Sum Divisor Cordial Labelling of Sunflower Graphs
A. Anto Cathrin Aanisha
and R. Manoharan
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
School of Education, DMI, St. John The Baptist University, Mangochi, Malawi
Department of Mathematics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Keywords: Sum Divisor Cordial Labeling, Sunflower Graph.
Abstract: Consider the simple graph G with vertex set W, let g: W→ {1, 2 . . . |W|} be a bijective function of G. The
function f is known as SDC labeling if the distinction between the number of lines categorized with 0 and the
number of lines categorized with 1 is less than or equal to one such that a line xy is categorized 1 if 2 divides
sum of f(x) and f(y), and categorized 0 otherwise for every line. A graph that is having SDC labeling is
referred to as an SDC graph. This paper shows that the sunflower graph is an SDC graph for all n≥ 3.
Graph theory is the study of relationships between
objects. Graph theory is an ancient subject with
numerous exciting modern applications. Graph
theory is an important part of many different fields.
(Chakraborty et al., 2018) demonstrated the use of
graphs in social networks, whose complexity is
increasing as social media advances. Graph theory is
related to chemistry. Most theoretical chemists used
mathematics to crunch numerical data until recently,
but graph theory has influenced a shift toward non-
numerical techniques. Labeling is one of the topics in
graph theory. It has many applications in pure,
applied mathematics and natural science. Some of the
fields where graph labeling applies include coding
theory, x-ray, crystallography, astronomy, network
theory, etc. (Prasanna, 2014) demonstrated how graph
labeling applies in network security, the numerical
network portion of an IP address, the channel
assignment process, and social media. (Kumar &
Kumar vats, 2020) explained how graph labeling
applies in crystallography. Graph theory principles
are also used in several computer science areas such
as database management systems, software
architecture, algorithm design, multiprocessing, data
structure, and so on. (Vinutha, 2017) has discussed
how graph coloring and labeling applies in computer
science. Graph coloring is used in GSM networks,
aircraft scheduling etc. Also graph labeling is applied
in many areas in computer science. For example,
signal interference from different radio station is
avoided by assigning channel to each station through
the use of radio labeling.
There are many labeling in graph theory. They are
prime labeling, magic labeling, graceful labeling,
edge labeling, radio labeling and many others. In
graph theory, one of the labeling is sum divisor
cordial labeling. Sum divisor cordial graphs have
thrilling features which are captivating to discover as
it isn't every graph that allow sum divisor cordial
labeling (Lourdusamy St Xavier & Patrick St Xavier,
Graph labeling involves assigning integers to
nodes(vertices) or lines(edges) or both, according to
certain rules. Labeling is referred to as vertex labeling
if the domain of the function is the set of nodes.
Labeling is known as edge labeling if the domain of
the function is the set of lines. Total labeling is
labeling where labels are assigned to both vertices
and edges of the graph. For more information about
this, we can refer (Gallian, 2018). (Thomas et al.,
2022) have proved that integer cordial labeling admits
on some graphs like olive tree, jewel graph, and
crown graph. (Mitra & Bhoumik, 2022) have proved
that a few graphs are tribonacci cordial graphs.
(Abhirami et al., 2018) have mentioned even sum
cordial labeling that admits a few graphs like the
crown graph, comb graph, and many others. The topic
of divisor cordial labeling became started out the way
of (Varatharajan et al., 2011). (U. Prajapati & Prerak,
2020) have proved that friendship-related graphs are
divisor cordial graphs. Also (Barasara & Thakkar,
2022) have proved that ladder-related graphs are sum
Aanisha, A. and Manoharan, R.
Sum Divisor Cordial Labelling of Sunflower Graphs.
DOI: 10.5220/0012614800003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 305-308
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.