comfortable using it and ensure that the risks are not
excessive. This is also in line with previous research
such as research conducted by Kim and Malhotra
(2005) which found that perceived risk did not have
a significant influence on the use of information
Hypothesis 3's findings demonstrate the
influence of transaction costs on adoption.
Transaction costs are costs incurred to carry out
transactions both commercial and non-commercial.
These costs can be direct costs, such as commission
fees, administration, and shipping costs, or indirect
costs, such as time and labor costs. So transaction
costs have a significant influence on adoption
because low transaction costs can encourage
technology adoption, while high transaction costs
can be an obstacle to technology adoption.
The results of hypothesis 4 also prove that there
is an influence between subjective norms on
adoption. Subjective norms are a person's perception
of what others expect of them when adopting a
technology. Subjective norms have an influence on
technology adoption because they can increase the
intention to use a technology. Research conducted
by Herniyati, (2022) found that subjective
norms have a positive influence on the intention to
use the figma application. The research results show
that the higher the subjective norm, the higher the
intention to use the figma application.
Based on the results of the research that has been
done, it can be concluded that perceived ease of use
has a positive effect on the adoption of digital
transactions (hypothesis 1) and the perceived risk
variable does not affect the adoption of digital
transactions. Besides that, transaction costs have an
influence on the adoption of digital transactions
(hypothesis 3) and subjective costs also have an
influence on the adoption of digital transactions
(hypothesis 4) then from the research it is also
known that simultaneously there is an influence
between variables X1, X2, X3 X4 on Y (Adoption).
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