Precedent Phenomena of Culture: Translation and Linguo-Didactic
Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them
Olga Kanevska
and Kateryna Hostra
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine
Precedent Phenomena of Culture as Linguo-Didactic Units, Precedent Phenomena of Culture as Translation
Units, Translation of Precedent Phenomena of Culture.
The paper defines and characterizes the translation and linguo-didactic barriers of learning and understanding
of foreign language precedent phenomena of culture and ways to overcome them. It is determined that
precedent phenomena of culture are important learning tool of teaching foreign language communication and
subject of study for inophones. It has been established that working with precedent phenomena of culture is
the important part of foreign language education and that the algorithmization of the translation process of
precedent cultural phenomena will contribute to overcoming the difficulties of the translation.
The anthropocentricity of modern science contributes
to changing the vectors of research as a language (from
the study of the language system to the analysis of
human influence on language), linguo-didactics (the
development of multilingual education in Ukraine as
the basis for the formation of a modern person who
can live and act in intercultural communication, in-
ternational relations (social, political, economic, ed-
ucational, etc.), activated by globalization world pro-
cesses). The ideal of modern man and man of the
future is an educated, culturally developed, multilin-
gual personality, competent, tolerant, capable of learn-
ing throughout life, striving for self-improvement and
constant development.
One of the issues of foreign-language linguo-
didactics is the introduction of t he socio-cultural com-
ponent in the process of learning a foreign language.
After all, any language is a system inextricably linked
with a person as a representative of a certain linguistic
and cultural community, a carrier of socio-historical
and national-cultural experience.
The study of a foreign language involves the ac-
quisition of competencies important for successful
foreign-language speech activity (communicative, lin-
guistic, speech, activity, socio-cultural, etc.). A suf-
ficient level of the formed secondary linguistic per-
sonality of the student of a foreign language indicates
that t his person has cross-cultural (intercultural) com-
petence, that is, he can realize himself within the dia-
logue of cultures.
Obstacles in the process of intercultural commu-
nication can be not only language and speech, but
also cultural barriers: lack of mutual background
knowledge or gaps in them, insufficient knowledge
of the r ules of speech etiquette, peculiarities of speech
behavior, standards of culture, lexico-phraseological
units with a national-cultural component of seman-
tics, lack of the skills of their adequate use in situ-
ations of intercultural communication, etc. Lexico-
phraseological units that significantly impede inter-
cultural communication, there are precedent phenom-
ena of culture, which reflect the specific features of a
certain linguistic and cultural community, its national-
cultural worldview is generalized.
Therefore, consideration of the precedent phenom-
ena of culture from the point of view of the methodol-
ogy of teaching a foreign language and translation will
help to find effective ways to provide cross-cultural and
translation competencies of those who study a foreign
In modern education, further development of the
methodology of teaching a foreign language in gen-
eral and translation training in particular (Alves and
da Silva, 2021; Colina, 2003; Gerding-Salas, 2000;
Korobeinikova et al., 2020; Malmkjaer, 2008; Mi-
randa et al., 2021; Shupta, 2010; Vasylenko, 2015;
Vitchenko, 2014) is becoming increasingly impor-
Kanevska, O. and Hostra, K.
Precedent Phenomena of Culture: Translation and Linguo-Didactic Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them.
DOI: 10.5220/0012646100003737
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2023), pages 41-49
ISBN: 978-989-758-579-1; ISSN: 2976-0836
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tant. Thus, problems regarding the principles, con-
tent, structure of foreign language education, methods,
techniques, technologies for forming the necessary
competencies, ways to overcome intercultural barri-
ers, etc. are actively investigated. The question of the
specifics of the formation of the textual competence
in translation from Ukrainian into English is solved
by K avytska and Kvasova (2017); for mation of the
English-language lexical competence of future philol-
ogists in the written translation of journalistic texts is
engaged by Vasylenko (2015); translation competence
Malmkjaer (2008), Muratova (2017); development
of translation skills of philology students Vitchenko
Researchers and problems related to the mech-
anisms of studying foreign-language precedent phe-
nomena of culture and methods of teaching them in
foreign language classes did not remain without atten-
tion. The studies characterize the socio-cultural se-
mantic load of precedent phenomena of culture, their
didactic potential as units of teaching a foreign lan-
guage, determine the specifics of working with them
in native and foreign language lessons (Doroz, 2010;
Fiedler, 2017; Lazarenko, 2014; Liontas, 2002; Miller,
2020; Rebrii and Tashchenko, 2015; Sprenger et al.,
2006). Identification of the role of precedent phenom-
ena in the formation of secondary linguistic personal-
ity during the study of a foreign language are devoted
the works of Lazarenko (2014), Liontas (2002). V.
Doroz considers precedent phenomena as the basic
core of stereotypical knowledge of students of na-
tional communities (Doroz, 2010). In cultural and
pragmatic aspects, phraseology and paremia are stud-
ied in the works of Miller (2020), Fiedler (2017). Re-
brii and Tashchenko (2015) analyze precedent names
in the translation aspect. Our studies (Hostra, 2021;
Kanevska and Hostra, 2021) is devoted to highlight-
ing the problems of precedent phenomena of culture
as linguo-didactic units.
But the question of finding effective, efficient
mechanisms for studying foreign-language precedent
phenomena of culture that would help overcome inter-
cultural barriers and simplify intercultural communi-
cation in any communication situation remains unre-
The goal of our research work is to define and
characterize the translation and linguo-didactic barri-
ers of learning and understanding of foreign language
precedent phenomena of culture and ways to overcome
From a linguo-didactic position, in our opinion, the
precedent phenomena of culture are cognitive struc-
tures formed in the cognitive base of native speakers
based on their socio-cultural and national cultural and
historical experience.
Precedent phenomena of culture include: phrase-
ology; paremia; names of culturally and historically
significant events, objects; own names, references
to well-known artistic and non-artistic texts (names,
characters, themes, narratives, plots, artistic image,
artistic image; popular, well-known persons, events,
objects of reality, etc.); lexical units (realities) that are
meaningful in the context of linguistic and cultural
studies etc. All these varieties are combined into the
category of “precedent phenomena of culture on the
basis of their linguistic and communicative essence,
the presence of their national-cultural, socio-cultural
or historical-cultural connotation.
Considering the pragmatic aspect of precedence as
a category of text as a whole, let us pay attention to the
connection of precedent phenomena of culture with a
communicative act, the structural elements of which,
as you know, are the speaker (subject of speech, ad-
dressee), the listener (object of speech, addressee), the
transmitted information. The interaction of precedent
phenomena of culture with the subject of speech is
manifested in the following directions:
1) pragmatic meaning instruction of the speaker
(indirect meanings of statements, hints, non-
statements, etc.);
2) depending on the intentions of the speaker, the as-
signment of linguistic units to the objects of reality,
that is, the reference of the speaker;
3) the speaker’s assessment of the general fund of
knowledge (background knowledge), awareness,
interests of the listener, that is, pragmatic presup-
4) assessment of the content of the statement
(truth/falsity, irony, expressiveness, ambiguity,
From the position of t he object of speech, it is
important to take into account such aspects as:
1) interpretation of speech, the ability of the lis-
tener to identify indirect or hidden meanings in
the statement, to take into account the situation
of communication, presupposition, the purpose of
the speaker;
2) the impact of the statement on the addressee (ex-
panding his awareness, changing his emotional
state, assessment, impact on his actions, aesthetic
effect, etc.).
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
Information contains a precedent phenomenon of
culture, which can characterize all or part of a state-
ment (communicative situation). If the addressee does
not know the precedent unit used by the speaker, then
communicative failure is inevitable.
Consequently, those phenomena of culture become
precedent t hat native speakers use in communicative
situations and that are understandable to most mem-
bers of the linguistic and cultural society and deci-
phered by them.
Precedent phenomena of culture are inherent in
linguo-didactic functions, which must be considered
in the process of learning a foreign language and trans-
nominative (naming and highlighting fragments of
persuasive (persuasion communicative partner);
game (finding the way of expressing an opinion
necessary for a certain communicative situation);
password (determining the affiliation of a commu-
nicative partner to a particular social, cultural or
national group);
attraction (attracting the attention of the interlocu-
tor the recipient of the speech);
image (the ability to get an impression of a person,
the level of his culture, awareness, etc.);
communicative (the precedent phenomenon of
culture acts as a means of communication),
allusive/or intertextual (a hint of a known fact,
event, person, etc.);
modeling (use of authentic precedent phenomena
of culture without changes or adaptation, which
makes it possible to present the communicative
situation as a ready-made model that can be used
for educational purposes);
linguo-practical (methodological) (actualization
of background knowledge directly in intercultural
socio-cultural (ability to update the necessary
socio-cultural, historical-cultural or national-
cultural infor mation necessary for successful in-
tercultural communication);
diagnostic (determination of language proficiency;
assigning the speaker to a certain level of language
A generalized description of the precedent phe-
nomena of culture as linguo-didactic units is shown in
figure 1.
Thus, an important linguo-didactic feature of the
precedent phenomena of culture is their dual essence:
they are the object of study (they contain important
national-cultural information) and a means of educa-
tion (they are used as didactic material).
Translation of precedent phenomena of culture is
an urgent issue of theory and practice of translation,
the search for ways to create an adequate translation of
these units is constantly ongoing, because their nature
and features cause certain difficulties.
The scientific literature notes that “the task of the
translator is to identify and analyze linguistic and
extra-linguistic factors that help to achieve equiva-
lence of translation. The ultimate goal of translation
the equivalent influence of texts on their recipients
becomes possible given the combination of factors
of the communicative-speech situation, cultural as-
pects and, most importantly, the preservation of the
communicative-pragmatic intention of the speaker of
the original” (Kotliarova, 2011). Therefore, in our
opinion, an important aspect of learning translation
activity is the arming of future specialists with such
a translation technique that would help them find the
best ways to implement an adequate translation of the
original text.
In the theory of translation studies, translation is
understood as modeling and consistent transmission
of the complex-structural content of t he text. That is
why, from our point of view, the process of learning
translation can be carried out in four stages:
1) creating space for translation: searching for con-
ceptual meaning based on t he unity of old and new
knowledge about the text;
2) compression of special knowledge, one of the
forms of which is modeling;
3) interpretation of special meaning, that is, consis-
tent interpretation of language units;
4) the definition of the theme and the rhyme of the
text based on the actual division of the sentence.
Interpretation of language units in the translation
aspect involves determining not only their lexical-
semantic, grammatical, stylistic meaning, but also the
national-cultural connotation known to native speak-
ers of the original text and associated with the cul-
tural codes of the national-cultural community, but
unknown or insufficiently understood by native speak-
ers of the translation language.
A generalized description of the precedent phe-
nomena of culture as translation units is shown in
figure 2.
Thus, the precedent phenomena of culture are “ev-
ident texts, units of speech, formed in the cognitive
base of native speakers and understandable to them,
having a national-cultural, historical component, their
Precedent Phenomena of Culture: Translation and Linguo-Didactic Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them
Figure 1: Precedent phenomena of culture as linguo-didactic units.
Figure 2: Precedent phenomena of culture as translation units.
use in speech depends on the situation of communica-
tion, the goal set by the subject of speech.
The use of precedent phenomena of culture in
broadcasting, on the one hand, saves the commu-
nicative efforts of the speaker and the listener, marks
speech, and on the other hand, can significantly com-
plicate communication, primarily intercultural, and
In the process of converting the text of the original
into the text of the translation, it is necessary to be
able to recognize, identify and select the equivalents
of the precedent phenomena of culture, because they
consist of valuable knowledge in cognitive and emo-
tional plans for native speakers. For the professional
activity of the translator, this is extremely important,
because, in addition to the fact that the translator iden-
tifies and understands the language and cultural cod es
of one language, he must also translate these codes
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
into the plane of another language and culture.
The complexity of translating the precedent phe-
nomena of culture is due to the fact that the translator
must have two buildings of the precedent phenomena
of culture at once: the original language and the target
language. Provided that one of these buildings is not
sufficiently for med, communicative failure may arise
(“lack of youth or incomplete possession of commu-
nicative skills inherent in a certain national linguistic
and cultural community” (Batsevych, 2007)) or even
communicative or cultural shock as a result of a con-
flict between two cultures at the level of individual
consciousness: inadequate interpretation, rejection,
rejection a communicative phenomenon, a compo-
nent of the culture of another linguistic and cultural
community. Therefore, in intercultural communica-
tion, including translation, communicative failures are
caused by the lack of age/insufficient level of posses-
sion of one of the communicants (or translator) by a
system of meanings, national stereotypes, clich
es of
the culture in whose language communication takes
place or from whose language translation is carried
Thus, not knowing the meaning of the English id-
iom bring down the house (“викликати грiм овацiй,
бурю оплескiв”) can lead to a misunderstanding of
such phrases as: The comedian brought down the
house with his jokes about the lost dog; The clown
sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the
house down every night, as well as to their inade-
quate, even comic, translation: Гуморист розвалив
будинок своїми жартами про загублену собаку;
Клоун заспiвав дуетом з балакучим конем, який
щовечора руйнував будинок.
In addition, there are cases when, as Zahorac
(2021) notes, a precedent phenomenon can refer to
another precedent unit or indicate their relationship.
For example, a reference to a case text can be real-
ized through other case phenomena a case statement
or a case name that is related to the text; case situa-
tions can be updated in the form of case statements
or case names, etc. In such cases, the translation of
the precedent phenomenon of culture is significantly
complicated and requires a high level of cross-cultural
competence from the translator.
For example, in F. S. Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great
Gatsby” we find the sentence: I graduated from New
Haven in 1915 (Fitzgerald, 2014, p. 5); literal trans-
lation in Ukrainian: Я закiнчив Нью-Хейвен (Нью-
Гейвен) у 1915 роцi. Here we are talking about New
Haven one of the ancient cities of New England
in the state of Connecticut (USA), which became fa-
mous t hanks to Yale University, founded in 1701 and
named after the British merchant, philanthropist Eli
Yale, sponsor of the Encyclopedic school of the state
of Connecticut, which was the predecessor of the Col-
legiate School (in 1718 Yale College). The name
of this city in t he minds of Americans is a metonymic
name of a famous educational institution. But in the
translation of this novel by O. Kalashnikova we find:
Я закiнчив Йельськiй унiверситет в 1915 роцi (I
graduated from Yale University in 1915). The trans-
lator, based on her own knowledge about the connec-
tions of the university and its location, refused the
metonymic transfer as a concise description of the
object built on the relationship “part whole”. How-
ever, in our opinion, such a translation did not take
into account the knowledge or ignorance of this fact
by the receptor readers, so the communicative corre-
spondence of the translated text to the original text
was not fully ensured.
Difficulties of translation of precedent phenomena
of culture are connected with the fact that precedent
units should cause certain national-specific associa-
tions common to most members of a certain linguistic
and cultural community among native speakers, so the
translator needs to somehow transfer (reproduce) the
image of associations into the text of the translation,
preserve, not lose the author’s intentions, cause similar
reactions in t he recipients of the text of the translation.
For example: The big news yesterday was Presi-
dent Obama’s announcement of his steps to try and
curb gun violence. I didnt see it. I dont want
to bring the room down. My mind has been else-
where. Literal translation in my Ukrainian: Головна
новина вчора: президент Обама оголосив про свої
кроки, щоб спробувати приборкати насильство з
використанням зброї. Я цього не бачив. Я не хочу
розбивати (руйнувати, знищувати) кiмнату. Мiй
розум був деiнде. But the idiom “Bring the room
down” (“destroy the room”) in this context means
“придушити всiх присутнiх” or “знеохотити всiх
у кiмнатi” (“make everybody here depressed” or
“discourage everyone in the room”), so it is more
appropriate to translate as: Я не вводжу всiх тут
у депресiю (that is, replace the idiom with a phrase
that is close in terms of semantic load). The sentence
My mind has been elsewhere (literally: Мiй розум
був деiнде / в якомусь iншому мiсцi) is a correct and
useful phrase from the point of view of English writ-
ing. This phrase, which is usually used to describe a
person who is not paying attention to the current situ -
ation or conversation, however, in this context is better
translated as follows: Мої думки були (блукали) десь
в iншому мiсцi / деiнде.
Thus, the translator must have solid background
and cultural knowledge, be able to use them in the pro-
cess of intercultural communication. When translat-
Precedent Phenomena of Culture: Translation and Linguo-Didactic Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them
ing the precedent phenomena of culture, the translator
uses not only knowledge of two languages (language
competence), but also needs linguistic socio-cultural,
intercultural competence, because knowledge of the
stylistics, culture of speech, cultural and historical
context of the original text and translation is neces-
sary. The translation techniques used by the translator
determine what the text of the translation will be, be-
cause the precedent phenomena of culture can make
this text more or less emotional, expressive, accurate,
may or may not cause the associations laid down by
the author of the text, become a marker of the text.
The translator faces a number of difficulties that
must be overcome in order to create an adequate
translation, including: national-specific associations
that are difficult to reproduce; discrepancies in the
emotional-figurative component of the precedent phe-
nomenon of the culture of the original language and
the language of translation; contextual ambiguity.
So, in book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
we find the expression “It’s almost laughable (Rowl-
ing et al., 2016, p. 157), which was translated into
Ukrainian using the phraseology “Та це просто
курям на смiх” (курям на смiх it’s about some-
thing silly, something not worth paying attention to),
that is, the translator used the technique of domestica-
Most often, translators tr y to find an equivalent
of a precedent cultural phenomenon in the language
of translation that is appropriate in terms of seman-
tic, evaluative, and stylistic meaning. For example:
“Ginny: You talk a lot of rubbish. / “Ginny: What
nonsense are you talking about?”. “To talk rub-
bish “to talk nonsense”. The translator introduces
the Ukrainian phraseology “плести нiсенiтницi”,
only replaces “нiсенiтницi” with “дурницi”. Lets
give another example: “He wasn’t a black cloud” /
“I чорною хмарою. А вiн не був. The English id-
iom “black cloud” means a person that ruins another
persons hopes and dreams, ideas or good moods by
being pessimistic and having negative attitude”); in
the Ukrainian language, the phraseology “як чорна
хмара” is used to denote a depressed, gloomy per-
son. That is why such an equivalent replacement is
completely acceptable.
And Ron and Hermione have gone completely
skew whiff and I still havent figured out why. / “А
з Роном i Гермiоною взагалi чортзна-що дiється
. . . i я нiяк не можу збагнути, чому. The English
idiom “skew whiff ” has the meaning “sloping instead
of straight, or wrongly positioned” (характеризує
все, що йде шкереберть). In this case, the translator
into Ukrainian used the expression “чортзна-що”,
which is actually an equivalent.
In D. Carnegies book How to Win Friends and
Influence People there is such a phrase: “It’s a byword
in our profession that no one enjoys wielding the ax”
(Carnegie, 1981, p. 165) (Досл.: У нашiй професiї
прийнято говорити, що нiкому не подобається
орудувати сокирою). So, in English, the idiom
“wielding the ax” means “wielding an ax”, “a person
who decides someones fate”. In the Ukrainian trans-
lation: “Нiкому не подобається роль «ката»”. It
is relative monoequivalent with differences in gram-
matical characteristics and other lexical composition,
but the negative assessment of the precedent cultural
phenomenon was preserved.
Thus, the difficulty of translating the precedent
phenomena of culture is caused by their peculiari-
ties imagery, national-cultural connotation, ethnic
Overcoming the difficulties of translating the
precedent phenomena of culture will be facilitated by
the algorithmic actions of the translator:
the first stage is the separation of the precedent
phenomenon of culture from the general stream o f
the second stage linguo-cultural and translation
analyses of the precedent phenomenon of culture;
the third stage is the analysis of the speech function
of the precedent phenomenon of culture in the
original language;
the fourth stage directly the selection of the
the fifth stage is the translation analysis to identify
er rors and avoid them in the future.
Briefly characterize how the proposed algorithm
works in translation practice.
The ancient Chinese were a wise lot wise in the
ways of the world; and they had a proverb that you and
I ought to cut out and paste inside our hats. It goes like
this: A man without a smiling face must not open a
shop. (Carnegie, 1981, p. 70).
In this context, there are such precedent cultural
phenomena as: the English idiom “the ways of the
world” and the Chinese proverb A man without a
smiling face must not open a shop”, translated into
The author used the idiom “the ways of the world”,
which literally means “прийнятi типи та способи
поведiнки”, in the Ukrainian text the translator ren-
dered this expression “це всiм вiдомо”, he used a
contextual translation and replaced this idiom.
In the Ukrainian translation, a smiling face was
conveyed using the subjunctive part of the sentence:
“Людина, яка не вмiє посмiхатися”, that is, a rela-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
tive monoequivalent with partially distinct grammati-
cal differences was selected.
Therefore, the following translation of a pas-
sage from D. Carnegie’s book was proposed:
“Стародавнi китайцi були дуже мудрi, це всiм
вiдомо. Одне з їхнiх прислiв’їв варто записати
i пришити до пiдкладки капелюха. Китайцi
говорили: «Людина, яка не вмiє посмiхатися, не
повинна вiдкривати власний магазин»”.
Lets give another example from D. Carnegies
book: Remember the old proverb: “By fight-
ing you never get enough, but by yielding
you get more than you expected. (Carnegie,
1981, p. 115) in Ukrainian: Remember the
old proverb: “Пам’ятайте старе прислiв’я:
«Борючись, ви нiколи не отримуєте достатньо,
але, поступаючись, ви отримуєте бiльше, нiж
очiкували»”. In the Ukrainian translation of the book
we find: Згадайте старе прислiв’я: “Силою багато
не вiзьмеш, а поступившись, отримаєш бiльше,
нiж сподiвався”. The translator has chosen such
an equivalent, in which only the structure has been
changed compared to the English text, and also re-
moved the word never, this is dictated by the structure
of the proverb in the translated language, as it func-
tions precisely in this composition.
In sentences: My friend has a bee in her bon-
net about immigrating to Canada (Native English,
2023); Bee in your bonnet, Harr y Potter? (Rowl-
ing, 2000, p. 517) we find the idiom “Bee in
your bonnet”, which literally translates as “Бджола
в твоєму капелюсi”, it means “нав’язлива iдея”;
“To have a bee in ones bonnet” (“мати бджолу в
капелюсi”) “носитися з iдеєю, бути схибленим
на чому-небудь. Translators most often use free
translation replacing an idiomatic expression with
an expression without images, which leads to a loss of
imagery, evaluation, expressiveness ( “зациклитися
на чомусь”): У моєї подруги є сумнiви щодо
iммiграцiї до Канади; Щось тебе мучить, Гаррi
Поттере? (compare: Бджола в твоєму капелюсi,
Гаррi Поттере?).
In our opinion, step-by-step work will help over-
come difficulties that may cause communicative fail-
ure or poor translation.
In the process of learning a foreign language and
translation, from our point of view, it is necessary to
form the ability of applicants for education to translate
the precedent phenomena of culture in any situation
of intercultural communication.
Precedent phenomena of culture are certain repro-
ducible units of speech, which are formed in the
process of interaction of a native speaker with rep-
resentatives of his linguistic and cultural commu-
nity, therefore they have a national-cultural, socio-
historical component, their inclusion in the communi-
cation process depends on the goal set by the subject
of speech.
Using of precedent cultural phenomena in the
speech of native speakers makes them an important
means of teaching foreign language communication
and a subject of study for inophones: it is impossible
to form a secondary linguistic personality, which is
the main goal of foreign language education, without
taking into account the role of precedent phenom-
ena of culture in speech (creation of subtext, hint,
the presence of intertextual connections, assessment
of utterances, assessment of the situation, the way of
expressing the intents of the speaker, etc.).
Precedent phenomena of culture are used to facil-
itate communication, labeling of text/discourse, sav-
ing communicative efforts, but can greatly complicate
communication, make situations of unsuccessful inter-
language and intercultural communication possible.
In practical activities, it is necessary to take into
account certain aspects of the translation of foreign
cultural precedent phenomena t hat significantly affect
the choice of translation transformations used by the
translator to reproduce t hem in the translation text,
such as:
1) take into account the style and type of the text,
its genre affiliation, the communicative intentions
of the author. It is not always appropriate to
use such a translation transformation as replace-
ment, because precedent cultural phenomena re-
flect national, historical and cultural information,
and their replacement can provoke the loss of the
national and cultural character of the text, at the
same time, the use of tracing and transcriptions
can lead to obscuring the content of the text and
lead to its misunderstanding by the addressees of
intercultural communication;
2) determine the place and function of the precedent
phenomenon of culture in t he text. There are cases
when it is appropriate to remove a precedent cul-
tural phenomenon, if it does not affect the general
understanding of the message;
3) take into account the nature of the precedent phe-
nomenon of culture in accordance with the degree
of its familiarity / obscurity, usage, cultural, liter-
ary and linguistic tradition of its use in speech;
Precedent Phenomena of Culture: Translation and Linguo-Didactic Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them
4) take into account the grammatical and word-
forming features of the foreign-language precedent
cultural phenomenon in the translation language,
taking into account the culture of speech, the tra-
dition of use, the socio-cultural context, etc. In
this aspect, it is necessary to pay attention to the
precedent phenomena of culture, which are known
to a large number of representatives of the mod-
ern population of all countries, that is, universal
precedent phenomena, which almost always have
their own version in different cultures, but for their
cor rect inclusion in the text, the translator must use
grammatical and lexical transformation
It has been determined that, firstly, in the process
of learning a foreign language and translation, it is
necessary to work purposefully on the assimilation by
applicants for education of the precedent phenomena
of the culture of the learned language, namely: to
determine the semantic significance of the precedent
units, to explain their national-cultural and cultural-
historical significance, to evaluate their expressive
possibilities. The purpose of such work is forming
the ability of applicants for education to decode the
information received in the form of a precedent phe-
nomenon of culture, the ability to skillfully and appro-
priately introduce the precedent phenomena of culture
into their own speech. Secondly, the algorithmization
of the process of translation precedent cultural phe-
nomena will contribute to solving difficulties during
their translation.
It is possible to overcome intercultural barriers in
the process of translation of precedent cultural phe-
nomena, if, even at the stage of learning a foreign
language, one takes into account their specificity and
frequency of use in the speech of native speakers of
the studied language, that is, purposefully form so-
ciocultural, cross-cultural, translation competence in
students, expand their background knowledge.
Further research requires the methodology of
forming the translation competence of the students
through the translation of various types of precedent
cultural phenomena, which are part of the conceptual
apparatus of the language (native and foreign), litera-
ture, art and history.
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