Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National
Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres
Ihor O. Atamanenko
1 a
, Oksana K. Kornosenko
2 b
, Oksana V. Danysko
2 c
Maya S. Serhiienko
3 d
The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, 3 Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Sq., Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine
Donbas State Pedagogical University, 19 Henerala Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, 84116, Ukraine
Psychological Readiness, Firearms Training, Military Personnel, Combat Readiness, Stress Management,
Emotion Regulation, Self-Regulation, Autonomic Nervous System, Heart Rate, Respiration Rate, Extreme
Conditions, National Guard of Ukraine, Nervous System Strength, Psychological Skills Training.
The imperfection of psychological training methods and psychological training programs of cadets of the
National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) determines the study’s relevance. The study’s purpose is to develop and
implement a program of psychological training for firearms use during the training process of NGU cadets; to
diagnose the activity of the departments of the autonomic nervous system, according to indicators: heart rate
and breathing rate; to reveal or refute the correlation between the strength of the nervous system and the success
level of NGU cadets during training shooting; to examine the program’s effectiveness in maintaining and
strengthening the nervous system force of cadets. Methods of research include analysis, synthesis, modeling,
programming, pedagogical observation, and methods of expert evaluation. The program consists of three
stages: motivational, basic, and restoring, and aims at forming a positive motivation to use firearms in extreme
conditions, improving the state of pre-situational readiness, optimal combat state, and transition from one
state to another, and working out the action strategy under the influence of stressful factors during service and
combat activity. After differentiating the heart rate and breathing data for all groups, a relationship between the
level of cadets’ psychological readiness and indicators of autonomic changes was revealed: on average, 50%
of the total number of cadets are individuals who have accelerated breathing and heart rate during the period
of shooting conditions, with 46% of them are groups with an average and low level of success in shooting. The
psychological training program is effective in supporting and strengthening the cadets’ strong nervous system,
but only a marginally weak one.
A full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine increased
the resource needs for weapons and human capi-
tal. The high level of Ukrainian militaries motiva-
tion is due to a personal and patriotic desire to liber-
ate Ukrainian lands from Russian invaders. However,
the emotional passion caused by the rage of Ukrainian
militaries towards the occupiers can negatively affect
the course of events in stressful situations. There-
fore, the important factor in the professional training
of future officers of the National Guard of Ukraine
(NGU) is the formation of psychological readiness to
use firearms.
The psychological training of military personnel is
a process of purposeful mental qualities formation to
ensure a persistent performance of combat and service
tasks in various conditions. The effectiveness of pro-
fessional readiness should be evaluated by the tempo-
ral, quantitative, and qualitative indicators of speci-
fied task realization, certainly, and certainly to include
as a component methods and actions in the conditions
of stress factors simulation, which is typical for actual
circumstances of extreme service and combat task re-
alization. According to the requirements, the profes-
sional training of officers (NGU) should be conducted
like a simulated combat mission, and all stressful fac-
Atamanenko, I., Kornosenko, O., Danysko, O. and Serhiienko, M.
Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres.
DOI: 10.5220/0012646000003737
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2023), pages 31-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-579-1; ISSN: 2976-0836
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tors that may hypothetically appear during the service
and combat activity should be considered. During the
psychological training, it is important to teach future
officers to act in perceived danger situations, to over-
come stress, and to take reasonable risks. At the same
time, it should be noted that the professional training
system of NGU future officers does not fully take into
account the influence of individual and psychologi-
cal features of military personnel on the service and
combat activity. The methods of forming psycholog-
ical readiness for the firearms using have also been
researched in part.
The experience of teaching and military activ-
ity allowed us to detect deficiencies of psychological
training, i.e.:
the psychological training is not highlighted as an
independent type of training, so it does not pro-
vide an opportunity to use it taking into account
the peculiarities of the NGU future officers’ psy-
chology and their behavioral reactions;
the methods of training NGU future officers were
artificially limited;
the necessary to form the individual psychological
qualities among cadets is ignored;
the tactical features of NGU cadets’ actions in ex-
treme conditions are not taken into account during
working out the practical part of task training.
To solve the outlined problems it is necessary to
form several research tasks:
1. To develop, justify, and implement in the profes-
sional training of the NGU cadets a program to
form a psychological readiness for firearms use.
2. To diagnose the activity of the autonomic nervous
system, such as heart rate and breathing rate, dur-
ing firing from a Makarov pistol.
3. To reveal or refute the correlation between the
strength of the nervous system and the level of
NGU cadets’ success at the time of using firearms
during training shootings.
4. To check the program regarding the possibilities
of supporting and strengthening the nervous sys-
tem force of cadets for effectiveness.
The analysis of the latest publications, according
to this study topic, indicates a high level of inter-
est among scientists to the problem of psychologi-
cal readiness of military personnel during the per-
formance of service and combat tasks, in particular,
behavioral and physiological reactions in a state of
stress. In particular, Sekel et al. (2023) note that
the military tactical adaptive decision-making during
the simulations of military operational stress depends
on personality, resilience, aerobic, and neurocognitive
functions. Laboratory studies based on the simulation
of combat operations or a military field training dura-
tion of 48 hours. Laboratory studies experimentally
prove that military operational stress negatively influ-
ences the physical, cognitive, and emotional soldier’s
efficiency during simulation, in particular, the adop-
tion of military tactical adaptive decisions.
Koltun et al. (2023) identify the physiological
and psychological stressors that may impair military
readiness and military efficiency during military train-
ing and under operational conditions. During the ex-
periment we had the obtained data. According to it,
we may point out that military personnel, who are in
a state of stress, lose their ability to the aerobic en-
durance and adequate decision-making, i.e., reduce
their cognitive performance.
Flood and Keegan (2022) note that military per-
sonnel often perform complex cognitive operations
under unique conditions of high stress. Cognitive im-
pairment as a result of this stress can have serious
consequences for the success of military operations
and the well-being of military personnel, especially
in combat environments. Therefore, during military
training, it needs to understand the feeling, stress re-
sistance, and the degree of impaired cognitive func-
tions. The study highlights the experience of over-
coming psychological stress among military person-
nel in the framework of the transactional theory of
Nassif et al. (2021) notes that mental skills, such
as focus and emotion management, are essential for
optimal performance in high-stress occupations, in-
cluding the military. To examine the impact of mind-
fulness training on operational performance, mental
skills, and psychological health, a short-form pro-
gram, Mindfulness-Based Attention Training, was de-
livered to active duty soldiers as part of two random-
ized trials. As a result, the proposed program turned
out to be effective and suitable to optimize the op-
erational indicators of the body’s response to stress
factors and improve mental skills in military forces.
Lytvyn and Rudenko (2021) give grounds for the
necessity of introducing into the educational process
of higher educational institutions of the State Emer-
gency Service the pedagogical system of formation
of cadets’ readiness for professional activity and the
expediency of creating appropriate psychological and
pedagogical conditions for increasing the effective-
ness of this process (continuous improvement of the
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
pedagogical skills of the teaching staff; active use of
innovative service and combat experience of fire and
rescue formations; improving psychological training
by modeling stressors that affect personnel in haz-
ardous circumstances and extreme situations; taking
into account the individual psychological character-
istics of cadets; moral and material stimulation of
cadets’ activity in ordinary and, especially, in extreme
situations related to risk to life), aimed at ensuring
their optimal preparedness to work in risky (extreme)
Taylor et al. (2011) call attention of the scien-
tific community to the problem of training psycho-
logical skills in a military survival school. A ran-
domized field research aimed to examine the effects
of short-term stress training to teach arousal control
through self-talk in individual 40-minute sessions.
Stress symptoms were then assessed during a mock-
captivity phase of training, as well as 24 hours, 1
month, and 3 months after completion of training.
Survival training precipitated remarkable increases in
subjective distress, but few substantive group differ-
ences emerged.
We were greatly interested in the article by Mc-
Crory et al. (2013). The study tested the hypothesis
that multimodal psychological skills training would
increase the self-regulatory behavior of military pi-
lot trainees. The results showed linearity according
to the improvement of specific self-regulation. Simi-
larly, there was a significant increase in self-efficacy
and psychological skills use, as well as, a concomi-
tant decrease in anxiety and worry, highlighting the
potential for modifying the cognitive and behavioral
strategies of pilot trainees to maintain motivation to
learn and improve individual/group responsiveness.
Kolesnichenko et al. (2016) investigated the psy-
chological readiness of the servicemen of the National
Guard of Ukraine to take risks, in particular, substan-
tiated its content and structure, characterized the lev-
els that are the basis of the psychodiagnostic method-
ology. The methodology has such scales as the man-
ifestation of willpower, military camaraderie, profes-
sional identity, and self-control and meets the require-
ments of reliability and validity.
Kyrychenko (2020) highlights different ap-
proaches of researchers to solve the problem of
servicemen’s psychological readiness of airborne
assault troops to conduct combat operations. Based
on the analysis of the conditions and specific using
of airborne assault troops, the peculiarities of the
servicemen’s psychological readiness to operate in
combat conditions were analyzed.
A detailed analysis of the special literature proves
that the problem of forming psychological readiness
among the military personnel is an actual one. A sig-
nificant scientific contribution of scientists reveals the
theoretical and methodical features of military per-
sonnel training and their behavioral reactions in the
situation of overcoming stress. However, it should be
noted that the problem of the psychological readiness
forming among future officers of the National Guard
of Ukraine is insufficiently studied and needs to be
addressed in the framework of the weapons using as
the course of training and as the service and combat
task realization.
To solve the tasks, we developed a program to form
the psychological readiness of NGU cadets to use
firearms in their professional activities. The develop-
ment and implementation of the program required the
use of the following research methods: the analysis
was used to study the special literature and levels of
cadets’ psychological readiness to use weapons; syn-
thesis to integrate the stages of the program and its el-
ements into a single system; the simulation technique
involved the creation of a conditional model of a suc-
cessful cadet who effectively uses weapons for com-
bat task realization; the programming technique was
used to develop the psychological readiness program
for future NGU cadets; pedagogical observation and
oral survey were carried out for systematic analysis
and assessment of individual perception of influence
methods on the future cadet’s mind without interfer-
ing in this process; expert evaluation method.
The expert evaluation method was used to deter-
mine the level of quality of the cadets’ actions, their
mental state, and the results of shooting. According
to the conditions of the shooting course, we surveyed
and divided the respondents into three groups with
different numbers of people (table 1).
The first group consisted of cadets who showed
high results and received an “excellent” rating for the
exercise. The cadets’ actions in this group were confi-
dence, accuracy, thoughtfulness, and coherence. They
Table 1: Quantitative indicators of the cadets’ distribution
by groups with different levels of success in training exer-
cises with a Makarov pistol.
Group of cadets Result, %
The first group had a high level of success
in shooting (n = 36)
The second group had an average level of
success in shooting (n = 106)
The third group had a low level of success
in shooting (n = 40)
Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres
were attentive and focused on performing training ex-
ercises with the Makarov pistol while receiving the
task and its execution. The second group of cadets
showed average results and received a “good” or “sat-
isfactory” rating during the exercise. Minor mistakes
were observed in their actions, but outwardly, men-
tal tension was visible. The third group consisted of
cadets who showed low results and received “satis-
factory” and “unsatisfactory” grades during the exer-
cise. Representatives of this group made serious mis-
takes during practice shooting with the Makarov pis-
tol. They were unable to execute the firing instructor’s
commands due to lack of confidence and attention.
The cadets were distinguished visually by their pro-
nounced paleness, dilated pupils and eyes, and physi-
cal weakness.
We carried out a diagnosis of the activity of the
departments of the autonomic nervous system in the
cadets in the process of conducting activities to check
the implemented program of psychological training.
Such indicators as heart rate and respiratory rate were
diagnosed. Diagnostics of indicators were carried out
in three stages (the first was before the start of the
shooting, the second was during the shooting, and the
third was 20 minutes after the shooting). The im-
plementation of the experimental program was car-
ried out during the training of senior cadets for 6
months (September, October, and November 2022
and March, April, and May 2023).
The results of our research point out it is necessary
to provide measures that fully cover the formation of
psychological training components for future officers
to use weapons in combat conditions during the psy-
chological training process. Such an approach can
be implemented only with the systematic planning of
psychological training, which, from our opinion of
view, is possible during the preparation of a program
that includes measures to influence emotional, moti-
vational and intellectual components, and the level of
personal anxiety.
Psychological shooter training is an educational
process aimed to form an optimal psychological state
and persistent internal readiness for the effective use
of firearms, with uncertain conditions of psychologi-
cal and traumatic factors. The process of psychologi-
cal training focuses on the formed following qualities
of the NGU future officers:
the ability to influence oneself, to abstract from
various extraneous factors that interfere to make
an accurate shot;
the ability to concentrate one’s attention, to focus
on the main shooting aim, i.e. hitting the target;
the self-confidence, perseverance, resourceful-
ness, initiative;
the resistance of the central nervous system to the
influence of stress factors;
the ability to use autogenic and ideomotor tech-
niques to relieve emotional tension.
Implementation of the training program outlines
the most training lessons in the field, during tacti-
cal, special, and firearms training. For this, an in-
structor should acquire the interdisciplinary knowl-
edge and skills. These tasks are solved during the
NGU cadets’ psychological readiness formation to
use firearms. Based on these tasks, three periods of
the program were defined: I motivational; II – main;
III – restorative.
The first period is motivational, the following
tasks are:
to determine the initial level of psychological
readiness formation of NGU cadets in the period
using firearms and differentiate them into groups
with low, medium and high levels;
to form positive motivation, the necessary atti-
tudes for training according to the development of
psychological readiness for firearms using;
to increase the cadets’ ability to relax, to mutually
transition from a wait state to alert status;
to contribute to the development of cadet’s self-
identification and self-determination, the reasons,
goals and tasks for the of the Special Combat Task
to reveal the hidden possibilities of the human
mind and ways of managing them;
to form among the cadets a system of initial
concepts and knowledge regarding psychological
readiness to use firearms in the service and com-
bat conditions and methods of increasing its effec-
The main purpose of this period is the formation
of cadets’ positive motivation in regarding the forma-
tion of their psychological readiness to use firearms
in extreme conditions. This purpose should be related
to the development of cadets’ sustainable motivation
and self-education and self-improvement interest dur-
ing firearms and physical training classes; to trust
the teacher who conducts classes; strong discipline
during training and strong self-discipline during the
self-preparation; to ensure psychologically comfort-
able microclimate in the group. Professional psychol-
ogists and instructors who have experience in using
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
firearms in extreme conditions should be conducted
of classes.
One of the important tasks at the first period is
the formation of future officers’ skills in voluntary
mental self-regulation, during the group training and
self-preparation after the classes. It is necessary to
hold lectures to explain cadets the peculiarities of mil-
itary activity, possible negative consequences of the
stress factors influence that are linked with this activ-
ity, methods and methods that allow to increase re-
sistance to the influence of psychological traumatic
factors and ways to preserve the ability to work in
extreme situations. The topics of lectures should
have a professional and applied psychological orien-
tation: “Specifics of extreme conditions during mili-
tary and combat activity of NGU officers”, “Psycho-
logical readiness of NGU officers to use weapons in
conditions of military and combat activity”, “Tech-
nologies of NGU officers activity during the firearms
using in extreme conditions”, “Methods and means
of mental self-regulation in periods of negative emo-
tional states caused by the performance of military
and combat activity”, etc.
It is necessary to hold lectures to explain cadets
the importance of the ability to resist the negative im-
pact of stress factors and the need to improve psycho-
logical resistance to the use of firearms in the condi-
tions of service and combat activity. After a series
of lectures, cadets should be recommended to inde-
pendently improve the techniques and skills of men-
tal regulation of adverse emotional states, as well as
familiarize themselves with special literature.
The techniques and methods of mental regulation
in the situation of adverse psychological states for
the formation of the skills of voluntary self-regulation
and self-control, the state of pre-situational psycho-
logical readiness for action should be studied by
cadets after the lecture course. The method of neu-
romuscular relaxation proposed by Jacobson (1925)
is used for training. The purpose of Jacobson’s pro-
gressive muscle relaxation is to induce a relaxation
response. The method helps to relax the body and
change the active state of the body to a calm one. The
learning process consists of three periods. In the first
stage, cadets learn to realize and feel weak muscle
tension and purposeful relaxation of the muscles re-
sponsible for bending all parts of the body. In the
second stage, cadets learn differentiated relaxation to
relax muscles that are not involved in supporting the
body in a vertical position (stabilizer muscles). At the
third stage, cadets learn to purposefully reduce and
then remove local muscle tension, to transition from a
state of waiting to combat readiness in extreme situa-
The initial training period must be carried out with
the head of training to increase the training effective-
ness and avoid mistakes. Cadets will learn about the
principles of mental self-regulation: operational inde-
pendence, and striving for improvement before con-
ducting classes using this method. It is clarified the
reason for the need to be able to concentrate and keep
one’s attention on the object, to keep a visual image
concentrated in one’s imagination, to feel and imag-
ine the actions of verbal formulations, to arbitrarily
relax the muscles, to influence oneself at the moment
of lowering the level of mental tension. Cadets should
pay attention to the general algorithm of actions; in
this algorithm, each cadet can change individual ele-
ments, and include his own techniques in it to effec-
tively use personally for himself. Techniques will be
useful under conditions that correspond to a specific
mental state. Therefore, it is important to be able to
understand, analyze and remember your mental state,
using any reference points for this: heart rate, muscle
sensations, breathing rate, etc.
The total duration of the full training cycle by this
method is 20-25 minutes. Depending on the improve-
ment of voluntary mental self-regulation skills, the
class time should be reduced to 15 minutes. Fur-
ther consolidation of abilities and skills is carried
out in conditions of emotional stimulation and emo-
tionally intense critical situations. In particular, the
teacher takes the future officers to the firing line,
where he asks the cadets to enter a state of relaxed
pre-situational readiness. The leader should conduct
a briefing to explain that every loud shot will be re-
sponded to inside the body by involuntary muscle
contractions, and this is normal. Such instruction is
undertaken before the technique practiced by each
cadet. Cadets must learn to relax quickly, without
unnecessary movements, giving themselves a condi-
tioned signal and producing a conditioned reflex. At
the end of the briefing, the teacher notes that as soon
as the cadets reach a state of mental calm, they should
slowly approach the firing line and maintain relax-
ation in movement.
At this stage, the teacher focuses the cadets’ at-
tention on breathing and inspecting their body, the
need to work out the conditioned signal, and requires
them to slowly approach it after entering a state of
relaxation, trying not to disturb it. After the cadets
have completed the exercise, the teacher offers each
of them to define a trigger, a trigger signal, for enter-
ing this state. The trigger can be of any form, that is,
a bodily gesture, a feeling, a position, a squeeze, or
anything associated with the desired state. It can be
a sound, a verbal formula, a visual picture, a set of
movements, etc. After each cadet has chosen a trig-
Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres
ger for himself, he is invited to independently practice
entering the state and maintaining it against the back-
ground of powerful sound stimuli (shooting is taking
place nearby). Then you need to check the acquisition
of the shooting skill with a Makarov pistol, standing
25 m from the target.
The criteria of the skills’ formation at this period
are a clear attitude and positive motivation for the
formation of psychological resistance to the use of
firearms; persistent interest in self-development and
self-improvement; the ability to arbitrarily relax mus-
cles, reduce mental tension; the ability to arbitrarily
induce a state of calmness, mobilization of forces;
the ability to transition from a state of rest to combat
The second period is the main stage, which be-
gins after the cadets have mastered the techniques
of mental self-regulation. This stage involves con-
solidating the abilities and skills acquired in the first
stage, improving the state of pre-situational readiness,
optimal combat state, and transition from one state to
another, working out the strategy of actions under the
influence of psycho-traumatizing factors of service-
combat activity.
At this period, the following tasks are solved:
to teach cadets to reproduce the state of pre-
situational readiness for emotionally tense condi-
tions of using firearms;
to improve the skill of arbitrary self-regulation of
emotional states, ideomotor ideas about the future
use of firearms in extreme situations;
to work out the strategy of using firearms in the
conditions of realization service and combat tasks.
This stage begins with the improvement of cadets’
skills of voluntary self-regulation of emotional states,
ideomotor ideas about the future use of firearms in
combat conditions.
The development of reflection and the ability to
exercise self-control allows you to purposefully study
the pre-situational state of readiness for the influ-
ence of emotional factors. The pre-situational state of
readiness allows officers to remain emotionally stable
in suddenly arising emotional situations. This con-
dition slows down the growth of tension in case of
prolonged exposure to stress factors. The state of
pre-situational readiness is induced by improving the
techniques of self-suggestion, imagining the perfor-
mance of the following actions that require determi-
nation from the cadet, that is, ideomotor training.
During ideomotor training, it is necessary to ob-
serve the basic rules of its implementation. First, the
more accurately the movement image can be imag-
ined, the more accurate the performed movement will
be. Secondly, the imaginary image of the action must
necessarily be connected with the muscle-joint sen-
sations of the shooter, and the representations can be
visual. In this case, the shooter sees himself as if from
the outside. So, by observing a person’s muscles dur-
ing ideomotor training, you can easily find out how far
his ideas about this or that technical element achieve
the purpose. Thirdly, the effect of the influence rep-
resentations increases markedly if they are combined
with accurate verbal commands and pronunciations.
Accordingly, it is necessary not only to imagine this
or that movement but also to speak its essence out
loud at the same time. In some cases, commands
should be spoken simultaneously with the representa-
tion of the movement, and in other cases, commands
should be spoken before the representation. Only
practice will show which method to choose. The fact
that words significantly enhance the effect of repre-
sentation can be verified during the test with a finger
on which an object hangs. If you not only imagine
that the object starts to swing, let’s say, forward, but
start saying the word “forward” out loud, then the am-
plitude of the oscillations will immediately increase.
Fourthly, to learn a new element of technique, it is
necessary to imagine it at a slow tempo. A slow repre-
sentation of the movement will allow you to imagine
all the details of the studied gesture and warn of possi-
ble errors in time. Fifth, in order to learn a new techni-
cal element, it is necessary to imagine it in a position
that is close to the spatial position of the body during
its actual performance. So, when a person engages
the ideomotor training and at the same time adopts
a pose that is closest to the real one, more impulses
from muscles and joints to the brain occur to detail
the motor action. It is easier for the brain, which pro-
grams the correct ideomotor representation of move-
ment, to coordinate execution with the musculoskele-
tal system. There is an opportunity to practice the
necessary technical element more consciously. That
is why simulators are useful. This type of exercise
allows one to take a variety of poses, especially the
movements that often take place outside after break-
ing away from the fulcrum. Having been in a state
of imagined weightlessness, a person improves feel-
ing the movement technique and imagines these de-
tails better. Sixth, the ideomotor movement reproduc-
tion sometimes is performed so vividly and expres-
sively that the person involuntarily begins to move,
which indicates the establishment of a strong connec-
tion between the two systems: programming and ex-
ecuting. Such a process is useful because the body
is included in the execution of the movement which
is born in consciousness. That is why, when ideomo-
tor representations are not realized immediately, and
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
complications can be a part of the process, it is recom-
mended to consciously join the ideomotor represen-
tations with the corresponding body gestures, and in
this way, connect the imaginary image of the gesture
with the muscles that perform it. In this way, a per-
son can join the unsubstantial character of the move-
ment with the muscles that perform it. Imitations are
also important. The imitation of movement can form
a more precise choice of a certain technical element,
teaches to choose the necessary element to refer first
to the sensations in the muscles, then to the impact of
the brain. Therefore, the imitation of various move-
ments, for example, during warm-up, is an effective
help in preparing for the performance of this or that
complex exercise. But, a mandatory condition for im-
itation is the realization of physical movements and
their simultaneous imagination. If you think about
something else during the simulation, it will not be
useful. Seventh, it is wrong to believe that the final
result comes immediately before the exercise, this is
one of the common mistakes. If you focus only on
the result, you can forget the way to achieve this re-
sult, that is, lose the main thing in the process. That
is, if the shooter thinks that he needs to hit the target,
this thought can prevent him from remembering those
technical elements without which it is impossible to
hit. That’s why he doesn’t hit. In such cases, they
say “overdid” and forget to achieve the get purpose,
they should think not about the final result but about
the imaginary gestures of those actions that can help
to realize it. So, the essence of the ideomotor train-
ing principle is the ability to imagine its ideomotor
specificity before performing the body movement and
accurately assess this movement.
After conducting ideomotor training, NGU’s
cadets must learn to change their state of conscious-
ness. A teacher accents that the optimal state of con-
sciousness is a state of relaxed expectation. At the
preparatory stage, cadets had already worked out the
state of relaxed expectation. At the main stage, it
is necessary to acquire the skills of transition from a
state of relaxed expectation (pre-situational readiness)
to a combat (working) state.
The combat (working) state is an individual state
of consciousness for each officer or cadet that corre-
sponds to external conditions. This condition must
meet certain general criteria.
1. To ensure maximum effective work of a cadet in
circumstances of external factors.
2. To go into combat mode and perform actions
without the use of any stimulating factors.
3. To stay in this psychological state should not harm
a person’s psyche and physiology.
According to the criteria, the condition should not
be affective in nature, i.e. not have a strong emotional
connotation. The cadet must have experience enter-
ing and exiting the combat readiness state at the stage
of professional training. An instructor should instruct
the cadets, and then practice the “combat state” exer-
cise with the cadets. During this period, the training
is performed 6-8 times. During the lesson, cadets’
states may change several times in different situa-
tions. Then the teacher offers the group to test skills
that have been formed, i.e. the body state of relaxed
expectation and the optimal combat (working) state
in practice, during the solution of the Special Com-
bat Task. To achieve a positive result, cadets should
do elements of tactical and technical, fire, and special
physical training and must make maximum use of the
acquired psychological skills.
The modeling of psycho-traumatic factors and the
practice of action tactics in stressful situations have a
unique role during this period. To reproduce the stress
factors of the Special Combat Task in the practical
work, teachers should use various methods of mod-
eling the stress factors of extreme situations, such as
a) visual, auditory, tactile; b) verbal-symbolic, visual,
computer, training, simulation, and combat.
It is also important to use audio recordings with
the sounds of people, gunshots, sirens, and the noise
of the urban environment, which reproduce the actual
conditions of the Special Combat Task for NGU offi-
cers. Simulations of real conditions of using firearms
should be used in several periods. In the first stage,
a positive motivational environment is created for the
lesson. The authors outline that a motivational atti-
tude is a tendency of cadets to act in a certain way,
necessary for achieving the purpose of the lesson. It
means the cadets’ desire to learn, and their under-
standing of the purpose and content of the lesson. In
addition, during the preparation, an instructive emo-
tional background is created, which contributes to the
emergence of mental tension during the lesson. Dif-
ferent techniques for creating a motivational attitude
can be chosen depending on the psychological factors
of training and combat activity that are planned to be
modeled in the class.
In order to accurately and in detail simulate the
danger factor for training, it is necessary to apply me-
thodical techniques that create an appropriate emo-
tional environment for the activity:
1. Before the training, it is necessary to cite cases
of service and combat activity of NGU service-
men, when low psychological readiness to use
weapons, was a reason for injury or death; it is
necessary to cite examples of decisive and effec-
tive using weapons by officers to get the effective-
Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres
ness of the combat mission and as an indicator of
high psychological readiness during practical ac-
2. Teachers can increase the cadets’ interest in the
next lesson in the framework of preparation, de-
tailed instruction, increasing the control of the or-
ders’ execution that is related to the safety rules.
The instruction before lessons should be signifi-
cantly different from all other similar activities.
When cadets have grasped a motivational attitude,
the main part is started, stress factors of the situation
are simulated, and exercises with the use of weapons
are performed.
The third period is the restoring stage and starts
after the end of practical shooting by cadets in ex-
treme conditions i.e. during the main period. By its
content, this period is a complex of measures aimed at
psychological rehabilitation and includes the follow-
ing tasks: to restore physical and mental strength; to
reduce or neutralize the negative stress effects that oc-
curred in the process of firing firearms; to restore the
mental state to contribute the optimal performance of
military service tasks.
The authors point out that psychological recovery
is the process of organized psychological influence
aimed at normalizing the mental state of shooters to
solve training, service, and combat tasks. Psycho-
logically stabilizing work with cadets should begin
with an objective assessment of each cadet’s realiza-
tion of training exercises with a Makarov pistol. To
analyze the actions of the cadets, the teacher focuses
on the right cadets’ actions, analyzes mistakes, and
points out ways to prevent them. The leader pays spe-
cial attention to cadets’ psychological readiness to use
firearms and the formation of mutual transition skills
from the state of waiting to the combat state.
To evaluate the actions of shooters, it is necessary
taking into account the realization indicators of train-
ing shootings and the success of the results for each
person, and also the influence of extreme factors on
the emotional state of the actions. To study the men-
tal state of cadets teacher uses observing and commu-
nicating with them, conducting individual and group
psychological lessons, conversations, oral interviews,
Such indicators as heart rate (table 2) and respira-
tory rate (table 3) were diagnosed during testing the
effectiveness of the program. The diagnosis of these
indicators was carried out in three stages (the first was
before the start of the shooting, the second was dur-
ing the shooting, and the third was 20 minutes after
the shooting).
At the first stage, the average statistical indi-
cators of heart rate in the three examined groups
were respectively: the first group had 73.8 beats/min,
the second had 71.5 beats/min, and the third had
72.2 beats/min, being in the range from 64 to 74.9
beats/min, which corresponds to a state of rest.
At this stage, the cadets experienced average am-
plitude of 10 beats/min of heart rate fluctuations. At
the same time, it exceeded 71 bpm for 75% of cadets.
Calculations showed that the value of variance for the
first cadets’ group is equal to 2.76, the second is 3.22,
and the third is 5.49. The overall index of dispersion
in the three groups of NGU cadets was 3.87 with an
average statistical index of 72.8 bpm.
Table 2: Indicators of heart rate for groups of NGU cadets.
Group of students
Heat rate (bpm)
The first group was highly
skilled in the use of weapons
72.38 94.7 72.49
The second group was aver-
agely skilled in the use of
70.25 98.5 72.95
The third group was low-
skilled in the use of weapons
71.82 101.3 73.26
Note: p < 0.05
At the second stage, the heart rate of all three
cadets’ groups significantly changed in the direction
of increase. The average statistical indicator was 97
bpm. The heart rate in the studied individuals was
equal to 91 and 107 bpm at the lower and upper lim-
its. The third stage measurement revealed that the
heart rate of almost all cadets stabilized and did not
significantly differ from the initial background values.
The average heart rate was 73.1 bpm. Accordingly, in
the groups of cadets, he scored: for the first group
was 71.9; for the second group was 73.15; for the
third group was 73.62 bpm. The difference in group
readings from the general is not significant. The total
number of examinees, which is 2.22, confirms this.
The next indicator measured during the study was
the respiratory rate (table 3).
Table 3: Respiratory rate indicators for groups of NGU
Group of students
Respiratory rate
(breaths per minute)
I period II period III period
I group 14.3 23.4 14.8
II group 13.1 24.01 14.2
III group 13.1 27.9 14.0
Note: p < 0.05
At the first stage, the respiratory rate of all cadets
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
was within the normal range. The average statisti-
cal rate in all groups at this stage was 12.73 breaths
per minute. For those examined at this stage, a slight
deviation of personal values from the average statis-
tical indicator is characteristic i.e. of 1.3 breaths per
minute; low amplitude of breath frequency fluctua-
tions ranging from 10 to 16 breaths per minute. The
respiratory rate of cadets of all groups is not signifi-
cantly different, as indicated by this.
At the second stage, the cadets’ respiratory rate
indicators changed, as a result of the firing condi-
tions’ influence. The average statistical indicator for
all groups was 23.5 breaths per minute, which is 12
breaths per minute higher than the average value at the
first stage. The variance according to the data of the
three groups was 7.12, which confirms the increase in
the spread of values by almost 7 units compared to the
first stage.
At the third stage, the values of the respiratory rate
indicator are characterized by a decrease in all cadets
compared to the second stage. The statistical aver-
age of the respiratory rate for the three groups is 14.1
breaths per minute, which hardly exceeds this indi-
cator at the first stage. The total variance is equal to
1.1. At this stage, there are no clearly expressed dif-
ferences in the respiratory rate values of the cadets of
all groups. So, in the first group, the respiratory rate is
13.5 breaths per minute, in the second is 14.2 breaths
per minute, and in the third is 14 breaths per minute.
Intergroup differences were confirmed by math-
ematical calculations of the Student’s t-test, which
gives reason to assert that the data between groups
are statistically reliable.
The principle scheme of forming the psychological
readiness of future NGU cadets to use firearms should
be carried out according to a certain algorithm and
represent a sequence of periods, each of which is a
step to achieve the purpose. At the same time, it is
necessary to comply with the following requirements:
to practice actions according to the principle of
accessibility: from simple to complex;
to practice situations using light and noise effects
with recordings of people’s cries for help to per-
form necessary actions and orders without the in-
fluence of the emotional and sensory sphere;
to introduce non-standard elements into the train-
ing process based on studies of the using firearms
by NGU cadets;
to conduct psychological training during the fire
training classes based on targeted influence on
components of cadets’ psychological readiness.
The impact of negative emotions on the men-
tal state of NGU cadets is significantly reduced if a
cadet knows which stress factors and difficulties he
may face during military service tasks during service
and combat tasks with firearm use. To improve psy-
chological readiness, it is necessary to accumulate
practical experience to overcome negative emotions
that may arise during combat activities. The great
value has the system of education and training classes,
which is aimed at forming knowledge and skills that
are necessary for making the optimal decision and im-
proving the ability to manage one’s condition in var-
ious situations. Noise habituation is one of the nec-
essary elements in the organization of classes. Noise
exposure causes anxiety and causes errors in behavior
and actions.
Psychological support of service and combat ac-
tivities should prevent the occurrence of such nega-
tive experiences as danger to life, concern for one’s
comrades, discomfort. It should include targeted psy-
chological training; analysis of the behavior of NGU
cadets during practical training of combat activity; as-
sessment of the psychological fatigue degree; to form
a motivation to continue a task realization in extreme
conditions to service and combat activity.
The diagnostics results of the activity of the
cadets’ autonomic nervous system, which was car-
ried out according to indicators such as heart rate and
respiratory rate, gave grounds for conclusions. The
measurement of cadets’ heart rate at the first stage al-
lows us to state that no significant differences were
found between the groups. However, a significant in-
crease in heart rate for all groups of examined cadets
is observed in the second stage. It is caused by the
increased influence of stress factors: excitement, the
results of shooting, and the need to act in specific con-
ditions. It was established that the cadets of the aver-
age and high level groups managed to mobilize their
physical and mental strength to overcome mental ten-
sion at the time of the pistol exercise, their actions
were confident and accurate. For cadets who are not
successful in shooting under these circumstances, a
higher heart rate is characteristic, which, as a rule,
exceeds the indicator of 100 bpm. They were distin-
guished by an accelerated pulse, paleness of the face,
which indirectly indicated great emotional stress. At
the third stage, the heart rate indicators of the second
and especially the third cadets’ groups, who are more
emotionally labile, exceed these indicators of the first
group. According to the E. Gellhorn’s theory, if peo-
ple have increased emotional sensitivity and a high
Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres
level of motivation, they are able to detect the en-
tire complex of vegetative changes in the body for a
longer time (Gellhorn, 1964).
Breathing frequency measurements showed that
cadets of all groups experienced rapid changes at the
second stage. The first group is characterized by uni-
form controlled small breathing, which confirms the
variance, which is equal to 1.89. The second group
is characterized by more frequent breathing. Obser-
vations showed that the breaths of the second group
representatives are deeper and more frequent in their
periodicity than in the first group. The average sta-
tistical frequency of the second group breathing was
24.11 breaths per minute at the second stage. The av-
erage statistical frequency of the third group breathing
turned out to be the highest of the three groups and
amounted to 27.69 breaths per minute at the second
stage. In this group, dispersion is also the largest and
equal to 4.8. This indicates a large difference in res-
piratory rate readings among the cadets of this group.
After studying the heart rate and respiration data
for all groups, the dependence between the level of
cadets’ psychological readiness and the indicators of
vegetative changes was found: on average, 49.8%
of all cadets are individuals who have accelerated
breathing and heart rate during the period of expo-
sure to shooting conditions. Also, 46.7% of cadets
belong to averagely skilled or low-skilled groups in
the shooting.
It was found that examinees, who have a high
force of the nervous system, demonstrate a high level
of successful actions while they use firearms, and ex-
aminees who have a weak force of the nervous sys-
tem, demonstrate a low level of successful actions un-
der the influence of shooting factors. The nervous sys-
tem is exhausted when stress factors affect the human
psyche. According to the results of our research, the
force of the nervous system remains practically un-
changed under the influence of shooting factors, even
with their long-term influence on the human psyche.
Techniques and methods of psychological train-
ing for the NGU cadets allow them to maintain and
strengthen the average force of a nervous system, but
not to have a great influence on strengthening of a
weak nervous system.
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ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning