Lemma 6.1: The fractional order Crank Nicholson
finite difference scheme for the TFRDE
converges to
the relation between the
two solutions satisfies the relation
These conditions affirm us about the
unconditional convergence of Crank Nicholson finite
difference scheme to the Radon diffusion equation.
The time fractional radon diffusion equation (1) - (3)
has been solved by discretising the equation in time
fractional form. The Crank Nicholson finite
difference scheme has been used for approximation.
The numerical solution is obtained using time
fractional radon diffusion equation in air medium
with initial and boundary conditions. The solution has
been validated by using ‘Mathematica’ software. We
believe the one- boundary conditions 0< x <1, 0< α ≤
1, t > 0 initial condition: dimensional time fractional
diffusion equation subjected to initial and
, a
At α = 0.9,0.8 ,0.7. The
numerical solutions are analysed at t = 0.05 by taking
into consideration the terms τ = 0.005, h = 0.1.
Convergent numerical solution is obtained for the
diffusion equation under analysis. The Radon
movement and transportation through a cylinder of
air is calculated as the concentration at various levels.
The study of the fractional order Crank Nicholson
finite difference scheme for time fractional radon
diffusion equation is best fit, which gives
unconditionally stable and convergent solution.
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Time Fractional Radon Diffusion Equation and Crank Nicholson Finite Difference Algorithm