The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time
Svitlana P. Palamar
, Natalia M. Golota
, Liudmyla L. Nezhyva
, Kateryna A. Brovko
, and
Maryna S. Naumenko
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, I. Shamo Boulevard, 18/2, Kyiv, 02154, Ukraine
{s.palamar, n.holota, l.nezhyva, k.brovko, m.naumenko}
Space, Time, Values of Life, Students.
The article deals with the formation of the most important value orientations of modern youth. The authors
substantiated the important role of the spatio-temporal component in the life of the individual, as orientation in
space and time permeates all areas of human interaction with the outside world, contributing to the formation of
worldview and ensuring health preservation. The results of the study of students’ perception of various aspects
of the categories “space” and “time” as well as the impact of everyday life on student youth are presented.
Given the exceptional importance of space and time for human life, the article aims to establish how students
are aware of the value aspects of the categories “space” and “time” in the process of influencing everyday
reality on them. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to investigate in pedagogical
sources the state of the problem of outlining the most important values in the formation of personality and their
awareness of young people in the mastery of space and time; to determine the spatial and temporal frameworks
through which the surrounding human lifeworld is perceived and empirically comprehended; to survey future
teachers of preschool and primary education following the awareness of the value aspects of the categories of
space and time.
Today’s stage of development of Ukrainian society is
characterized by the transformation of socio-political
processes and changes in values due to the search
for their own path. These processes, undoubtedly,
have made significant adjustments in the formation
of value orientations of modern youth, their behavior,
life aspirations. The time of study in a higher edu-
cation institution is a period of personal development
of a young person, the accumulation of not only pro-
fessional but also life knowledge and skills, the for-
mation of its interests and values, relevant norms and
patterns of behavior.
A separate category is young people who have
chosen the profession of teacher, because the future of
society will depend on what values these teachers will
instill in the younger generations. The modern educa-
tor is called not only to transfer specific knowledge
to children but also to introduce them into the socio-
cultural space, to involve them in the values of culture,
to help them learn about the environment, to compre-
hend the realities of life. It is well-known that the edu-
cation system as a socio-cultural institution of society
contributes to the implementation of any changes in
value orientations in it. Thus, the modernization of
pedagogical education, in particular the orientation of
teachers to meet the needs of a dynamically develop-
ing society, acquires special significance. It should be
noted that today the educational space is considered
as a space-time field of functioning and development
of the education system as an open and active social
sphere, in which the ideology of personality forma-
tion takes into account the conditions of the external
Modern society is characterized by a high level of
manufacturability of production processes, dynamic
development of material, spiritual, communication
and other spheres of life, which cause not only pro-
found social consequences, but also lead to a change
in people’s perception of space and time. Orienta-
tion in space and time permeates all areas of human
Palamar, S., Golota, N., Nezhyva, L., Brovko, K. and Naumenko, M.
The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time Categories.
DOI: 10.5220/0012645800003737
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2023), pages 21-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-579-1; ISSN: 2976-0836
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
interaction with the outside world, contributing to the
formation of worldview, a certain life position, health,
development of business qualities, and, ultimately, the
formation of personality in general. The most ac-
tive force of any society, which acts as a catalyst for
change and plays an important role in its develop-
ment, is the youth. Thus, the study of its worldview,
life landmarks, factors that affect the formation of a
young person, is an urgent problem.
The problem of forming a spiritually healthy per-
sonality occupies a prominent place in pedagogy and
is always relevant, because you can build a strong
family / modern society based on the established sys-
tem of values. It contributes to the acquisition of mo-
bility, culture of communication, erudition. Accord-
ing to Ohnev’yuk (2003), the determining factors of
social adaptation of young people are “dominant so-
cial values, moral and psychological climate in soci-
ety and value orientations of the person who adapts. It
should also be borne in mind that the value structure
of the consciousness of young people is in its infancy;
it is significantly influenced by the diversity of pro-
cesses taking place in society”.
Traditionally, the highest values include health,
family, love, kindness, freedom, work, truth, honor,
duty, consciousness, knowledge, creativity, etc. How-
ever, speaking of higher values, which reflect the fun-
damental relationships and needs of people, are the
foundation of the individual worldview, it is impossi-
ble to avoid such categories as space and time. Mod-
ern man actively interacts with all aspects of space
and time, adapts to them, and assimilates them, trying
to transform and master them.
Considering the importance of space and time
for human‘s life, the article aims to establish how
students realize the value aspects of the categories
“space” and “time” in the process of influencing them
in everyday reality. Throughout their lives, youth of-
ten immerse themselves in the virtual world and dig-
ital technologies, which, while having certain advan-
tages, at the same time can somewhat distort the per-
ception of the real world.
In order to achieve the set goal, the following tasks
must be solved:
to investigate in pedagogical sources the defini-
tion of the most important values in the formation
of a personality, the problem of youth awareness
of values in mastering space and time;
to outline the space and time framework by which
the surrounding life world of a person is perceived
and empirically understood;
to conduct a survey of future preschool and pri-
mary school teachers according to the awareness
of the value aspects of the categories of space and
The concept of chronotope and its application for
the study of temporal-spatial relations in research on
learning and education was covered by Ritella et al.
(2021). The authors have identified the dimensions
of the analysis of chronotopic units, focusing on the
material-discursive features and interdependence of
space-time. In particular, it was demonstrated how
the activation of one or more of these dimensions al-
lowed to make “visible” educational processes, which
allowed to focus on important aspects of pedagogical
Kumpulainen and Rajala (2017) also rely on the
concept of chronotope to explore how students cre-
ate and manage the context of time-space during
joint learning activities. Based on a dialogical ap-
proach, the study identified chronotopes as socially
constructed space-time configurations with a spe-
cific narrative character, representing cultural prac-
tices and values that are embodied in an interactive
Philosophers traditionally viewed existence as a
broad concept of the world and at the same time they
viewed the existence as independent from humans;
the modern scientists view a person as the world of
a special existence and view the world through hu-
man consciousness (Voropaeva, 2013). Spatiality is
one of fundamental dimensions of human existence
which builds the worldview and the activity of a hu-
man as a generic being (Bairachnyi, 2019).
In order to understand the essence of the problem
outlined in the goal, it is necessary to identify the most
important values in the formation of personality. Ac-
cording to Vlasenko (2015), moral values are the ba-
sis of consciousness. Morality is a person’s ability
to act, think, and feel in accordance with his spiritual
Rohanova (2006) interprets spirituality as features
of the mental organization of an individual, which is
manifested in his sensory-emotional sphere and is de-
cisive in the formation of personal traits, worldview,
value orientations of a person, which determine his
life aspirations, needs, activities, and more. Spiritual
values reflect personality traits, the system of aspira-
tions; it is an expression of needs that ensures the de-
velopment of the social subject.
Bekh (2009) systematizes values as follows: the
main values of life (ideas about the purpose and
meaning of life, happiness); values of interpersonal
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
communication (honesty, friendliness); democratic
values (human rights, freedom of speech, conscience,
political freedoms); pragmatic values (personal suc-
cess, entrepreneurship, desire for material wealth);
spiritual values (worldview, moral, aesthetic, etc.).
Living space consists of external and internal.
The phenomenon of psychological space is covered
in the work of Havryliuk (2018). The author de-
fined its categorical and conceptual content, as well
as clarified the conceptual positions of definition of
its determination, which laid the foundation for sys-
tematization of factors of its development (genetic
characteristics of the individual, environmental in-
fluences, culture; social environment, individual hu-
man experience). Havryliuk (2018) presented scien-
tific ideas about the content of external (sociocultural,
environmental, economic) and internal (psychophys-
iological, individual psychological, personal, socio-
psychological) factors of formation of the psycholog-
ical space of personality and noted the impact of each
of them on personal safety and comfort.
Living space as a structure defined by the system
of human relations to the world is reflected in the
work of Shwalb (2015). Understanding of various liv-
ing spaces and ideas about their separate dimensions
are developed in research of Tytarenko (2003). The
psychological features of the formation of the per-
sonal space of student youth are discussed in the work
of Koshyrets (2014).
Modern studies show that the scale and speed of
the living space transformation now is so significant
that not only individual humans but the whole society
doesn’t have time to deeply process its consequences,
develop relevant strategies of minimising economical,
political, ecological, psychological risks of the mod-
ern social and cultural space transformation (Ignatko,
Reforming educational processes is associated
with European integration, so the formation of a com-
prehensively gifted individual becomes a priority for
universities in the acquisition of moral values, spiri-
tual growth. The student’s value of self-determination
as a result of the orientation of a special stage of axi-
ologization can be called the central stage, which pro-
vides student orientation in the world of professional
values, in time dimensions of past, present, and future
(Nikogosyan and Aseyeyva, 2017).
The process of formation of values and value ori-
entations depends on both external social and internal
personal factors. Palamar (2018) analyzed the factors
influencing the formation of value orientations of fu-
ture teachers, identified the main value orientations
of students in the formation of personality, revealed
ways to form spiritual and moral values of students in
the educational environment of the higher pedagogi-
cal institution (Palamar, 2017).
During the student years, a person actively mas-
ters various areas of life: studying in a higher edu-
cation institution, work, communication of interests,
personal relationships, building their own life strat-
egy, etc. It is in adolescence that ideas about time
pass to the highest level and approach the abstract re-
flection of the time, and personal experience, built on
their own knowledge and continuity of perception of
time, is a major factor in the formation of these ideas
and concepts (Babatina, 2013).
Based on philosophical works, the categories of space
and time are used in the study to denote the basic
forms of existence. Space conveys a way of coex-
istence of various material formations, time a way
to change material phenomena. We also understand
space and time as the primary universal intuitions,
with the help of which the surrounding human life-
world is perceived and empirically comprehended.
Space and time are mandatory components of the
whole content of human perception, which since the
early ’90s of the twentieth century is called the field
of perception. Like space, time is a special way of
distinguishing objects. The combination of these two
categories, i.e. the change of position in space to-
gether with the change in time, is the main way to ob-
tain ideas about the phenomena and objects of the en-
vironment. The ability to perceive things separately,
consistently is an extremely important feature of con-
scious life.
Understanding the research sources in philosophy,
pedagogy, and psychology makes it possible to ob-
serve students’ awareness of the category of space in
dimensions: internal – external, personal (psycholog-
ical) – social, real – virtual (information and commu-
nication), as well as time categories in the dimensions
of the present, past, and future, ephemerality of time,
personal time, the impact of ICT on saving time, cre-
ativity / time.
Given the exceptional importance of space and
time for human life, we tried to establish how students
perceive different aspects of the categories “space”
and “time”, how everyday reality affects students
and how students affect it, how young people gen-
erally interpret space and time as values of their ex-
istence. For this purpose, a survey of full-time stu-
dents studying on “Preschool Education” and “Pri-
mary Education” of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University was conducted.
The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time Categories
Answering the questionnaire about the importance
of social space (order and interaction of certain so-
cial ties and processes, social relations, their satura-
tion, density) for their personal development, 1st-year
students noted that this space ensures human involve-
ment in the community of others, thus satisfying its
social needs (48%), makes others feel needed (8%),
outlines the prospect of participating in social pro-
cesses (18%), and provides an opportunity to influ-
ence others: family, friends, relatives, future students
to form their worldview (26%); 2nd-year students an-
swered accordingly: 1 – 46%, 2 – 10%, 3 – 20%, 4
30%); the answers of 3rd-year students in percentage
were as follows: 1 50%, 2 15%, 3 25%, 4 22%,
which is shown in figure 1.
Further communication with students showed that
young people, especially noting their personal re-
sponsibility for the realization of their own aspirations
in the social aspect of space, realize the importance
of their existence in the world of objects and natu-
ral environment: man exists among objects and phe-
nomena, while being part of living nature and obey-
ing natural biorhythms. At the same time, the stu-
dents admitted that modern young people are becom-
ing increasingly alienated from nature for them, it
becomes essential to immerse not only in social con-
nections but also in the virtual world, vanity. Un-
fortunately, only 32% of students associate with it
such health problems as insomnia, internal anxiety,
etc. However, realizing the importance of the natu-
ral environment and the organic existence of man in
it, young people prefer social space, the relationships
that occur in both real-life and virtual. That is, the
natural aspect of space-time existence and human de-
velopment becomes secondary for young people. Ac-
cording to our research, 27% of future teachers are
aware that each event as a significant interaction, an
important moment in life, occurs in both temporal and
spatial dimensions, requires the involvement of cer-
tain resources, and can lead to both positive and nega-
tive consequences. Our study found that the vast ma-
jority of young people (94%) realize that the social
space is not only the present in which their lives take
place, namely social, economic, political, and other
events but also the past and future. It is interesting
that realizing the value of the past in modern social
life, expressed in traditions, attitudes, 67% of students
consider it insufficient in today’s differentiated and
stratified society: each social group has its own so-
cial space, which often does not take into account the
value of the past and does not focus on them.
Given the fact that within the social space and
under its influence is the psychological space of the
individual, which changes the characteristics of so-
cial space, the next question in the questionnaire was:
“What is the value of your own psychological space
for you” (the space of the individual’s life world). An-
swering this question, students noted that it is impor-
tant for them, first of all, as a psychologically com-
fortable environment (48%), where they can relax,
communicate with family and friends; as an environ-
ment where a person feels comfortable in solitude,
and among people pleasant to him (34%), the oppor-
tunity to be alone with their thoughts and experiences
(18%); 2nd-year students answered accordingly: 1
50%, 2 – 38%, 3 – 22%; and for 3rd-year students the
answers were as follows: 1 – 55%, 2 – 45%, 3 – 20%
(figure 2).
Further clarification of students’ positions on their
awareness of the importance of their own living space
showed that they attach great importance to meaning-
ful relationships, as well as the presence in the cir-
cle of people with similar views on life values: fam-
ily, love, health, education, have a common hobby.
Young people especially noted that it is very valuable
for them to have people in their close living space
who contribute to their self-realization (68%). 22%
of students expressed fears of having people around
them who may in some way limit and hinder their
self-realization. 10% of students said that they value
their own living space as the space of their life, as
their own way of constructing their existence; 2nd-
year students answered accordingly: 1 70%, 2
25%, 3 15%; 3rd-year students had the following
answers: 1 – 65%, 2 – 20%, 3 – 20% (figure 3).
Analyzing young people’s perceptions of their
own living space, we found that all students (100%)
believe that with the beginning of student life it has
undergone significant transformations, and different
student groups have interpreted these transformations
differently. Thus, 63% of students who entered the
Institute from other cities of Ukraine, said that their
social space has expanded significantly due to class-
mates, teachers, dormitory neighbors, change of res-
idence, building personal relationships. However,
37% of non-resident students noted that even though
they found new friends while studying, a loved one,
their circle of friends included classmates, teachers,
they generally consider their social space as expanded
and somewhat narrowed at the same time: their par-
ents, relatives and childhood friends are far away,
communication with them “in real life” appeared to
be not often; they are also tied to the place where they
were born and raised.
The young people noted that with the help of mod-
ern means of communication, which allow them to
communicate at a distance, their living space does not
seem to change, because there are relatives and close
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
Figure 1: The importance of social space for the personal development of students.
Figure 2: The value of one’s own psychological space.
people who are far away, but stated that they lack di-
rect communication.
At the same time, analyzing their living space, stu-
dents focused mainly on current events and experi-
ences, ignoring that the life-world of the individual is
not only “here and now”, but also the past of the per-
son, his focus on the future. Namely, defining their
own space of life as very important, valuable for them,
first of all, the presence of particularly important rela-
tionships and the possibility of self-realization, creat-
ing their own lives, students put the essence of space,
not time.
Defining the value of social time as a form of so-
ciety that reflects the duration of historical processes,
their changes in the process of human activity, and its
impact on a particular individual, students in the vast
majority (92%) noted that they live in a time char-
acterized by rapid social events, a powerful develop-
ment of society, production processes, but noted that
the dynamism of life, on the one hand, stimulates a
person to meet social aspirations, to strive for further
achievements, on the other a person trying to meet
the growing demands of society, risks depriving him-
self of something significant in the personal sense.
Answering the question on the importance of per-
sonal (own) time for them, young people answered
that every second, minute, an hour of their life is
important for them, because it allows them to learn
something new, to develop, to experience different
feelings (37%). 44% of respondents said that the
The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time Categories
Figure 3: Awareness of the importance of their own living space.
Figure 4: Significance of personal time for students.
value of time for an individual in modern society is
that it is constantly not enough to complete all the
planned tasks and meet their own needs. 11% of stu-
dents said that the special value of time for each per-
son is that it cannot be returned, to live again, and
therefore one should especially value every minute of
his life, in which the loved ones, interesting things,
and events are present. 8% noted such an important
quality of experiencing time as its “therapeutic” na-
ture: “Time “cures” after tragic, unpleasant events
and allows you to look at a life lived from a differ-
ent angle”. 2nd-year students answered accordingly:
1 – 40%, 2 – 50%, 3 – 15%, 4 – 10%; in the 3rd-year
students the answers in percentage were as follows:
1 45%, 2 40%, 3 – 18%, 4 – 15%. The results of
the survey of students on the importance of personal
time are shown in figure 4.
The majority of students (52%) who came to study
at the Institute from other cities, noted that with the
move to a big city and the beginning of student life,
the feeling of time has changed: it passes quicker,
events change at a kaleidoscopic speed. Thus, it is
difficult to focus on life necessary, really important
things; there is a risk of spraying forces on minor
things. 48% also said that they feel the accelerated
pace of life, dynamic development and rapid change
of events, but they attribute this fact not to life in
the metropolis, but in general to the modern rhythm
of life, the need to adapt to the conditions and re-
quirements of modern society. 27% of respondents
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
Figure 5: The value of the past, present and future for students.
Figure 6: The value of ideas about space and time in the life of modern person.
said that the current segment of life is seen more as
a “springboard” into the future, every minute of life
is used for self-realization, caring for future success,
and happy life. 53% said that they worry about the
future, the dream of success in life, hoping for profes-
sional self-realization, building a happy family life,
but at the same time do not want to lose the impor-
tance of the present moments of life. Students of this
group noted that the future worries them and is also
extremely valuable, but if you conquer your aspira-
tions, actions only in anticipation of future events, you
can lose something really important in present life.
20% of respondents said that their past life, filled with
pleasant memories and experiences, was and remains
important and valuable for them, but they highly value
their current life, which gave them a new social role,
new friends. 2nd-year students answered accordingly:
1 58%, 2 – 53%, 3 – 25%, 4 60%, 5 – 15%; 3rd-
year students as follows: 1 – 48%, 2 – 60%, 3 – 30%,
4 – 50%, 5 – 25% (figure 5).
Thus, we can say that for the modern young per-
son his past, which lives in the memories and influ-
enced the formation of personality is quite valuable,
but one is more focused on the present moments of
life, living “here and now” while focusing on the fu-
Students who are more organized and focused,
better able to organize the course of their lives, value
their own time and the time of others, plan activities,
taking into account not only time constraints but also
The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time Categories
their own real opportunities, can separate the main
from the secondary, so manage much more than oth-
ers. Less organized students often scatter their efforts
between necessary and secondary matters, complain-
ing about lack of time.
Almost all respondents (97%) noted the impor-
tance of modern information and communication
technologies to save time: they can be used to prepare
for classes and perform work remotely, communicate
with family and friends without wasting time on the
road; work with electronic training courses created by
teachers of the Institute at a convenient time. At the
same time, 64% of respondents stated that such an
opportunity, helping to save time, in some way lim-
its their living space: replacing live communication,
interaction “in real life”, virtual relationships.
Answering the question on the importance of
ideas about space and time in modern life, a signifi-
cant proportion of respondents (47%) first mentioned
the ability to create an effective, appropriate living
space and change it according to their own needs,
and secondly the ability to clearly organize their
own lives (25%), then noted: “the ability to navi-
gate in space without it, a person will not be able
to move independently, especially in the metropolis”
(18%) and “taking into account the spatio-temporal
characteristics of life helps to understand the need for
alternating different activities to maintain health and
efficiency” (6%). Only 4% of students said that, even
though space is saturated with various objects, events,
phenomena, as well as the process of the development
and existence of man occurs in time and is limited by
it. The answers of 2nd-year students in percentage
were as follows: 1 50%, 2 30%, 3 15%, 4
8%, 5 – 10%; the 3rd-year students answered accord-
ingly: 1 – 55%, 2 – 40%, 3 – 25%, 4 – 10%, 5 – 15%
(figure 6).
The vast majority of future teachers 98% said
that the formation of these ideas depends on the for-
mation of the child’s personality from the first years
of life: orienteering, success in mastering various ac-
tivities, including reading, writing, drawing, design,
work; and in the future the development of human
business qualities: clarity of action, the ability to plan
activities in accordance with time constraints, which
will ensure its mobility and competitiveness in the fu-
It was also important for us to establish: how the
feeling of space and time affects the formation of stu-
dents’ creativity. In the context of the study of this
aspect, we found that 87% of students said that they
need more space and time to fully express their cre-
ativity. However, when clarifying these positions, it
was found that young people, first of all, consider
personally comfortable space important for the man-
ifestations of creativity, i.e. one did not indicate its
narrowing or expansion, however noted its comfort
thus, students indicated the psychologically important
qualities of the environment: there might be a large
number of people in it, but the main thing is how out-
siders perceive and (what is especially important, if
they approve) the discovery of creativity. Regarding
the time aspect 56% of students said that they need
more time to realize their creative aspirations. At the
same time, 44% of students indicated that both for
the full manifestation of creative abilities and for the
implementation of creative ideas the part of the day
(not specially a period of time) is significantly impor-
tant to them: for some young people morning is the
most productive in this aspect, for others – the second
half of the day: drowsiness and a certain “inhibition”
caused by fatigue disappear, inspiration and the desire
not only to realize the plan but also to demonstrate
their capabilities to friends, to feel their approval and
admiration, appear.
The study of the perception of different aspects of
the categories of “space” and “time” by full-time stu-
dents studying on “Preschool Education” and “Pri-
mary Education” of the Pedagogical Institute of Bo-
rys Grinchenko Kyiv University allows us to draw the
following conclusions:
Almost half of the students realize that a person’s
social space provides involvement in the community,
meeting social needs, a quarter of students surveyed
believe that this space provides an opportunity to in-
fluence others, including future students to shape their
worldview. Young people are aware of their personal
responsibility for the realization of their own aspira-
tions in the social space, maintaining harmony with
nature and the environment.
Students see the value of their own psychologi-
cal space in establishing psychological comfort, men-
tal balance, establishing communication with family,
friends, and colleagues. In their own living space,
students attach great importance to relationships with
others, finding like-minded people concerning their
life values (family, love, health, education, leisure,
etc.), as well as people who will contribute to the re-
alization of life or creative credo.
In their answers, the students focused on current
events and experiences, lagging behind the past and
the future, preferring space to time. At the same time,
young people understand the value of social time as a
form of society and its impact on a particular individ-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
ual, characterize modernity with rapid social events,
a powerful development of society, production pro-
cesses, understand the risks of loss in the personal
Students stated the importance of personal (own)
time for cognition, personal development, experience,
and expression of feelings. They noted the ephemer-
ality and irreversibility of time. However, a signifi-
cant number of students understand the importance of
retrospective time in the context of the experience.
According to the results of the study, the dynam-
ics of the events of a young person’s life, his ability to
perceive time and realize it as the value of life depends
on the type of his personality, the ability to direct, ac-
celerate, and sometimes slow down his own life.
Many of the surveyed students, expressing their
ideas about space and time in the life of modern
man, noted the possibility of creating an effective, ap-
propriate space for life and change it for the better,
stressed the need to clearly organize their own lives
for health preservation.
Thus, the analysis of students’ awareness of the
categories of space and time as values of existence
shows that young people perceive them as having a
decisive influence on the quality and success of their
existence and the existence of society in general. Re-
alizing the importance of social space and time, stu-
dents are aware of their own psychological (personal)
space and their own time, interpreting them as space
and time of their life as the most important.
The results obtained in the research process will
be useful to mentors and psychologists in organizing
adaptation measures for students with the aim of their
successful integration not only into student life, but
also life in a big city; will help young people to focus
on awareness of their life orientations and, if neces-
sary, their correction.
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