4) take into account the grammatical and word-
forming features of the foreign-language precedent
cultural phenomenon in the translation language,
taking into account the culture of speech, the tra-
dition of use, the socio-cultural context, etc. In
this aspect, it is necessary to pay attention to the
precedent phenomena of culture, which are known
to a large number of representatives of the mod-
ern population of all countries, that is, universal
precedent phenomena, which almost always have
their own version in different cultures, but for their
cor rect inclusion in the text, the translator must use
grammatical and lexical transformation
It has been determined that, firstly, in the process
of learning a foreign language and translation, it is
necessary to work purposefully on the assimilation by
applicants for education of the precedent phenomena
of the culture of the learned language, namely: to
determine the semantic significance of the precedent
units, to explain their national-cultural and cultural-
historical significance, to evaluate their expressive
possibilities. The purpose of such work is forming
the ability of applicants for education to decode the
information received in the form of a precedent phe-
nomenon of culture, the ability to skillfully and appro-
priately introduce the precedent phenomena of culture
into their own speech. Secondly, the algorithmization
of the process of translation precedent cultural phe-
nomena will contribute to solving difficulties during
their translation.
It is possible to overcome intercultural barriers in
the process of translation of precedent cultural phe-
nomena, if, even at the stage of learning a foreign
language, one takes into account their specificity and
frequency of use in the speech of native speakers of
the studied language, that is, purposefully form so-
ciocultural, cross-cultural, translation competence in
students, expand their background knowledge.
Further research requires the methodology of
forming the translation competence of the students
through the translation of various types of precedent
cultural phenomena, which are part of the conceptual
apparatus of the language (native and foreign), litera-
ture, art and history.
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ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning