JJ, Porras Andrade PS, Arriaga MB, Netto EM,
3. Singapore
Singapore's BCG vaccination at birth is still useful for
protecting babies and young children from
tuberculous meningitis. Over the past decade, we
have maintained high BCG coverage in infants of
nearly 100%. Although the incidence of tuberculosis
fell drastically in the decades after the National
Tuberculosis Program was established until the end
of the 1980s, the incidence of tuberculosis remained
stable from 1987 to 1996, namely around 50-60 cases
per 100,000 population (Andrew D. Kerkhoff, MD,
PhD, MSc,Diane V. Havlir, MD, 2023). In response
to the high incidence of tuberculosis, the National
Tuberculosis Program was expanded to become the
Singapore Tuberculosis Elimination Program (STEP)
in April 1997. STEP focuses on the following
strategies to control tuberculosis in Singapore:
a. Promotion of directly observed therapy (DOT) for
tuberculosis patients (Nicholas I. Paton, M.D.,
Christopher Cousins, M.B., Ch.B., Celina Suresh,
B.Sc., Erlina Burhan, M.D., Ka Lip Chew,
F.R.C.P.A., Victoria B. Dalay, M.D., Qingshu Lu,
Ph.D., Tutik Kusmiati, M.D., Vincent M.
Balanag, M.D., Shu Ling Lee, B.Sc., Rovina
Ruslami,, 2023)
b. Implementation of the National Treatment
Monitoring Registry to monitor treatment
progress and outcomes for all tuberculosis
patients (Marley G, Zou X, Nie J, Cheng W, Xie
Y, Liao H, 2023)
c. Contact investigations to identify recently
infected close contacts with infectious cases of
tuberculosis, and offer preventive therapy to
reduce the risk of developing active tuberculosis
(Ayenew Berha, 2023).
Tuberculosis is diagnosed primarily through passive
case finding when patients show symptoms. The
National Tuberculosis Notification Registry,
established in 1957, continues to collect and collate
data on the incidence of tuberculosis in Singapore. All
medical practitioners and laboratories who make a
diagnosis of tuberculosis are required by law to notify
the Ministry. Notification is mandatory for confirmed
and suspected cases of tuberculosis (Dong Huang,
Yan Wang, Yu Wang, Zongan Liang, 2020).
4. Malaysia
In research (Syafiq Sidqi Saidi, Rosliza Abdul Manaf,
2023)it is said that to improve the quality of life of
PTB patients, it is very important to ensure they
comply with and complete their treatment.
Compliance with treatment is the main key to
successful disease management, as well as breaking
the chain of infection transmission. And to increase
compliance behavior, patients and their immediate
families must have good knowledge about their
disease, which can be obtained from health education
and awareness programs (Marley G, Zou X, Nie J,
Cheng W, Xie Y, Liao H, 2023). Therefore, a
comprehensive and effective health program must
include an understanding of patients' perceptions of
the impact of disease on their physical, mental,
emotional and social well-being.
Social support can be defined as the process of
interaction in relationships that enhances coping, self-
esteem, belonging, and competence through the
exchange of real or perceived physical or
psychosocial resources. Family members have a very
big responsibility in managing PTB patients, because
of the long duration of treatment. The role of family
members must be involved throughout the disease
process, (Lika Apriani, Susan McAllister, Katrina
Sharples, Bachti Alisjahbana, Rovina Ruslami, Philip
C. Hill, Dick Menzies, 2019)from the initial diagnosis
of the disease, continuing with the management of
signs and symptoms, treatment seeking behavior, and
ultimately achieving successful treatment results
together (Erin Barker, Joe Moss, Hayden Holmes,
Catherine Bowe, Vinay Suryaprakash, Riccardo
Alagna, Vladyslav Nikolayevskyy, Marc Destito,
Davide Manissero , 2023).
It has been proven that family support is very
important in treatment adherence, quality of service,
treatment completion, treatment outcomes, as well as
psychosocial well-being among patients
(Muhammad Saleh Nuwa, Stefanus Mendes Kiik,
2021). Family members who support patients through
their illness make patients respond positively to the
people they live with (Habtu Debash, 2023). This is
also in line with WHO recommendations to include
family support interventions in the management of
TB patients, especially in cases of drug resistance
(Jaraee, J., Awg Adeni, D.S., Bilung, L.M. and
Azmin, P.A, 2023). Therefore, it is recommended that
TB programs should involve the involvement of
family members in patient management (Fadly Syah
Arsad, Noor Hassim Ismail , 2022).
5. Thailand
Meanwhile, in this country, evaluations carried out
with laboratory diagnosis are carried out at the
Mycobacteriology and Mycology Laboratory,
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. Stool specimens
were digested and decontaminated via the N- acetyl -
L- cysteine - NaOH and methods centrifuged at 3,000
times gravity for 15 minutes. Decontaminated stool