information to construct an optimized portfolio with
the appropriate risk-return tradeoff (Lai et al., 2019).
Overall, this study will add to the expanding body of
knowledge on the use of artificial intelligence in
finance and may provide significant insights for
investors and traders looking to optimize their
portfolios for better returns and risk management.
In recent years, the application of artificial
intelligence (AI) techniques (Almahdi, 2018) in
finance has developed fast, with a special emphasis
on stock portfolio optimisation. Several research have
been conducted to investigate the use of AI in this
subject, with a variety of methodologies and
strategies being created. The use of machine learning
algorithms to find patterns and trends in historical
data is one prominent method to AI-based stock
portfolio optimisation (Chen, 2019). For example,
Zhang et al. (2020) created a deep learning-based
model to anticipate stock prices and used this data to
build optimised portfolios. According to the authors,
this strategy outperformed standard optimisation
methods and delivered greater returns. Another
approach is to use genetic algorithms (GA) to
optimize portfolios (Chen, 2019). GA is a type of
optimization algorithm inspired by the process of
natural selection, where solutions evolve over time
through a process of selection, mutation, and
crossover. A study by Jiranyakul and Brahmasrene
(2018) used GA to optimize portfolios based on stock
price data and reported superior returns compared to
traditional optimization methods. Other studies have
explored the use of AI techniques to predict market
trends and sentiment (Almahdi, 2018). For example,
a study by Xu et al. (2020) used sentiment analysis of
news articles and social media posts to predict market
trends and constructed portfolios based on this
information. (Chen 2019) The authors reported that
their approach outperformed traditional methods and
provided better risk management. Several research
have investigated the use of natural language
processing (NLP) to analyse financial news and
reports, in addition to machine learning and statistical
approaches. Ding et al. (2018), for example, used
NLP to extract sentiment and financial indicators
from news stories and then built portfolios based on
this information (Chen 2019). According to the
authors, this approach generated greater returns and
enhanced risk management. Overall, the literature
demonstrates that AI-based approaches to stock
portfolio optimisation have the potential to produce
greater returns and enhanced risk management.
Among the most common techniques being
investigated in this subject include machine learning
algorithms, genetic algorithms, sentiment analysis,
and natural language processing. However, further
research is needed to thoroughly investigate AI's
potential in stock portfolio optimization, particularly
in real-world applications.
A background study, also known as a literature
review, is an essential part of any research project. It
involves conducting a thorough search and analysis
of existing research and literature on the topic of
interest. In the case of the research topic "An
Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Stock
Portfolio Optimization," the background study may
include the following (Chen, 2019). This section
provides an overview of stock portfolio optimisation,
which is the process of picking a collection of
investments that maximizes the expected return for a
given degree of risk. It may also go over the various
approaches and strategies used in stock portfolio
optimisation, such as traditional mean-variance
optimisation, risk parity, and others. Artificial
intelligence and machine learning in finance: The use
of artificial intelligence and machine learning
techniques in finance, including stock portfolio
optimisation, is the emphasis of this section. It might
go over the many types of machine learning
algorithms used in finance [3, such as neural
networks, decision trees, and support vector
machines], as well as how they are employed in
portfolio optimization.
Related work in artificial intelligence-based
portfolio optimization: This section reviews existing
research on artificial intelligence-based portfolio
optimization. It may discuss the different types of AI-
based portfolio optimization techniques that have
been proposed, such as genetic algorithms,
reinforcement learning, and particle swarm
optimization. The section may also highlight the
strengths and limitations of these approaches and
their empirical performance (Jiang & Zhou 2019).
Data sources for stock portfolio optimization: This
section discusses the data sources used in stock
portfolio optimization. It may cover the different
types of data sources available, such as financial
statements, market data, news articles, and social
media feeds. The section may also highlight the
challenges associated with data collection, cleaning,
and preprocessing in portfolio optimization.
Stock Management Using Artificial Intelligence