Systematic Review: Evaluation of Treatment in Cardiac Patients
Lia Susika and Diana Laila Ramatillah
Faculty Pharmacy, University 17 August 1945 Jakarta, Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, Jakarta 14350, Indonesia
Keywords: Heart Disease, Heart Medicine.
Abstract: Coronary heart disease is a form of cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death in the world and a
degenerative disease linked to people's socio-economic lifestyle. It is caused by the narrowing of the coronary
arteries, usually referred to as atherosclerosis. The aim of this research was to evaluate treatments for heart
disease. The research method used was a PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review) level
systematic review, which was done by searching for published articles about the use of drugs for heart disease.
The literature search was conducted from June to September 2023 using Google Scholar, the National Library
of Medicine and Public Health Review. The most commonly used treatments for heart disease are antiplatelets
(clopidogrel, aspirin), anticoagulants (enoxaparin, warfarin, fondaparinux, UFH), and beta-blockers
(propranolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol), ARBs (candesartan, telmisartan and irbesartan), statins (atorvastatin),
nitrates (ISDN and nitroglycerin), CCBs (amlodipine) and diuretics (furosemide, spironolactone) and the least
used is Ace-i (captopril, imidapril and ramipril). Conclusions from a review of the literature on the treatment
of heart disease are important to ensure appropriate and effective treatment.
Heart and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular
disease) is a major health problem in developed and
developing countries. Heart disease occurs when the
cardiac output is insufficient to provide the body with
the oxygen it needs (Elly, Bayu and Nurdiana, 2019).
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a global
threat and is the leading cause of death worldwide.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
more than 17 million people worldwide die from
heart and blood vessel diseases.
The medicines that are commonly used to treat the
heart depend on the type of heart disease. Several
classes of drugs that are commonly used to treat heart
disease include Antiplatelets, Anticoagulants,
Betablockers, ARBs, Statins, Nitrates, CCBs and
Based on 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas)
data, the incidence of 52 heart and blood vessel
diseases is increasing year by year. At least 15 out of
every 1000 people, or about 2,784,064 people in
Indonesia, suffer from heart disease (Ministry of
Health, 2019).
The treatment of heart disease is not only about
reducing or eliminating symptoms, but most
importantly about preserving heart function to
prolong life. In addition to heart disease, patients also
have co-morbidities that require different types of
drugs in the therapy given. Therefore, the choice of
the type of drug will largely determine the quality of
drug use in the selection of therapy.
The research method used is a systematic review,
which searches for published articles related to the
use of cardiac medications. The search strategy used
to obtain research articles used online database
facilities via the Google Scholar site, the National
Library of Medicine and Public Health Reviews using
the keywords "heart disease, heart medicine", with
the search years limited to 2017 to 2023. The author
used systematic review methods according to the
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Review) stages, which include identification,
filtering, inclusion and eligibility of articles for
further analysis.
To record treatment, articles that met the inclusion
criteria were reviewed. Each risk factor found in the
published research report is recorded and presented
with a narrative explanation. Conclusions are drawn
based on treatment and drug data related to the use of
Susika, L. and Ramatillah, D.
Systematic Review: Evaluation of Treatment in Cardiac Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0012642900003821
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP UTA ’45 JAKARTA 2023), pages 251-256
ISBN: 978-989-758-691-0; ISSN: 2828-853X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cardiac medications. The literature search yielded
1670 articles from Public Health Reviews, National
Library of Medicine and Google Scholar data, there
were several that did not meet the inclusion criteria,
40 articles were excluded. There are still 20 articles
with full manuscripts.
Figure 1: Article collection using the PRISMA method.
Table 1: Pervious research.
No. Author Title Conclusion
1 Yuni Andriani, Robiyanto,
Nurmainah (2017)
Profile of Patients Using Inpatient Coronary
Heart Medicine at Sultan Syarif Mohammad
Alkadrie Regional Hospital Pontianak, 2017
The types of drugs used in CHD patients were
nitrates in 37 patients, antiplatelets in 34 patients,
anticoagulants in 30 patients, statins in 23 patients,
and β-
lockers in 15 patients.
2 Tri Wulandari, Nurmainah,
Robiyanto, (2017)
Description of Drug Use in Inpatient Congestive
Heart Failure Patients at Sultan Syarif Mohamad
Alkadrie Hospital Pontianak, 2017
that the most frequently used drugs were diuretic
drugs 62.50%, ARB 23.75%, ACE inhibitors
7.50%, and beta blockers 6.25%.
3 Dwi Ulfa Rahmawati,
Nurul Mutmainah (2018)
Study of Potential Drug Interactions in Inpatient
Coronary Heart Disease Patients at Moewardi
Regional Hospital, 2018
Management of coronary heart disease requires
several medications such as (beta blockers, nitrates,
CCBs, ARBs, ACE-Inhibitors); anti- platelets
(Aspirin, Ticagrelor, Clopidogrel); anti- coagulants
(Enoxaparin, Warfarin, Fondaparinux, UFH) and
statin drugs as lipid controllers.
Article n = 80
The articles were identified
by searching the National
library of Medicine database
n = 400
The articles were identified
by searching Public Health
Reviews database
n = 250
The articles were
identified by searching
the Google Scholar
n = 1020
Articles that fall under the
n = 20
Complete articles or
journals were excluded
because they did not use
English and articles
published before 2017,
articles did not have a clear
publication and the result
were non- health impacts.
Full- text articles Assessed
For eligibility
n = 40
Table 1: Pervious research (cont.).
No. Author Title Conclusion
4 Anisa, Widya Fikma,
Evaluation of Medication Use in Congestive Heart
Failure Patients at the Cardiac Clinic of RSUP DR.
M. Djamil Padang.
The results of research on the use of the most
widely used drugs are
Bisoprolol (26.1%),
Furosemide (25.5%), and
Spironolactone (20.9%).
5 Indah Setyaningsi, Rinto
Susilo, Khofifah, (vol.1
No. 2, January 2019)
Description of Potential Drug Interactions in
Prescriptions for Cardiovascular Patients at the
Internal Medicine Clinic at Gunung Jati Regional
Hospital, Cirebon 2018
The research results show that the most frequently
prescribed cardiovascular drug is amlodipine,
namely 63 sheets, the least is ACEI inhibitor drugs
such as captopril, imidapril and ramipril, each of
which only has 1 sheet.
6 Tatang Tajudin, Velya
Faradiba, Ikhwan Dwi
Wahyu Nugroho,
Combination Analysis of Drug Use in Coronary
Heart Disease Patients with Concomitant Diseases
at X Hospital Cilacap, 2019
Cardiovascular system drugs that are often given for
coronary heart cases are CCB (Amlodipine),
antiplatelet (Aspirin, Clopidogrel), Beta blockers
(Bisoprolol, ARB (Irbesartan, Candesartan), Statins
(simvastatin, Atorvastatin) and at least ACE-i (
Captopril, Ramipril)
7 Wirtanto, Ardy Putra,
Application of the European Society of Cardiology
Suspension Failure Management Guidelines for
Heart Failure Patients for the Period January 2015 –
December 2018 at RSUP. Adam Malik Medan.
Recommended drug use based on indications is
ACE-i/ARB (89.1%), beta-blockers (83.4%), and
diuretics (93.7%)
8 Fitriadi. Ab, Muh.
Shawwal (2020)
Profile of Cardiovascular Drug Use in Makassar
Inpatient Health Centers for the Period January
2019 - June 2019
There were 5 types of medication given to each
patient with different doses, it was found that
Clopidogrel, Simvastatin, Bisoprolol, Valsartan,
Aspilet, Candesartan, and Nitrokaf.
9 Ria Selrina, Endang
Susilowati, (2020)
Coronary Heart Disease Prescribing Patterns at the
Outpatient Clinic of Hermina Tangkuban Prahu
Hospital, Malang, February 2020.
The results of the study showed that the drug classes
used in CHD therapy were antiplatelet 37.5%
(Clopidogrel, acetosal, cilostazol, tricagelor), Statin
29.8% (simvastatin, atorvastatin, rovastatin), nitrate
20.5% (ISDN, and Nitroglycerin ), beta blockers
4.7% (Propranolol, Bisoprolol and carvedilol), ARB
4.2% (Candesartan, telmisartan and irbesartan),
ACE-I 0.7% (Imidapril and perindopril) and CCB
0.5% (Amlodipine ).
10 Rini Dwi Lestari,
Rasmala Dewi, Mukhlis
Evaluation of Medication Use in Coronary Heart
Disease Patients in the Inpatient Installation of
Raden Mattaher Regional Hospital Jambi,2020
The results of the research show that the type of
drug most widely used for coronary heart patients is
the antiplatelet group (100%),
beta blockers(100%, statins (100 %),
nitrate (95.2 %),
ACE inhibitors (11.9 %).
11 Risma Siagian, (2020) Description of Drug Prescribing Profile in
Outpatient Heart Disease Patients at Rs.
Bhayangkara Medan, 2020
The results of the study showed that the highest
types of drugs used by heart disease sufferers were
Bisoprolol at 40%, Valsartan at 28%, Isosorbide
Dinitrate and Nitroglycerin at 3%, Warfarin, digoxin
and Amlodipine at 3%, and Candesartan at 1%.
11 Risma Siagian, (2020) Description of Drug Prescribing Profile in
Outpatient Heart Disease Patients at Rs.
Bhayangkara Medan, 2020
The results of the study showed that the highest
types of drugs used by heart disease sufferers were
Bisoprolol at 40%, Valsartan at 28%, Isosorbide
Dinitrate and Nitroglycerin at 3%, Warfarin, digoxin
and Amlodipine at 3%, and Candesartan at 1%.
12 Ayu Wulandari, (2021). Profile of Medication Use in Coronary Heart
Patients Inpatients at Wirabuana General Hospital,
Based on research results from an analysis of the
rationality of therapy for the use of the most widely
used coronary heart drug, namely amlodipine, at
13 Nur Hasanah, Fadly
Putajaya, Lela Kania,
Nur Wulan Adi Ismaya,
Nanda Nurul Aini,
Description of Heart Disease Based on
Demographics and Medication Use in Patients with
Heart Disease at Home Hospital X in the city of
South Tangerang for the period 2015 to 2019
The research results show that the drugs that doctors
often prescribe are antiplatelets (Clopidogrel) and
Betablockers (Bisoprolol).
Systematic Review: Evaluation of Treatment in Cardiac Patients
Table 1: Pervious research (cont.).
No. Author Title Conclusion
14 Safitri, Puput Novita
Heart Disease Drug Prescription Profile at the
Gama Sidoardjo Pharmacy December 2020 –
The most common types of drugs used by heart
disease sufferers are Spironolactone, Furosemide
and Candesartan.
15 Anisa Dwi Syafitri, (2022). Identification of Potential Drug Interactions in
Prescribing Coronary Heart Patients in the
Outpatient Installation of Airlangga University
Hospital, Surabaya, 2022.
The results of the study showed that the types of
drugs used were 316 antiplatelets and 288 beta
16 Rakhmawati, Dian (2022) Profile of heart medication prescribing in
outpatient services at Hospital X Surabaya for the
period June-August 2021.
The research results show that the most widely
prescribed drug classes are:
Statin group (20.21%),
Antiplatelet group (16.53%),
Ca Antagonist group (12.25%), Angiotensin II
Receptor Antagonist group (10.94%) and
Betablocker group (10.70%).
17 Muhammad Tahir,(2022) Profile of Heart Medication Use in Outpatients at
Stella Maris Hospital Makasar
The research results show amlodipine drug 32.7%,
Bisoprolol 25.8%,
Candesartan 21.9%,
Furosemide 13.3%,
Simvastatin 6.87%,
and Nifedipine 1.25% and
the least used drug is Captopril 0.13%.
18 Moiwend, Richa Feronika,
Overview of the Use of Heart Medicine in Heart
Disease Patients in the Out patient Installation of
Santa Maria General Hospital, Pemalang, 2022
The results of the study showed that the most
common drug use was bisoprolol. The drug group
that is often used to reduce and prevent myocardial
ischemia is the antiplatelet group (aspirin,
clopidorel), nitrates (Nitroglycerin), beta-blockers
(Bisoprolol), statins (atorvastatin).
19 Meidy, Arsa Nur (2022) Profile of Prescribing Heart Disease Medicines in
Outpatient Care at Wiyung Sejahtera Hospital,
Surabaya, 2021
The most common use of heart drug therapy is beta
blockers (Bisoprolol), Spironolactone (Diuretic),
Simvastatin (statin) and ARB (Candesartan.)
20 Wan Syurya Tri Dharma,
Evaluating Drug Use For Coronary Heart Disease
Patients After Stent Insertion at RSPAD Gatot
The results of the study showed that the type of drug
used was a combination of aspirin and clopidogrel
in 70 patients (83.34%).
The following are used to treat:
1. Antiplatelets (Clopidogrel, Aspirin), The
mechanism of action of Clopidogrel and Aspirin
is to prevent blood clots from forming in the
blood vessels because it can cause narrowing of
blood flow in the blood vessels, which can cause
the death of cells in the heart. (Nur Hasanah,
Fadly Putajaya, Lela Kania, Nur Wulan Adi
Ismaya, Nanda Nurul Aini, 2021).
2. Anticoagulants (Enoxaparin, Warfarin,
Fondaparinux, UFH), The mechanism of action
of anticoagulants works by preventing the
formation of networks between platelet cells. (Dr
Aditya Angela Adam, M. Biomed, 2022).
3. Betablockers (propranolol, bisoprolol,
carvedilol), the mechanism of action is different
from that of antihypertensive or antihypertensive
drugs and are used for secondary prevention.
(Nur Hasanah, Fadly Putajaya, Lela Kania, Nur
Wulan Adi Ismaya, Nanda Nurul Aini, 2021).
4. ARBs (candesartan, telmisartan and irbesartan),
The mechanism is angiotensin II receptor
antagonist. Their properties are similar to ACE
inhibitors, but this class of drugs does not inhibit
the breakdown of bradykinin and other kinins, so
it does not cause the persistent dry cough that
usually interferes with therapy with ACE
inhibitors. (Ria Selrina, Endang Susilowati,
5. Statins (atorvastatin), Treatment with statins
reduces the risk of primary or secondary
prevention. Atorvastatin as primary prevention of
CHD in post-hypertension. In addition to
lowering cholesterol, statins have other
mechanisms (pleiotropic effects) that may play a
role, including anti-inflammatory and anti-
thrombotic effects. (Ria Selrina, Endang
Susilowati, 2020).
6. Nitrates (ISDN and nitroglycerine), are nitrates
that have a vasodilator effect. This medicine
works by dilating blood vessels and increasing
blood flow.
7. CCB (Amlodipine), Amlodipine works by
relaxing the walls of blood vessels, the effect of
which is to facilitate blood flow to the heart and
reduce heart pressure, in addition to reducing
symptoms of chest pain or angina pectoris in
coronary heart disease. (Ria Selrina, Endang
Susilowati, 2020).
8. Diuretics (furosemide, spironolactone), The
mechanism works by helping the kidneys to
release more salt and water from the blood
vessels into the urine.
9. Ace-i (Captopril, Imidapril and Ramipril),The
mechanisms can inhibit bradykinin degradation
and stimulate the synthesis of substances that can
cause vasodilation, increasing bradykinin
increases the blood pressure lowering effect of
ACE inhibitors.
Based on the results of a systematic review, the most
commonly used treatments in patients with heart
disease are antiplatelets (clopidogrel, aspirin),
anticoagulants (enoxaparin, warfarin, fondaparinux,
UFH), betablockers (propranolol, bisoprolol,
carvedilol), carvedilol), ARBs (candesartan,
telmisartan and irbesartan), statins (atorvastatin),
nitrates (ISDN and nitroglycerin), CCBs
(amlodipine) and diuretics (furosemide,
spironolactone) and the least used is Ace-i (captopril,
imidapril and ramipril).
Anisa, Widya Fikma,(2019). Evaluation of Medication Use
in Congestive Heart Failure Patients at the Cardiac
Clinic of RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang.
Anisa Dwi Syafitri, (2022). Identification of Potential Drug
Interactions in Prescribing Coronary Heart Patients in
the Outpatient Installation of Airlangga University
Hospital, Surabaya, 2022.
Ayu Wulandari, (2021). Profile of Medication Use in
Coronary Heart Patients Inpatients at Wirabuana
General Hospital, Palu.
Dr. Aditya Angela Adam, M. Biomed,(2022). Harapan Kita
Heart and Blood Vessel Hospital Jakarta.
Dwi Ulfa Rahmawati, Nurul Mutmainah,(2018). Study of
Potential Drug Interactions in Inpatient Coronary Heart
Disease Patients at Moewardi Regional Hospital, 2018.
Fitriadi. Ab, Muh. Shawwal,(2020). Profile of
Cardiovascular Drug Use in Makassar Inpatient Health
Centers for the Period January 2019 - June 2019.
Indah Setyaningsi, Rinto Susilo, Khofifah,(vol.1 No. 2,
January 2019). Description of Potential Drug
Interactions in Prescriptions for Cardiovascular Patients
at the Internal Medicine Clinic at Gunung Jati Regional
Hospital, Cirebon 2018.
Meidy, Arsa Nur (2022). Profile of Prescribing Heart
Disease Medicines in Outpatient Care at Wiyung
Sejahtera Hospital, Surabaya, 2021.
Minister of Health, Republic of Indonesia. (2020).
Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation Number 3 of
2020 concerning Hospital Classification and Licensing.
Jakarta: Minister of Health, Republic of Indonesia
Marleni L, Alhabib A. Risk Factors for Coronary Heart
Disease at RSI Siti Khadijah Palembang. 2019.
Moiwend, Richa Feronika, (2022). Overview of the Use of
Heart Medicine in Heart Disease Patients in the
Outpatient Installation of Santa Maria General
Hospital, Pemalang, 2022.
Muhammad Tahir,(2022). Profile of Heart Medication Use
in Outpatients at Stella Maris Hospital Makasar
National Health System. 2021. Anticoagulant
agulants. Diakses pada 31 Januari 2022.
Jam 07.40 WIB.
Nur Hasanah,Fadly Putajaya, Lela Kania,Nur Wulan Adi
Ismaya,Nanda Nurul Aini, (2021). Description of Heart
Disease Based on Demographics and Medication Use
in Patients with Heart Disease at Home Hospital X in
the city of South Tangerang for the period 2015 to 2019.
Rakhmawati, Dian (2022). Profile of heart medication
prescribing in outpatient services at Hospital X
Surabaya for the period June - August 2021.
Ria Selrina, Endang Susilowati,(2020). Coronary Heart
Disease Prescribing Patterns at the Outpatient Clinic of
Hermina Tangkuban Prahu Hospital, Malang, February
Rini Dwi Lestari, Rasmala Dewi, Mukhlis
Sanuddin,(2020). Evaluation of Medication Use in
Coronary Heart Disease Patients in the Inpatient
Installation of Raden Mattaher Regional Hospital
Risma Siagian, (2020). Description of Drug Prescribing
Profile in Outpatient Heart Disease Patients at Rs.
Bhayangkara Medan, 2020.
Safitri, Puput Novita (2021). Heart Disease Drug
Prescription Profile at the Gama Sidoardjo Pharmacy
December 2020 – January 2021.
Tatang Tajudin, Velya Faradiba, Ikhwan Dwi Wahyu
Nugroho,(2019). Combination Analysis of Drug Use in
Systematic Review: Evaluation of Treatment in Cardiac Patients
Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Concomitant
Diseases at X Hospital Cilacap, 2019.
Tri Wulandari, Nurmainah, Robiyanto,(2017). Description
of Drug Use in Inpatient Congestive Heart Failure
Patients at Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Hospital
Pontianak, 2017.
Wan Syurya Tri Dharma,(2023). Evaluating Drug Use For
Coronary Heart Disease Patients After Stent Insertion
at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto,2023.
WHO, (2018). World Health Organization.Retrieved
September. 9. 2018.
Wirtanto,Ardy Putra,(2019). Application of the European
Society of Cardiology Suspension Failure Management
Guidelines for Heart Failure Patients for the Period
January 2015 – December 2018 at RSUP. Adam Malik
Yuni Andriani, Robiyanto, Nurmainah,(2017). Profile of
Patients Using Inpatient Coronary Heart Medicine at
Sultan Syarif Mohammad Alkadrie Regional Hospital
Pontianak, 2017.