Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Results in Comparison of
Indonesia and Neighboring Countries
and Diana Laila Ramatillah
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of 17 August 1945, Jakarta 14350, Indonesia
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Directly Observed Treatment Short, Health.
Abstract: Tuberculosis is a type of respiratory infection originating from the bacteria M. tuberculosis which targets
countries with tropical climates such as Indonesia and several countries in Asia. The bacteria that caused TB
are spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes but most people infected with the bacteria are
asymptomatic. Treatment is not always necessary for people without symptoms. Patients with active
symptoms will require a long course of treatment involving several antibiotics. This research uses the
PRISMA method by collecting data obtained from several research journals. PRISMA helps writers and
researchers in compiling quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The results obtained in this journal
are from the data obtained, it can be seen that the highest TB rate for Indonesia's neighboring countries is in
India 1,045,269 cases as ranked 1
in the world and the country with the least number is Thailand with 143
cases. Meanwhile, Indonesia is in second place after India in terms of the number of cases respectively
969,000 cases in the period 2022. For evaluation and treatment of TB in countries, priority is given to
personnel with family internalization in maintaining health, in addition to using the DOTS method, which is
referred to as strategi Directly Observed Treatment Short Course.
Tuberculosis is one of the most important public
health problems worldwide, especially in developing
countries. TB is a complex problem because it is not
just a concern about the disease. but also socio-
economic aspects which have a very strong
correlation in fighting this disease. For many years,
TB has mostly been a disease associated with poverty,
while TB mostly infects people in developing
countries or poor countries where the quality of
sanitation is very low.
Moreover, this situation becomes more
complicated when it comes to multidrug resistance to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in many countries,
making it difficult to achieve successful control goals.
Efforts to detect early detection of TB cases are still a
big challenge, especially in countries with limited
health resources and TB cases in HIV patients where
HIV is marked with a negative stigma in society.
WHO has established a new global TB approach to
achieve worldwide TB elimination by 2035. TB easily
spreads from one area to another due to population
E-mail Correspondence
movements. It cannot be denied that these migrants
are the main reservoir of TB infection in various low
endemic areas. Even though these people were in good
health upon arrival in their destination country, they
were suffering from the latent disease Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Among these new cases, the majority
come from highly endemic countries where TB has
previously been a major prevalence. Management of
TB disease is a multi-aspect management, starting
from early detection, immediate treatment, to patient
control due to the long period of time. Moreover, TB
management is struggling with the stigma that mostly
occurs in people with weak immune systems or
immunodeficiency (Juan Espinosa, 2022).
In neighboring countries, Indonesia is one of the
TB endemic countries with high TB cases. which is
not only caused by the high prevalence and incidence
of TB, but is also influenced by the very high and
dense population in Indonesia. In recent years, the
incidence rate has decreased significantly, but is
offset by an increase in population. The main
reservoir of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is humans.
It is very important to know about TB transmission to
Nopridayanti, . and Ramatillah, D.
Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Results in Comparison of Indonesia and Neighboring Countries.
DOI: 10.5220/0012642300003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 214-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
prevent the spread of the disease. This disease is
transmitted through inhalation of TB droplets when
sufferers cough, laugh and sneeze. Furthermore, TB
can also be transmitted if sufferers use the same
nebulizer and can occur with open abscess drainage.
The possibility of transmission depends on several
factors, for examples duration of exposure, infectivity
of the bacteria, sufficient exposure of the bacteria to
sunlight and ventilation. The prevalence of TB with a
positive chest x-ray is higher in those aged 15-24
years, higher in men than women, and higher in rural
areas. The proportion of participants aged 65 years
and over who underwent a chest X-ray was lower than
younger people. The biggest reason is that they
cannot visit the research site because they are sick,
disabled, or unable to walk. The proportion of female
participants who underwent chest X-rays was lower
than men because some pregnant women did not
undergo chest X-rays. The prevalence of TB is higher
in other regions in Indonesia compared to the islands
of Sumatra and Java-Bali (Putra IG, 2022).
Apart from the possibility that participants in
these areas are more frequently exposed to TB germs
and TB risk factors, this may be because these areas
are still underdeveloped so that low education could
be one of the determining factors. Because case
detection based on symptoms is not yet optimal, the
passive detection of TB cases that has been carried
out so far may also contribute to delays in TB
diagnosis and treatment. Limited case finding or
symptom detection tools and access to health services
need to be improved. Increasing the potential of
human resources needs to be considered, because
educational background can be part of understanding
tuberculosis, and limited transportation facilities are
caused by the location of the islands which are quite
far from each other. Apart from that, the limited
number of health workers, health facilities and
medical equipment can be a significant problem for
Indonesia (Deni Iskandar , 2023).
Health has an important role in the economic
development of a nation. In this way, advanced
economic development will never be achieved if there
is a prevalence of infectious diseases in a society or
country. The better the social security program, health
service facilities and health resources that are
available, the better the health management will be
when an outbreak occurs that impacts the community
or nation. One epidemic that is still of concern to the
world is tuberculosis (TB). Until now, no country has
been free from TB. Building health infrastructure
such as hospitals, health centers, doctors and nurses
is very important in treating TB. For this reason, the
efficiency of reforms in the health sector and the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
accompanied by a detailed analysis of each reform
component must be carried out (Boyacioğlu, 2012).
In the provisions of the Health Law (UU No.
36/2009), expenditure allocations in the health sector
must be fulfilled. This article states that the budget
allocation for health spending is at least 5% of the
State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN)
excluding salaries, and for regional governments,
both levels I and II, the health budget allocation is at
least 10% of the Regional Government. The Regional
Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) does not
include salaries. With Indonesia's high population,
there is a tendency to increase the number of TB cases
in Indonesia. Provinces that have a high population
have a high number of TB cases. West Java, East
Java, Central Java, DKI Jakarta and North Sumatra
are provinces that have a high number of TB cases.
Apart from having a high population, these five
provinces have a high population density.
Public health conditions are correlated with
demographic conditions. The higher the population
growth trend and population density, the worse the
public health condition will be if there are many
outbreaks such as tuberculosis which is quickly
transmitted through droplets. This phenomenon can
illustrate that the number of TB cases is related to the
economy, there is a negative relationship between TB
cases and a country's per capita income. If people's
per capita income is high, people's purchasing power
for employment opportunities will increase so that
nutritional, educational and health needs will increase
the level and quality of people's lives and reduce
poverty. TB can be seen as a public health problem
and a population and environmental problem in which
people live. This research will examine the role of
socio-economic and environmental factors on the
number of TB cases. The problem of respiratory tract
infections such as tuberculosis is a crucial problem
for developing countries like Indonesia. the large
number of infected patients will burden the people
and will indirectly burden the government indirectly.
Therefore, research related to this matter is very
important to carry out as an initial benchmark in
determining Indonesia's tuberculosis status. (Ismail,
A., Prasetya, H., & Ichsan, B, 2023).
The research method in this journal uses the PRISMA
method which is a minimum set of evidence-based
items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-
analyses. PRISMA primarily focuses on reporting
Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Results in Comparison of Indonesia and Neighboring Countries
reviews that evaluate the impact of interventions, but
can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic
reviews with purposes other than evaluating
interventions (e.g. evaluating etiology, prevalence,
diagnosis, or prognosis). Systematic reviews have
many important roles. Researchers can provide a
synthesis of the state of knowledge in a field, so that
future research priorities can be identified,
researchers can answer questions that cannot be
answered through individual studies, researchers can
identify problems in main research that must be
corrected in further research and researchers can
generating or evaluating theories about how or why
phenomena occur.
Therefore, systematic reviews generate different
types of knowledge for different users of reviews
(such as patients, healthcare providers, researchers,
and policy makers). To ensure a systematic review is
useful to users, authors should prepare a transparent,
complete and accurate explanation of why the review
was conducted, what they did (such as how the
studies were identified and selected) and what they
found (such as the characteristics of the studies).
study contributions and meta-analysis results).
Current reporting guidelines make it easier for
authors to achieve this. PRISMA flow diagrams
visually summarize the screening process. Initially
the agency recorded the number of articles found and
then made the selection process transparent by
reporting decisions taken at various stages of the
systematic review. (Ortiz-Martínez, 2019)
The number of articles was recorded at different
stages, and in this journal 50 journals are presented
which discuss comparative studies of TB cases in
Indonesia and neighboring countries, namely India,
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the
Philippines, Palau, Australia, Timor Leste. and Papua
New Guinea. PRISMA flow diagram for studies
including qualitative and quantitative analysis.
PRISMA, preferred reporting items for systematic
reviews and meta-analyses. background: Kidney
transplantation in adults is most often performed in
the potential extraperitoneal space, and surgical
channels are used routinely in many medical centers.
Based on an extension of the PRISMA abstract
adapted to the PRISMA method approach, a
structured abstract should include important details of
the method and results. (ML Hedstrom, 2023).
This journal discusses the comparison of TB cases in
Indonesia and neighboring countries, namely India,
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the
Philippines, Palau, Australia, Timor Leste and Papua
New Guinea (Kementerian ESDM, 2023).
Table 1.
No Country Amount Rating
1. Indonesia 969,000 cases 2 worlds
(Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2023)
2. India 1,045,269 cases 1 world
of Health and Famil
Welfare, 2022)
3. Singapore 1,251 cases Last ranking in ASEAN
of Health Sin
apore, 2023)
4. Malaysia 25,391 cases 97 world
(CGTN, 2023)
5. Thailand 143 cases 150 ASEAN
(Knoema, 2023)
6. Vietnamese 416 cases 176 ASEAN
Phuoc Dao, 2022)
No Country Amount Rating
7. Palau 8300 cases 51 worl
(South Dakota Department of Health, 2022)
8. Australia 1300 cases 56 world(National Centre for edpidemiology and
opulation health, 2023)
9. East Timor 508 cases 127 world(United Nations in Timor Leste, 2022)
10. Papua New Guinea 30000 cases 153 of 185 versions of the Human Development
Index (MSF Australia, 2022).
11 Philippines 119,558 cases 4 Worlds
(Ma. Teresa Montema
or, 2023)
To identify TB infection, healthcare providers will
screen at-risk patients to rule out active TB, and they
may use skin or blood tests to check for infection. TB
disease is curable with 4 standard antibiotics for 6
months. Common drugs include rifampicin and
isoniazid. The desired impact of the WHO normative
guidelines regarding the management of TB in
children and adolescents is to reduce the burden of TB
morbidity and mortality in children and adolescents.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a preventable and curable
disease, but it continues to impact the lives and
development of millions of children and adolescents.
Children and young adolescents under 15 years of
age represent approximately 11% of all TB sufferers
globally. This means that 1.1 million children and
teenagers under 15 years old are infected with TB
every year, and more than 225,000 of them die. Since
the publication of WHO Guidelines for national
tuberculosis programs on the management of
tuberculosis in children in its second edition in 2014,
new recommendations have been published in WHO
guidelines and other policy documents regarding TB
prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment,
management and models. Many of these
recommendations also apply to children and
adolescents. Monitoring and evaluation are essential
to measure the burden of tuberculosis (TB), as well as
to track progress made in fighting this epidemic.
Having access to timely and verified data helps
policymakers and stakeholders make more informed
decisions to accelerate their efforts to end TB. WHO
collects, compiles and validates TB data annually as
part of its global TB report. This report provides a
comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB
epidemic, as well as progress made at global, regional
and country levels.
WHO also maintains an online database
containing TB data at country level from 2000
onwards. WHO supports countries in strengthening
national TB notification systems to measure and
monitor the number of people who fall ill and die
from TB. WHO assists countries in conducting a
number of surveys to accurately measure the burden
of TB. This includes surveys regarding national TB
prevalence, drug resistance, mortality rates, and costs
faced by TB patients and their households (WHO,
2023). The following is an evaluation and results of
TB treatment in Indonesia and neighboring countries:
1. Indonesia
In 2021 the treatment outcome mortality decreased
from 2% to 4%. In 2022 until November 1
, 2022,
deaths due to treatment were 4%, while those not
evaluated were 7%, this figure has increased
compared to the previous year. The target success rate
for DR-TB treatment in 2021 has not yet reached
75%. The current National Strategy for TB Care and
Prevention in Indonesia 2020-2024 aims to accelerate
efforts to eliminate TB in Indonesia by 2030 and end
TB in Indonesia by 2050. To achieve this goal, the
National Strategy will strengthen the leadership of
district and city governments (Nur Rahmi Amanda,
2023). Programs to increase access to high-quality,
patient-centred TB diagnostic and treatment services;
controlling TB infection and optimizing the provision
of TB preventive therapy (TPT) to increase the
utilization of research results regarding screening
technology , diagnostics and treatment regimens ;
increase the participation of the community, partners
and other multisectoral actors in TB control efforts;
and strengthening program management by
strengthening the health system as a whole (Muh
Khindri Alwi , Asni Hasanuddin , Rony Setianto ,
Fidrotin Azizah , Belinda Arbitya Dewi , Nilam
Fitriani Dai , Ardiansah Hasin , Jurnal Syarif, 2023).
2. India
In (Wakjira MK, Sandy PT, Mavhandu-Mudzusi AH,
2022)most cases, 97.0% of TB cases are newly
diagnosed and all are treated as first-line treatment .
The overall treatment success rate was 82.5% (28%
cured, 54.3% completed), 11.2% lost to follow-up,
4.7% died, and 0.9% treatment failure. . The success
rate for treating TB patients co-infected with HIV is
77.5%. If the problem of MDR-TB and the factors
that determine the outcome of treatment for MDR-TB
patients are to be addressed successfully, then the
factors that determine the outcome of treatment for
MDR-TB patients need to be identified. In this
regard, this study has identified socio-demographic
and clinical factors that determine treatment
outcomes of MDR-TB patients.
Thus, the results of this study will enable health
decision makers and MDR-TB caregivers in Ethiopia
to make evidence-based decisions regarding MDR-
TB program design as well as its management and
resource allocation decisions in subsequent national
efforts to expand program management and to
improve socio-economic support. Economics and
nutrition as well as the provision of integrated
services against MDR-TB and HIV/AIDS are
recommended to mitigate the high mortality rate
among patients treated for MDR-TB (Dona Arlinda,
2020). To mitigate unintentional transmission of
MDR-TB in the community, emphasis should be
placed on efforts to control respiratory tract MDR-TB
infections (Chaves Torres NM, Quijano Rodríguez
Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Results in Comparison of Indonesia and Neighboring Countries
JJ, Porras Andrade PS, Arriaga MB, Netto EM,
3. Singapore
Singapore's BCG vaccination at birth is still useful for
protecting babies and young children from
tuberculous meningitis. Over the past decade, we
have maintained high BCG coverage in infants of
nearly 100%. Although the incidence of tuberculosis
fell drastically in the decades after the National
Tuberculosis Program was established until the end
of the 1980s, the incidence of tuberculosis remained
stable from 1987 to 1996, namely around 50-60 cases
per 100,000 population (Andrew D. Kerkhoff, MD,
PhD, MSc,Diane V. Havlir, MD, 2023). In response
to the high incidence of tuberculosis, the National
Tuberculosis Program was expanded to become the
Singapore Tuberculosis Elimination Program (STEP)
in April 1997. STEP focuses on the following
strategies to control tuberculosis in Singapore:
a. Promotion of directly observed therapy (DOT) for
tuberculosis patients (Nicholas I. Paton, M.D.,
Christopher Cousins, M.B., Ch.B., Celina Suresh,
B.Sc., Erlina Burhan, M.D., Ka Lip Chew,
F.R.C.P.A., Victoria B. Dalay, M.D., Qingshu Lu,
Ph.D., Tutik Kusmiati, M.D., Vincent M.
Balanag, M.D., Shu Ling Lee, B.Sc., Rovina
Ruslami,, 2023)
b. Implementation of the National Treatment
Monitoring Registry to monitor treatment
progress and outcomes for all tuberculosis
patients (Marley G, Zou X, Nie J, Cheng W, Xie
Y, Liao H, 2023)
c. Contact investigations to identify recently
infected close contacts with infectious cases of
tuberculosis, and offer preventive therapy to
reduce the risk of developing active tuberculosis
(Ayenew Berha, 2023).
Tuberculosis is diagnosed primarily through passive
case finding when patients show symptoms. The
National Tuberculosis Notification Registry,
established in 1957, continues to collect and collate
data on the incidence of tuberculosis in Singapore. All
medical practitioners and laboratories who make a
diagnosis of tuberculosis are required by law to notify
the Ministry. Notification is mandatory for confirmed
and suspected cases of tuberculosis (Dong Huang,
Yan Wang, Yu Wang, Zongan Liang, 2020).
4. Malaysia
In research (Syafiq Sidqi Saidi, Rosliza Abdul Manaf,
2023)it is said that to improve the quality of life of
PTB patients, it is very important to ensure they
comply with and complete their treatment.
Compliance with treatment is the main key to
successful disease management, as well as breaking
the chain of infection transmission. And to increase
compliance behavior, patients and their immediate
families must have good knowledge about their
disease, which can be obtained from health education
and awareness programs (Marley G, Zou X, Nie J,
Cheng W, Xie Y, Liao H, 2023). Therefore, a
comprehensive and effective health program must
include an understanding of patients' perceptions of
the impact of disease on their physical, mental,
emotional and social well-being.
Social support can be defined as the process of
interaction in relationships that enhances coping, self-
esteem, belonging, and competence through the
exchange of real or perceived physical or
psychosocial resources. Family members have a very
big responsibility in managing PTB patients, because
of the long duration of treatment. The role of family
members must be involved throughout the disease
process, (Lika Apriani, Susan McAllister, Katrina
Sharples, Bachti Alisjahbana, Rovina Ruslami, Philip
C. Hill, Dick Menzies, 2019)from the initial diagnosis
of the disease, continuing with the management of
signs and symptoms, treatment seeking behavior, and
ultimately achieving successful treatment results
together (Erin Barker, Joe Moss, Hayden Holmes,
Catherine Bowe, Vinay Suryaprakash, Riccardo
Alagna, Vladyslav Nikolayevskyy, Marc Destito,
Davide Manissero , 2023).
It has been proven that family support is very
important in treatment adherence, quality of service,
treatment completion, treatment outcomes, as well as
psychosocial well-being among patients
(Muhammad Saleh Nuwa, Stefanus Mendes Kiik,
2021). Family members who support patients through
their illness make patients respond positively to the
people they live with (Habtu Debash, 2023). This is
also in line with WHO recommendations to include
family support interventions in the management of
TB patients, especially in cases of drug resistance
(Jaraee, J., Awg Adeni, D.S., Bilung, L.M. and
Azmin, P.A, 2023). Therefore, it is recommended that
TB programs should involve the involvement of
family members in patient management (Fadly Syah
Arsad, Noor Hassim Ismail , 2022).
5. Thailand
Meanwhile, in this country, evaluations carried out
with laboratory diagnosis are carried out at the
Mycobacteriology and Mycology Laboratory,
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. Stool specimens
were digested and decontaminated via the N- acetyl -
L- cysteine - NaOH and methods centrifuged at 3,000
times gravity for 15 minutes. Decontaminated stool
specimens and tissue biopsies were used for three
different investigations. First, AFB detection was
carried out via auramin acid-fast staining under a
fluorescence microscope (Kawin Chinpong, 2022).
Second, the specimens underwent direct extraction of
total DNA via a magnetic bead-based method using
MagDEA ® Reagent Dx SV (Precision System
Science, Chiba, Japan) according to the
manufacturer's instructions. The extracted DNA was
then used as template DNA for the Anyplex
MTB/NTM Real-Time Detection assay (Seegene,
Seoul, South Korea).
This assay relies on real-time multiplex PCR and
differentiates between MTB and non-tuberculous
mycobacteria. Third, MTB culture was carried out by
inoculating specimens into egg-based (Löwenstein -
Jensen; LJ) and liquid-based (Mycobacteria Growth
Indicator Tube; MGIT) media. MTB-positive
cultures were first examined via auramin staining and
then confirmed by real-time PCR. The interferon-
gamma release assay for tuberculosis was measured
using Quantiferon-TB Gold Plus (Qiagen,
Dusseldorf, Germany), a Sandwich enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay. The cut-off value is 0.35 IU/ml
(Asawin Sudcharoen, 2023). Risk factors associated
with negative IGRA results include advanced age,
low peripheral lymphocyte counts, and
immunosuppressive conditions (Siwadon
Kumpuangdee , Chutima Roomruangwong ,
Jiratchaya Sophonphan , Pirapon J. Ohata , Gompol
Suwanpimolkul, 2023).
6. Vietnam
The development of tuberculous tenosynovitis is
often dangerous. The most common symptoms are
swelling of the hands and mild pain (Andrew D.
Kerkhoff, 2023). Ultrasound is a useful tool to
support diagnosis. Histological examination
confirmed the diagnosis (Ian Wrohan, 2022). Most
cases respond and give good results after 9-12 months
of anti-tuberculosis treatment. Vietnam is an endemic
country for TB and the overall estimated prevalence
of bacteriologically confirmed TB among adults is
322 per 100,000 populations. With its atypical
manifestations (Tracy R. Richardson, 2023), which
can be confused with other diseases (Lan Huu
Nguyen, 2020), TB tenosynovitis poses a significant
challenge in diagnosis. In addition, waiting for
histopathology results that confirm the diagnosis can
delay treatment, causing many complications in the
patient (Cao Thanh Ngoc, 2023).
7. Philippines
A report from the Philippine Institute for
Development Studies also cited overcrowded living
conditions as a factor exacerbating the spread of TB
among the urban poor (Kimberly R. Schildknecht,
2022). Another problem that hinders the eradication
of TB is financial barriers in treatment. Standard TB
(Delia Goletti, 2022) treatment requires a minimum
duration of 6 months for cases that are susceptible to
drugs, while the overall duration can reach 2 years for
cases that are resistant to drugs. Therefore, prolonged
therapy is a major challenge in ensuring treatment
compliance, which is the cornerstone of successful
TB treatment (T. Yamanaka, 2023).
Discontinuation of treatment, negligence or non-
compliance with treatment is complex, dynamic and
caused by many interrelated causes. Apart from
treatment-related factors (Fiona V.Cresswell, 2023),
other factors such as socio-demographics, culture,
economic burden, patient knowledge, attitudes and
beliefs, family support, community and health system
are several factors that can influence compliance
status. Knowing the risk of stopping treatment early,
which can affect treatment outcomes which is
unprofitable (Ai Ling Oh, 2023).
8. East Timor
The prevalence of RR-TB in Timor-Leste is relatively
low compared with the estimated proportion of RR-
TB in the WHO Southeast Asia Region (2.5% [95%
CI 1.9–3.3] among new cases and 14% [95 % CI 7.7–
21] among previously treated cases). The rapid
sputum collection and transport mechanism
implemented in this survey demonstrated its
feasibility in low-resource settings and should be
replicated for routine transport of TB specimens from
the microscope laboratory to GeneXpert sites.
Establishment of domestic capacity for rapid
molecular diagnostics for first- and second-line DST
is an urgent need to achieve universal drug
susceptibility testing (DST) to guide appropriate
patient management. The primary aim of DRS is to
determine the prevalence of DST (Constantino
Lopes, Debashish Kundu, 2022).
Resistance to rifampicin among new and
previously treated sputum smear-positive pulmonary
TB cases in Timor-Leste, to provide input for DR-TB
programmed management (PMDT) planning,
including the rollout of the WHO-recommended short
oral treatment regimen for TB-RR, and guides
resource requirements. Secondary objectives were to
describe the sociodemographic and clinical
characteristics of patients with bacteriologically
confirmed pulmonary TB; investigate potential risk
factors for RR-TB; establish baseline data for DR-TB
surveillance to enable observations of trends over
time and strengthen routine surveillance of anti-TB
Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Results in Comparison of Indonesia and Neighboring Countries
drug resistance in Timor-Leste (Theresa Ryckman,
PhD, 2023).
From the data obtained, it can be seen that the highest
TB rate for Indonesia's neighboring countries is India,
with 1,045,269 cases, 1
ranking in the world, and the
country with the least is Thailand with 143 cases.
Meanwhile, Indonesia is in the second place after
India with a total of 969,000 cases in the 2022 period.
Evaluation and treatment of TB in countries
prioritizes personnel with family internalization in
maintaining health, in addition to using the DOTS
method. The Directly Observed Treatment Short
Course (DOTS) strategy is direct supervision in the
short term with the obligation for TB program
managers to focus their attention on looking for
sufferers using microscope examination This strategy
is an effort to reduce morbidity and mortality due to
Records identified from*:
Databases (n =50 )
Registers (n =50 )
Records removed before screening:
Duplicate records removed (n
=50 )
Records marked as ineligible by
automation tools (n =0 )
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reasons (n = 0)
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(n =0 )
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(n =50 )
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Reason 1 (n =5 )
Reason 2 (n = 1)
Reason 3 (n =44 )
Studies included in review
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Reports of included studies
(n =59 )
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