Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance and Profitability:
Evidence from Indonesian Bank
Sugeng Riadi
and Erika Anggrayni
Managerial Accounting, Batam State Polytechnic, Ahmad Yani St, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, Profitability.
Abstract: This research is aimed at determining the impact of various factors-namely, green banking disclosure (as
indicated by the green coin rating indicator), net interest margin, non-performing loans, operating costs, and
operational income the profitability of state-owned banks in Indonesia over an eight-year period (20142021),
as gauged by the return on assets. Secondary data, derived from annual reports and sustainability reports
available on the official websites of state-owned banks (Mandiri Bank, BNI Bank, BRI Bank, and BTN Bank),
constitute the basis of this study. The analytical process involves testing the data with classical assumptions
to ensure its suitability for statistical testing. The data is then subjected to multiple linear regression analysis,
followed by hypothesis testing, which involves partial and coefficient determination tests. The statistical
evidence shows that green banking disclosure does not have any noticeable impact on profitability.
Profitability is positively impacted by net interest margin and non-performing loans, while operating costs
and operational income show a negative correlation.
Green banking refers to banking institutions' efforts
to promote environmental sustainability. Green
banking practices have been adopted by numerous
foreign banks and financial institutions worldwide,
and some have even included them in their annual
reports. Presently, the adoption of green banking
within domestic banking remains a voluntary
initiative and is not yet mandated (Rahmah & Fitriani,
2016). Therefore, green banking must be widely
implemented to help companies improve their
ecological footprint.
Green banking is a concept that aims to motivate
banking institutions to decrease environmental
pollution and generate environmental advantages
(Setyoko & Wijayanti, 2022). As indicated by the
Green Banking Report referenced in Zaputra, (2021),
banks are not solely concentrated on their financial
obligations for efficiently running their businesses to
maximize shareholder profits, but they also give
precedence to their duty of conserving the environment
and improving the societal welfare of the populace.
A bank's effectiveness depends on its ability to
maintain a high level of profitability. The bank's
continuous efforts to enhance public trust and manage
surplus funds can lead to this achievement (Azizah,
2021). Profitability, as indicated by its value, correlates
directly with the level of financial performance: higher
profitability scores signify stronger financial
performance, making it a valuable metric for
evaluating financial health (Rachmawati & Jayanti,
2023). The findings from previous research studies
conducted by Gunawan et al., (2022), Anggraini et al.,
(2020), and Saryani, (2013) emphasize a detrimental
effect of operating costs and operational income on
profitability. Sudarsono (2017) investigated and found
a positive correlation between operating costs and
operational income with Return on Assets (ROA),
despite these results being different.
The research findings of Nadi, (2016) and
Gunawan et al., (2022) indicate that Non-Performing
Loans (NPL) exert a negative impact on profitability.
However, these results are in contrast to the
conclusions drawn from Sigid, (2014) study, which
suggests a positive relationship between NPL and
profitability. On the other hand, the research
conducted by Gunawan et al., (2022), Dana, (2019)
and Nadi, (2016) demonstrate a positive correlation
between Net Interest Margin (NIM) and profitability.
Riadi, S. and Anggrayni, E.
Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Bank.
DOI: 10.5220/0012646700003798
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference (MEBIC 2023) - Sustainable Recovery: Green Economy Based Action, pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-704-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Nonetheless, these outcomes stand in opposition to
the outcomes of Saryani, (2013) research, which
asserts a negative influence of NIM on profitability.
Research conducted by Anggraini et al., (2020),
Ratnasari et al., (2021), Saudi, (2021), and Hanif et
al., (2018) collectively suggest that green banking
policies yield a positive impact on profitability.
Nevertheless, the outcomes of this study are at odds
with the research conducted by Rachmawati &
Jayanti, (2023), which concludes that the disclosure
of green banking practices does not exert a significant
influence on profitability.
This research is from the development of
Gunawan et al., (2022) with the title "The Effect of
Operational Costs, Operating Income, Non-
Performing Loans, and Net Interest Margins on the
Profitability of State-Owned Banks Listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2018" and Hanif
et al., (2018) with the title "Green Banking on the
Profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in
Indonesia". The researcher added an extra variable,
Green Banking Disclosure, and incorporated research
data from 2014 to 2021.
The implementation of green banking and its
impact on profitability in the banking sector will be
influenced by this research, which is expected to
contribute to existing references. In this study, the
indicators utilized include the green banking
indicator, specifically the green coin indicator, and
various financial ratios in the banking industry.
According to Pranaditya, (2017), the signal theory
posits that an entity is obligated to furnish signals to
users of financial statements. These signals
materialize in the form of details regarding
managerial endeavors aimed at fulfilling the owner's
aspirations. The signalling theory holds that
shareholders and management are not given equal
access to company information. The act of delivering
signals to external parties encompasses the provision
of precise financial particulars, the alleviation of
uncertainty regarding the company's future prospects,
and the mitigation of information asymmetry
(Triyanto, 2019).
The central idea of legitimacy theory is that an
entity has an intrinsic responsibility to ensure its
operations align with appropriate frameworks and
standards within its social context. This commitment
guarantees that the entity's activities are
acknowledged within legal boundaries (Iqbal, 2020).
The emergence of legitimacy theory is rooted in the
challenge of establishing social cohesion between
entities and their environment, as these entities'
objectives harmonize with prevalent societal values.
An entity gains legitimacy when its conduct and
value system align with the broader social fabric of
the community it operates within Zaputra, 2021. In
the context of legitimacy theory, a company must
consistently demonstrate its adherence to social
norms while conducting its business affairs. Financial
statement disclosures frequently serve as instruments
to attain this objective.
Drawing from prior research findings, specifically
the study conducted by Gunawan et al., (2022), it was
revealed that the correlation between the Non-
Performing Loans to Net Interest Margin ratio
exhibits a positive impact on ROA (Return on
Assets), whereas the Operating Costs to Operational
Income ratio demonstrates a negative influence on
ROA. Additionally, the research conducted by Hanif
et al., (2018) posited that the implementation of green
banking policies has a positive effect on profitability.
Further insights from Sudarsono, (2017)
investigation highlight the affirmative relationship
between Operating costs, operational income, and
ROA. In contrast, Saryani, (2013) study indicated a
negative association between Operating Costs and
Operational Income and ROA, while conversely
noting a positive correlation between NIM and ROA.
The research of Nadi, (2016) underpins the notion
that NPL negatively impacts ROA while NIM
positively contributes to its enhancement. Building
on Dana, (2019), it is reaffirmed that NIM exerts a
favourable influence on ROA.
Research by Anggraini et al., (2020) asserts that
green banking exerts a positive influence on ROA,
while simultaneously highlighting the negative impact
of Operating Costs Operational Income on ROA.
According to the Saudi study of 2021, green banking
and ROA have a positive connection, which is echoed
by this sentiment. However, a distinct perspective
arises from the research conducted by Rachmawati &
Jayanti, (2023), indicating that green banking
disclosure does not significantly affect profitability.
The Impact of Green Banking Disclosure on
Profitability (ROA)
Legitimacy theory states that a company should align
its operations with environmental policies, such as the
go-green program, that are aimed at conserving
nature. Such policies can increase investor confidence
and financial support for the business. This alignment
Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Bank
is corroborated by the affirmative findings of
Anggraini et al., (2020), Saudi, (2021), and Hanif et
al., (2018) regarding the positive impact of green
banking on profitability. Building upon this theory
and prior research, the first hypothesis is formulated:
H1: Green banking disclosure positively affects
The Impact of Net Interest Margin on Profitability
Investors rely on financial performance ratios as
indicators of a company's health. The Net Interest
Margin (NIM) is an informative signal that reflects a
bank's ability to manage interest rate risk. Higher
NIM scores indicate greater contributions to loan
income and effective third-party fund management,
as supported by Amalia & Budhi, (2014). Notably,
the research of Gunawan et al., (2022), Dana, (2019),
and Nadi, (2016) underscores the favourable link
between NIM and profitability. Guided by these
insights, the second hypothesis is posited:
H2: Net Interest Margin has a positive effect on
The Impact of Non-Performing Loan on
Profitability (ROA)
The theory of signaling emphasizes that companies
provide financial information signals that aid in
evaluating their performance. The Non-Performing
Loan (NPL) ratio is a crucial indicator of credit risk
control. Elevated NPL values suggest increased credit
risk, potentially reducing interest income and profits,
as noted by Manikam, (2013). The result of Gunawan
et al., (2022), and Nadi, (2016) further substantiate
the adverse impact of NPL on profitability. Drawing
on these foundations, the third hypothesis is
H3: Non-Performing Loans have a negative effect
on profitability.
The Impact of Operating Costs Operational
Income on Profitability (ROA)
The company's prospects are conveyed to
management through the use of signals. One such
signal is operating costs and operational income,
which reflect a bank's efficacy and competence in its
operations, which in turn influences profitability. The
research of Yatna, (2019) aligns with this view,
demonstrating the inverse relationship between
Operating Costs Operational Income and ROA. This
sentiment is reaffirmed by Gunawan et al., (2022),
and Saryani, (2013), thereby leading to the
formulation of the fourth hypothesis:
H4: Operating Costs Operational Income
negatively affects profitability.
The research approach employed by the author in this
study is quantitative research. This approach utilizes
descriptive statistical techniques to delve into specific
social phenomena characterized by distinct attributes,
elucidated through various variables and indicators.
The study's target population consists of state-owned
banks that have been listed on the Indonesian Stock
Exchange (IDX) between the years 2014 and 2021.
The entire population encompasses four state-owned
banking entities; BNI, BRI, BTN, and Mandiri banks.
For sampling purposes, a purposive sampling
technique was adopted, guided by specific criteria.
These criteria stipulated that selected banks must
qualify as State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in
Indonesia and must possess comprehensive and
available financial reports spanning the designated
study period (2014-2021).
Table 1: Green Coin Ratings Indicator.
Green Rewards:
a. Recognition/Awards
b. Certification
Carbon Emission:
a. Development of Bio fuels
b. b. Electricity Usage
Green Building:
a. Energy Conservation
b. Efficient Water Usage
c. Waste Management
d. Strengthening Connection with Nature
e. Building Renovation
Reuse, Recycle, and Refurbish: Waste Upcycling
into Products
Paper Work/Paperless:
a. Smartphone App Usage
b. ATM, Debit, Credit Card Utilization
c. c. Computerized Programs
Green Investment:
a. Implementation of Water and Air Projects
b. Use of Environmentally Friendly Input
c. Low-Carbon Technologies
d. Alternative Energy Usage
Measurement of Operational Variables
Green banking is implemented through the
examination of the yearly financial reports of state-
owned banks. The analytical process employs
indicators that are relevant to green banking practices.
The formulation employed to quantify Green Banking
within this study is as follows (Hanif et al., (2018).
𝐺𝐵 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓/𝐺𝑅𝐼 (1)
The subsequent indicators are encompassed
within the table 1 for Green Coin Rating (Hanif et al.,
The generation of net interest income by bank
management's effective oversight of productive
assets is known as Net Interest Margin (Khairunnisa,
2012). A higher NIM signifies a more substantial
contribution from credit-related earnings, coupled
with a diminished prevalence of non-performing
loans. This corelation indicates proficient
management of external funds (Amalia & Budhi,
𝑁𝐼𝑀 = 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒/𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 (2)
Non-Performing Loans, represents a ratio that
depicts a bank's competence in managing credit
allocation fraught with adversity, issues, and adverse
outcomes. The composition of the total financing
attributed to long-term funding is gauged through
Non-Performing Loans. A NPL ratio exceeding 5% is
poised to exert an influence on the bank's solvency
(Amalia & Budhi, 2014):
𝑁𝑃𝐿 = 𝐵𝑎𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡/𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 (3)
The efficiency ratio, denoted as Operating Costs
Operational Income, serves as a gauge for assessing a
bank's adeptness in overseeing operational expenses.
The bank's management's performance improved
when the Operating Costs Operational Income ratio
decreased (Amalia & Budhi, 2014).
𝐵𝑂𝑃𝑂 = 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠/𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 (4)
Descriptive Statistics
The population data for this study comprises state-
owned banking enterprises, totalling four companies,
namely BNI, BRI, BTN, and Mandiri banks, all of
which have been listed on the IDX for an eight-year
period. Presented below is a table illustrating the
outcomes of the descriptive statistical tests:
Table 2: Result of Descriptive Statistical Test.
Descriptive Statistics
Valid N
The variable Green Banking (X1), as evaluated
through ROA, demonstrates a range from a minimum
of 0.19 to a maximum of 1.00, with an average Green
Banking score of 0.7628. The accompanying table
provides data related to green banking, showing a
standard deviation of 0.18418. On the other hand, the
variable Net Interest Margin (X2), assessed using
ROA, reveals a range from a minimum of 3.06 to a
maximum of 8.51, with an average of 5.6659. The
standard deviation for NIM data is 1.37419.
The variable Non-Performing Loan (X3), as
measured by ROA, has a range from a minimum of
0.40 to a maximum of 2.96, with an average of
1.1984. The standard deviation for NPL data is
0.69795. In contrast, the variable Operating Costs
Operational Income (X4), also assessed via ROA, has
a range from a minimum of 64.98 to a maximum of
98.12, with an average of 76.3753. The standard
deviation for the Operating Costs Operational Income
data is 9.19871. As for the Return on Assets (Y)
variable, the data indicates a minimum value of 0.13,
a maximum value of 4.73, and an average of 2.4337,
with a standard deviation of 1.14029.
Classical Assumption Testing
In order to identify classic assumption problems in a
linear regression model, it is necessary to perform a
set of classic assumption tests. This research utilizes
several classic assumption tests, encompassing tests
for normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and
heteroscedasticity. Presented below is a table
illustrating the outcomes of the classic assumption
Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Bank
Table 3: Classical Assumption Test
The data follows
a normal
There is no
evidence of
is absent
Scatter Plot
y is not observed
Hypothesis Testing
Table 4: Hypothesis Test Results (T-Test).
Green Banking
a. Dependent Variable: ROA
Regarding the t-test results conducted above, it is
observed that the significance value for the green
banking variable is 0.837, which exceeds the
conventional threshold of 0.05. Furthermore, the
computed t value is less than the critical t-table value:
0.208<2.052. Consequently, this leads to the rejection
of the hypothesis. The interpretation suggests that
green banking does not have a discernible impact on
Conversely, in the case of the NIM variable, the
significance value is 0.000, falling below the 0.05
threshold, and the computed t value surpasses the
critical t-table value: 8.826>2.052. Consequently, the
hypothesis is upheld, indicating that NIM indeed
exerts a positive influence on ROA.
Similarly, the significance value for the NPL
variable is 0.001, which falls below the 0.05
threshold, and the computed t value exceeds the
critical t-table value: 3.568>2.052. The hypothesis
has been refuted, which indicates that NPL has a
positive impact on ROA. Likewise, for the Operating
Costs Operational Income variable, the significance
value is 0.000, which is less than 0.05, and the
computed t value is lower than the critical t-table
value: -13.937<2.052. The hypothesis is confirmed,
indicating that ROA is negatively impacted by
Operating Costs Operational Income.
Determination Coefficient Test
The coefficient of determination test is utilized to
assess the accuracy of regression analysis. The
coefficient of determination ranges between 0 and 1
(0 R
1). A value of 1 signifies that the
independent variable almost entirely accounts for the
information regarding the dependent variable. In
simpler terms, a higher (R
) percentage indicates a
stronger relationship of the independent variable with
the dependent variable (Amalia & Budhi, 2014):
Table 5: Result of Determination Coefficient.
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (constant), BOPO, Green Banking, NPL,
Based on the table above, the coefficient value of
R Square (R
) is 0.980 or 98%. This indicates that the
combined impact of Green Banking, NIM, NPL, and
Operating Costs to Operational Income variables on
ROA is substantial, accounting for 98%.
Profitability (Return on Assets) is Positively
Influenced by the Disclosure of Green Banking
The initial hypothesis was tested and the results
indicate that green banking has no impact on
profitability. The outcomes of the hypothesis testing
reveal a significance value of 0.837, which is greater
than 0.05, and the calculated t-value is less than the
critical t-table value of 0.208 < 2.052. This suggests
that there is no significant influence between green
banking and profitability in state-owned banks in
Indonesia from 2014 to 2021.
The findings of this study are reinforced by the
research conducted by Nanda & Bihari, (2012).
Banks have tried to implement green banking
practices, but they have not been successful in
improving company profitability. This substantiates
the conclusion that there is no significant correlation
between green banking and profitability.
The outcomes of this study align with prior
research conducted by Rachmawati & Jayanti,
(2023), indicating the absence of an impact from
green banking disclosure on profitability. The
banking sector has a relatively low level of green
banking data disclosure, which averages around 70%
of the total green banking disclosure indicators.
However, the conclusions of this study contrast with
those of Hanif et al., (2018), who suggest that green
banking, as proxied by Green Coin Ratings (GCR),
has a favourable influence on profitabilitys.
Profitability (Return on Assets) is Positively
Influenced by Net Interest Margin (NIM)
The results of hypothesis testing demonstrate a
positive impact on profitability. Upon examining the
test results, with a significance value of 0.000,
indicating a value less than 0.05, and a positive
coefficient of 8.826, it can be inferred that Net
Interest Margin has a positive impact on the
profitability of state-owned banks in Indonesia from
2014 to 2021. This underscores the fact that both
favourable and unfavourable financial performances
of banks are affected by their capacity to generate
profits. Enhancing the NIM ratio results in an
augmentation of the bank's financial performance.
This study corroborates the findings of previous
research conducted by Gunawan et al., (2022), Dana,
(2019), and Nadi, (2016), all of which affirm the
positive influence of Net Interest Margin (NIM) on
profitability. Nonetheless, the conclusions drawn
from this study diverge from the research conducted
by Pranaditya, (2017), which posits a negative impact
of NIM on profitability.
Profitability (Return on Assets) is Adversely
Influenced by Non-Performing Loans (NPL)
The hypothesis testing results indicate a positive
impact on profitability. Based on the findings from
the hypothesis testing, which show a significance
value of 0.001, lower than 0.05, and a positive
coefficient of 3.568, it can be concluded that there is
a positive relationship between Non-Performing
Loans and the profitability of state-owned banks in
Indonesia from 2014 to 2021. The presence of bad
loans leads to a decrease in bank efficiency, which
ultimately results in inefficiency due to the inability
to repay loan principal and interest. As the magnitude
of bad loans increases, the likelihood of the bank
incurring losses rises, consequently lowering
This study aligns with the findings of Sigid,
(2014) research, which establishes a positive
relationship between the NPL ratio and profitability.
Nadi's 2016 research asserts that NPL has a negative
impact on profitability, but this study's conclusions do
not support this claim.
The Profitability (Return on Assets) is Adversely
Affected by Both Operating Costs and Operating
The outcomes of hypothesis testing indicated a
detrimental impact on profitability. Drawing from the
results of hypothesis testing, which exhibit a
significance value of 0.000, less than 0.05, and a
negative coefficient of 13.937, it can be deduced that
there exists a negative correlation between Operating
Costs to Operational Income ratio and profitability in
Indonesian state-owned bank companies spanning
from 2014 to 2021. This suggests that improved
operational efficiency within a bank leads to more
profits for the company, which in turn improves the
bank's financial performance.
This study aligns with the findings of research
conducted by Gunawan et al., (2022), Anggraini et
al., (2020), and Saryani, (2013), all of which assert a
negative impact of the Operating Costs to Operational
Income ratio on profitability. However, the
conclusions derived from this study are at odds with
Sudarsono, (2017) research, which asserts a positive
influence of the Operating Costs to Operational
Income ratio on profitability, as measured by Return
on Assets (ROA).
Table 6: Summarize Research Conclusion.
Effect of Green Banking
Disclosure on
Profitability (ROA)
No influence
Effect of NIM on
Profitability (ROA)
There is a
Effect of NPL on
Profitability (ROA)
There is a
Effect of BOPO on
Profitability (ROA)
There are
Drawing upon the outcomes of an extensive study
investigating the interplay between green banking
disclosure, financial performance, and banking
profitability within Indonesia's state-owned banks
spanning the period of 2014 to 2021, the empirical
evidence derived from hypothesis testing reveals a
notable absence of any discernible impact stemming
from green banking practices on the bottom-line
profitability. This absence of effect can be attributed
to the prevailing scenario of relatively modest green
banking data disclosure within the banking sector,
with an average attainment of merely 70% across the
entirety of the green banking disclosure indicators.
Based on the second hypothesis, the hypothesis
test results demonstrate a significant and positive
correlation between Net Interest Margin and
profitability. This underscores the pivotal role of the
bank's profit generation capability in shaping both
Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Bank
favourable and unfavourable financial performance
trajectories. The shown positive impact implies that
an increase in the NIM ratio directly leads to an
improvement in the bank's overall financial
Regarding the third hypothesis, the outcomes of
the hypothesis testing reveal a favourable correlation
between Non-Performing Loans and profitability. In
this context, bad credit leads to a decline in bank
efficiency, which results in inefficiency caused by
failure to meet loan principal and interest obligations.
The escalating magnitude of non-performing loans
directly accentuates the likelihood of the bank
incurring losses, thereby inversely impacting
profitability by causing a reduction in its value.
Regarding the fourth hypothesis, the results of
hypothesis testing indicate a detrimental impact of the
Operating Costs to Operational Income ratio on
profitability. This signifying that when the bank's
operational endeavours are executed with heightened
efficiency, the resultant profits accrued by the
institution are poised to exhibit greater magnitudes,
thereby catalysing a consequential enhancement in
the bank's overall financial performance.
Limitations and Suggestions
The study's limitations are due to its reliance on green
banking and green investment indicators, resulting in
a significantly limited sample size. Consequently, the
scope of the researchers' conclusions is confined
solely to banking entities. To enhance the study's
breadth, forthcoming scholars could incorporate a
more comprehensive array of Indonesian banking
institutions, with a specific focus on Regional
Development Banks. Moreover, these researchers
might explore alternative methodologies, such as the
Green Banking Disclosure Index (GBDI) devised
(Bose et al., 2017) to fortify their investigative
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Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Bank