context of the success of the education agenda on a
national scale and even competes in the international
rankings. With the lecturer certification allowance
program and other benefits, the satisfaction and
commitment of lecturers to performance can be
From the results of this study, we can see, observe,
and scrutinize from which side these problems or
obstacles arise. The concept should be that campuses
are free, learning is free, and education is more
flexible regarding work and performance. Lecturers
have unlimited space for movement regarding work
and performance while it aligns with the provisions
and goals of achieving national education. Help
understand, the following are presented several
reference theories discussed in this study and
previous research related to job satisfaction and
lecturer performance.
2.1 Performance
Performance appraisal is a process or an activity
carried out by individuals or groups within a company
to evaluate and communicate how employees do their
jobs by comparing results (Syamsuriansyah. 2021).
Performance is something related to the work
assignments given. Performance is not the end of a
series of work processes but the overall appearance
starting from input activities, output processes, and
results (Amir, Mohammad Faisal, 2015).
Performance management is the overall activity
carried out to improve the performance of a company
or organization, including the performance of each
individual and workgroup in the company (Zainal,
Veithzal Rivai, dkk, 2014). Performance is the result
of a combination of three essential factors: the ability
and interest of a worker, understanding and
acceptance of delegated tasks, and the level of
employee motivation (Muis, Ras. M, J. Jufrizen,
Fahmi, M, 2018).
2.2 Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is reflected in the performance shown
by each employee. When they perform well, it's a sign
that they are pleased to get pleasure from the work
they do (Tanjung, 2019). Psychological factors, social
factors, physical factors, and finances influence job
satisfaction (Mangkunegara, 2014). Satisfaction in
work is a generalization that comes from attitudes
towards work, which is carried out on a job basis
(Aulia, V., & Trianasari, N, 2021).
2.3 Relationship Between Job
Satisfaction and Performance
From the results obtained, it is determined that
satisfaction and performance have a clear and
significant relationship (Hazriyanto, Firdiyansyah, I.,
& Ibrahim, B, 2019). The results showed that the
overall satisfaction of both male and female students
was in the high category. While the overall student
performance is on a reasonable level (Hazriyanto, &
Ibrahim, B, 2018). Based on the EFA, the study's
found that the three critical factors are
commitment, satisfaction, and performance. The
rotated Component Matrix shows the correlation
between items. Factor 1 (Commitment) contains 13
items, Factor 2 (Satisfaction) includes 12 items, while
Factor 3 (Performance) contains 11 items
(Hazriyanto, & Ibrahim, B, 2019). The study results
show that organizational culture and work stress
indirectly significantly affect performance through
job satisfaction (Harahap, F. A., & Nasution, A. E,
Figure 1: Concept Framework.
This study aims to determine the effect of job
satisfaction on the performance of lecturers in higher
education. While the study hypothesis is, that job
satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on
lecturer performance. The variables in this study
consist of satisfaction and performance.