favourable and unfavourable financial performance
trajectories. The shown positive impact implies that
an increase in the NIM ratio directly leads to an
improvement in the bank's overall financial
Regarding the third hypothesis, the outcomes of
the hypothesis testing reveal a favourable correlation
between Non-Performing Loans and profitability. In
this context, bad credit leads to a decline in bank
efficiency, which results in inefficiency caused by
failure to meet loan principal and interest obligations.
The escalating magnitude of non-performing loans
directly accentuates the likelihood of the bank
incurring losses, thereby inversely impacting
profitability by causing a reduction in its value.
Regarding the fourth hypothesis, the results of
hypothesis testing indicate a detrimental impact of the
Operating Costs to Operational Income ratio on
profitability. This signifying that when the bank's
operational endeavours are executed with heightened
efficiency, the resultant profits accrued by the
institution are poised to exhibit greater magnitudes,
thereby catalysing a consequential enhancement in
the bank's overall financial performance.
Limitations and Suggestions
The study's limitations are due to its reliance on green
banking and green investment indicators, resulting in
a significantly limited sample size. Consequently, the
scope of the researchers' conclusions is confined
solely to banking entities. To enhance the study's
breadth, forthcoming scholars could incorporate a
more comprehensive array of Indonesian banking
institutions, with a specific focus on Regional
Development Banks. Moreover, these researchers
might explore alternative methodologies, such as the
Green Banking Disclosure Index (GBDI) devised
(Bose et al., 2017) to fortify their investigative
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