Machine Learning Techniques for Analysing Students Feedback
Towards Quality Management in Higher Education
Shaifali Garg
1,* a
, Malik Jawarneh
2 b
, Meenakshi
3,† c
and Sammy F.
4,† d
Amity Business School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, India
Faculty of Computing Sciences, Gulf College, Muscat, Oman
Apeejay Stya University Sohna, Haryana, India
Department of CSE, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram, AP, India
Keywords: Educational Data Mining, Student Feedback Analysis, Machine Learning, SVM, Accuracy, Classification.
Abstract: The area of research referred to as educational data mining is one that makes use of data mining, machine
learning, and statistics in order to investigate material that has been especially obtained from educational
settings. The goal of the learning and teaching process is to provide pupils the best possible experience they
can have in terms of learning and comprehending the material being taught. Educational data mining can be
used for a variety of purposes, including predicting student performance and identifying students who are at
risk, determining important concerns in the learning patterns of various groups of students, increasing pass-
out rates, accurately assessing the performance of the institution, making the most of campus resources, and
optimising the renewal of subject curriculum. This article provides machine learning techniques for analysing
students feedback towards quality management in higher education. Student feedback data set is preprocessed
to remove noise. Then student feedback data is analysed using SVM, ANN and random Forest algorithm.
Performance of SVM algorithm is found better for analyzing student feedback data for overall quality
improvement in higher educational institutions.
Data mining finds patterns and connections across
multiple data categories to extract meaningful
information from large databases. This is done
through pattern detection and exploration. Predictive
data mining analyzes existing data to forecast the
future. Machine learning is an area of artificial
intelligence that studies ways to teach machines new
skills. The field of "educational data mining" uses
data mining, machine learning, and statistics to study
educational data. This area offers great data mining
possibilities. The "teaching-learning process" refers
to the system that uses factual data and scientific
criteria to evaluate student education (Veluri et al,
2022). Educational data mining involves researching
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
and analyzing growing volumes of data from
educational institutions and settings. The data may
include school administrative or online education
data. Both may be included. Educational data mining
is expanding rapidly as new data mining and machine
learning techniques and methods are developed. Data
mining has enabled the development of unique
methods for extracting creative, interesting,
interpretable, and relevant information that can
improve our understanding of students and their
learning environments (Zhang et al, 2020).
The anomalies in the data may reveal important
patterns in class efficiency or student academic
progress. Multiple interdependencies between
variables may reveal substantial correlations and
regressions. When analyzing educational data,
Garg, S., Jawarneh, M., Meenakshi, . and F., S.
Machine Learning Techniques for Analysing Students Feedback Towards Quality Management in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012615200003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 309-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
context, time, and sequencing are crucial. Educational
data mining can predict student performance, identify
at-risk students, determine important concerns in the
learning patterns of various student groups, increase
pass-out rates, accurately assess the institution's
performance, maximize campus resources, and
optimize subject curriculum renewal (Hicham et al,
A thorough quality management system helps
universities make necessary changes to combat
process entropy and provides critical feedback for
continuous progress. This ensures high-quality
university services. Keeping note of and investigating
the myriad ideas and emotions that arise throughout
teaching and learning is crucial. These feed-forward
mechanisms control deviations and introduce
appropriate interventions at the right times to ensure
smooth and effective teaching and learning growth.
Make-up classes, bridge courses, and extra
homework may be needed to maintain and improve
university education (Kovalev et al, 2020).
Learning and teaching aim to give students the
best experience possible in learning and
understanding the topic. Data and information for
each activity, such as teaching and learning, is crucial
to comprehensive quality management in higher
education. Empirical evidence should support TQM
rather than subjective assessments. Intelligent data
analysis, classification, and prediction offered by
machine learning may improve this issue (Khodeir et
al, 2019).
This article uses machine learning to analyze
student comments on higher education quality
management. Preprocessed student feedback data
removes noise. SVM, ANN, and random Forest
algorithms analyze student feedback. SVM algorithm
performs better for assessing student feedback data to
improve higher education quality.
The best decision tree algorithm, SVM, C4.5, Naive
Bayesian, and RIPPER prediction algorithms were
compared (Eswara et al, 2017). When FP rate,
Precision, F-M, Recall, and MCC are compared,
Naive Bayes wins. It is unclear if or how these
algorithms can improve college instruction.
Researcher employed decision tree categorization
on student evaluation results to improve teaching and
learning quality. They sought to identify students at
risk of poor performance. The technique fails to
identify student strengths and weaknesses, creating a
knowledge gap (Mesaric et al, 2016). The feedback
will be excellent or bad based on how well the person
can identify the lesson or understanding that needs
improvement. A study on the reliability of student
feedback ratings or quantitative characteristics used
linguistic qualities of the accompanying free text in
feature space (Kannan et al, 2011). A stronger
awareness for textual evidence leads to higher marks.
The quantitative ratings and qualitative remarks
regarding the feature are compared. Naive Bayes was
used to classify Gujarati texts into a few main groups
(Rakholia et al, 2017). The classifier performs better
on randomly partitioned 10 times test data than 2
times. This shows that the classifier may have had
insufficient training data for the latter instance. Since
feature selection enhances prediction accuracy, not
employing a classifier is better. Additionally, it works
on small data sets. K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) and
Naive Bayes were tested for movie and hotel
evaluation accuracy, precision, and recall. The Naive
Bayes approach outperformed the K-NN method in
movie rating prediction, but both systems performed
similarly in hotel rating prediction.
This section provides machine learning techniques
for analysing students feedback towards quality
management in higher education. Student feedback
data set is preprocessed to remove noise. Then student
feedback data is analysed using SVM, ANN and
random Forest algorithm. An excellent example of
supervised learning is the SVM classifier, which
processes enormous volumes of data in order to
recognize patterns that were not previously visible.
The categorization and analysis of multivariate data
are two examples of common uses. The support
vector machine (SVM) classifier assigns a single
label to newly collected data. This classifier is built
on the basis of the probabilistic binary classifier.
Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that it belongs to the
non-linear category, it is sometimes referred to as the
kernel. Support vector machines, often known as
SVMs, are frequently hailed as the most efficient
margin classifiers. This is generally due to the fact
that SVMs are able to efficiently split n-numbers of
records that belong to the same category. It is better
to have a non-linear relationship between the margin
value and each of the categories. The SVM idea is
used rather often when it comes to the process of data
classification Arifin et al, 2021).
ANNs are not a novel concept by any means.
Because of the interdependence of its input and
output data, this system may replicate a sophisticated
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics
one. This location houses the systems responsible for
input and output. Because of the training assignment,
ANN is now able to acquire and retain information on
the compound system without the need to reference
any more data from outside sources. ANN is
unrivalled when it comes to solving problems,
making predictions, recognising patterns, and
classifying data. When applied to more complicated
systems, ANN is able to develop non-linear
correlations between identifiers that are more
accurate and exact than those generated by traditional
methods. In addition to this, it is able to take into
account a wide range of data types, including those
that are inaccurate, insufficient, or noisy.
Figure 1: Machine Learning Techniques for Analyzing
Students Feedback Towards Quality Management in
Higher Education.
In recent years, ANN has been used to solve
challenges connected to decision-making because of
its dependability and superior abilities in gathering
non-linear correlations among the identifiers of
essential systems. It has recently gained popularity as
an option for use in the development of medical
diagnostic models. These models may be helpful to
medical professionals in aiding them in developing a
diagnosis based on the patient's reported symptoms.
They are based on the information that was supplied
by the patients themselves (Kour et al, 2021).
A method referred to as Random Forest was first
developed for use in order to categorise and predict
data. During the development of this system, an
approach known as ensemble learning was used.
During this stage of the process, a forest of decision
trees is constructed, and regression methods are used
to make predictions on which branches will produce
fruit. It has a low standard deviation and is effective
at integrating the many components of the incoming
data, which are both requirements for producing
accurate predictions. The use of random forest
classification is first met with reluctance from a great
number of individuals due to the misconception that
it is difficult to implement. This is one of the
explanations that may be given (Chowdhery et al,
Figure 2: Accuracy of Machine Learning Classifiers for
Student Feedback Data.
Student feedback dataset was contributed to by the
students of a renowned educational institution located
in northern India. It is highly recommended that the
Institutional Report be created with this data set
serving as the basis for student comments. This
database primarily contains the following categories
of information: classroom teaching, course materials,
examinations, laboratory exercises, library resources,
and extracurricular activities. Each group of
information is organised into two columns, and each
column may be labelled with either a 0 (indicating a
neutral value), a 1 (indicating a positive value), or a -
1 (indicating a negative value) (negative). There are
185 entries in all that may be found there. Results are
shown in figure 2, figure 3 and figure 4.
Accuracy= (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
Sensitivity = TP/ (TP + FN)
Specificity = TN/ (TN + FP)
TP= True Positive
TN= True Negative
FP= False Positive
FN= False Negative
Student Feedback Data Set
Data Preprocessing Phase
Machine Learning
SVM, ANN, Random Forest
Classification Results
0,85 0,92 0,985
Machine Learning Techniques for Analysing Students Feedback Towards Quality Management in Higher Education
Figure 3: Sensitivity of Machine Learning Classifiers for
Student Feedback Data.
The field of study known as educational data mining
is one that investigates content that has been
specifically gathered from educational settings by
using data mining, machine learning, and statistics.
This kind of research is referred to as "educational
data mining." The purpose of the learning and
teaching process is to offer students with the greatest
experience they can have in terms of learning and
understanding the content that is being taught to them.
This is the best experience that can be provided to
them. It is possible to use educational data mining for
a variety of purposes, including predicting student
performance and identifying students who are at risk,
determining important concerns in the learning
patterns of various groups of students, increasing
pass-out rates, accurately assessing the performance
of the institution, making the most of campus
resources, and optimising the renewal of subject
curriculum. These are just some of the potential
applications of educational data mining. This article
presents many methods of machine learning that may
be used to analyse the responses of students to
questions on quality management in higher education.
The data collection including student feedback is
preprocessed in order to reduce noise. The data
collected from the student feedback surveys are then
analysed using SVM, ANN, and the random Forest
method. It has been discovered that the performance
of the SVM algorithm is superior when it comes to
assessing student feedback data for the purpose of
improving the overall quality of higher educational
Figure 4: Specificity of Machine Learning Classifiers for
Student Feedback Data.
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Machine Learning Techniques for Analysing Students Feedback Towards Quality Management in Higher Education