Transgressiveness, Innovation, and Readiness of the Modern Teacher for
Lyudmila L. Khoruzha
, Victoria V. Zhelanova
, Mariia V. Bratko
, Svitlana P. Palamar
Inna V. Leontieva
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 I. Shamo Blvd., Kyiv, 02154, Ukraine
{l.khoruzha, v.zhelanova, m.bratko, s.palamar, i.leontieva}
Higher Education, Transgressiveness, Innovativeness, Readiness of a Modern Teacher for Innovative Activi-
ties, Relocated University.
The article substantiates the social relevance of the phenomena of transgressiveness and innovation in all
spheres of modern society, including higher education. Their essence and objective mutual determination are
considered, and attention is focused on the scientific position that one of the aspects of transgressiveness of
higher education is the innovativeness of the teacher, the indicator of which is his readiness for innovative
activity in the conditions of transgressiveness of society. The essence of the teacher’s readiness for innova-
tive activity was considered through the analysis of its semantic components, and its structure was developed,
which includes innovative-personal orientation, innovative awareness, content-innovative activity, and reflec-
tion of innovativeness. The logic and diagnostic tools of the experimental research were disclosed, the purpose
of which was to determine the level of readiness of higher school teachers for innovative pedagogical activities,
to compare the results obtained in relocated and non-relocated universities, as well as to identify correlations
between the real level of its formation and age, length of service, availability academic degree and scientific
title. However, the anonymity of the survey made it impossible to reveal all aspects of the representativeness
of the study sample. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the experimental work, which are
visualized, is presented. The results of the component analysis of the components of teachers’ readiness for
innovative activity and their statistical processing made it possible to formulate several conclusions. Among
the teachers of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University,
innovative awareness is dominant in the structure of readiness, content-innovative professional activity is in
the last place, and the second and third place, respectively, is occupied by the reflection of innovativeness
and innovative-personal orientation. The results of the representatives of the relocated State institution Taras
Shevchenko Luhansk National University are somewhat different: there is a certain similarity of indicators
for the components of innovative awareness and content-innovative professional activity. However, innova-
tive, and personal orientation takes the second place, instead, the reflection of innovativeness is in the third
place. The logic of such distribution of components is determined by the main objective factors related to
the situation of repeated relocation of the institution (2014, 2022); the loss of the material and technical base,
developed didactic and methodical support, and other resources of the innovative educational environment;
personnel dispersion.
In a rapidly changing world, education ceases to be a
fixed phenomenon in the context of content, technol-
ogy, resources, tools, etc. This is, as a rule, a complex,
ambiguous, unstable process that must consider new
challenges and trends. A teacher at a higher school in
these conditions is constantly in the process of perma-
nent changes, searching for new professional orien-
tations, development and self-development, and im-
provement. To characterize such a situation, the term
transgressiveness is the aptest, as it characterizes the
phenomenon of crossing an impassable border, first,
the border between the possible and the impossible.
The literal understanding of this term means “going
Khoruzha, L., Zhelanova, V., Bratko, M., Palamar, S. and Leontieva, I.
Transgressiveness, Innovation, and Readiness of the Modern Teacher for Change.
DOI: 10.5220/0012649000003737
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2023), pages 163-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-579-1; ISSN: 2976-0836
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
beyond”. One of the aspects of transgressiveness in
the context of changes and the search for something
new is innovativeness as a phenomenon of modern ed-
ucation, which proves its quality and effectiveness.
A basic indicator of a teacher’s innovativeness is
readiness for innovative activity, which actualizes the
need and expediency of empirically determining the
level of his/her ability to go “beyond the limits of the
possible”, that is, to move from traditions to innova-
tions in higher education, to modernizing the design
of higher education based on axiologising and mean-
ingful transformation of the best experience, as well
as the definition of problems, barriers, prospects of
innovative growth of a modern university teacher.
Let’s consider the basic phenomena of the pre-
sented research, which are transgressiveness and in-
novativeness. The problem of transgressiveness is de-
voted to the study of foreign scientists Lotz-Sisitka
et al. (2015), who connect this phenomenon with the
following key trends in modern higher education: re-
flective social learning based on the theory of abil-
ities; phenomenology of critical thinking; sociocul-
tural and cultural-historical theory of activity, as well
as taking into account social initiatives of the infor-
mation society. Saarnivaara et al. (2012), who as-
sociate transgressive learning with mentoring and su-
pervision, express a slightly different point of view.
In the domestic scientific space, transgressive issues
are raised in the study of Aleksandrov (2018), who
focuses on “breaking and going beyond the limits” of
the traditional understanding of higher education. The
personal context of transgressiveness is presented in
the research of Fomenko (2014), who considers trans-
gressiveness as a series of conscious acts that cause
forward movement, the desire to expand one’s world,
create new material and symbolic values, develop sci-
ence, technology, art, and organizational activity.
Considering the outlined scientific positions, we
consider transgressiveness in two dimensions. On the
one hand, it is an essential feature of a turbulent so-
ciety, related to its innovativeness; on the other hand,
it is a phenomenon at the personal level, which in-
volves the ability of a modern university teacher to
go beyond established educational canons and imple-
ment a movement “beyond” traditions based on inno-
vation. The phenomenon of innovativeness became
the subject of discussions at the World Summit on
Innovations in Education Research, which outlined
the strategic directions of reforms in education until
2030. Among them, the priorities are the following:
the intensive implementation of online technologies,
changing the status of the teacher from a lecturer to
a facilitator, which motivates and inspires the student;
to a mentor who directs him to search for information.
Herodotou et al. (2019), Kukulska-Hulme et al.
(2021), who emphasize the orientation of innovative
pedagogy for the future and for building the future,
are devoted to the problem of innovativeness in edu-
cation; Konst and Kairisto-Mertanen (2018), whose
research is aimed at the implementation of innova-
tive pedagogy in the practice of higher education, as a
kind of response to the challenges of the future; Fer-
rari et al. (2009), who investigate the role of edu-
cators in promoting creativity and innovation in the
educational process; Santos et al. (2019), Walder
(2014), and Lotz-Sisitka et al. (2015), who com-
prehensively investigate pedagogical innovations and
the success of their implementation in higher educa-
tion, etc. The practical implementation of these scien-
tific ideas is carried out by various educational institu-
tions and universities. Thus, since 2012, the Institute
of Educational Technology at The Open University
(UK) has been publishing on its open resources ev-
ery year a report based on the results of a study of
the latest pedagogical technologies that were popu-
lar in the world during the year under review (http:
//, which it labels
as already influencing educational practice or offer
opportunities for the future. Such a list is also com-
piled for 2022 (Kukulska-Hulme et al., 2022).
For researchers of innovations in the domestic
field of education, a thorough monographic study
edited by Kremen (2008) will be useful. Among the
works of Ukrainian scientists, we also consider it nec-
essary to pay attention to Zhelanova’s research on the
parameters of innovativeness of modern higher educa-
tion (Zhelanova, 2022); Khoruzha (2021), whose sub-
ject of scientific research is the socio-psychological
aspects of the transition of pedagogical knowledge
into innovation; Bratko and Kozyr (2020), who
present a holistic vision of pedagogical innovation as
a subject and object of study in higher education and
others; Kozak (2021) regarding innovative activities
of preschool teachers; Nezhyva and Palamar (2020),
about innovative educational technologies for train-
ing future primary school teachers; Leontieva (2022),
regarding modernization risks of innovative develop-
ment of higher education in Ukraine.
The aspect of pedagogical innovation is pointed
out by Khoruzha (2021), according to which it affects
different segments of education, namely: didactic, ed-
ucational, and managerial, and their components, and
the criteria for identifying their innovativeness are:
relativity (comparison of existing practices with
rarity (recognition of the uniqueness, and origi-
nality of the innovation);
productivity (certifies the effectiveness of the in-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
obviousness (unquestionable, clear novelty);
efficiency (achieving effectiveness with the lowest
value (reflects the humanistic orientation of the in-
There is a scientific opinion on the innova-
tive dimensions of modern higher education, among
which the conceptual-innovative (correspondence to
the ideas of polyparadigmatic and interdisciplinary
methodology of modern education), technological-
innovative (related to the implementation of a tech-
nological approach to modern higher education in
the format of innovative educational technologies),
communicative-innovative dimension (related to the
new format of relations between teachers and students
based on educational partnership) (Zhelanova, 2022).
In our research, such a broad interpretation of the phe-
nomenon of innovativeness in educational activity is
narrowed down to the professional and personal as-
pects and actualized through the prism of readiness
for innovative activity.
We understand innovativeness as a certain capac-
ity of the subject of innovative activity to apply in-
novation in one or another field of activity, which is
based on his/her readiness for innovative activity (in-
novativeness) and a complex of knowledge and skills
(innovative competence), which will ensure the suc-
cess of his/her professional activity on the basis in-
novativeness. In our opinion, the innovative activity
of the teacher involves updating the content and tech-
nologies of modern higher education based on the in-
novative orientation of the subjects of the educational
process, which lead to a departure from traditional in-
efficient models of professional activity in the condi-
tions of transgressiveness of modern society.
Taking into account that the work of each re-
searcher is characterized by a certain subjectivity in
considering the phenomenon of innovations in the ed-
ucational sphere, it is worth highlighting the com-
mon points that scientists pay attention to. This is the
thesis that innovative approaches increase the inter-
est of education seekers, motivation and critical think-
ing, increase reflection, encourage the development of
higher levels of thinking, deepen personal responsi-
bility for learning, develop the ability to interact with
peers and teachers, ensure satisfaction with the pro-
fessional activity of teachers and systemic, often in-
stant, feedback with learners.
Therefore, we believe that the main parameter
that characterizes the properties, features, and certain
states of a modern teacher in the context of trans-
gressiveness and innovativeness is the innovative di-
mension of his/her activity, presented in four direc-
tions: axiological; content, and activity; communica-
tive, and reflective.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the pe-
culiarities of the readiness of a modern teacher of a
higher school for innovative activities in the context
of the transgressiveness of education.
The problem of readiness in the foreign scientific dis-
course is presented in different ways. For example,
Manasia et al. (2020) substantiated and developed a
conceptual model of teacher readiness with an em-
phasis on sustainable development education, consid-
ering it according to the following dimensions: pro-
fessional knowledge and practice, professional inter-
action, and self-management realized through a psy-
chological attitude to design, implementation, evalu-
ation, and involvement of subjects of the educational
process based on interactive learning and partnership.
Mohamed et al. (2017), studying the level of
readiness of future teachers for pedagogical activity
according to 11 indicators of the international frame-
work of teacher competencies, associate the achieve-
ment of the state of readiness with four vectors of ped-
agogical education, which correlate with the compe-
tencies outlined in the framework, their implementa-
tion, integration, application, and modeling.
In the domestic scientific space, there is a system-
atic study of the phenomenon of readiness, in par-
ticular readiness for innovative activity (Dychkivska,
2017; Kozak, 2021). Thus, in the research of Dy-
chkivska (2017) regarding the readiness of future
teachers of special education for innovative pedagog-
ical activities, the problem of the motivational and
value attitude of the future specialist to innovative
activities, the ability to creativity and reflection, the
ability to respond promptly to the dynamics of socio-
economic processes, to ensure the variability of the
educational process on principles of innovation. The
basis of the innovative activity of a teacher of a higher
school consists of two important pedagogical aspects:
the study, generalization, and dissemination of peda-
gogical experience and the production of new ideas
based on the achievements of a psychological and
pedagogical science and their implementation in prac-
Our interpretation of the definition “a teacher’s
readiness for innovative activity” consists in interpret-
Transgressiveness, Innovation, and Readiness of the Modern Teacher for Change
ing it as the professional and personal formation of a
modern teacher, which consists of the following basic
1. Innovative and personal orientation.
2. Innovative awareness.
3. Content-innovative activity.
4. Reflection on innovativeness.
We consider it appropriate to consider in more de-
tail the elements that make up each of the outlined
components, on which the experimental part of our
research will be based.
The innovative and personal orientation of the
teacher is a set of motives, needs, values, and atti-
tudes that reflect a stable value attitude to innovative-
ness; adaptability in conditions of social and personal
uncertainty; the need to update the strategy of profes-
sional activity based on transgressiveness. We con-
sider the orientation to innovation as a basic value of
the development of higher education to be a sign of a
teacher’s innovative and personal orientation; aware-
ness of the need to be adaptive in conditions of social
and personal uncertainty; the need to change and up-
date the strategy of one’s professional activity.
Innovative awareness presupposes erudition re-
garding fundamental knowledge and achievements of
modern science and trends in higher education and
innovations, and general awareness of innovations in
Content-innovative activity this component is
related to the constant updating of the content of
educational disciplines based on taking into account
the innovative guidelines of strategic regulatory doc-
uments, educational standards, and the innovative po-
tential of educational programs; implementation of
innovative content in the educational process through
an innovative format of relationships between sub-
jects of the educational process (facilitation, men-
toring, coaching, pedagogical partnership) and in-
novative research projects; renewal of didactic and
methodical support of educational disciplines based
on innovation; implementation of innovative learning
technologies and/or alternative resources and IR tools
within the open innovative educational environment.
Reflection of innovativeness is an awareness of
one’s innovative potential in professional activity, in-
cluding a feeling of lack of knowledge regarding tech-
nological support for the implementation of pedagog-
ical innovations; assessment of the innovativeness of
one’s professional activity and forecasting of its re-
sults and prospects; taking into account the level of
student satisfaction with the quality of education in
the context of its innovativeness; responsibility for
successes and failures in professional activity, includ-
ing its innovative component.
To determine the level of readiness of higher school
teachers for innovative pedagogical activity and to
identify correlations of its level with age, work expe-
rience, the presence of a scientific degree, and aca-
demic title, a survey of scientific and pedagogical
workers of higher education institutions of Ukraine
was conducted.
The questionnaire consisted of twenty questions
grouped into four blocks:
I. Innovative and personal orientation of the indi-
vidual (correlated with axiological, motivational,
adaptive aspects of readiness for innovative activ-
II. Innovative content of professional pedagogical
activity (related to substantive content at the state-
normative and corporate levels)
III. Innovativeness in professional activity (the pa-
rameters of which are a new format of relations
between the subjects of the educational process,
the introduction of innovative educational tools)
IV. Reflection and self-assessment (correlates with
the reflective and analytical mechanisms of the in-
167 respondents from three universities took
part in the survey: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Uni-
versity (hereinafter KUBG), Mykhailo Drahomanov
Ukrainian State University (hereinafter UNU), and
the relocated SI “Taras Shevchenko Luhansk Na-
tional University” (hereinafter LNU). However, the
anonymity of the survey made it impossible to reveal
all aspects of the representativeness of the study sam-
The questionnaire was aimed not only at diagnos-
ing the basic components of a teacher’s readiness for
innovative activity but also at comparing the readiness
for such activity of relocated and non-relocated teach-
ers of higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Note that we interpret the teacher’s “readiness
for innovative activity” as his professional and per-
sonal education, which includes: innovative and per-
sonal orientation (valuable attitude to innovativeness;
adaptability in conditions of social and personal un-
certainty; the need to update the strategy of profes-
sional activity); innovative awareness of fundamen-
tal knowledge, achievements and modern trends of
higher education; content-innovative activity of the
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
teacher (taking into account the guidelines of strategic
normative documents, educational standards and the
potential of educational programs regarding the con-
tent support of innovative activity, as well as the prac-
tical context of innovation (subject-subject format of
relationships, didactic-methodical support of educa-
tional disciplines on the basis of innovation, introduc-
tion of innovative learning technologies); reflection
of the results of innovative activity (awareness of po-
tential, evaluation of own achievements and satisfac-
tion of students, forecasting prospects for the devel-
opment of professional innovativeness). The obtained
results of the conducted questionnaire for each com-
ponent of the teacher’s readiness for innovative activ-
ity, as well as the generalized result, are visualized
in the diagrams below. Figure 1 graphically presents
the obtained data regarding the study of the teacher’s
level of readiness for innovative activity according to
the component “Innovative and personal orientation
of the individual”.
According to the conducted research, 60.00% of
the teachers of KUBG, 50% of LNU, and 69.09% of
UNU have a high level of innovative and personal ori-
entation. The level above the average is observed in
29.39% of teachers of KUBG, 30.73% – of LNU, and
24.54% of UNU. The average level of innovative and
personal orientation was found in 6.94% of teachers
of KUBG, 13.66% of LNU, and 5.45% of UNU.
A low level was diagnosed in 2.04% of teachers of
KUBG, 2.44% – of LNU, and 0.92% of UNU.
Thus, a high level of innovative and personal ori-
entation prevails among teachers, they demonstrate a
valuable attitude to innovativeness; modern trends in
higher education; adaptability in conditions of social
and personal uncertainty; declare the need to update
the strategy of professional activity.
A high level of readiness of the teacher for inno-
vative activity according to the component “Innova-
tive awareness” is observed in 67.75% of teachers of
KUBG, 55.12% – of LNU, and 77.28% of UNU. The
level above the average was found in 28.57% of the
teachers of KUBG, 32.20% – of LNU, and 17.28% of
UNU. The average level of innovative awareness was
found in 3.26% of teachers of the KUBG, 8.29% – of
LNU, and 3.63% of the UNU. A low level was diag-
nosed only in representatives of LNU – 1.22%.
Therefore, the majority of teachers have a high
level of readiness for innovative activity according
to the “Innovative awareness” component, i.e. they
demonstrate awareness and erudition regarding fun-
damental knowledge and achievements of modern
science and trends in higher education and innova-
tions; general awareness of innovations in education.
The results of the teachers’ survey are shown in fig-
ure 2.
Analysis of the research results shown in figure 3
allows us to conclude the level of the teacher’s readi-
ness for innovative activity according to the compo-
nent “Substantive and innovative professional activ-
ity”. Thus, a high level was found in 42.86% of
teachers of KUBG, 30.73% of LNU, and 44.55%
of UNU. The level of readiness of the teacher for in-
novative activity according to the component “Sub-
stantive and innovative professional activity” is above
average found in 33.47% of the teachers of KUBG,
36.34% of LNU, and 29.09% of UNU. The aver-
age level was diagnosed in 13.88% of the teachers of
KUBG, 20.73% of LNU, and 16.36% of UNU. A
low level was diagnosed in 4.08% of the teachers of
KUBG, 4.88% of LNU, and 4.54% of teachers of
The results obtained under this component indi-
cate that among teachers there are specialists who ap-
ply innovativeness in their practical activities: con-
stant updating of the content of educational disci-
plines based on taking into account the innovative
guidelines of strategic regulatory documents, edu-
cational standards, the innovative potential of edu-
cational programs; innovative research projects; re-
newal of didactic and methodical support of educa-
tional disciplines based on innovation; implementa-
tion of innovative learning technologies and/or alter-
native resources and IR tools within the open innova-
tive educational environment.
Figure 4 graphically presents the results of study-
ing the level of readiness of the teacher for innovative
activity according to the component “Reflection of in-
According to the conducted research, 60.82% of
the teachers of KUBG, 44.39% of LNU and 73.64%
of UNU have a high level of reflection and self-
esteem. The level above the average is observed in
33.47% of teachers of KUBG, 40.24% – of LNU, and
19.10% of UNU. The average level of reflection and
self-assessment was found in 4.08% of the teachers
of KUBG, 13.90% – of LNU, and 6.36% of UNU. A
low level was diagnosed only in representatives of the
KUBG – 0.41%.
That is, a high level of reflection and self-
assessment prevails among teachers, they demon-
strate awareness of their innovative potential in pro-
fessional activity; adequate evaluation of the innova-
tiveness of their professional activity, forecasting of
its results and prospects; responsibility for successes
and failures in professional activity, including its in-
novative component.
The analysis of the generalized results allows us
to conclude the structure of the teacher’s readiness for
Transgressiveness, Innovation, and Readiness of the Modern Teacher for Change
Figure 1: The results of the study of the level of the teacher’s readiness for innovative activity according to the component
“Innovative and personal orientation of the individual”.
Figure 2: Results of the study of the level of readiness of the teacher for innovative activities according to the component
“Innovative awareness”.
Figure 3: Results of the study of the level of readiness of the teacher for innovative activity according to the component
“Content-innovative professional activity”.
innovative activity. Thus, among the teachers of Bo-
rys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Mykhailo Dra-
homanov Ukrainian State University, the first place
is innovative awareness, the second place is a reflec-
tion of innovativeness, the third place is innovative-
personal orientation, and the fourth place is a content-
innovative professional activity. For representatives
of the Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National Univer-
sity, the results are slightly different, so the innova-
tive and personal orientation is in second place, and
the reflection of innovativeness is in third place.
Therefore, it is obvious that teachers of Boris
Grinchenko Kyiv University and Mykhailo Dra-
homanov Ukrainian State University have a higher
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
Figure 4: Results of the study of the level of readiness of the teacher for innovative activity according to the component
“Reflection of innovativeness”.
Figure 5: The results of the study of the teacher’s readiness for innovative activities.
level of readiness for innovative activities than teach-
ers of SI Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National Uni-
versity” in all basic components.
In our opinion, the main objective factors of the
decrease in the level of teacher readiness for in-
novative activity among teachers of the SI “Taras
Shevchenko Luhansk National University” are the sit-
uation of repeated relocation of the institution (2014,
2022); loss of the material and technical base, de-
veloped didactic and methodical support and other
resources of the innovative and educational environ-
ment; personnel dispersion.
To confirm the results obtained with the help
of qualitative analysis and to determine the differ-
ence between the indicators of teacher readiness
for innovative activity of the respondents of Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, Mykhailo Drahomanov
Ukrainian State University and SI “Taras Shevchenko
Luhansk National University”, non-parametric Mann-
Whitney U test was used (table 1).
The analysis of the results presented in the table
allows us to conclude that there is a statistically sig-
nificant difference in the level of teacher readiness for
innovative activity between the groups of teachers of
KUBG/UNU and LNU on the component “Reflection
of innovativeness” at a significance level of p=0.0001;
“Content-innovative professional activity” at the level
of significance p=0.001; “Innovative awareness” and
“Innovative and personal orientation of the individ-
ual” at the level of significance p=0.005.
To assess the statistical relationship between the
constituent components of the teacher’s level of readi-
ness for innovative activity according to such indica-
tors as age, seniority, scientific degree, and academic
title, obtained as a result of the conducted empirical
research, the Pearson correlation coefficient, which is
a parametric statistical criterion, was used. The sta-
tistical analysis allowed us to reveal relationships be-
tween indicators at the significance level of 0.05 and
0.01 (at p<.01 and p<.05). The results are shown in
Transgressiveness, Innovation, and Readiness of the Modern Teacher for Change
Table 1: Calculation of Mann-Whitney U test for comparing the results of the study of the level of teacher readiness for
innovative activity among teachers of different higher education institutions.
Sum of ranks
Sum of ranks
Level of
Innovative and
personal orientation
of the individual
3087.00 1963.00 882.00 .0015
3861.00 1215.00 806.00 .0013
professional activity
2798.00 2251.00 766.50 .001
Reflection of
3074.00 1880.00 495.00 .0001
table 2.
Thus, we can conclude that there is a high level
of statistical significance between the academic title
and all components of the level of readiness of the
teacher for innovative activities; scientific degree, and
age with innovativeness in professional activity, re-
flection, and self-assessment. Statistically reliable re-
lationships were found between seniority and all com-
ponents of the teacher’s level of readiness for innova-
tive activities; scientific degree and age with the inno-
vative and personal orientation of the individual and
innovative content of professional pedagogical activ-
The phenomena of transgressiveness and innovative-
ness reflect the contradictory features of modern soci-
ety, associated with its turbulence, uncertainty, insta-
bility, and psychological tension, and become chal-
lenges facing higher education today. The profes-
sional and personal indicator of the specified objec-
tive social phenomena is the readiness of a higher
school teacher for innovative professional activity, the
structure of which includes several components: in-
novative personal orientation, innovative awareness,
content-innovative professional activity, and reflec-
tion of innovativeness. Quantitative and qualitative
analysis of the results of the teachers’ survey, as well
as their statistical processing, proved the similarity of
indicators of the readiness of teachers of all three uni-
versities for the components of innovative awareness
and content-innovative professional activity. How-
ever, the results of teachers of LNU differ according
to the components of innovative-personal orientation
and reflection of innovativeness (innovative-personal
orientation takes second place, and reflection of in-
novativeness is in third place). We believe that the
logic of this distribution of components of readiness
for innovative activity of LNU teachers is conditioned
by the main objective factors related to the situation
of repeated relocation of the institution (2014, 2022);
the loss of the material and technical base, developed
didactic and methodical support and other resources
of the innovative educational environment; personnel
dispersion. It was concluded that there is a high level
of statistical significance between the academic title
and all components of the teacher’s readiness for in-
novative activities; at the same time, a significant de-
pendence was established between academic degree
and age and content-innovative professional activity
and reflection of innovativeness. Statistically reli-
able connections were found between seniority and all
components of the teacher’s readiness for innovative
activities; at the same time, academic degree and age
correlate with the innovative and personal orientation
of the individual and the innovative awareness of the
teacher. Therefore, the readiness of the teachers of
KUBG, UNU, and LNU for innovative professional
activity was internalized only at the level of motiva-
tion and awareness but did not turn into a practical
toolkit regarding the content and technological sup-
port of the innovative professional activity. That is,
the problem of increasing the level of readiness of the
teacher for innovative professional activity according
to the component of content-innovative professional
activity must be raised at the level of declaring inno-
vative content at both the state (legislative) and insti-
tutional (corporate) levels in the format of regulatory
documents and educational programs of innovative
orientation, through the strengthening of their prac-
tical component, related to the provision of subjective
activity of teachers regarding the implementation of
skills, as a component of content-innovative profes-
sional activity.
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
Table 2: The results of the correlation analysis of the constituent components of the teacher’s level of readiness for innovative
activity by indicators.
Level of significance
Age Seniority
Innovative and personal
orientation of the individual
Innovative awareness .28
professional activity
Reflection of innovativeness .43
* – p.01; ** – p.05
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