International School of Young Scientists
as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth
of Educational Institutions of Higher Military Education of Ukraine
Iryna Trubavina
1,2 a
, Oleksandr Cherednychenko
3 b
, Kyrylo Nedria
4 c
, Svitlana Klimova
5 d
Kateryna Kalina
6 e
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 7 Vokzalna Str., Lubny, 37500, Ukraine
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine
Institute of Legal Personnel Training for the Security Service of Ukraine, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77 Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine
Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 26 Gagarina Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
Education and Research Institute “Institute of Public Administration”, Kharkiv National University named after
V. N. Karazin, 75 Heroiv Kharkova Ave., Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine
Kharkiv National Medical University, 4 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine
Scientific Activity, Content of the Program, Theoretical Approaches, Young Scientists, International School,
Non-Formal Education, Security and Defense Sector.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to raise the military science of Ukraine to the level
of world standards for the implementation of scientific activity, the ethics of the behavior of scientists, the
presentation of results and achievements, as well as the transition of military affairs to international standards,
the European integration of Ukraine, which requires the internationalization of military science, professional
informal communication and joint scientific activity, new forms of scientific knowledge and education with the
preservation of military secrecy, the specifics of military professional activity. The purpose of the article is to
substantiate the essence, content, methods, conditions of preparation and conduct of the school. The research
methods were on: 1. Theoretical: pedagogical analysis literature; synthesis and generalization; 2. Empiri-
cal: pedagogical experiment, observation and individual conversations, questionnaires, focus groups, express
surveys. The scientific novelty of the article is: theoretical foundations of such education (complex of sci-
entific approaches: competence, activity, system, environmental, ethical, theory of blended learning, distance
learning, content of education, digital learning, digital pedagogical competencies, problem-oriented learning,
theory of adult education, ideas of Waldorf pedagogy, developmental education (according to L. V. Zankov),
personal, democratic.), its essence, content, methods of implementation, stages and conditions of preparation
and implementation. The practical significance of the research is: methods of identifying stakeholder needs,
features of material selection for such an event. The prospects for further research are the organization of the
following events taking into account the needs of scientists in the war.
The process of reforming the sphere of science and
education in Ukraine made it possible to move it to
the best world standards, a single global scientific
space. Today, Ukraine has a large number of higher
education institutions (HEIs), as well as departmen-
tal HEIs (DHEIs). The operational management of
the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine
(MES) does not include a large part of departmental
higher education institutions, primarily military and
special ones. At the same time, they all have common
problems that require solutions. Thus, the problem
of forming scientific consciousness and an individ-
ual scientific style of professional activity, teaching
the logic of scientific research are urgent tasks for the
Trubavina, I., Cherednychenko, O., Nedria, K., Klimova, S. and Kalina, K.
International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military Education of Ukraine.
DOI: 10.5220/0012646300003737
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2023), pages 61-72
ISBN: 978-989-758-579-1; ISSN: 2976-0836
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
image, accreditation, licensing, and rating of DHEIs.
It should be noted that military science is charac-
terized by certain limitations regarding open access
to the work of foreign partners, a certain closedness
and limitation of the scientific environment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine, scientific discussions due
to a small number of specialists who are often sub-
ordinate to each other. Departmental restrictions and
bureaucracy do not contribute to the development of
science, for example, the regulatory framework of the
Ministry of Education and Culture and military de-
partments often contradicts each other. The presence
of a significant number of closed specialized scien-
tific councils for the defense of dissertations reduces
the level of access to scientific achievements and their
discussion, inhibits the academic mobility of scien-
tists of higher education institutions.
Therefore, cooperation is needed in the scien-
tific professional growth of scientific and pedagog-
ical workers (SPW), between domestic and foreign
higher education institutions, between higher edu-
cation institutions and higher education institutions,
between young scientists and experienced ones for
the exchange of scientific activity experience. Pre-
viously, such activity would have been prohibited
due to military secrecy and the secrecy of military
teams from civilian life (Viiskova osvita, 2011). To-
day, the following changes are being implemented in
the Higher Education and Higher Education Institu-
tions: transition of military teams and armed forma-
tions of Ukraine to NATO standards, implementation
of the competence approach, ensuring the require-
ments of the National Agency for Quality Assurance
of Higher Education for the quality of education. This
is possible under the conditions of maintaining the
requirements for working with information with lim-
ited access and providing information that is open and
generally scientific. It should be noted that profes-
sional growth of SPWs is their duty under the Law of
Ukraine “On Higher Education” (Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine, 2014), it can be carried out in the form of
internships, advanced training, scientific schools, we-
binars, seminars, etc. Until 2022, there were almost
no international scientific trainings at DHEIs. There
were projects to train teachers in foreign languages,
soft skills, etc. by the British Council, the Ministry
of Defense of Canada. The ability to conduct sci-
entific research was not developed at the DHEIs and
in the programs for obtaining the scientific degree of
Ph.D. It was only about training in the educational
component of the programs in research methods and
methodology, pedagogical skills and professional dis-
ciplines from the specialty. Practical issues regarding
the fulfillment of requirements for qualified scientific
works were not the focus of such programs. The is-
sue of conducting scientific research was also absent
in the programs for obtaining a master’s degree at
DHEIs. Although some programs had “Methods and
methodology of scientific research” disciplines, they
did not provide a holistic view of scientific activity
and its practical implementation.
Existing research in the military sphere and
the available experience, which demonstrate the
results of scientific research and work for their
approval, were considered during the interna-
tional scientific and practical conferences “Educa-
tional and scientific support of the activities of
the components of the security and defense sec-
tor of Ukraine” (Osvitno-naukove zabezpechennia
diialnosti skladovykh sektoru bezpeky i oborony
Ukrainy, 2021); “Philosophical-sociological and
psychological-pedagogical problems of training a
military professional in a globalized world” (Minis-
terstvo oborony Ukrainy et al., 2021). Separate stud-
ies of military education are dedicated to the method-
ology of scientific research, and according to the def-
inition of Medvid et al. (2021), each level of method-
ology and theory of scientific knowledge contributes
its vision to the solution of the problem and allows us
to outline the range of issues that it solves (Trubav-
ina, 2022). Oliynyk (2021) defined the forms and
methods of training future masters of military and
social management, which is important for the fur-
ther improvement of forms, conducting international
schools. Kozubtsov (2017) claims that the develop-
ment of the methodological culture of adjuncts during
the period of study at the adjunct must be in insep-
arable unity with the scientific school, organized on
the new basis of scientific and methodological sup-
port (Kozubtsov, 2017, p. 30). Boiko (2020) argued
for carrying out scientific research on the problem of
training military leaders on the basis of scientifically
based concepts of leadership (Boiko, 2020, p. 37). A
competent approach should be the basis of the content
of all training of military and civilian military person-
nel. These studies reveal the common foundations of
conducting scientific research. Some of the scientific
activities at the Military Academy are conducted even
with the involvement of international organizations
and the Military Academy (Trubavina et al., 2021),
which demonstrates a certain openness of scientific
research in military science. At the same time, sys-
tematic training in the practice of integral scientific
activity in the Higher Education and Research Insti-
tute was not the subject of attention of science man-
agers and scientists. Today, this deficiency is com-
pensated by the multifaceted informal education and
experience of individual scientists of higher education
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
institutions, their personal authority in science and
opportunities for cooperation. Scientific circles, sci-
entific schools, master classes, scientific laboratories,
webinars, methodological seminars of departments,
seminars of individual professors on scientific topics,
trainings on various aspects of scientific activity can
be highlighted.
Internationality is present at many events of HEIs,
which allows the exchange of experience and train-
ing, internships at the best world models. An exam-
ple is the annual spring and autumn international sci-
entific schools at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National
Pedagogical University, in which for a week graduate
students from different cities and countries immerse
themselves in scientific activity and the atmosphere
of science, which includes getting acquainted with the
lives of great scientists (for example, H. S. Skovoroda
museum in the village of Skovorodinivka), lectures
by leading scientists, exchange of experience, train-
ings, excursions, etc. The international conference
at the same institution is dedicated to current prob-
lems of pedagogy and psychology of higher and sec-
ondary schools, is held online with master classes and
trainings, with co-organizers and participants from all
over the world. These are the best samples of scien-
tific thought with attention to every study from stu-
dent to academic. The conference is held over 3 days,
with 300+ participants. Military scientists who have a
non-secret topic of scientific activity often take part in
such events. At the same time, they and other partici-
pants do not see such a scale and scientific activity in
their HEIs of this scale, which to some extent under-
estimates the level of scientific achievements of the
It should be noted that when compiling the con-
tent of the programs of international science schools
in HEIs, the wishes of the degree holders are not
taken into account. As a rule, their topics come from
the resources of the school’s organizer of higher ed-
ucational institutions, scientific achievements and re-
search of professors. The school program should se-
lect the speakers and their topics, and not the con-
ditions of higher education institutions will determine
the purpose and content of education. This means that
an international school will be successful when its
content is built on the needs of all stakeholders of the
educational process, when the difficulties in the scien-
tific work of young scientists are taken into account in
the school program, and the speakers will come from
Ukraine and the world, higher education institutions
and higher education institutions are those who corre-
spond to the topic and can speak at the event. Note
that this is either work under a grant or on public
grounds in Ukraine for speakers and co-organizers.
And this is non-formal education, which should not
repeat the subject of the educational and scientific
program of those obtaining a scientific degree or a
master’s degree, but should supplement it with what
young scientists need. Therefore, the format of the in-
ternational school as a form of informal education for
young scientists of higher education and higher edu-
cation is relevant, adequate and useful. This article is
devoted to the justification of the content and results
of the work of such a school. These questions became
the purpose of the article.
To achieve the goal, we used the following scientific
approaches: competence-based (we form research
competence in all participants); activity (certain qual-
ities, skills and competences can be formed only
in the relevant activity); systemic (we take into ac-
count non-formal education as a subsystem of the ed-
ucational program); environmental (learning through
the creation of an educational and scientific environ-
ment), ethical; theories of blended learning, distance
learning, content of education, digital learning for
conducting an online school; problem-oriented learn-
ing, an androgogical approach to learning based on
their own experience; ideas of Waldorf pedagogy re-
garding learning by epochs; developmental (learning
at a fast pace at the level of theoretical concepts and
categories followed by independent practice of skills
in practice); personal (educates through the person-
ality of a scientist); democratic (taking into account
We used the following methods of scientific re-
1. Theoretical: theoretical analysis of sources on the
problem to determine the format of the event and
its content; synthesis and generalization for cre-
ating a school program, clarifying the difficul-
ties of scientists, identifying similar experience in
Ukraine and abroad;
2. Empirical: a pedagogical experiment to identify
the effectiveness of Program 1 of the International
School of Young Scientist of the Security and De-
fense Sector; individual conversations, surveys of
all stakeholders; express survey of listeners re-
garding satisfaction with her program.
We will present the content of the entrance ques-
tionnaire. Questionnaire questions were formulated
taking into account the purpose of the school and
International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military
Education of Ukraine
to adjust the topics of the speeches. The exit ques-
tionnaire provided for identifying the results of the
school’s work, finding out whether the needs of the
applicants were met, which are questions for the fu-
Express-survey of participants was interactive,
electronic and required an answer to 1 question are
you satisfied with your participation in the work of the
school? A) Yes; B) Partially; C) No.
The questions for interviews with academic lead-
ers were: What are the difficulties in writing and con-
ducting scientific research for your applicants? What
do they ask you most often? What mistakes do you
often see in the works of graduate students and asso-
ciate professors? What should you pay attention to in
school? The questions for the heads of higher educa-
tion institutions and departmental higher educational
institutions, leaders of possible members of the orga-
nizing committee were as follows: What issues, in
your opinion, should be included in the school pro-
gram? Do you like the topic of the speeches? What
can be added to them, taking into account the inter-
ests of DHEIs? The results of the surveys resulted in
an information sheet outlining a list of topics for the
school’s performances for future participants of the
The pedagogical experiment to check the effec-
tiveness of the school was carried out in the following
1. Diagnostic – provided for the definition of criteria
and performance indicators. We chose motivation
as a criterion for the effectiveness of the school’s
work, since it did not include training and exer-
cises for the formation of skills, but was focused
on teaching the basic concepts and categories of
science at a fast pace in a generalized form with
specification and advice for further independent
practice of skills in practice when writing your
work Stakeholders’ satisfaction with the school
was also a criterion. We chose cognitive needs
as an indicator of satisfaction.
2. Formative the school itself was held, classes
with students according to the program.
3. Final an exit survey was conducted regarding
the effectiveness of the school.
Then the results were compared, the effectiveness
of the school was revealed.
The 1st International School of Young Scientists of
the Security and Defense Sector (1st ISYSSDS) was
held on February 3-4, 2022 at the National Academy
of the National Guard of Ukraine (NANGU) and in-
cluded the following stages of work:
1. Organizational stage. With the aim of forming
the organizing committee, selecting experts who wish
to speak, co-organizers of DHEIs and HEIs, interested
teachers and managers of DHEIs were told about the
idea, the proposal to join the organizing committee
and speakers, agreements were made with DHEIs and
HEIs, questionnaires, questions for express surveys,
interviews were drawn up, focus groups, the form of
work of 1st ISYSSDS was selected. This made it pos-
sible to train a larger number of scientists. The choice
of the form of education was determined by the edu-
cational goal. The school is a non-formal education
for those obtaining a scientific degree. It is concen-
trated in time to immerse the participants in the scien-
tific development environment. We have the idea of
advancing at a fast pace and learning in epochs what
the participant needs most, which excludes spending
time on motivating and stimulating the participants,
activating their attention and concentrating their at-
tention on the topic of the performances. The school
provided for learning through listening, asking ques-
tions and understanding listeners for further indepen-
dent application in practice. School is a format of
habitual communication in an educational environ-
ment, when it is necessary to convey a lot of material
quickly to a large mass of listeners.
As for the organizing committee of the 1st
ISYSSDS, it was formed from among experienced
scientists and scientific leaders, like-minded people
who wanted to go beyond the boundaries of one
DHEIs and with joint efforts to do a good job in
military education and science to help scientists and
spread the best examples of scientific activity. The
members of the organizing committee volunteered to
become: the Government Commissioner of the CMU
on gender policy, rectors and vice-rectors of HEIs and
DHEIs co-organizers of the event, well-known sci-
entists who had interesting scientific achievements.
All of them had something to say to the partici-
pants, and the topics of their speeches were dis-
cussed in the context of the relevance of the pro-
gram, identified problems and difficulties of gradu-
ate students and adjuncts. The following list of in-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
stitutions co-organizers was received on this basis:
Government Commissioner for Gender Policy of the
CMU; Ukrainian and foreign higher education insti-
tutions and higher education institutions, the Council
of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and
Culture. Not everyone who wanted to speak and con-
vey their thoughts on scientific research was able to
participate in the first school there was not enough
time in the program, their reports can be used in the
next event. All members of the organizing committee
and speakers were warned about the free participation
in the event and its freeness for the participants, the is-
suance of certificates of the member of the organizing
committee and the school participant. At this stage,
technical support for the event was organized with the
participation of a large number of people through Big-
2. Diagnostic stage. It was conducted with the
aim of identifying the needs of those seeking educa-
tion, compiling the content of the program. Answers
to the entrance questionnaire and applications were
received from 198 participants from 25 institutions of
higher military education and civilian higher educa-
tion institutions, both domestic and foreign. Among
the participants were citizens of Ukraine, the People’s
Republic of China, and the EU. According to this
questionnaire, the following answers were received
from future participants of the school (these are ad-
juncts of higher education institutions and gradu-
ate students of civilian higher education institutions),
they could choose several answers to the questions at
the same time (table 1).
So, from table 1 we can see the interest of all top-
ics for the participants, we put the most interesting
topics for the majority in the program. These ques-
tions did not concern military secrecy, only the con-
duct of scientific research, are open for discussion.
On the other hand, we were interested in the prob-
lems of scientists from other countries in their sci-
entific activities. We interviewed post-graduate stu-
dents from the People’s Republic of China and the
EU (15 people, various higher education institutions)
about what worries them about science. It turned out
to be the same questions. The exception was the prob-
lem of the procedure for the protection of scientific
works, their registration, which are different in differ-
ent countries. Regarding the desire of the heads of the
DHEIs and HEIs institutions: to speed up the running
of the school and asked what help is needed, there was
a desire to include a gender approach in scientific re-
search, issues of working with information with lim-
ited access and academic integrity.
The results of all surveys resulted in an informa-
tion sheet, which outlined the list of topics for the
school’s presentations as follows: On February 3-
4, 2022, the 1st International School for young aca-
demics of the security and defense sector, who want
to improve the quality of their scientific activities,
master modern technologies of creative scientific re-
search and expand the scientific and educational envi-
ronment of interaction with colleagues from different
regions of Ukraine. During the work of the school,
it is planned to conduct classes for young scientists
of the security and defense sector by leading scien-
tists of Ukraine from various areas of organization,
methodology of conducting scientific research, prepa-
ration and defense of dissertations, etc. Based on
the results of the scientific forum, it is planned to is-
sue a collection of reports with the assignment of a
DOI digital identifier, to send the presentations of the
speeches to the participants, and to post a recording
of the speeches on the YouTube video hosting site.
The subject of the classes was given. After sending
out the information letter, NANGU started receiving
applications from future participants.
3. The stage of direct implementation of the school
program. On the basis of surveys of all the main
stakeholders of the school, we compiled a curriculum
taking into account the approaches to its formation.
All speakers made presentations, which were then re-
ceived by all participants along with certificates. We
present the content of the program (table 2).
The main method was informative messages in the
form of advice from scientists lasting 20-30 minutes
from speakers with the opportunity for listeners to ask
questions in the chat for the speakers. This is due to
the difficulty of feedback and the use of online inter-
active methods with a large number of participants for
speakers and technical support. At the same time, we
did not foresee exercises for 2 days of school work,
since the task of applying this in practice corresponds
to the individual independent work of everyone on
their topic, and the speakers did not have the opportu-
nity to work individually with each of the 198 partici-
pants during these 2 days. But it does lead to thoughts
about creating an ongoing webinar and blog with ad-
vice for degree seekers on methodological and prac-
tical tips for advancing academically. And repeating
the school after a certain period of time with a new
program. Therefore, the school is the first. We expect
2, 3 and further schools after the victory of Ukraine
in the war with the Russian Federation. It should
be noted that the theoretical material was combined
with examples of its application, which meant con-
cretization and visual teaching methods. Speeches in-
cluded methods of activating the attention of listeners:
addressing the audience, showing errors and difficul-
ties, using diagrams, tables, complete and incomplete
International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military
Education of Ukraine
Table 1: Entrance questionnaire.
Question Answer options Survey results
1. What difficul-
ties do you have
when writing a
scientific work?
a) choosing a topic;
b) substantiation of the scien-
tific apparatus;
c) theoretical review of the
state of development of the
d) writing professional articles;
e) writing articles in sciento-
metric databases;
g) use of mathematical statis-
tics methods;
g) substantiation of research
methodology and theory;
h) registration of scientific
i) something else, specify.
a) 101 people (51%)
b) 136 people (69%)
c) 140 people (71%)
d) 98 people (49%)
e) 180 people (91%)
yes) 87 people (44%)
g) 101 people (51%)
z) 80 people (40%)
i) passing the process of preliminary defense, defense, issues of plagia-
rism check, academic integrity, idea generation, patience and calmness
while working on the dissertation, receiving grants and participation in
scientific projects, working with information with limited access, etc.
147 people (74% )
2. What are your
expectations from
participating in the
event (school)?
a) obtaining new useful infor-
b) the opportunity to commu-
nicate and get to know like-
minded people;
c) the opportunity to check the
correctness of one’s scientific
d) formation of research skills;
e) something else, specify.
a) 98 people (49%)
b) 36 people (18%)
c) 24 people (12%)
d) 89 people (45%)
e) getting a vision of what a scientific work is and how to write it, what is
scientific novelty and how to find it, learn how to write a scientific text –
102 people (51%)
3. Are you inter-
ested in the subject
of classes within
the event (school)?
a) yes;
b) partially;
c) no.
a) 198 people (100%)
b) 0
c) 0
4. What subject of
classes arouses the
greatest interest?
provide an answer
– methodology of scientific research in the security and defense sector –
102 people (52%);
– gender approach in scientific research of forces of the security and de-
fense sector – 61 people (31%);
– methods and methodology of dissertation work – 78 people (39%);
use of the regulatory framework in the dissertation work 88 people
preparation and submission of scientific publications to journals in-
cluded in international scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science,
etc.) – 134 people (68%);
preparation of scientific professional articles and theses of reports
156 people (79%);
methods of conducting scientific research and experimental work 122
people (62%);
theoretical foundations and state of development of the dissertation
problem – 145 people (73%);
work with scientific text: methodical recommendations 102 people
academic integrity in scientific research of the security and defense
sector, prevention of corruption risks – 140 people (71%);
compliance with information with limited access in scientific research
121 persons (61%);
publications abroad and internships in EU countries, participation in
EU scientific projects – 88 people (44%);
- grants in the EU for scientific research. Fundraising activities 68
people (34%).
– creativity in scientific work. How to develop it – 90 people (45%)
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
Table 2: Program of the 1st ISYSSDS.
Time The topic of the speech
1st day (February 3, 2022)
12.30-12.40 Opening of the school, greetings from the members of the school’s organizing committee
12.40-13.10 How to choose a topic for scientific research and stages of work on it
13.10-13.40 How to write a literature review for a dissertation, which is the theoretical basis of scientific re-
13.40-14.00 Methodology and technique in scientific military-pedagogical research: essence and content
14.00-14.20 Opportunities for foreign publications and internships in Slovakia
14.20-15.15 Break
15.15-16.00 Academic integrity in scientific research in the security and defense sector, prevention of corrup-
tion risks. Compliance with Ukrainian legislation in the process of working with information with
limited access in scientific research
16.00-16.30 Ukrainocentrism – origins, challenges, answers of scientific research
16.30-17.00 Stress resistance in the work on the dissertation
17.00-17.10 Break
17.10-17.40 Demarcation of legal acts according to the signs of their normativity during scientific activity
17.40-18.00 Preparation of scientific professional articles and theses of reports
2nd day (February 4, 2022)
12.30-13.00 How to turn from an adjunct into a scientific and pedagogical employee of DHEIs
13.00-13.30 Gender approach in scientific research of the security and defense sector
13.30-14.00 Modern trends in educational measurements to improve the quality of training of specialists in the
security and defense sector of Ukraine
14.00-14.15 The importance of the creation and functioning of the Councils of Young Scientists in the Military
Academy of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine (based on the experience of the National
Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachny)
14.00-15.00 Break
15.00-15.30 Grants in the EU for scientific research. Fundraising activity
15.30-16.00 Working with a scientific text: methodical recommendations
16.30-17.00 Creativity in scientific work. How to develop it
17.00-17.30 Preparation and submission of scientific publications to journals included in international sciento-
metric databases (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.)
17.30-18.00 School closing. Summing up. Delivery of certificates
comparisons, highlighting the main point, presenta-
tions, rhetorical questions, examples, explanations,
switching attention by the teacher, using techniques
of attracting involuntary attention. All speakers were
experienced lecturers and prepared for speeches in
advance, consulted among themselves and with the
organizing committee regarding the content of the
speech and its design, communicated with each other
as like-minded people on how to do it better and more
clearly. Therefore, teamwork was present not only at
the stage of forming the content of the program, but
also during the school. The performances were from
different places in Ukraine and from abroad, it was
difficult to unite everyone in time, for everyone to find
a convenient time, free from work and classes, the In-
ternet connection did not always work and the perfor-
mances sometimes changed places, some people were
sick with COVID-19 and performed together with one
of their colleagues in a pair, because they could not
speak for a long time. But the school was held, the
program was maintained.
4. The final stage – with the aim of identifying the
level of satisfaction of needs and solving problems,
identifying issues for clarification for the future.
It should be noted that among the 198 partici-
pants there were also collective connections, where
there were whole groups of masters, assistant profes-
sors and postgraduate students in the audience, who
connected centrally in their educational institution.
Therefore, the 1st ISYSSDS aroused considerable in-
terest among applicants with its subject matter. Dur-
ing the 2 days of work, the listeners were not excluded
from work, photographed the presentations, actively
asked questions to the speakers, registered on time
and returned from the break. This indicates great mo-
tivation for learning and correctly chosen topics of
speeches. The express survey showed that 98 percent
of students were completely satisfied with the school
International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military
Education of Ukraine
Table 3: The results of the survey.
Question Answer options The results
1. Did your expectations
from the school come true?
a) yes;
b) partially;
c) no.
a) 194 (98%);
b) 4 (2%);
c) 0
2. Which report aroused the
greatest interest?
provide an answer
– methodology of scientific research – 78 (39%);
– writing articles and theses – 36 (18%);
– writing articles in Scopus and Web of Science journals –
39 (20%);
– literature review – 52 (26%)
3. What topics would you
like to add to the school’s
work program in the future
(provide an answer)?
provide an answer Publication of scientific articles abroad (such as Scopus,
Web of Science) – 17 (6%)
4. What forms of work
would you like to see at
provide an answer As much practice as possible – 67 (34%)
5. What was useful about
this school for your re-
provide an answer
– methodological part – 57 (29%);
– literature review – 32 (16%);
– writing articles –36 (18%)
6. Should such measures be
carried out in the future?
a) yes;
b) it is difficult to say;
c) no.
a) 186 (94 %);
b) 12 (6 %);
c) 0
7. Which of the speakers did
you like the most?
provide an answer Miroshnichenko V. – 32 (16%), Kalashnyk L. – 42 (21%),
Trubavina I. 39 (20%), Semyonova A. 36 (18%),
Cherednichenko O. 42 (21%), Volkova N. 52 (26%),
Nedria K. – 48 (24%)
8. What did you not like at
provide an answer There was no time for practice
(table 3).
The results of the interactive express survey also
showed that 98% of students are satisfied with the
school. The survey was conducted immediately after
school closed.
Individual conversations with students and their
academic supervisors generally confirmed these state-
ments. The wishes were to make such a school regu-
lar, with practical exercises, which confirms our opin-
ion about the expediency of the event, its benefit for
scientists, compliance with the needs of degree hold-
ers, and their motivation to participate in the event. It
should be noted that all the students were constantly
present at the school on the 2nd day, asked questions
in the chat, and even their supervisors listened in or-
der to learn from their colleagues based on their ex-
perience. 98% of fully satisfied listeners means that
the miners’ needs were met. Even the format of the
online school, with a fast-paced progression in the-
ory followed by presentations and speeches, made a
great impression on the trainees, although the trainees
wanted practice. We note that practice is possible with
individual feedback to everyone, which was techni-
cally impossible with online training of 198 people.
There is a question about the pulsating form of the
school with tasks performed on a regular basis, a
permanent seminar for those obtaining a scientific de-
gree, checking of tasks and consultations, which re-
quires the paid participation of speakers and project
activities for the school. This is a perspective for fur-
ther actions in this direction and is a debatable is-
sue. The first school fulfilled its tasks it united
people, motivated them to participate in scientific ac-
tivities, exchange experiences, provided the neces-
sary knowledge and information for reflection. More-
over, she discovered a team of reserve speakers for
the future who would like to share their creations.
Interest was aroused by the presentations and theses
of the speeches, which all listeners received by mail
along with certificates. The recording of the school in
YouTube was not taught due to the start of the war,
and the promised manual was also not issued, since
almost half of the speakers went to fight. But de-
spite this, even the oral part online and communica-
tion through mail revealed the unconditional benefit
of the event and its relevance to the needs of stake-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
holders. Heads of educational institutions expressed
their gratitude for the event, were surprised by its
massiveness, the fact that people voluntarily kept in
touch at the non-formal education event. Those seek-
ing education expressed their admiration for the event
and their surprise that science is both interesting and
free. I also liked the program everything is use-
ful and reflects their needs. The speakers were also
satisfied – they were listened to very attentively, with
great motivation to learn. Winners even took photos
of presentation slides and took notes. The scientific
supervisors of the adjuncts and graduate students ex-
pressed their gratitude for the fact that the topics of
the speeches were relevant, the new and classic re-
quirements for dissertations were explained clearly,
briefly and clearly, examples of the fulfillment of the
requirements were provided, and the theory was con-
nected with practice. All stakeholders appreciated the
quality of the speeches, the interesting content of the
program and the high level of the speakers’ perfor-
mances. We note once again that the entire project
of the school was on a public basis, using the base
of NANGU and other educational institutions co-
organizers. A positive feature is that there were 25
DHEIs and HEIs represented at the event, domestic
and foreign. There were performances by foreign par-
ticipants as well as Ukrainian, civil and military. The
commonality of problems and topics, interesting and
useful to every scientist, determined the success of the
event and its high evaluation. Thus, the requirements
for a scientific online school were met. The content
of the program, which was justified on the basis of
the needs of stakeholders, turned out to be necessary.
We conducted the first such school in the security and
defense sector. It is interesting to compare its con-
tent and results with other schools and the results of
their work (Trubavina et al., 2021; Diundyk, 2018;
International School of Biology in Poland, 2017;
Shevchenko, 2012). In comparison with the work
of international scientific schools, the following com-
mon and distinctive features can be identified (fig-
ure 1).
Therefore, 1st ISYSSDS had the right to exist
in this form in comparison with other schools, they
are all different depending on the approach, purpose,
opportunities and needs of the participants and co-
Based on the above, we can say that:
1. The international school is a relevant and possible
form of informal education of young scientists of
institutions of higher military education of the se-
curity and defense sector of Ukraine in the con-
ditions of European integration and the transition
of military affairs in the country to international
standards. We discovered that school education
should be built on a complex of theoretical ap-
proaches, namely: competence, activity, system,
environmental, ethical, theory of blended learn-
ing, distance learning, selection of educational
content, digital learning, digital pedagogical com-
petencies, problem-oriented learning and theories
of adult education (androgogic approach), ideas of
Waldorf pedagogy, developmental (according to
L. V. Zankov), personal, democratic approaches.
2. The content of the program of such an event of
informal education is determined on the basis of
identifying and taking into account the needs of
all stakeholders of the educational and scientific
process, which ensures the motivation to study
of young scientists, the democratization of edu-
cation and its maximum effectiveness. The sub-
ject of the school program concerns the methods
and conditions of carrying out scientific activity,
integrity, takes into account the features of work-
ing with information that are common to civilian
and military scientists, and not characteristic of
the content of a separate military science, con-
tributes to the formation of an individual scientific
style of activity in young scientists and encour-
ages independent creating conditions for scientific
search. The methods of education in such an event
of non-formal education are, taking into account
its fast pace, the number of questions of the pro-
gram and the huge number of participants, which
complicates feedback and the implementation of
exercises and discussions, are information, exam-
ples, exchange of experience, analysis of regula-
tory documentation, etc. At the same time it is
important to exchange the experience of scientific
activity between foreign and native scientists, ex-
perienced and young scientists, civilian and mili-
tary scientists, and scientific supervisors.
3. The conditions for the success of schools in the
security and defense sector are: its international
character in terms of speakers and participants,
the combination of civilian and military institu-
tions of higher education, its separate prepara-
tion and organization as a complex project. A
International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military
Education of Ukraine
Figure 1: Common and distinctive features of international schools of scientists.
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
school of this level can be implemented as a char-
ity project on public grounds or as a grant project.
But there are many organizational works before,
during and after its implementation.
4. The International School of Young Scientists of
the Security and Defense Sector is defined by us
as a complex form of informal education, a sepa-
rate large-scale scientific project that requires spe-
cial organization and training by various institu-
tions of higher education, coordination of work in
a single center on the basis of which it is con-
ducted. The school must be planned and have
stages of implementation: diagnostics and taking
into account the needs of stakeholders in the con-
tent, formulating the content of the school pro-
gram simultaneously with the formation of the or-
ganizing committee and speakers who are chosen
according to the school’s theme, and not accord-
ing to the capabilities and resources of one edu-
cational institution (it should be a motivated team
of like-minded people with experience and high
own results of scientific activity, with democratic
communication and distribution of duties and re-
sponsibilities), provision of the technical compo-
nent of preparation and conduct of the school, its
actual conduct and moderation of sessions, analy-
sis of its results and feedback.
Motivation of speakers and listeners is required,
which ensures attention and interest in the pro-
5. Questionnaires to identify the needs of stakehold-
ers, content of the school program, effective meth-
ods for its implementation, stages and conditions
of its organization and implementation were iden-
tified as practical achievements of the research.
The prospects for further research are the organi-
zation of the II International School of Young Scien-
tists of the Security and Defense Sector in Ukraine,
taking into account the needs and capabilities of sci-
entists in the war, clarifying the needs of stakeholders
in the results of scientific activity in this difficult time.
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