Proposed Way to Inculcate Morality in Artificial Intelligence
Richa Kapoor Mehra
O. P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Ethical Theories, Utilitarianism, Categorical Imperative, Virtue Ethics.
Abstract: Recently one of the most trending, memorable and unique news hitting the social media that showcased one
of the best uses of technology is in the form of the clad draped in a traditional saree to accept loan documents
from bank branch. Robotic company ASIMOV sent its saree- clad advanced robot SAYABOT to receive loan
documents from the bank. One of the main reasons for the popularity of such humanoids is due to their
capability of performing task in almost all sectors such as education, healthcare, hospitality and banking. In
the 21st century, human dependency on robots and other gadgets has increased drastically, as a result giving
rise to plenty of challenges. With AI becoming smarter day by day in taking decisions and getting involved
in other activities results into various ethical concerns. Few questions that one can ponder upon- can these
digitally empowered Bots who behave like humans and dress like humans, act in socially and morally
responsible way? Can Artificial Intelligence be said to be moral agents? Can artificial intelligence be said to
have the ability to discern right from wrong? Who bears responsibility of wrong doings by Artificial
Intelligence? Can we hold artificial intelligence accountable for its own actions? Is there a way to equip
artificial intelligent as artificial moral agents? This is where role of ethics comes in. The increasing use of AI
in 21st century in more efficient and faster way poses various challenges on society and its beings. Now one
of the significant question is what should be done to ensure that AI outbreak gives rise to positive results
which benefit the society as a whole? This article is an attempt to answer the above-mentioned questions by
showcasing ethics as a means to tame and instruct artificial intelligence to ensure they act in a morally
responsible way. The aim of this article is to determine which ethical theory is best suitable theory that would
provide results in favor of humanity. The first section of this article deals with consequentialist theory of
utilitarianism. In the second section an attempt has been made to comprehend how compatible artificial
intelligence would be with Aristotle’s virtue theory. The third and last section showcase the compatibility of
artificial intelligence with deontology theory of Immanuel Kant.
Since time immemorial, morality is considered to be
the very essence of human beings. Morality is the
fundamental human trait that makes us responsible
moral agents. Human dignity and moral responsibility
are the key essence of human traits. Humans are
moral agents; they have the ability to discern from
right and wrong actions and are considered
accountable for their actions. With the growing use
and demand of artificial intelligence, it is imperative
to check the actions of AI and ensure that their actions
are ethically governed. Before we move forward, it is
imperative to first know what is meant by artificial
AI can be understood as intelligence that is
artificially created and that is demonstrated by a
machine. From Alexa to touch screen dispensers and
other gadgets, we can see our dependence on many
such intelligent items. The term AI can be understood
as intelligent agent that is designed and created by
human beings; is so intelligent that it perceives its
environment and becomes smarter. The most
common existing form if artificial intelligence is
simple AI, these are machines that rely on the
preprogrammed data or set of rules hence may not be
very efficient decision makers. On the other hand
there is Machine Learning, which permits machines
to acquire from the surroundings without being
overtly automated thus equip themselves as better
decision makers. This type of technology is often
referred as complex artificial intelligence; they have
better decision-making capabilities as they get
involved in integrating and scrutinizing data relating
to a specific task. Since these complex AI takes
Mehra, R.
Proposed Way to Inculcate Morality in Artificial Intelligence.
DOI: 10.5220/0012615400003739
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things: Accelerating Innovation in Industry and Consumer Electronics (AI4IoT 2023), pages 319-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-661-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
decision on the bases of pre given data, so to ensure
they act in morally appropriate way; I suggest to
equip them with certain ethical theories. Thus, to
ensure best results we have to feed ethical data to the
AI so that they act in ethically smarter and better way.
Now the question that can be posed- how one become
aware of ethical data? To unfold this question, we will
explore various ethical theories and will discover
which theory yield the best outcome for humanity?
Ethical theories provide us with the foundation for
decision making. Ethical theories help in
distinguishing between right and wrong actions.
These theories help us in getting the unified account
of our moral obligations. If AI programmers instruct
AI with the most suitable ethical theories, then such
theories will benefit AI in taking morally right
decisions. To determine which ethical theory would
yield the best result it is imperative to unpack few
most relevant ethical theories.
The judgement of action as good or bad is determined
on the basis of the outcome of the action. An action
giving rise to good consequences is considered as
good action, on the other hand if the consequences of
an action are bad; the action is considered as bad. The
morality of action in consequentialist theory is
determined on the basis of its outcome. This theory
judges an action to be good or bad on the basis of its
consequences. For instance, most of people would
believe that lying is bad; but for consequentialist, if a
lie saves someone’s life then it is not bad to lie. There
are primarily two types of consequentialists-
utilitarianists and hedonists. One of the famous forms
of consequentialism is utilitarianism, it aims to
perform those actions which may lead to maximum
benefits to maximum number of people. In other
words, an action that brings more benefit than harm is
considered as good action, and the action that
produces more harm than good is considered as bad
action and should be avoided. Two famous English
thinkers who have defended utilitarianism include
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Utilitarian’s
doctrine can be expressed in the form of a single
principle, the greatest happiness principle: the
rightness of an action is determined by its
contribution to the happiness of everyone affected by
it. On the other hand, hedonists believe that an action
is good if it results into pleasure and it’s bad if it gives
rise to pain. To achieve the maxim of maximum
happiness for maximum number of people, for
utilitarians it is imperative to increase number of good
things in the world and to decrease the number of bad
This theory has gained popularity in past 20 years,
virtue theory is contrary to consequentialist theory.
Aristotle, the famous ancient Greek philosopher
advocated this theory. The prime emphasis of this
theory is development of one’s character, it focused
on the development of human qualities. Prime
questions emphasized by this theory includes - “How
should a person live?” and “What is the good life?”
and “What are values?”
Aristotle believed that virtues can be imbibed
through habit, according to him by practicing virtues
repeatedly a person develops moral character.
Through continuous practice of being truthful, just,
generous, compassionate and so on, a person
develops a decent ethical character. This results into
making correct choices specially during ethical
dilemma situations.
Aristotle then observes that a thing is called good
when it performs its function well same is applicable
to human beings; for him when a person channelize
reason and take decision based on reasoned inquiry,
they are believed to perform well. For Aristotle, man’s
highest function is to reason well and a good man is one
who reason’s well. However, virtue theory may not be
said to be compatible with artificial intelligence since
having virtuous traits in artificial intelligence does not
ensure that the decision making will always be in
favor of other human beings. In the up-coming section
deontological theory has been deliberated to explore
the compatibility of this theory with the artificial
In contrast to consequentialist theory, deontology
theory was proposed by Immanuel Kant, it
contemplates actions to be ethically right or wrong in
and of themselves, irrespective of their outcome; they
use universal rules to distinguish right from wrong.
The ethical theory of categorical imperative is core
ethical theory of Kant. The term categorical
imperative, basically means “absolute command.”
According to Kant, there is only one categorical
AI4IoT 2023 - First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Internet of things (AI4IOT): Accelerating Innovation in Industry
and Consumer Electronics
imperative, which he presents in three diverse
1: The law of universalizability: this principle
states that an action is considered to be right if it can
be universalized. For instance, breaking promise or
telling a lie; before performing these actions, a person
has to see whether it can be universalized. Kant puts
it this way: “Act as though the maxim of your action
were by your will to become a universal law of nature.
2: The Principle of Ends states that: “So act as to
treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that
of any other, in every case as an end and never as
merely a means.” To put it differently, this law states
that we should treat human beings as end in
themselves and never use them as a means to fulfill
some other end., To put it differently, individuals
should give respect to each human being and should
not use them as a commodity to accomplish the
desired results. Kant states that since we humans have
rational capacity or ability to reason we can make use
to reason to perform right actions.
3: The Principle of Autonomy this principle states
that we are free rational beings and due to this pre-
given rationality, we are able to determine the
differences between right and wrong actions. To
differentiate between right and wrong actions, we do
not have dependent upon others. However, for Kant
the onus lies on humans to discover and identify
differences between morally right and wrong actions.
We have to use our ability to reason to assist us in
implementing the categorical imperative and make
our own decisions, rather than relying on someone
else to tell us what to do. Kant puts it this way: “So
act that your will can regard itself at the same time as
making universal law through its maxims.
Now putting these ethical theories in context of
artificial intelligence decision- making, the
differences in the theories would result in the
difference in decision making. For instance, a
consequentialist AI might think that killing one evil
human being would be a just act if it results into
saving thousands of other human beings. However
contrary to the normative approach, a virtue theory AI
emphasizes on development of moral traits of an
individual. AI following deontological theory unlike
the consequentialist theory would regard the act of
killing as a wrong act.
With the advancement of technology and digital
revolution in place, it is believed AI to have rational
thinking capacity if it involves in a pre-given design
of logical thinking basis which it vindicates and
perform actions. If applied to AI, deontology theory
is most appropriate theory because of its ordering
actions and categorizing it on the basis of rational
dimensions of the other moral agents. It uses
universal law to distinguish right from wrong. For
Kant, humans are distinctly superior to other beings
due to its rational capacities. This status would also
apply to artificial intelligence. In my opinion, out of
the above mentioned ethical theories, AI must be
automated with deontological. Since AI have the
potential to make incredibly complex moral
decisions, it is important that humans are able to
identify the logic used in a given decision in a
transparent way, so as to accurately determine the
morality of the action in question.
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Proposed Way to Inculcate Morality in Artificial Intelligence