image, accreditation, licensing, and rating of DHEIs.
It should be noted that military science is charac-
terized by certain limitations regarding open access
to the work of foreign partners, a certain closedness
and limitation of the scientific environment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine, scientific discussions due
to a small number of specialists who are often sub-
ordinate to each other. Departmental restrictions and
bureaucracy do not contribute to the development of
science, for example, the regulatory framework of the
Ministry of Education and Culture and military de-
partments often contradicts each other. The presence
of a significant number of closed specialized scien-
tific councils for the defense of dissertations reduces
the level of access to scientific achievements and their
discussion, inhibits the academic mobility of scien-
tists of higher education institutions.
Therefore, cooperation is needed in the scien-
tific professional growth of scientific and pedagog-
ical workers (SPW), between domestic and foreign
higher education institutions, between higher edu-
cation institutions and higher education institutions,
between young scientists and experienced ones for
the exchange of scientific activity experience. Pre-
viously, such activity would have been prohibited
due to military secrecy and the secrecy of military
teams from civilian life (Viiskova osvita, 2011). To-
day, the following changes are being implemented in
the Higher Education and Higher Education Institu-
tions: transition of military teams and armed forma-
tions of Ukraine to NATO standards, implementation
of the competence approach, ensuring the require-
ments of the National Agency for Quality Assurance
of Higher Education for the quality of education. This
is possible under the conditions of maintaining the
requirements for working with information with lim-
ited access and providing information that is open and
generally scientific. It should be noted that profes-
sional growth of SPWs is their duty under the Law of
Ukraine “On Higher Education” (Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine, 2014), it can be carried out in the form of
internships, advanced training, scientific schools, we-
binars, seminars, etc. Until 2022, there were almost
no international scientific trainings at DHEIs. There
were projects to train teachers in foreign languages,
soft skills, etc. by the British Council, the Ministry
of Defense of Canada. The ability to conduct sci-
entific research was not developed at the DHEIs and
in the programs for obtaining the scientific degree of
Ph.D. It was only about training in the educational
component of the programs in research methods and
methodology, pedagogical skills and professional dis-
ciplines from the specialty. Practical issues regarding
the fulfillment of requirements for qualified scientific
works were not the focus of such programs. The is-
sue of conducting scientific research was also absent
in the programs for obtaining a master’s degree at
DHEIs. Although some programs had “Methods and
methodology of scientific research” disciplines, they
did not provide a holistic view of scientific activity
and its practical implementation.
Existing research in the military sphere and
the available experience, which demonstrate the
results of scientific research and work for their
approval, were considered during the interna-
tional scientific and practical conferences “Educa-
tional and scientific support of the activities of
the components of the security and defense sec-
tor of Ukraine” (Osvitno-naukove zabezpechennia
diialnosti skladovykh sektoru bezpeky i oborony
Ukrainy, 2021); “Philosophical-sociological and
psychological-pedagogical problems of training a
military professional in a globalized world” (Minis-
terstvo oborony Ukrainy et al., 2021). Separate stud-
ies of military education are dedicated to the method-
ology of scientific research, and according to the def-
inition of Medvid et al. (2021), each level of method-
ology and theory of scientific knowledge contributes
its vision to the solution of the problem and allows us
to outline the range of issues that it solves (Trubav-
ina, 2022). Oliynyk (2021) defined the forms and
methods of training future masters of military and
social management, which is important for the fur-
ther improvement of forms, conducting international
schools. Kozubtsov (2017) claims that the develop-
ment of the methodological culture of adjuncts during
the period of study at the adjunct must be in insep-
arable unity with the scientific school, organized on
the new basis of scientific and methodological sup-
port (Kozubtsov, 2017, p. 30). Boiko (2020) argued
for carrying out scientific research on the problem of
training military leaders on the basis of scientifically
based concepts of leadership (Boiko, 2020, p. 37). A
competent approach should be the basis of the content
of all training of military and civilian military person-
nel. These studies reveal the common foundations of
conducting scientific research. Some of the scientific
activities at the Military Academy are conducted even
with the involvement of international organizations
and the Military Academy (Trubavina et al., 2021),
which demonstrates a certain openness of scientific
research in military science. At the same time, sys-
tematic training in the practice of integral scientific
activity in the Higher Education and Research Insti-
tute was not the subject of attention of science man-
agers and scientists. Today, this deficiency is com-
pensated by the multifaceted informal education and
experience of individual scientists of higher education
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning