter their password for
specific actions, such as modifying their account
email address.
2. Session IDs can be invalidated or revoked.
3. A user's password is frequently used in various
other systems, such as banking websites. If it gets
compromised, it could potentially be exploited in
other services, posing a significant risk to the
user's security and well-being.
Given these considerations, it is of paramount
importance to NEVER store or reuse a user's
password. We will delve into hashing techniques in
subsequent discussions, which elucidate the proper
methods for securely storing hashed data to
authenticate user-provided passwords during the
login process.
Entire books can be dedicated to these topics, and it
is advisable to explore more comprehensive resources
for a deeper understanding of these subjects, as
suggested in the references at the end of this text.
Jwt Hash Possword Store in Database: The JWT
Hashing Algorithm is a cryptographic technique
employed to securely safeguard passwords in
contemporary web applications. This algorithm is
based on the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard and
is designed to offer both simplicity and robust
security. To grasp the JWT Hashing Algorithm's
functionality, it's essential to first comprehend what a
JSON Web Token (JWT) entails.
A JWT is an openly recognized standard (RFC
7519) that delineates a secure method for exchanging
information between two parties in the form of a
JSON object. It comprises three core components: a
header, a payload, and a signature. The header and
payload serve to identify the user, while the signature
ensures data integrity and verifies that it hasn't been
tampered with.
The JWT Hashing Algorithm is specifically
employed to store passwords securely. It operates by
initially combining the password with a salta
random string of characters used to thwart attackers
from easily deducing the password. This salt is
Chat Application Using Mern Stack
securely stored alongside the hashed password in a
database. When a user attempts to log in, the
password they provide is hashed in the same way with
the salt and then compared to the stored hashed
password in the database. Access is only granted if
these two hashes perfectly match.
This algorithm is intentionally designed to be
highly secure and is considered one of the most robust
methods for password storage. The use of a unique
and randomly generated salt for each user makes it
exceedingly challenging for attackers to guess the
password. Additionally, the hashed password is not
stored in plain text, further enhancing security by
preventing unauthorized access.
In summary, the JWT Hashing Algorithm is a
secure method for safeguarding passwords in
contemporary web applications. Built upon the JWT
standard, it prioritizes both simplicity and security.
By utilizing a unique salt and securely hashing
passwords, it effectively guards against unauthorized
access and ensures the user's data remains secure.
In conclusion, I can confidently state that this learning
experience has been tremendously enriching. Thanks
to this program, I have gained a deeper understanding
of my specialized skills, and it has provided me with
valuable interactions. Currently, the MERN stack is a
widely adopted technology for web and chat
applications, enjoying immense popularity among
developers worldwide. When we explore the internet,
we encounter millions of websites and applications
built using MERN and MEAN stacks.
I find myself navigating a different terrain from
what I'm accustomed to, and it's a journey of growth
and independence. This experience has not only
enhanced my professional skills but also my personal
life, instilling the belief that I can achieve more and
continue to acquire new skills independently.
For those considering a career in this field, there
are vast opportunities available. Both private and
public organizations are actively recruiting web
developers and app developers for their online
projects and development efforts. With the rapid
growth of the online industry, the demand for web
and app development professionals is steadily
increasing, promising significant job prospects in the
days to come.
Additionally, individuals well-versed in this field
can explore freelance opportunities. There are
numerous online platforms that offer freelance
projects to individuals, providing an avenue for
independent work and entrepreneurship.
Shubham Patil, Saurav Daware, Ameya Bhagat, Prof.
Jayant Sawarkar, Department of Computer
Engineering, Datta Meghe college of Engineering,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Sourabh Mahadev Malewade, Archana Ekbote,
Information Technology Department VCET, Vasai,
Palghar, India.
Akhilesh sarjit M S, Srivishak V, Shiddarth S, Sarvana
Kumar P, Preethi D, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute
of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India.
Tanya agarwal, Swapnil Upadhyay, Shreeansh Srivastava,
Rohit Sharma, Poornima college of Engineering, India.
Nithin Katla, Gautham Kumar M, Pidugu Rohith Raj, Dr. S
Shitharth, Dept. of CSE, Vardhaman college of Eng.,
Noor Sabah, Jamal M , Kadhim and Ban N. Dhannoon,
Department of computer science , Al-Nahrain
Sumit Kumar Mishra, Ankit Kumar, Ankush Kaundal,
Upasna Joshi, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Delhi Technical Campus, New Delhi,
Suman Kharel, Jukka Jauhiainen, Degree Programme in
Information Technology, Oulu University of Applied
Bishal Kumar, Kumar Sagar, M Arvindhan, Ankit kr.
Tiwari, Galgotias University Greater, Noida, India.
Lavish Mangal, Pushpendre Pratap Singh, Keshav Gupt, Jai
Kumar, Saijal Gupta, Department of Information
Technology, Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of
Technology and Management, New Delhi, India.
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and Consumer Electronics