Polarization of the Green Energy Transition in Improving the
Economy of Coastal Communities Through Ocean Thermal Energy
Muhamad Mujahidin
, Bunga Paramita
and Taufik Hidayat
Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Dompak, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
Politeknik Kesehatan Pontianak, Pontianak, Indonesia
Keywords: Green Energy, Polarization, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, NPW, PWH.
Abstract: The economy and population will improve significantly in the next four decades Based on an estimated annual
gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 5.6 percent from 2015 to 2050 and an average population growth
rate of 0.8 percent per year (2015- 2050). The potential of the Riau Archipelago Province for renewable
energy is enormous, but it has not been widely utilized, climate adaptation and investment show that
improving the economy of coastal communities, is in an open participatory process, namely an alternative
people-based economic activity that is competitive by utilizing the conversion of marine thermal energy into
electricity is a method by utilizing the temperature difference between the sea surface temperature which is
influenced by a certain depth, NPW as a technology that converts sea level at the maximum temperature,
which is evaporated and the condensity continues to the water temperature which is integrated in the turbine
to generate electricity, the main obstacle faced in this process is how to direct the ability to manage the
character and dynamics of coastal communities, in accordance with the economic conditions of the
community. processes generate a large quantity of heat which cannot be used due to its relatively low
temperatures (400C 2000C). In 2012, global energy production was 153 PWh. and at least a third of it was
wasted as thermal waste. Thus, recovering only a few percents out of thermal waste generated in industrial
and household processes would represent an extremely valuable source of green energy. Thermal engines are
too complex and costly to to put these heat sources to use; therefore, a precious energetic resource is lost.
Thus, a simpler and more direct way is required for the conversion of thermal energy into electric energy.
The Government of Indonesia has determined a non
Business as Usual (nonBAU) economic development
plan according to the Masterplan for Acceleration and
Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development as
decreed by the Presidential Regulation no 32, 2011,
Energy development to support national economic
growth, MP3EI scenario is a scenario that optimizes
growth in accordance to the Masterplan for
Acceleration and Expansion of island Economic
Development (MP3EI). Development is done with a
breakthrough approach and not business as usual.
MP3EI is intended to promote the establishment of
high economic growth, balanced, equitable and
sustainable. Assumstion of MP3EI scenario is same
with the Base scenario except for GDP, GDP growth
and GDRP growth, The energy demand of the
industrial sector, which is considered as the national
economy driver, is expected to increase continuously
and dominate the total final energy demand, followed
by that of the transportation sector which supports the
economic activity. The share of energy consumption
in industrial sector increases continuously from 39%
in 2010 to 41% by 2015, and to reach 43% in 2030.
Energy consumption of the transportation sector
increases from 24% to 28% by 2015 and to reach 35%
in 2030. Firewood will be less used in the household
sector resulting in a declining share from 31% to 24%
by 2015 and down to 13% in 2030, using the Base
scenario. However, by the MP3EI scenario,
contribution of the household sector in 2030 will be
less significant compared to that by the Base scenario.
This is due to projected improvement in living
standard of the general public, such that the use of
firewood will continuously diminish. one that
supporting economic growth through the regional
potential development is energy diversification,
Biofuels and CTL has a large prospect to be
developed in the future to reduce import dependancy.
Mujahidin, M., Paramita, B. and Hidayat, T.
Polarization of the Green Energy Transition in Improving the Economy of Coastal Communities Through Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.
DOI: 10.5220/0012628900003798
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference (MEBIC 2023) - Sustainable Recovery: Green Economy Based Action, pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-704-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
However, oil fuels market need to be managed
properly to encourage development of biofuel and
CTL, Liquid fuels are used in the transportation,
industry, commercial, households, and other sectors.
The transportation sector is projected to still rely on
combustion engines as prime movers using oil fuels
in the future. Consequently, the transportation will
dominate the use of oil fuels.
The share of the transportation sector in oil fuels
consumption reached 63% (2010) is projected to
grow to 71% by 2030. According to the MP3EI
scenario, oil fuels consumption in the industry sector
will also increase causing the share of the
transportation sector to be suppressed to 68% in 2030.
The crucial issue given the dominant role of coastal
communities are, Local oil and gas management
capabilities tend to decline, as a result economic
growth is disrupted, which is caused by fuel imports.
to meet energy demand in the future because
efforts to substitute oil fuels with other types of liquid
fuels (biofuels and CTL) will not be adequate. By
2030, crude oil import according to the Base scenario
will reach 86% of domestic supply and oil fuels
import will reach 55% of domestic supply.
The increase of crude oil import will only be made
possible with construction/expansion of oil refinery
capacity up to 400 MBCD (Base scenario) and 1.200
MBCD (MP3EI scenario), it will be an irony in the
future (where Indonesia is currently one of the major
LNG exporter) when LNG imports up to 41% of
domestic supply become necessary to meet domestic
gas demand in 2030.
This research also projects that future energy
situation will require energy supply infrastructure to
be built that include LNG plant, oil refineries, LPG
plant, electricity generation sector, CTL, coal ports,
and gas refiling station for transportation sector with
an investment at least 311 billion USD (constant price
2000) for the Base scenario and 460 billion (constant
price 2000) for the MP3EI scenario. This total
investment funding will be approximately 2.73% and
3.03% of total GDP during 2011-2030 period for the
BASE scenario and MP3EI scenario, respectively.
Thermal energy can be converted directly into electric
energy by using the Seebeck effect: the heat transfer
into an electric conductor will engage charge carriers,
resulting in electromotive force. Two junctions A and
B between different conduction materials a and b will
generate electromotive force between ends C and D if
the two junctions are maintained at different
temperatures (Figure 1). In an open circuit, the
electromotive force generated is proportional with the
difference of temperature between the two junctions:
Geometric gradient occurs when cash flow changes
up/down by a certain percentage. Present Worth
Α being the Seebeck differential coefficient for
the two materials. The Seebeck coefficient for metals
is around 10 μV/K, therefore the voltages generated
are used only for measuring the temperature in
thermocouples. The most widely used is
thermocouple K (junction with chromel alumel
alloys). This provides 41 μV/K and can function
between -200
C and +1260
C. (Biofuels News,
2019) (Figure 2). In order to obtain higher voltages,
tens or hundreds of thermocouples can be connected
in series, forming thermopiles.
Figure 1: The junctions between different points.
Figure 2: Thermocouple.
Figure 3: Semiconductors.
In semiconductors, the Seebeck effect can
generate much higher voltages, hundreds of mV/K.
The majority carriers are engaged by the heat flow.
Thus, electromotive force is obtained, the polarity of
which is indicated in Figure 3. Tens or hundreds of
serial elements form Seebeck modules, which can
provide tens of mV/K (Figure 4). In our experimental
investigations we used modules TEG-40-40-19/200,
produced by Eureca (Germany). These generate 54
mV/K (Migas, 2018), If current runs through a circuit
made up of junctions between different materials, a
heat flow will appear between the two junctions. This
is the Peltier effect. Thus, one of the junctions adsorbs
the heat generated at the other junction. The Peltier
effect can be used for cooling components or spaces.
Peltier modules with semiconductors are built
similarly with Seebek modules, but they are cheaper,
as they are optimized for cooling and not for
generating thermoelectric force. Peltier modules can
be used for generating thermoelectric force, but their
performance is inferior to the Seebek module
performance. In our research we used Peltier modules
Figure 4: Seebeck module.
Analysis of energy needs and supply is carried out
based on the calculation results from the model LEAP
and Balmorel. LEAP is a capable energy planning
simulation model carry out energy analysis from need
to supply in an integrated manner.
3.1 Economic Growth Models
Geometric gradient occurs when changes in cash flow
increase/decrease by a certain percentage.
Present Worth (PW)factor:
where Q(P, A) is a positive differentiable function.
We now essentially repeat the computation made in
Section 2, i.e., we want to compute the corresponding
gradient flow for shortening length relative to the new
metric, the design this evolution geometric gradient
of the potential well described by the gradient flow
we may also add a constant inflation term (which may
be interpreted as a Lagrange multiplier for a
constrained version of the given optimization
problem), and so derive a models efficient, geometric
Gradient 3-D contour models based on surface
evolution ideas, by modifying the Euclidean area in
this case by a function which depends on the salient
features which we wish to capture. In order to do this,
we will need to set up some notation.
Let g: [O, i x [0,1] + n denote a compact
embedded surface with (local) coordinates (g, .). Let
g denote the mean curvature and $ the inward unit
normal limit.
The analysis is divided into three stages, namely
analysis of energy needs, energy transformation and
energy supply. The analysis is based on energy
projections or forecasts from the three stages the. In
addition to sectoral conditions such as activity,
technology, and intensity, in doing Projections of
energy demand and supply require input related to
roadmaps and plans strategy (Renstra), energy
regulations that apply or are enacted. Assumptions
regarding conditions of macroeconomic indicators
such as GDP growth, demographics, and energy
prices Technology penetration is also necessary
because it is a dynamic driving factor Present value
(Present Worth) is the equivalent value at the present
moment (time 0). This PW method is often used
before other methods because it is usually relatively
easier to assess something project at the moment.
Fixed Input Maximize the PW of Benefit Fixed
Output Minimize the PW of Cost Neither input nor
output is fixed Maximize (PW of Benefit PW of
Cost) or Maximize NPW, The energy balance is a
description of the equilibrium conditions between the
energy supply side and the energy supply side
sectoral energy needs. The energy balance is depicted
in an energy system that includes starting from
production, conversion and transportation/
distribution to the end user. This decrease in the
number of resources and reserves is due to reduced
exploration activities and production, so that the
economic routine of coastal communities is disrupted.
Geothermal water, the hot and cold water in
households and farms can become the hot and cold
sources for generating electrical energy. The hot
water thermoelectric generator is made up of four
serial Peltier modules placed between two metallic
boxes filled with hot and cold water, respectively.
The metallic boxes are placed into a larger box made
of expanded polystyrene, for thermal insulation The
thermogenerator can fuel small electrical devices
Polarization of the Green Energy Transition in Improving the Economy of Coastal Communities Through Ocean Thermal Energy
(LED lamp, ventilator, radio, phone) for around 15
minutes, until the temperature in the two metallic
boxes becomes the same. The resulting lukewarm
water can be used in the household.
A variant in continuous flow, placed before the
chamber for mixing the warm and cold water in a tap
and also on the thermal water heating system can
provide electrical energy for free, with no moving
parts and with no maintenance costs! Fuel
consumption continues to increase as a result of
economic growth and population growth, while
domestic crude oil production continues to
experience decline and stagnant refinery capacity led
to imports of crude oil and fuel continues to increase,
so that the construction of a fuel refinery is an
impossible solution avoided, as an attempt to and
encourage the acceleration of economic growth and
increase the competitiveness of the coastal island
industry. The devices we built prove that Seebeck and
Peltier modules can be used successfully for the use
of energetic waste in households, greenhouses, etc.
Thermoelectric generators can exploit heat flows
with small temperature differences, they do not have
moving pieces, they do not require maintenance and
their life spans over decades. Seebeck modules have
proven to be very efficient (9% conversion efficiency
for a difference of temperature of 150
Peltier modules have lower efficiency (2%), but
they can exploit successfully resources with
temperature differences of only a few tens of degrees
The heat wasted from geothermal water, domestic
hot water and the central heating system in the
apartment can be used for converting thermal energy
into green energy useful in households, greenhouses,
farms, etc, especially when electric power from the
network is not available. Solar radiation can be
converted into electrical power with the use of
thermoelectric generators, which are a more robust
alternative than photovoltaic panels. Any rooftop of
façade of a building can thus become a source of
electrical energy, all materials and components used
for building the generators, except for Peltier and
Seebeck modules, came from discarded materials, in
order to put the wastes to use and to protect the
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