value and performance of the Company. If the type of
data is primary data, then the research theme is on
financial attitudes and financial literacy.
Using the data on the number of keyword links in
Table 1, it can be seen that financial literacy is the one
with the most links. Thus, it can be concluded that in
general, financial management research in Indonesia
uses primary data rather than secondary data as
previously discussed.
Figure 3: Density Visualization.
4.2 Discussion
From the results of the study, it was found that the
research trend in the field of financial management is
focused on the topics of financial attitudes and
financial literacy. These topics are widely researched
using influence tests. A title for research could be The
Influence of Financial Literacy on Financial Attitudes
in Object X.
This kind of research is just research that confirms
previous research. Research like this does not lead to
new findings or studies. This may be due to the rise
of quantitative research using regression tests among
students and lecturers.
The comparison between review literature taken
from abroad is quite different. In the literature review
discussed above, it is known that international
research trends are on the topic of blockchain, how to
create a secure system, how to monitor it, and how it
impacts the existing financial system. This research is
indeed needed at this time considering the widespread
use of blockchain as a transaction tool.
The trend in research in the field of financial
management is in research on company value and
performance and influences of financial literacy on
financial attitudes. The kind of research that does not
produce new findings but only confirms the results of
research from one object to another.
It is suspected that trends on financial
management research in Indonesia depends on the
type of data used. The value and performance of the
company is the theme if the data used is secondary. If
the data is primary data then the theme is attitudes and
financial literacy.
This research recommends to financial
management scientists to look the trends that exist
internationally which are currently on the theme of
technological impact and new variables in the
financial field.
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