• Standard error of the difference in mean incomes:
SE =
= 0.556
• Confidence interval for the difference in aver-
age incomes: CI = (x
− x
, ν) × SE) =
(88.42 − 71.38) ± (1.96 × 0.556) = 17.04 ±
1.090 = (15.95, 18.13).
So, with a 95% confidence level, the difference
in average income between energy specialists with
higher and secondary education is from 15.95 thou-
sand to 18.13 thousand UAH per year. This interval
does not contain zero, which indicates a statistically
significant difference between the two groups of spe-
cialists. Therefore, it can be argued that specialists
with higher education have on average a higher in-
come than specialists with secondary education.
The lifelong education of energy engineers is very im-
portant, since the energy industry is constantly chang-
ing and requires more qualifications from special-
ists. Energy professionals must constantly update
their knowledge and skills, familiarize themselves
with new technologies and develop in environmen-
tal and social responsibility to ensure the sustainabil-
ity of the industry and its development. To achieve
these goals, it is necessary to provide access to a va-
riety of educational resources and initiatives, such as
courses, seminars, webinars and other forms of ed-
ucation. Thus, lifelong education of energy engi-
neers is important not only for the development of
a professional career, but also for ensuring the sus-
tainability of the energy sector and the sustainable
development of our planet. Companies and govern-
ments should promote access to a variety of training
resources and initiatives to ensure that energy work-
ers are trained according to their needs and the de-
mands of today’s labour market. Energy engineers
are interested in their professional development and
are able to actively use opportunities for training and
self-improvement. Lifelong learning can help energy
professionals in various aspects of their work, includ-
ing the development of new technologies, effective
solving of problems, promoting sustainable develop-
ment and reducing environmental impact. Lifelong
education for energy engineers can also provide them
with more opportunities for professional growth and
career development. With the changes taking place in
the energy industry, such as the increasing popularity
of renewable energy and the reduction of hydrocar-
bon consumption, the lifelong learning of energy pro-
fessionals is especially important. Energy engineers
must be ready for change and develop new knowledge
and skills to meet the challenges facing the energy in-
Further developments in energy education re-
search could be aimed at examining the effectiveness
of different learning formats, such as online courses
and webinars, compared to traditional forms of learn-
ing. It is also possible to study the impact of the use of
the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence
and the Internet of Things, on the process of training
and upgrading the qualifications of energy workers.
In addition, it is possible to investigate the effective-
ness of various training programs and the organization
of training courses depending on the specialization of
specialists, their level of training and other factors.
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ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning