the bid product after the payment he will get the
product from auctioneer.
Software development is a continuous process in the
software development life cycle. As per the needs of
the user from time to time the development process
can be modulated. The project has no doubt of easily
modification and enhancement would be done from
time to time. Technologies for online auctions are
changing the way we do business online. However,
the uncooperative behavior of the major online
auctioneers frequently impedes the expansion of
auction-related research and the creation of new
auction security methods. Due to the lack of high-
quality auction data and literature on the design of
online bidding process. This application can be
upgraded in the future to give a lot of usefulness,
which we have not yet included. There are so many
things that could fall under this wide area. The big
data systems framework makes it possible to identify,
describe, and analyze the most important parts of the
bidding process. This lets people appreciate and
understand how complicated connections and
relationships between different parts are. In future the
block chain and smart contracts techniques will
improve tamper free application and efficient
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