(Zagouras et al., 2022, p. 12942). One of the impor-
tant factors influencing the effective implementation
of BL approaches is the competence of teachers, so
the issue of their BL and readiness to implement it
needs to be studied first.
The purpose of the study is to systematically
analyse scientific sources on the use of BL in teacher
training and retraining at the beginning and during the
development of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scientometric database Scopus was used to
obtain a sample of publications. Since the goal
is to analyse scientific sources on the use of
BL for teacher training, a preliminary selection
was made on 11.01.2023 using the search query:
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ("blended learning") AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY ("teacher education" OR
"teacher training")). The query resulted in 397
sources. The chronological boundaries of the study,
defined according to the objective as 01.01.2020 –
11.01.2023, allowed us to reduce the number of
selected sources to 130. The need to get acquainted
with the content of the sources led to a reduction
in the sample by removing sources that were not
publicly available. The final sample consisted of 27
sources: (Ridwan et al., 2020; Joseph and Trinick,
2021; Abaci et al., 2021; Zagouras et al., 2022;
Asghar et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2022; Jen and
Hoogeveen, 2022; Meulenbroeks, 2020; Lorenza
and Carter, 2021; Calder
on et al., 2021; Theelen
et al., 2020; Garcia-Ponce and Mora-Pablo, 2020;
Harangus et al., 2021; Almendingen et al., 2021;
Sumarni et al., 2021; Mihret et al., 2022; S¸ent
2021; Kemaloglu Er and Bayyurt, 2022; Sutiah et al.,
2020; Alsina Tarr
es et al., 2022; Herliana et al., 2021;
Jenkins and Crawford, 2021; Glietenberg et al., 2022;
Le and Pham, 2021; Yan and Chen, 2021; Bozkurt,
2022; Short et al., 2021).
The analysis of the sample made it possible to
identify the main areas of research (figure 1): a reflec-
tive review of own experience of implementing BL
(Ridwan et al., 2020; Joseph and Trinick, 2021; Abaci
et al., 2021), quantitative and qualitative analyses of
certain aspects of BL implementation (Zagouras et al.,
2022; Asghar et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2022; Jen
and Hoogeveen, 2022; Meulenbroeks, 2020; Lorenza
and Carter, 2021; Calder
on et al., 2021; Theelen
et al., 2020; Garcia-Ponce and Mora-Pablo, 2020;
Harangus et al., 2021; Almendingen et al., 2021;
Sumarni et al., 2021; Mihret et al., 2022; S¸ent
2021; Kemaloglu Er and Bayyurt, 2022; Sutiah et al.,
2020; Alsina Tarr
es et al., 2022; Herliana et al., 2021;
Jenkins and Crawford, 2021; Glietenberg et al., 2022;
Le and Pham, 2021), and systematic reviews on the
subject (Yan and Chen, 2021; Bozkurt, 2022; Short
et al., 2021).
On the other hand, we can identify studies that
have been conducted with both future teachers (Jiang
et al., 2022; Meulenbroeks, 2020; Lorenza and Carter,
2021; Vielma Puente and Ruano, 2021; Theelen et al.,
2020; Garcia-Ponce and Mora-Pablo, 2020; Harangus
et al., 2021; Almendingen et al., 2021; Sumarni et al.,
2021; Mihret et al., 2022; S¸ent
urk, 2021; Ridwan
et al., 2020; Kemaloglu Er and Bayyurt, 2022; Su-
tiah et al., 2020; Alsina Tarr
es et al., 2022; Herliana
et al., 2021; Jenkins and Crawford, 2021; Joseph and
Trinick, 2021; Le and Pham, 2021) and practitioners
(Zagouras et al., 2022; Asghar et al., 2022; Brugge-
man et al., 2022; Jen and Hoogeveen, 2022; Calder
et al., 2021; Salonen et al., 2021; Abaci et al., 2021;
Glietenberg et al., 2022).
The research geography covers Europe (Greece
(Zagouras et al., 2022), Romania (Harangus et al.,
2021), Netherlands (Meulenbroeks, 2020; Theelen
et al., 2020), Croatia, Malta, Germany, Portugal, and
Norway (Jen and Hoogeveen, 2022; Almendingen
et al., 2021), France (Lami et al., 2021), Spain, the
United Kingdom (Alsina Tarr
es et al., 2022; Abaci
et al., 2021), Belgium (Bruggeman et al., 2022), Fin-
land (Salonen et al., 2021), and Turkey (S¸ent
2021; Kemaloglu Er and Bayyurt, 2022)), Asia (Hong
Kong (Jen and Hoogeveen, 2022), Pakistan (Asghar
et al., 2022), China (Jiang et al., 2022), Indonesia
(Sumarni et al., 2021; Ridwan et al., 2020; Sutiah
et al., 2020; Herliana et al., 2021), Vietnam (Le and
Pham, 2021)), Australia (Lorenza and Carter, 2021;
Jenkins and Crawford, 2021; Joseph and Trinick,
2021), South America (Ecuador (Vielma Puente and
Ruano, 2021), Mexico (Garcia-Ponce and Mora-
Pablo, 2020)), Africa (Ethiopia (Mihret et al., 2022),
South Africa (Glietenberg et al., 2022)) (figure 2).
Research topics include (figure 3):
• BL in teacher training:
– BL organization for future teachers
(Vielma Puente and Ruano, 2021; Le and
Pham, 2021; Bruggeman et al., 2022), in
particular during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Sutiah et al., 2020; Herliana et al., 2021;
Joseph and Trinick, 2021);
– the impact of BL on the academic achieve-
ments of future teachers, in particular aspects
of self-regulation of learning activities (Jiang
et al., 2022), online activity (Salonen et al.,
2021), and the development of 21st-century
skills (S¸ ent
urk, 2021);
Approaches to the Blended Learning Organisation