improvements, by adding or subtracting the value of
each variable in the DMU to achieve an optimal
objective function based on the results of CRS Dual.
The results of CRS Dual in 2019, namely DMU 1,
DMU 2, DMU 3 and DMU 5 have a TE value of 1
because the z=1 value is considered efficient, while
DMU 4 TE is 1.1624054819, for DMU 4 there is
Slack at Y1 of 0.000136, X1 of 0.023767. The Siti
Weaving Unit has a CRS Dual efficiency value of
0.8602850, this means that the Siti Weaving Unit is
not optimal based on technical and scale aspects
simultaneously. The CRS Dual calculation results in
a slack output value of 0.000136 for the number of
So1 products, compared to a slack input value of
0.023767 for Si1. Meanwhile, the Dewi Weaving
Unit, Era Weaving Unit, Riza Weaving Unit and
Triya Weaving Unit have a dual CRS value which is
efficient and optimal, namely 1 from a technical point
of view and concurrent scale. A DMU that has slack
functions to make improvements, by adding or
subtracting the value of each variable in the DMU to
achieve an optimal objective function based on the
results of CRS Dual.
The results of CRS Dual in 2020, namely DMU 1,
DMU 2, and DMU 3 have a TE value of 1 because
the z=1 value is considered efficient, while DMU 4
TE is 1.2322274298, for DMU 4 there is Slack at Y1
of 0.000158, X1 of 0.038067 . DMU 5 TE is
1.0833333604, for DMU 5 there is Slack at Y1 of
0.000155, X1 of 0.025541 and X3 of 0.000044. The
Siti Weaving Unit is not the optimal choice due to its
CRS Dual efficiency value of 0.8115385, which takes
into account both technical and scale aspects
simultaneously. The CRS Dual calculation yields a
slack output value of 0.000158 for So1 products, and
an input SI1 value of 0.038067. The Triya Weaving
Unit has a CRS Dual efficiency value of 0.9230769,
which means that it is not optimal based on technical
and scale aspects simultaneously. From the CRS Dual
calculation, the slack output value for the number of
So1 products is 0.000155, while the slack input Si1 is
0.025541, and Si3 is 0.000044. Meanwhile, the Dewi
Weaving Unit, Era Weaving Unit, and Riza Weaving
Unit have a dual CRS value which is efficient and
optimal, namely 1 from a technical and concurrent
scale perspective. A DMU that has slack functions to
make improvements, by adding or subtracting the
value of each variable in the DMU to achieve an
optimal objective function based on the results of
CRS Dual.
The results of CRS Dual in 2021 are that DMU 1
and DMU 3 have a TE value of 1 because the value
of z=1 is considered efficient, while DMU 2 TE is
1.2091423251, for DMU 2 there is Slack at Y1 of
0.000124, X3 of 0.000041. DMU 4 TE is
1.3666803335, for DMU 4 there is Slack at Y1 of
0.000126, X1 of 0.025700. DMU 5 TE is
1.204456489, for DMU 5 there is Slack at Y1 of
0.000130, X1 of 0.036650. The Era Weaving Unit has
a Dual CRS efficiency value of 0.8270325. This
means that the Era Weaving Unit is not optimal based
on technical and scale aspects simultaneously. From
the CRS Dual calculation, the slack output value for
the number of So1 products is 0.000124 and the slack
input Si3 is 0.000041. The Siti Weaving Unit has a
CRS Dual efficiency value of 0.7317, which means
that the Siti Weaving Unit is not optimal based on
technical and scale aspects simultaneously. The CRS
Dual calculation shows that the slack output value for
So1 products is 0.000126, compared to the slack input
SI1 being 0.025700. The Triya Weaving Unit has a
CRS Dual efficiency value of 0.83025, which means
that the Triya Weaving Unit is not optimal based on
technical and scale aspects simultaneously. From the
CRS Dual calculation, the slack output value for the
number of So1 products is 0.000130 and the slack
input Si1 is 0.036650. Meanwhile, the Dewi Weaving
Unit and Riza Weaving Unit have a dual CRS value
which is already efficient and optimal, namely 1 from
a technical and concurrent scale perspective. A DMU
that has slack functions to make improvements, by
adding or subtracting the value of each variable in the
DMU to achieve an optimal objective function based
on the results of CRS Dual.
At this stage, the VRS model is calculated to
determine if the DMU efficiency is purely technical
efficiency or influenced by other factors outside the
DMU. This VRS model is a refinement of the CRS
DUAL model by providing a convexity constrain = 1.
In 2018, in the VRS calculation, there was only 1
inefficient DMU, namely DMU 2 Era, where the Era
Weaving Unit had a slack output value of So1 of
0.000107 and slack input of Si3 of 0.000041.
In 2019, in the VRS calculation, there were only
2 inefficient DMUs, namely DMU 2 Era and DMU 3
Riza, where the Era Weaving Unit had a slack output
value of So1 of 0.000118 and slack input Si1 of
0.023767. Meanwhile, the Riza Weaving Unit has a
slack output value of 0.000118 at So1 and 0.000228
at Si2.
In 2020, in the calculation of VRS, all DMUs are
In 2021, in the VRS calculation, there are only 3
inefficient DMUs, namely DMU 2 Era, DMU 4 Siti,
and DMU 5 Triya where the Era Weaving Unit has a
slack output value of So1 of 0.000115 and slack input
Si3 of 0.000041, Siti's Weaving Unit has a slack value
the output at So1 is 0.000117 and the slack input at
Efficiency of the Tanjung Modang Nagari Tanjung Bonai Weaving Production Process Using the Data Envelopment Analysis Method