Based on the results of research discussed in the
previous chapter, the following conclusions indicate
that both work experience and professionalism have
a significant effect on audit quality. Thus, hypotheses
one and two are accepted. Its also concluded that
remote audit can moderate the effect of both work
experience and professionalism. Therefore,
hypotheses three and four are also accepted.
The effect of remote audit as a moderator on
the relationship between professionalism and audit
quality in Public Accounting Firms (KAP) in
Pekanbaru City, which is affected by the Covid-19
Pandemic, is an interesting aspect to discuss. In this
context, auditor professionalism plays a major role in
ensuring audit integrity and accuracy, while remote
audit presents new challenges in carrying out efficient
audit practices. How the influence of professionalism
in auditing can be moderated by the adoption of
remote audit during the pandemic is key to
understanding how the audit industry adapts to rapid
changes and maintains high standards of audit
quality, especially in the Pekanbaru City area which
is also affected by the pandemic. Therefore, auditors
must maintain their integrity and avoid conflicts of
interest. This is important to ensure that auditors can
conduct audits independently and objectively, KAP
must implement clear and documented audit policies
and procedures. Clear audit policies and procedures
can help auditors to conduct audits consistently and
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