The Model of Organizational Support and Work Involvement on the
Performance of Private University Lecturers in Riau Islands
Nurhasanah Suwardi
, Nurfitriani
, Asmaul Husna
and Ezky Tiyasiningsih
Faculty of Economics & Business Maritime Raja Ali Haji Maritime University Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
Lecturer of Polytechnic Caltex Riau, Indonesia
Keywords: Organizational Support, Work Engagement and Performance.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine how organizational support models and lecturer engagement affect the
improvement of lecturers' performance in private universities. located in the Riau Islands, specifically through
lecturer work involvement. The 12 private universities in the Riau Islands have a significant deficiency in
scientific publications, especially at the national and international levels. Recent data from the government's
sinta.kemdikbud.go.id website over the past three years indicates a continuous decline in lecturer
performance. This issue is worthy of attention from various perspectives, including those of individual
lecturers and their respective organizations or institutions. Private university lecturers require institutional
support in terms of information and funding to improve their publication performance. Furthermore, the
significance of job involvement pertains to the level of dedication, attention, and commitment that an
individual exhibits towards their work.
Lecturers are dedicated professionals, serving as
educators and researchers, responsible for advancing
education through the practice of the Tri Dharma of
Higher Education, which encompasses the duties of
teaching, research, and community engagement. Law
Number 12 of 2012, governing Higher Education,
underlines the crucial role of research within higher
education institutions, as it mandates that 30% of the
State Higher Education Operational Assistance fund
should be allocated to research. The number of
scientific contributions made by a nation significantly
contributes to its reputation in the realm of science
(Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, 2016).
Higher education institutions in Indonesia are
obligated to perform the Tri Dharma of Higher
Education, which involves education, research, and
community service. The objective is to foster the
growth of high-caliber human resources capable of
adjusting to technological advancements and
prepared to confront the demands of the industrial
sector.This obligation is borne by each lecturer in
higher education, as mandated in (Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Nomr 14 of 2005). On
Teachers and Lecturers, Indonesia has a Government
Regulation No. 37 of 2009.) about Lecturers
Furthermore, as stated in Article 72, Paragraph 1 of
Law No. 14 of 2005, the responsibilities of lecturers
encompass core functions, which encompass
educational planning, executing teaching processes,
assessing learning, providing guidance and training,
engaging in research, handling supplementary duties,
and participating in community service. The Riau
Islands Province (Kepri) is a province that consists of
islands. An island-based province is defined as one
where the land area is greater than the sea area.
Higher education in the Riau Islands is overseen by
Higher Education Institution X in Indonesia, which
encompasses multiple universities, both public and
private, distributed across diverse regions. The Riau
Islands host a total of 59 higher education
establishments, which encompass 7 universities, 1
institute, 3 polytechnics, 43 colleges, and 5
academies. Notably, among these higher education
institutions, only 12 private institutions in the Riau
Islands fall under the purview of Higher Education
Institution X.
Table 2 shows that the percentage of lecturers
with annual publications is quite low. The percentage
only falls within the range of less than 1 percent of
journals published by lecturers in private universities
in reputable and accredited journals, as evidenced by
Suwardi, N., Nurfitriani, ., Husna, A. and Tiyasiningsih, E.
The Model of Organizational Support and Work Involvement on the Performance of Private University Lecturers in Riau Islands.
DOI: 10.5220/0012649500003798
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference (MEBIC 2023) - Sustainable Recovery: Green Economy Based Action, pages 162-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-704-7
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.